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引用本文:刘乙敏,李义纯,肖荣波. 西方国家工业污染场地管理经验及其对中国的借鉴[J]. 生态环境, 2013, 0(8): 1438-1443
作者姓名:刘乙敏  李义纯  肖荣波
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目((41201601); 广东省低碳技术创新与示范重大科技专项(2012A010800011); 国家“十二五”科技支撑项目(2012BAC13B01;2012BAC13B04)
摘    要:近年来,随着"退二进三"、"退城进园"和"产业转移"等政策的实施,中国几乎所有的大中城市正面临着重污染工业企业关闭和搬迁问题,城市出现大量工业遗留和遗弃场地。这些受污染的工业场地多存在较为严重的土壤、地表水和地下水污染;另外,工业污染场地的延迟再开发,会产生生活环境变差、就业机会减少、甚至社会不稳定因素增加等社会影响。所以,城市工业污染场地严重威胁着城市人居环境安全和公众健康,阻碍着城市建设和经济发展。面对工业污染场地目前存在的问题,国家及部分地方政府已针对污染场地的管理、修复及其再开发颁布了诸多文件和技术规范标准。然而,由于工业场地类型的多样性和环境管理学科的交叉性,中国城市工业污染场地的环境管理工作仍处于起步阶段,亟需完善。美国、英国和加拿大经过20~30年的发展已经在工业污染场地管理方面积累了丰富的经验,他们不仅在环境管理中体现了人体健康风险评估的理念,而且还立足本国实际出台了相关的法律法规,明确了污染场地的责任主体,实现了"污染者付费"的原则,同时还建立了各自的污染场地治理优先名录,实现了污染场地管理的信息化和网络化。本文鉴于对这些经验的比较分析,结合我国实际,就城市工业污染场地的环境管理提出了现阶段亟须解决的两大问题。首先,制定工业污染场地管理的专门法律,明确污染场地的责任主体。我国现有的与污染场地有关的国家法律法规,都比较笼统地提出了污染场地的利益相关方,缺乏具有可操作性的细则和威慑力的责任追究条款。对于我国这样地域辽阔、自然地理条件差异大、经济水平不均衡的国家来说,通过地方法律法规的建立明确污染场地的责任主体是一个重要的尝试。其次,构建污染场地健康风险评估系统。我国城市工业污染场地涉及诸多工业行业、污染类型繁多复杂。因此,在全国范围内对城市工业污染场地进行排查、建立优先污染场地名录是构建污染场地风险评估系统的重要内容。此外,我国现有的土壤质量标准和场地评估规范仍存在诸多缺陷,无法满足当前国家城市工业污染场地的管理需要。所以,完善场地评估的技术规范和相关标准将为污染场地风险评估系统的构建提供基础性保障。本文的论述和观点可为我国工业企业关停或搬迁遗留地的决策管理和污染场地管理体系的建立提供有意义的参考和借鉴。

关 键 词:城市  工业  污染场地  环境管理

Management experience of industrial contaminated sites in western countries and its implications for China
LIU Yimin,LI Yichun,XIAO Rongbo. Management experience of industrial contaminated sites in western countries and its implications for China[J]. Ecology and Environmnet, 2013, 0(8): 1438-1443
Authors:LIU Yimin  LI Yichun  XIAO Rongbo
Affiliation:Guangdong Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, Guangzhou 510045, China
Abstract:In recent years some industrial sites have been abandoned and are subject to relocating because of the implementation of governmental policy known as "Withdraw from Cities, Move towards Industrial Parks" and "Industrial Transfer". On the one hand, most of the industrial sites are contaminated by heavy metal and organic pollutants, posing various threats to human health and local ecosystem. On the other hand, the delayed re-exploitation of the contaminated sites is likely to deteriorate the residential environment, reduce the employment opportunity, and then damage the stability of the society. Therefore, the contaminated sites are threatening the safety of urban residential environment, affecting the public health, and preventing the society development. National and local governments have responded positively in environmental management, remediation and re-exploitation of these sites. However, at present, due to variety of the types of contaminated sites and interdisciplinary nature of environmental management, much work on the environmental management of contaminated sites is still in infancy and needs to be improved. Western countries such as USA, UK and Canada have accumulated rich experience and established relatively perfect management systems for contaminated sites in the past 20-30 years. They not only embody the key idea of human health risk assessment, but also implement the polluter pays principle. The additional success is the prior lists of contaminated site remediation, which are constructed to realize the information and network management of contaminated sites. This paper, based upon the investigation and combining with China's reality, provides detailed comparisons of USA, UK and Canada environmental management systems of contaminated sites and puts forth some deliberations and proposals for contaminated site management. Firstly, it is needed to constitute the special laws to regulate clearly the responsible subject responding to the industrial contaminated site management. Although the present laws and rules have provided the basis for the right and benefit distribution between the relative bodies for contaminated site management, some definite, feasible and powerful clauses are absent. It is an important attempt to regulate clearly the responsible subject by constituting the laws for China, a country with vast territory, different natural and geographical conditions and unbalanced economic levels. Secondly, it is necessary to construct the health risk assessment system of contaminated sites. In our country, the contaminated sites involve various industries and contain one or more pollutants. Therefore, investigating on a nationwide scale and constructing the prior list of contaminated sites is a very important step to construct the risk assessment system of contaminated sites. In addition, the current standards of soil quality and contaminated site risk assessment in China still have some defects and cannot meet the demand of industrial contaminated site management. Improving the risk assessment regulations and standards of contaminated sites will provide a basic guarantee for the construction of contaminated site risk assessment system. The authors hope that these analyses will provide helpful references for the Chinese government to effectively manage the contaminated sites and construct the contaminated site risk assessment system.
Keywords:city  industry  contaminated sites  environmental management
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