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引用本文:刘玉燕,刘浩峰,张兰. 干旱区中小城市降雪中金属元素沉降通量研究[J]. 中国环境监测, 2013, 29(6): 29-33
作者姓名:刘玉燕  刘浩峰  张兰
作者单位:昌吉学院环境科学研究所, 新疆 昌吉 831100;新疆昌吉州环境监测站, 新疆 昌吉 831100;首都师范大学分析测试中心, 北京 100083
摘    要:文章以干旱区中小城市昌吉市为研究区,选择2011年12月至2012年2月期间较为典型的6场次降雪进行采样,利用ICP-MS测定降雪中20种金属元素,并探讨金属元素的沉降通量、富集特征及其来源。研究表明,降雪中Al的年沉降通量最大,为10.32 mg/m2;Fe、Ba、Zn、V、Cu的年沉降通量次之,集中在1.40~6.11 mg/m2;As、Ni、Mn、Cr、Mo、Sb年沉降通量较小,集中在0.08~0.39 mg/m2;Be、Co、Cd、Pb、Hg、Tl、Th、U的年沉降通量最小,集中在0.001~0.053 mg/m2。Al、Fe、Mn、Be、Th富集系数在0.32~3.05之间,这些金属元素主要来自自然来源;Cd与Hg富集系数分别为923.23、2511.47,达到严重富集的程度;其余金属元素富集系数在10~500之间,属中度富集。昌吉州境内煤炭资源丰富,近年煤炭开采量较大,城区供暖面积不断加大,供暖不断加强;市区车流量急剧增加,运输排放加剧;近郊及周边地区各类工业的分布等是各类金属元素在雪中富集的主要原因。冰雪节后冰灯拆除,降雪可有效捕集大气中的汞,冬季气温不利于Hg挥发等对Hg的严重富集也有重要影响。

关 键 词:干旱区  降雪  金属元素  沉降通量  来源

The Deposition Fluxs of Metal Elements from Snowfall over the Arid Region in Medium-sized and Small Cities
LIU Yu-yan,LIU Hao-feng and ZHANG Lan. The Deposition Fluxs of Metal Elements from Snowfall over the Arid Region in Medium-sized and Small Cities[J]. Environmental Monitoring in China, 2013, 29(6): 29-33
Authors:LIU Yu-yan  LIU Hao-feng  ZHANG Lan
Affiliation:The Institute of environmental science, Changji college, Xinjiang 831100, China;Xinjiang Changji Environmental Monitoring Station, Changji 831100, China;The Analysis and Test Center, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:This paper was to select Chang Ji city as medium-sized and small cities over the arid region, study the deposition fluxs and source appointment of metal elements in snowfall. The results revealed that the deposition fluxs of metal elements were 10.32 mg/m2 for Al, 1.40~6.11 mg/m2 for Fe, Ba, Zn, V and Cu, 0.08~0.39 mg/m2 for As, Ni, Mn, Cr, Mo and Sb, 0.001~0.053 mg/m2 for Be, Co, Cd, Pb, Hg, Tl, Th and U. The enrichment factor method was used to further analysis, and the results showed that Al, Fe, Mn, Be, Th were not enriched, which mainly came form nature source. And the other metal elements were enriched, especially for Cd and Hg, which mainly came form anthropogenic source. The paper analyses the main reasons for enrichment of metal elements in snow, such as increased of coal exploitation and enhanced of heating, rapid growth of urban motorized vehicles, influence of industry. It has important influence on enrichment of Hg that ice lamp had demolished etc.
Keywords:arid region  snowfall  metal elements  deposition flux  source appointment
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