Study on Freshwater Quality Criteria and Ecological Risk of Cerium
摘要: 稀土元素作为一种新兴的污染物,对生态环境存在潜在风险。目前已有的水质标准中无铈的限值,为建立其水质基准及评估其生态风险,收集筛选了铈的毒性数据,运用物种敏感度分布(species sensitivity distribution, SSD)法和评价因子法推导水质基准,并比较了2种推导方法的结果差异。同时,收集了赣南典型离子吸附型稀土矿周边地表水铈的环境暴露浓度,应用商值法(risk quotient, RQ)定性地评估其长期潜在的生态风险水平。利用Hill和sigmoidal-logistic分布模型分别拟合毒性数据,其中sigmoidal-logistic分布模型表现出更佳的拟合效果,以此模型构建SSD曲线,推导出急性水质基准(acute water quality criteria, AWQC)值为125.16 μg·L-1,结合急慢性比(acute to chronic ratio, ACR),推导出慢性水质基准(chronic water quality criteria, CWQC)值为11.69 μg·L-1。应用评价因子法计算的水质基准值为0.52 μg·L-1。考虑水质基准的实际可行性,选择使用SSD法推导的AWQC和CWQC作为铈的急性和慢性基准值。RQ评估结果显示,受到稀土矿开采的影响,矿区周边地表水存在不同程度的风险,部分水体呈现出中高风险水平,稀土资源流失现象以及矿区周边水环境的稀土污染问题应引起重视。Abstract: As emerging contaminants, rare earth elements (REEs) pose potential risks to the ecological environment. At present, there is no limit value or little information regarding cerium (Ce) in the existing water quality criteria (WQC). In this study, sufficient toxicity data of Ce were collected from published toxicological studies, and the data were then screened for establishing the WQC of Ce and assessing its ecological risk. In this respect, the methods in terms of species sensitivity distribution (SSD) and assessment factor were utilized to deduce the WQC of Ce, and the differences between the results of these two derivation methods were further compared. Meanwhile, environmental exposure concentrations of Ce in surface water were collected from surrounding area of typical ion-adsorption rare earth mines in the southern district of Jiangxi, and their long-term potential ecological risks were qualitatively assessed by the method of risk quotient (RQ). In regard with fitting toxicity data, the sigmoid-logistic distribution model showed better fitting performance than Hill model. Therefore, based on the sigmoid-logistic distribution model, the SSD curves were constructed to derive the acute WQC value of Ce as 125.16 μg·L-1. In combination with the acute to chronic ratio (ACR), the chronic WQC value of Ce was derived as 11.69 μg·L-1. Simultaneously, using the method of assessment factor, the WQC of Ce was calculated as 0.52 μg·L-1. Considering the practical feasibility of WQC, the values derived by SSD method were selected as the acute and chronic WQC of Ce. The results based on the assessment of RQ not only indicate that due to the impact of rare earth mining, varying degrees of risks existed in the surface water around the mining area and some water bodies even presented medium or high risks, but highlight the importance in terms of the phenomenon regarding the resource loss of REEs and the pollution of REEs in aquatic environment around the mining area of REEs.
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