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Summary Many birds accumulate fat reserves prior to departure on long distance migration. Since there will be an increased food requirement during the pre-migratory period, it is to be expected that more time will be invested in foraging, at the expense of other activities. The allocation of time to anti-predatory behavior in migratory ruddy turnstones (adults) was found to decrease prior to migration (Fig. 1); non-migratory individuals (juveniles) showed no decrease over the same time period (Fig. 2). This is interpreted as a change in the optimal adult behavior, the cost of a reduced rate of resource accumulation outweighing the additional risk of predation which results from the decrease in vigilance.  相似文献   

Many marine organisms have pelagic larval stages that settle into benthic habitats occupied by older individuals; however, a mechanistic understanding of intercohort interactions remains elusive for most species. Patterns of spatial covariation in the densities of juvenile and adult age classes of a small temperate reef fish, the common triplefin (Forsterygion lapillum), were evaluated during the recruitment season (Feb–Mar, 2011) in Wellington, New Zealand (41°17′S, 174°46′E). The relationship between juvenile and adult density among sites was best approximated by a dome-shaped curve, with a negative correlation between densities of juveniles and adults at higher adult densities. The curve shape was temporally variable, but was unaffected by settlement habitat type (algal species). A laboratory experiment using a “multiple-predator effects” design tested the hypothesis that increased settler mortality in the presence of adults (via enhanced predation risk or cannibalism) contributed to the observed negative relationship between juveniles and adults. Settler mortality did not differ between controls and treatments that contained either one (p = 0.08) or two (p = 0.09) adults. However, post hoc analyses revealed a significant positive correlation between the mean length of juveniles used in experimental trials and survival of juveniles in these treatments, suggesting that smaller juveniles may be vulnerable to cannibalism. There was no evidence for risk enhancement or predator interference when adults were present alongside a heterospecific predator (F. varium). These results highlight the complex nature of intercohort relationships in shaping recruitment patterns and add to the growing body of literature recognizing the importance of age class interactions.  相似文献   

We propose the use of finite mixtures of continuous distributions in modelling the process by which new individuals, that arrive in groups, become part of a wildlife population. We demonstrate this approach using a data set of migrating semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pussila) for which we extend existing stopover models to allow for individuals to have different behaviour in terms of their stopover duration at the site. We demonstrate the use of reversible jump MCMC methods to derive posterior distributions for the model parameters and the models, simultaneously. The algorithm moves between models with different numbers of arrival groups as well as between models with different numbers of behavioural groups. The approach is shown to provide new ecological insights about the stopover behaviour of semipalmated sandpipers but is generally applicable to any population in which animals arrive in groups and potentially exhibit heterogeneity in terms of one or more other processes.  相似文献   

How migratory birds decide when to leave a stopover site is important to the understanding of bird migration strategies. Our study looks at how body condition and the weather affect the decision to depart on nocturnal migratory flight. During two autumn migration seasons (2002–2003), we radio tracked 51 first-year European robins, Erithacus rubecula, at a stopover site on the Courish Spit (Eastern Baltic) from the first day after landing until their migratory departure. The tagged robins stopped over for 1–14 days. There was no clear relationship between stopover duration and energetic condition on arrival. Weather conditions (wind, precipitation, and cloud cover) on departure differed measurably between years. In 2002, robins took off mainly under following winds and clear skies. In 2003, there were mainly light head winds and partially cloudy or overcast skies. This could be explained by the year-specific role of weather factors in making the decision to depart. In both years, robins making short (1–2 days) stopovers took off in more varied weather situations than those individuals with long stopovers. This suggests that robins from the former group were more inclined to continue with migration than longer-stay birds that, apart from re-fuelling, could be waiting for favourable weather. The lack of a relationship between stopover duration and body condition and some departures under unfavourable weather conditions suggest that endogenous spatiotemporal programmes may play an important role in controlling stopover duration in robins.  相似文献   

Migration distance is supposed to represent an important selection pressure shaping physiological and morphological properties. Previous work has focussed on this effect, while the importance of ecological barriers in this context has been rarely considered. We studied two subspecies of a migratory songbird, the northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe oenanthe and O. o. leucorhoa L.), on an island in the North Sea. The former subspecies reaches their Scandinavian breeding areas after a short sea crossing, whereas leucorhoa northern wheatears cross the North Atlantic towards Iceland, Greenland or Canada. Physiological traits (fuel deposition rate) and wings’ aerodynamic properties (wing pointedness independent of body size), both affecting migration speed, were hypothesized to be more pronounced in leucorhoa than in oenanthe northern wheatears. Within subspecies, the physiological and aerodynamic properties were hypothesized to explain arrival date at the stopover site with “fast migrants” arriving early. Physiological and aerodynamic properties in leucorhoa northern wheatears lead to a faster and less costly migration, favouring a sea crossing, but in trade-off lower flight manoeuvrability than in oenanthe birds. Wings’ aerodynamic properties affected the seasonal occurrence of leucorhoa females, whereas the physiological traits significantly influenced arrival date in oenanthe individuals. The less risky migration route in oenanthe birds with few short sea crossings may have favoured higher flight manoeuvrability for foraging (less pointed wings), in trade-off an energetically more costly flight. Hence, not the migration distance itself, but the presence/absence of a sea barrier presents an important selection pressure in migratory land birds favouring low flight costs.  相似文献   

