聚氨酯泡沫固定化产碱杆菌细胞生物转化氰化物 |
摘要点击 1981 全文点击 1478 投稿时间:2005-03-12 修订日期:2005-06-15 |
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中文关键词 聚氨酯泡沫 固定化细胞 氰化物 生物转化 |
英文关键词 polyurethane foam immobilized cell cyanide biotransformation |
中文摘要 |
利用1株产碱杆菌DN25作为降氰菌株,以聚氨酯泡沫为载体进行固定化,研究其转化特性.结果表明,采用吸附生长法能有效实现菌株DN25的固定,固定细胞量可达到每g泡沫载体生物量干重0.35g.固定化细胞的最适转化温度和pH为35℃、8.0.对于低浓度氰化物,固定化细胞和游离细胞的转化速率相当;对于高浓度氰化物,固定化细胞具有明显优势,不仅可耐受更高浓度的氰化物转化,其转化速率也高于游离细胞,最大转化速率为507mg/(L·h),是游离细胞的2.8倍.通过初步的摇瓶模拟序列批式反应,固定化细胞活性可保持20d. |
英文摘要 |
An Alcaligenes sp.DN25 strain was immobilized on polyurethane foam and cyanide-biotransformation characteristics of immobilized cells were investigated.Immobilization could be realized through the growth of the cell on the polyurethane foam and cell load of 0.35g was obtained.The immobilized cell exhibited the best degradation behavior at pH 8.0 and 35℃.For the low concentration cyanide,the degradation rate was the same no matter which the immobilized cell and the free cell were used,while the immobilized cell was proved to be of a more rapid degradation rate for the high-concentration cyanide.The highest cyanide-degradation rate for the immobilized cell could reach 507mg/(L·h),which was 2.8 times as that of the free cell.Through the preliminary sequencing batch reactor,the immobilized cell could maintain active after 20 days. |
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