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The scent of sun worship: basking experience alters scent mark composition in male lizards
Authors:Robert J P Heathcote  Emily Bell  Patrizia d’Ettorre  Geoffrey M While  Tobias Uller
Institution:1. Edward Grey Institute, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PS, UK
2. Laboratory of Experimental and Comparative Ethology, University of Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 99 Avenue J. B. Clément, 93430, Villetaneuse, France
3. School of Zoology, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 05, Sandy Bay, Tasmania, 7005, Australia
4. Department of Biology, Lund University, S?lvegatan 37, 22362, Lund, Sweden
Abstract:Signals used in female choice should honestly advertise the benefits that males can provide, with direct benefits often argued as being more important than indirect benefits. However, the nature of direct benefits in species without paternal care or nuptial gifts is poorly understood. Previous studies on lizards suggest that females decide where to settle and assumedly who to mate with based on information contained in scent marks from territorial males. Access to high-quality thermal resources is crucial for female reproductive success. Females may therefore be able to detect and exploit thermal-induced variation in the chemical composition of male scent marks when assessing the quality of his territory. We show that the amount of time male wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) are allowed to bask significantly alters the chemical composition of their femoral secretions used in scent marking. The direction of the change is consistent with adaptive plasticity to maintain signalling efficacy under warm conditions that increase evaporation of femoral secretions. The compounds affected by basking experience included those previously associated with male quality or shown to mediate male–male competition in lizards. However, whilst female lizards could discriminate between scent marks of males that had experienced different basking conditions, they did not preferentially associate with the scent from males from high-quality thermal conditions. These results highlight the potential importance of a previously neglected environmental effect on chemical signalling. We suggest thermal effects may have significant consequences for scent-mark composition in variable environments, with potential repercussions on olfactory communication in lizards.
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