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引用本文:王坤,陆宏芳,谭耀文,徐社金,阮贤聪. 生草栽培对三种岭南水果种植系统的生态经济影响评价[J]. 生态环境学报, 2010, 19(1)
作者姓名:王坤  陆宏芳  谭耀文  徐社金  阮贤聪
作者单位:1. 中国科学院华南植物园,广州,510650;华南农业大学理学院,广州,510642
2. 中国科学院华南植物园,广州,510650
3. 广州市果树科学研究所,广州,510405
摘    要:
综合运用能值、经济与土壤生态学分析方法,以传统清耕模式为对照,定量研究了生草栽培对荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn)、龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour)和番荔枝(Annona squamosa Linn)三种岭南水果种植系统的生态经济影响。整合系统物质流、能量流和货币流,综合分析其自然资源基础、经济发展状况及可持续发展程度,并将土壤有机质的消耗纳入不可更新自然资源能值投入分析,为岭南水果业生草栽培与否提供科学依据。结果表明,生草栽培可以将荔枝和龙眼种植系统的能值可持续性从传统清耕模式的0.16和0.46分别提升到0.17和0.47;而使番荔枝种植系统的能值可持续性从传统清耕模式的0.59降至0.45。同时,生草栽培可提高荔枝和番荔枝种植系统的经济效益,而降低龙眼种植系统的经济效益。所有案例结果均表明,生草栽培可降低果园土壤有机质的消耗。

关 键 词:生草栽培  生态经济影响  水果种植系统  能值整合

Ecological economic effects of sod cultivation on three Lingnan fruit production systems
A combined evaluation emergy, economic and soil ecology was done to evaluate the ecological economic effects of sod cultivation on fruit productions, with the object of six Lingnan fruit production systems, including Lichee (clean tillage), Lichee (sod cultivation), Longan (clean tillage), Longan (sod cultivation), Cherimoya (clean tillage) and Cherimoya (sod cultivation) production systems. Material flows, energy flows and currency flows were quantitatively evaluated. Natural resources, economic characteristics and sustainable development status were analyzed. The depletion of soil organic matter was also included in the calculation of non-renewable resources. The results showed that the application sod cultivation could improve the sustainability of the Lichee and Longan production system to 0.17 and 0.47, from 0.16 and 0.46 in traditional orchard under clean tillage management, whereas de-crease the sustainability of Cherimoya production system to 0.45 from 0.59. Simultaneously, the application of sod cultivation could improve the economic profit of Lichee and Cherimoya production systems, but decrease the economic profit of Longan production system. All the case studies showed thatt the application could decrease the depletion of soil organic matter in furit production sys-tems.
Keywords:sod cultivation  ecological economic effects  fruit production systems  emergy synthesis
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