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Effect of Temperature on Absorption Efficiency of NO2 in Arsenite Method
Authors:S. K. Goyal  A. G. Gavane  A. L. Aggarwal
Affiliation:(1) National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (Neeri), Nehru Marg, Nagpur –, 440 020, India;(2) National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (Neeri), Nehru Marg, Nagpur –, 440 020, India
Abstract:The sodium arsenite method developed by Jacobs andHochheiser is one of the most widely used manualmethods for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) monitoring inambient air, particularly in developing countries. Asreported, the method gives 82% NO2 absorptionefficiency (NAE) in the concentration range from 40 to750 mgrg/m3, when only one impinger tube isemployed in the sampling train at a flow rate of 0.2lpm and for 24 h sampling duration. Accordingly,a uniform correction factor (0.82) is used indenominator to calculate the ultimate concentration ofNO2 in ambient air.In the present investigation, the effect oftemperature on absorption efficiency of NO2 isstudied employing four impinger tubes in series tocollect the maximum NO2 generated in the gasstream. The study conducted at 16, 26 and 36 °Ctemperatures shows maximum absorption efficiency(average) of 87.8% at 26°C in 1st impingertube. At lower and higher temperatures, it is foundconsiderably less. A suitable correction factor,therefore, must be applied to estimate actual NO2concentration in ambient air using arsenite method, intropical countries like India, where atmospherictemperature variations are large (less than 5°Cin winter and more than 45°C in summer).
Keywords:adsorption  NO2  temperature
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