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Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution Abatement Strategies in Urban Areas: Application to the Greater Athens Area
Authors:P. M. Tourlou  P. Sahm  N. Moussiopoulos
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Box 483, 54 006 Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract:This paper presents an integrated system for the assessmentof technical and non-technical measures that are putforward in order to reduce air pollution levels in urbanareas. In contrast to the majority of the currentlyemployed assessment tools, this system allows for theevaluation of any proposed air pollution control measure interms of its combined impact on air quality and socialwelfare, by correlating the environmental and economicaspects of alternative air pollution abatement solutions.Based on the multi-pollutant, multi-effect concept, thesystem presented aims in providing policy-makers with areliable tool for the objective assessment of the mostcost-effective packages of measures, the latter beingallocated according to the particular features and needs ofthe areas examined.
Keywords:air pollution abatement  air quality modelling  cost-benefit analysis  cost-effectiveness theory  economic benefit/damage  emission control  integrated assessment
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