Abstract: | ABSTRACT: Extension of basic step methods of backwater computation to reaches of finite length is examined. Accuracies of commonly accepted hydraulic loss equations under particular water surface profile conditions are compared. Simulation of energy lines within a reach by parabolic curves is found to minimize error provided orientation of the axis of the parabola is selected in accordance with prevailing hydraulic conditions. Theoretical basis for an index reach length beyond which single-step computation from end to end of the reach must be in error is developed. Reduction of this reach length by suitable factors tailored to hydraulic conditions yields a mathematically defined allowable reach length for backwater computation. When reach length does not exceed this allowable reach length, no significant error may be detected. Automatic insertion of synthetic cross sections interpolated between surveyed cross sections when these are inadvertently spaced too far apart enables computation to proceed. This device is error-free for prismatic channls but may introduce error for irregular natural channels. Preliminary trials indicate that results so obtained may be accepted provided the fall in the original reach does not exceed from one to two feet. When this is exceeded, additional cross sections should be surveyed. |