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Na+-K+-adenosine triphosphatase activities in gills of marine teleost fishes: Changes with depth,size and locomotory activity level
Authors:A Gibbs  G N Somero
Institution:(1) Marine Biology Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego, 92093 La Jolla, California, USA;(2) Present address: Department of Zoology, University of California at Davis, Storer Hall, 95616, California, USA
Abstract:Activities of the primary enzyme responsible for monovalent ion regulation, Na+-K+-adenosine triphosphatase (Na+-K+-ATPase), were measured in gills of marine teleost fishes with different depths of occurrence (0 to 4800 m), body weights (a range of five orders of magnitude), and locomotory capacities. Specimens were collected off the coasts of California and Oregon in 1983–1989, and at the Galápagos Spreading Center and 13°N East Pacific Rise hydrothermal vent sites in 1987 and 1988, respectively. Except for two hydrothermal vent fishes, deep-sea species had much lower Na+-K+-ATPase activities g–1 gill filament than shallow-living species, indicating that osmoregulatory costs, like total metabolic rate, are greatly reduced in most deep-living fishes. Within a species, the total branchial Na+-K+-ATPase activity per individual was dependent on size; the average allometric scaling exponent was 0.83. Using published values for oxygen consumption rates, and the total branchial Na+-K+-ATPase activities as an index of osmoregulatory costs, we estimated the maximal cost (as percent of ATP turnover) for osmoregulation in ten teleosts. Osmoregulatory costs averaged about 10% of total ATP turnover among these species, and maximal costs were no greater than about 20%. The percent costs of osmoregulation did not differ between shallow- and deep-living fishes. The reduced total ATP expenditure for osmoregulation in deep-living fishes is proposed to result from the sluggish locomotory habits of these fishes, not from selection for reduced osmotic coastper se. Thus, the reduced swimming abilities of these fishes lead to lower rates of water flow over the gills and less blood flow through the gills due to reduced demands for oxygen. Consequently, passive flux of water and ions through the gills is much lower than in more active fishes, and osmotic costs are thereby minimized. The relatively high activities of Na+-K+-ATPase in gills of the two hydrothermal vent fishes suggest that these fishes may be more active and have higher metabolic rates than other deep-sea fishes.
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