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引用本文:周小波, 王志帅, 王成端. 自然通风条件下无砾石微孔管地下渗滤系统除污效果[J]. 环境工程学报, 2015, 9(7): 3293-3298. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.20150736
作者姓名:周小波  王志帅  王成端
作者单位:1.西南科技大学环境与资源学院, 绵阳 621010; 2.濮阳市天地人环保工程技术有限公司, 濮阳 457001; 3.四川理工学院, 自贡 643000
摘    要:为进一步探讨无砾石微孔管地下渗滤系统的污水处理效果,在3.3 cm/d的水力负荷下,进行了有无通风条件下实验系统处理生活污水的中试研究,对比分析了稳定运行期内2个系统对污染物的处理效果和净化效率;同时采用统计学中的T检验方法考察了2个系统的除污效果差异是否显著;最后探讨了降低进水污染负荷对GPPLF系统除污效果的影响。结果表明,在相同工况下,通风系统对COD、TP、TN和浊度的平均去除率分别为86.1%、58.0%、61.1%和93.6%,较正常系统分别提高了2.0%、5.4%、10.2%和3.2%;2个系统的T检验结果显示,自然通风条件能明显改善系统对TN和浊度的处理效果,但对COD和TP的去除作用不显著;通过降低进水污染负荷,GPPLF系统出水中的COD、氨氮和TN基本能达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准(GB18918-2002)》中一级B排放标准,TP能达到上述标准中的二级排放标准。

关 键 词:无砾石微孔管地下渗滤系统   自然通风   生活污水   处理效果

Pollutant removal efficiency of GPPLF system under natural ventilation
Zhou Xiaobo, Wang Zhishuai, Wang Chengduan. Pollutant removal efficiency of GPPLF system under natural ventilation[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2015, 9(7): 3293-3298. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.20150736
Authors:Zhou Xiaobo  Wang Zhishuai  Wang Chengduan
Affiliation:1.School of Environment and Resource Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China; 2.Tian Di Ren Environmental Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd, Puyang 457001, China; 3.Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, Zigong 643000, China
Abstract:To study the sewage treatment effect by the gravel-less perforated pipe leach fields system,two of the systems with naturally ventilated or not were applied to treat domestic sewage under the hydraulic loading of 3.3 cm/d.And the differences of the two systems' decontaminating effect were also investigated by using T test in statistics.At last it studies the influence of decontaminating effect of gravel-less perforated pipe leach fields on lower sewage load.It shows that the average removal rates of COD,TP,TN and turbidity were 86.1%,58.0%,61.1% and 93.6% in the naturally ventilated system,which was 2.0%,5.4%,10.2% and 3.2% higher than the normal GPPLF system under the same operating condition.T test result indicates that the system of natural ventilation had little effect on removal of COD and TP.On the contrary,it may significantly improve the treatment effect of TN and turbidity.Lower load sewage after treatment by the GPPLF system,the effluent COD,ammonia nitrogen and TN may satisfy the first B standard and the effluent TP can meet the secondary standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002).
Keywords:GPPLF system  natural ventilated  domestic sewage  treatment efficiency
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