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Assessment of natural radiation exposure and radon exhalation from building materials in Greece
Authors:Stoulos S  Manolopoulou M  Papastefanou C
Affiliation:Aristotle University, Nuclear Physics Department, Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece. Stoulos@auth.gr
Abstract:In controlling the natural radiation exposure for the residents of dwellings, it is necessary to determine the levels of natural radioactivity (external exposure) and radon exhalation rate (internal exposure) from building materials. Using a high-resolution gamma ray spectrometry system, the activity concentration of natural radionuclides was measured. The radon exhalation rate was measured by hermetically closing the sample in a container and following the radon activity growth as a function of time. Three different methods were applied in order to find the most appropriate, i.e. that with the less uncertainty for the less exposure time. Typical building materials were analyzed in order to examine the external and internal exposures. In addition, the total annual effective dose was evaluated for the residents of a typical Greek dwelling.
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