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Sensitivity of submersed freshwater macrophytes and endpoints in laboratory toxicity tests
Authors:Arts Gertie H P  Belgers J Dick M  Hoekzema Conny H  Thissen Jac T N M
Affiliation:Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Centre for Water and Climate, Wageningen, The Netherlands. gertie.arts@wur.nl
Abstract:The toxicological sensitivity and variability of a range of macrophyte endpoints were statistically tested with data from chronic, non-axenic, macrophyte toxicity tests. Five submersed freshwater macrophytes, four pesticides/biocides and 13 endpoints were included in the statistical analyses. Root endpoints, reflecting root growth, were most sensitive in the toxicity tests, while endpoints relating to biomass, growth and shoot length were less sensitive. The endpoints with the lowest coefficients of variation were not necessarily the endpoints, which were toxicologically most sensitive. Differences in sensitivity were in the range of 10-1000 for different macrophyte-specific endpoints. No macrophyte species was consistently the most sensitive. Criteria to select endpoints in macrophyte toxicity tests should include toxicological sensitivity, variance and ecological relevance. Hence, macrophyte toxicity tests should comprise an array of endpoints, including very sensitive endpoints like those relating to root growth.
Keywords:RDX   HMX   CL-20   Plant uptake   Translocation pattern
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