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Toxicity of the nerve agent tabun to Daphnia magna, a new experimental species in military toxicology
Authors:Sarka Vesela   Kamil Kuca  Daniel Jun
Affiliation: a Research and Development Centre Hostivice, Hostivice, Czech Republicb Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Abstract:Daphnia magna, a freshwater microcrustacean, is currently tested as an alternative experimental species in research dealing with nerve agents poisonings treatment. Because of this, the toxicity of the nerve agent tabun (a cyanide-group containing organophosphate) to Daphnia had to be examined by estimating the EC50 values. The immobilization of daphnids was chosen as the end-point. It was found that D. magna is sensitive to small amounts of tabun, even after 15 min exposure, and tabun toxicity increases with time. The estimated EC50 values for 15, 30, 45, and 60 min exposure were as follows: 67.39, 38.10, 26.95, and 21.9 μg l-1. In addition, the toxicity of media to which tabun was added 24 h before the start of experiments was examined. The results obtained indicate that daphnids can be used in experiments with nerve-agent intoxication treatment.
Keywords:Acetylcholinesterase  Chemical warfare agents  Cholinesterases  Organophosphates  Crustacean
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