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引用本文:陈春亮,张际标,卢仕严,李仙桃. 湛江港鱼类不同器官富集铜、镉的特征及评价[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2012, 0(Z1): 365-369
作者姓名:陈春亮  张际标  卢仕严  李仙桃
摘    要:为探明近岸海域天然鱼类重金属的含量及其生态风险,为湛江港渔业水域环境保护提供参考依据,文章采用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)法分析湛江港海域26种鱼5个不同组织器官(消化系统、肝脏、鳃、背部肌肉和骨骼)的Cu、Cd 2种重金属富集特征,并根据相关标准进行单因子污染评价和食用健康风险评价。结果表明:Cu和Cd在鱼类不同组织器官的分布存在较大差异,总体上呈消化系统>肝脏>鳃>背部肌肉>骨骼;按鱼类的食性不同,Cu和Cd在鱼类富集程度也不同,分别为植食性鱼类>杂食性鱼类>肉食性鱼类和杂食性鱼类>肉食性鱼类>植食性鱼类;被调查的26种鱼的Cu和Cd含量基本符合海洋生物污染评价标准,但Cd的含量高于"人体消费卫生标准",其食用价值可能受到影响。

关 键 词:鱼类  重金属  生物监测  湛江港

Distribution Features and Evaluation on Cu,Cd of Different Tissues of Fishes in Zhanjiang Bay
CHEN Chun-liang,ZHANG Ji-biao,LU Shi-yan,LI Xian-tao. Distribution Features and Evaluation on Cu,Cd of Different Tissues of Fishes in Zhanjiang Bay[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2012, 0(Z1): 365-369
Authors:CHEN Chun-liang  ZHANG Ji-biao  LU Shi-yan  LI Xian-tao
Affiliation:(Monitoring Centre for Marine Resources and Environment,Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524088,China)
Abstract:To study the contents of heavy metal Cu and Cd of marine fishes and their ecological risks,the digestive system,liver,branchia,dorsal muscle and skeleton of 26 fishes were analyzed by ICP-MS method.The results showed that the contents of Cu and Cd varied in tissues even in the same kind of fish,the sequence of Cu and Cd contents from high to low was digestive system,liver,branchia,dorsal muscle and skeleton.From the other way,different feeding habits of fishes decided the accumulation of Cu and Cd,in all the herbivorous fish,omnivorous and carnivorous fish decreased diversely for Cu,while omnivorous fish was highest for Cd,then carnivorous fish and herbivorous fish.The 26 fishes sampled,assessed by the pollution standards of marine organisms,had no ecological risks,except the Cd contents,which was higher than the safe threshold of human consuming standards.
Keywords:marine fishes  heavy metals  bio-monitoring  Zhanjiang Bay
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