





Study on Computation Method of the Ultimate Bearing Capacity ofTwo-layer Foundation with Sand over Soft Clay
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    上硬下软双层地基的极限承载力是一个比较复杂的问题,现有各实用计算方法都有一定的局限性,在计算时往往误差较大。依据已提出的砂层下卧黏土层时条形基础的极限承载力计算公式,与经典文献中的离心机试验数据进行对比,验证了公式的准确性。基于有限元法建立了上硬下软双层地基数值计算模型,通过与已有试验结果及前人数值计算结果的对比进行了验证,然后利用该模型对公式涉及的主要参数进行了分析。结果表明,黏土层的归一化强度和砂层的剪胀角会对地基破坏模式产生影响,当cu/γB≤ 2、扩散角按照建议公式取值时,推导出的公式计算结果比较准确;而上下土层的模量比对承载力并无明显的影响。


    On the condition of sand overlying soft clay, it is difficult to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of foundation. The current computation methods have several limitations, which may cause large deviation. On the basis of the spread projection model, the computation formula for bearing capacity of strip footing on sand overlying soft clay is deduced according to stress analysis of sand element beneath the footing. The precision of the proposed formula is validated by comparison with centrifuge test data in the literature. The numerical model of two-layer foundation with sand over soft clay is generated, and the validation is conducted through comparing with the results of existing experiments and numerical simulation. Then the analysis of main parameters in the formula is carried out using the numerical model. The results indicate that the normalized strength of clay and dilation angle of sand have significant influence on the failure mode of soil foundation. In the case that cu/γB ≤ 2 and the value of spread angle is determined by the proposed formula, the precision of the theoretical formula is satisfactory. The soil moduli ratio makes little effect on the bearing capacity.

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  • 在线发布日期:2021-02-02