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引用本文:郑璐,许光明,陈俊,甘霖,杜尔登,彭明国. 污水厂深度处理过程中有机物三维荧光光谱的平行因子分析研究[J]. 环境科学与管理, 2015, 0(10). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-1212.2015.10.021
作者姓名:郑璐  许光明  陈俊  甘霖  杜尔登  彭明国
作者单位:1. 常州市排水管理处,江苏 常州,213017;2. 常州大学 环境与安全工程学院,江苏 常州,213164
摘    要:基于三维荧光光谱考察了污水厂深度处理过程中溶解性有机物(DOM)的荧光组分特征,结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC)解析出3个荧光组分,包括2个腐殖质类物质(C1、C3)和1个色氨酸类蛋白物质(C2).臭氧工艺对组分C1、C2、C3去除率分别为69.1%、71.5%和66.5%,表明臭氧对DOM有较好去除效果.三维荧光光谱结合PARAFAC分析能够较好反映水中DOM的去除情况,有利于污水处理效果的定性分析、定量评价,易于实时在线监测.

关 键 词:污水深度处理  溶解性有机物  平行因子分析(PARAFAC)  荧光光谱

Organic Matter Removal Based on 3D Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Parafac Analysis During Wastewater Advanced Treatment Process
Abstract:Three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy was used to characterize fluorescent components of dissolved organic matter( DOM) during wastewater advanced treatment process in a typical sewage treatment plant.Parallel factor( PARAFAC) anal-ysis was also performed to extract three fluorescent components, including two humus substances(C1, C3), and a protein-like substance tryptophan(C2).The removal of three components C1, C2, C3 by ozonation unit was high of 69.1%,71.5% and 66.5%, indicating the high removal efficiency of DOM by ozonation unit.Fluorescence spectroscopy combined with PARAFAC analysis could reflect the DOM removal, which is helpful for the qualitative analysis, quantitative evaluation, and real-time on-line monitoring of wastewater treatment.
Keywords:wastewater advanced treatment  dissolved organic matter  parallel factor analysis ( PARAFAC )  fluorescence spectroscopy
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