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Numerical study of the effect of ventilation pattern on coarse, fine, and very fine particulate matter removal in partitioned indoor environment
Authors:Chang Tsang-Jung  Kao Hong-Ming  Hsieh Yi-Fang
Affiliation:Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. tjchang@ntu.edu.tw
Abstract:An indoor size-dependent particulate matter (PM) transport approach is developed to investigate coarse PM (PM10), fine PM (PM2.5), and very fine PM (PM1) removal behaviors in a ventilated partitioned indoor environment. The approach adopts the Eulerian large eddy simulation of turbulent flow and the Lagrangian particle trajectory tracking to solve the continuous airflow phase and the discrete particle phase, respectively. Model verification, including sensitivity tests of grid resolution and particle numbers, is conducted by comparison with the full-size experiments conducted previously. Good agreement with the measured mass concentrations is found. Numerical scenario simulations of the effect of ventilation patterns on PM removal are performed by using three common ventilation patterns (piston displacement, mixing, and cross-flow displacement ventilation) with a measured indoor PM10 profile in the Taipei metropolis as the initial condition. The temporal variations of suspended PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 mass concentrations and particle removal mechanisms are discussed. The simulated results show that for all the of the three ventilation patterns, PM2.5 and PM1 are much more difficult to remove than PM10. From the purpose of health protection for indoor occupants, it is not enough to only use the PM10 level as the indoor PM index. Indoor PM2.5 and PM1 levels should be also considered. Cross-flow displacement ventilation is more effective to remove all PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 than the other ventilation patterns. Displacement ventilation would result in more escaped particles and less deposited particles than mixing ventilation.
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