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Estimation of methane emission rate changes using age-defined waste in a landfill site
Authors:Kazuei Ishii  Toru Furuichi
Affiliation:Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, N13, W8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan
Abstract:Long term methane emissions from landfill sites are often predicted by first-order decay (FOD) models, in which the default coefficients of the methane generation potential and the methane generation rate given by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are usually used. However, previous studies have demonstrated the large uncertainty in these coefficients because they are derived from a calibration procedure under ideal steady-state conditions, not actual landfill site conditions. In this study, the coefficients in the FOD model were estimated by a new approach to predict more precise long term methane generation by considering region-specific conditions. In the new approach, age-defined waste samples, which had been under the actual landfill site conditions, were collected in Hokkaido, Japan (in cold region), and the time series data on the age-defined waste sample’s methane generation potential was used to estimate the coefficients in the FOD model. The degradation coefficients were 0.050 1/y and 0.062 1/y for paper and food waste, and the methane generation potentials were 214.4 mL/g-wet waste and 126.7 mL/g-wet waste for paper and food waste, respectively. These coefficients were compared with the default coefficients given by the IPCC. Although the degradation coefficient for food waste was smaller than the default value, the other coefficients were within the range of the default coefficients. With these new coefficients to calculate methane generation, the long term methane emissions from the landfill site was estimated at 1.35 × 104 m3-CH4, which corresponds to approximately 2.53% of the total carbon dioxide emissions in the city (5.34 × 105 t-CO2/y).
Keywords:Methane emission  Age-defined wastes  Change in methane generation rate  The first-order decay model  Cold climate region
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