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Organochlorines and PCBs in Tilapia zillii from Lake El-Manzala, Egypt
Authors:Aly Mohammed Aly Abdallah   Zeinab A. El-Greisy
Affiliation: a National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt
Abstract:A freshwater fish species, Tilapia zillii, from Lake El-Manzala was analysed for concentrations of several organochlorine pesticides (OCs) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) in liver, gonads, mesenteric fat, flesh, and digestive tract in mature fish during the breeding season. PCBs and OCs were calculated in ng g-1 dry weight (dw) in homogenized samples. The obtained results revealed differences in lipid content between these different organs. The females showed a higher lipid content than did males. There was a significant positive correlation between the lipid content and the concentrations of detected organochlorines and PCBs. The results are concomitant with the lipophilicity of studied compounds. However, the recorded concentrations of these studied pollutants still do not exceed the international hazardous levels.
Keywords:Tilapia zillii  Lake El-Manzala  Organochlorines  PCBs  Egypt
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