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Relation of RNA/DNA ratios to growth for the scallop Euvola (Pecten) ziczac in suspended culture
Authors:C. J. M. Lodeiros  R. I. Fernández  A. Bonmati  J. H. Himmelman  K. S. Chung
Affiliation:(1) Instituto Oceanográfico de Venezuela, Universidad de Oriente, 6101 Cumaná, Venezuela;(2) Department de biologie et GIROQ (Groupe interuniversitaire de recherches océanographiques du Québec), Université Laval, G1K 7P4, Québec, Canada;(3) Present address: Department de biologie, Université Laval, G1K 7P4, Québec, Canada
Abstract:We examined the relation of RNA/DNA ratios to growth for three size groups of the tropical scallop Euvola ziczac maintained in suspended culture at 8, 21 and 34 m in depth in the Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuel. Various growth parameters indicated that production decreased with depth. This was more likely due to a decrease in seston quality with depth than to temperatures or seston abundance (which were similar at the various depths studied). The RNA/DNA ratio was correlated with the G-index of muscle growth for juveniles (r2=0.55). A much weaker correlation was observed for the maturing scallops (r2=0.18), probably because of the interaction between reproductive and somatic growth. In fully mature scallops, somatic growth was negligible and the RNA/DNA ratios appeared to be inversely related to the level of physiological stress of the scallops. Whereas RNA/DNA ratios are difficult to interpret for maturing E. ziczac, because an increased ratio can be due to either increased gonadal or somatic growth, they are useful in predicting growth in juveniles and physiological stress in fully mature scallops.
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