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Biodegradation of α and β Endosulfan in Soil as Influenced by Application of Different Organic Materials

A laboratory pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of amending soil with four different sources of organic matter on the degradation rate of α and β endosulfan isomers. Poultry by-product meal, poultry manure, dairy manure, and municipal solid waste compost were cured, dried, ground (<1 mm) and thoroughly mixed with a calcareous soil at a rate of 2% and placed in plastic pots. Endosulfan was added at the rate of 20 mg kg?1. The moisture level was kept near field capacity and the pots were kept at room temperature. Soil sub-samples, 100 g each, were collected from every pot at days 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, and 57 for the measurement of endosulfan isomers. Endosulfan residues were extracted from the soil samples with acetone. The supernatant was filtered through anhydrous sodium sulphate, 5 mL aliquot was diluted to 25 mL with hexane, mixed well, and then two sub-samples from the filtrates were analyzed for α and β endosulfan isomers by gas chromatography. The results indicated that the half-life (T ½) of α-endosulfan in the poultry by-product meal treatment was 15 days compared to about 22 days in the other treatments. The T ½ of β-endosulfan was 22 days in the poultry by-product meal treatment and followed a bi-phasic pattern, 57 days in the municipal solid waste compost treatment and the extrapolated T ½ was about 115 days for the other three treatments.
Keywords:Endosulfan  Manure  Solid waste compost  Poultry by-product meal  Gas chromatography  Soil  Residue half-life (T ½)
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