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引用本文:裴文文,于雷,杨方,王文,王丽水,宋国华. 实时尾气检测系统OEM的应用[J]. 交通环保, 2004, 25(1): 18-21
作者姓名:裴文文  于雷  杨方  王文  王丽水  宋国华
作者单位:1. 北京交通大学交通运输学院,北京,100044
2. 北京市科技发展委员会,北京,100044
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (5 0 12 2 2 82 ),教育部博士点基金 (2 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 10 ),北京交通大学科技基金资助(2 0 0 2SMO16 ),北京市科委项目 (H0 30 6 30 0 5 15 2 0 )
摘    要:机动车尾气排放实时检测系统OEM是基于车辆实际行驶路况的新型车载尾气检测系统。该系统突破了传统的定点尾气收集数据的局限性,能够方便快捷地获得不同路段、不同车型、不同时段的以秒为单位的尾气排放数据以及包括速度和加速度在内的瞬间车辆行驶数据。文中对OEM系统的基本原理和方法进行了简单的介绍,并给出了应用该系统在北京市交通网络测试尾气的一些初始结果。

关 键 词:OEM 尾气检测系统 尾气排放

The Application of Real-time Vehicle Emission Measuring System OEM
PEI Wen-wen,YU Lei,YANG Fang,WANG Wen,WANG Li-shui,SONG Guo-hua. The Application of Real-time Vehicle Emission Measuring System OEM[J]. Environmental Protection in Transportation, 2004, 25(1): 18-21
Authors:PEI Wen-wen  YU Lei  YANG Fang  WANG Wen  WANG Li-shui  SONG Guo-hua
Affiliation:PEI Wen-wen~1,YU Lei~1,YANG Fang~1,WANG Wen~1,WANG Li-shui~2,SONG Guo-hua~1
Abstract:The On-board Emission Measurement System(OEM) is a real-time vehicle emission measuring system for real-world driving and road conditions.Having overcome the limitations of the traditional static emission collection approach,the OEM can be used to conveniently and quickly collect the second-by-second emission data for different vehicle types,on different highway locations,and during different time periods.The vehicle's instantaneous modal activity data including the speed and acceleration are also collected simultaneously.This paper provides a brief introduction of the OEM system,and presents some preliminary results from the emission testing in the Beijing transportaion network.
Keywords:OEM  vehicle emission measurement system  vehicle emission
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