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引用本文:郑效旭, 徐圣君, 王聪, 黄振华, 吕萍, 马双龙, 周俊垣, 张洪刚, 焦茹媛, 王东升, 白志辉, 庄绪亮. 岩口水库上游农村点源污染问题解析及解决策略[J]. 环境工程学报, 2021, 15(4): 1178-1187. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.202008201
作者姓名:郑效旭  徐圣君  王聪  黄振华  吕萍  马双龙  周俊垣  张洪刚  焦茹媛  王东升  白志辉  庄绪亮
作者单位:1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085; 2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049; 3.中国科学院生态环境研究中心(义乌)长三角中心,义乌 322000; 4.深圳市北林苑景观及建筑规划设计院有限公司,深圳 518055
摘    要:以岩口水库上游村庄为研究区域,分析了该区域农村存在的点源污染问题,并结合当地实际情况提出了可行的治理对策。实地调研发现:当地农村整体经济水平较好,水冲厕和淋浴设施配备齐全,自来水管网普及率达80%以上,但村民节、排水意识不强,长期以来形成的用水习惯导致“污水入塘,净水入网”的现象普遍存在;村内现状污水管网存在设施缺陷、雨水体系不健全和污水管道错接漏接等情况,导致晴天污水外渗,雨天雨水入网;强降雨天气条件下往往出现倒虹管排水不畅、检查井溢冒的现象,导致水库水质存在严重的安全隐患。考虑到上游村庄点源污染对水库水质的威胁,结合当地村民生活习惯和社会经济发展水平,从政策引导、管网运维和项目实施3个方面提出了解决农村点源污染问题的策略,以期为其他有类似农村点源污染问题的库区水质保护提供参考。

关 键 词:五水共治   饮用水水源地   农村点源污染   管网渗漏   检查井溢冒

Analysis of and countermeasures for rural point source pollution in the upstream of Yankou Reservoir
ZHENG Xiaoxu, XU Shengjun, WANG Cong, HUANG Zhenhua, LYU Ping, MA Shuanglong, ZHOU Junyuan, ZHANG Honggang, JIAO Ruyuan, WANG Dongsheng, BAI Zhihui, ZHUANG Xuliang. Analysis of and countermeasures for rural point source pollution in the upstream of Yankou Reservoir[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2021, 15(4): 1178-1187. doi: 10.12030/j.cjee.202008201
Authors:ZHENG Xiaoxu  XU Shengjun  WANG Cong  HUANG Zhenhua  LYU Ping  MA Shuanglong  ZHOU Junyuan  ZHANG Honggang  JIAO Ruyuan  WANG Dongsheng  BAI Zhihui  ZHUANG Xuliang
Affiliation:1.Reserch Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3.Yangtze River Delta Branch, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yiwu 322000, China; 4.Shenzhen BLY Landscape & Architecture Planning & Design Institute, Shenzhen 518055, China
Abstract:This study investigated the current situations of point source pollution in rural areas in the upstream of Yankou Reservoir with feasible strategies customized to address the challenges encountered in water pollution. The field investigationshows that the overall economic level of the rural upstream of Yankou Reservoir is relatively high, the water closet and shower facilities are fully equipped, and the water supply provision rate is over 80%. However, villagers have a weak sense of water saving and proper drainage of domestic wastewater, leading to the widespread phenomenon of ‘sewage discharged into reservoirs, running drinking water discharged into the sewage pipe’. The current sewer network in the villages have facility defects, imperfect rainwater systems, and improper connections of sewage pipes, which lead to the leakage of sewage in sunny days and rainwater pouring into the sewer network in rainy days. The siphons are often poorly drained and the sewage inspection wells are overflowed under the conditions of heavy rainfall, imposing serious safety risks on the water quality of the Yankou Reservoir. As such, strategies of policy guidance, sewer network operation and maintenance, and project implementation to address the risks are proposed according tothe living habits of local villagers and the level of social and economic development.The proposed strategies could provide references for areas with similar rural point source pollution problems.
Keywords:five water treatment  drinking water source  rural point source pollution  sewer network leakage  overflow of sewage inspection well
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