Knowledge about migratory routes and highly frequented areas is a priority for sea turtle conservation, but the movement patterns of juveniles frequenting the Adriatic have not been investigated yet, although juveniles represent the bulk of populations. We tracked by satellite six juvenile and one adult female loggerhead from the north Adriatic. The results indicated that loggerhead juveniles (1) can either show a residential behaviour remaining in the Adriatic throughout the year or perform seasonal migrations to other areas, (2) can remain even in the coldest, northernmost area during winter, (3) can frequent relatively small foraging areas, (4) mostly frequent the eastern part of the Adriatic, and (5) follow preferred migratory routes along the western and eastern Adriatic coasts. The movements of the adult turtle also revealed (6) a behavioural polymorphism in Mediterranean adults, which included a lack of area fidelity and connection between distant neritic foraging grounds.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the body mass levels achieved by birds are determined by the trade-off between risks of starvation and predation. Birds have also been found to reduce body mass in response to an increased predation risk. During migration, the need of extra fuel for flights is obvious and crucial. In this study, migratory blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) were subject to an experimental stopover situation where the predation risk was manipulated by exposure to a stuffed predator. Blackcaps that perceived an imminent risk of predation increased their food intake and fuel deposition rate during the first period of stopover compared with a control group. The pattern of night activity indicates that birds that were exposed to the predator also chose to leave earlier than birds in the control group. Since there was no cover present at the stopover site, birds might have perceived the risk of predation as higher regardless of whether they were foraging or not. Under such circumstances it has been predicted that birds should increase their foraging activity. The findings in this study clearly indicate that birds are able to adjust their stopover behaviour to perceived predation risk. Received: 8 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 11 April 1997  相似文献   

Using tracking radars, we investigated the variability of flight directions of long-distance nocturnal passerine migrants across seasons (spring versus autumn migration) and sites at the southern (56° N) and northern (68° N) ends of the Scandinavian Peninsula (Lund versus Abisko). Whilst most migrants at Lund are on passage to and from breeding sites in Fennoscandia, the majority of the migrants at Abisko are close to their breeding sites, and migration at Abisko thus to a large degree reflects initial departure from breeding sites (autumn) or final approach to breeding destinations (spring). The radar data were used to test predictions about differences in orientation and wind drift effects between adult and juvenile birds (a large proportion of autumn migrants consists of juvenile birds on their first journey), between situations far away from or near the goals and between different phases of migration (initial departure, en route passage, final approach to goal). The concentrations (both total and within-night concentrations) of flight directions differed significantly between seasons as well as sites, with the highest concentration at Lund in spring (mean vector length of track directions, r = 0.79) and lowest at Abisko during spring (r = 0.35). Partial wind drift and partial compensation were recorded at Lund, with a similar effect size in spring and autumn, whilst possible wind drift effects at Abisko were obscured by the large directional scatter at this site. The results from Lund support the prediction that the high proportion of juveniles in autumn contributes to increase the directional scatter during this season, whilst there was no support for predictions of differential wind drift effects between seasons and situations with different goal distances. The most striking and surprising result was the exceedingly large scatter of flight directions at Abisko, particularly in spring. We suggest that such an exaggerated scatter may be associated with final approach orientation, where migrants reach their specific goals from all various directions by final navigation within a more wide-ranging goal region. The larger scatter of autumn flight directions at Abisko compared to Lund may be due to exploratory flights in variable directions being more common at initial departure from breeding sites than later during migratory passage. These surprising results highlight the importance of studying and analysing orientation during final approach to (and initial departure from) migratory goals for understanding the orientation systems of migratory birds.  相似文献   

Hatchery rearing of the scallop Argopecten purpuratus has resulted in successive generations of scallops not exposed to predators that are less sensitive to and escape more slowly from predators than wild scallops. The present study examined whether conditioning hatchery-reared A. purpuratus to its natural predator, the sea star Meyenaster gelatinosus, improved its escape responses. Both juvenile and adult A. purpuratus from Tongoy Bay, Chile, were exposed for 7 days to different conditions: (1) continuous predator odor, (2) predator contact for 30 min three times a day, (3) a combination of the two previous conditions, and (4) no exposure to the predator (control). After conditioning, we evaluated scallop’s escape responses: reaction time, total clap number, duration of the clapping response, clapping rate, and the time scallops spent closed when exhausted. Conditioning with contact and odor plus contact (i.e., high predation risk) resulted in 25 and 50% shorter reaction times of juveniles and adults, respectively. Further, these stimuli caused juveniles to increase the number of claps and clapping rate. For adults, the time spent closed after exhaustion decreased by 50 and 63% after conditioning with contact and odor plus contact, respectively. Therefore, it is shown for the first time that exposure of scallops to increasing predator stimuli enhances escape responses, evidence of threat-sensitive predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Field observations and manipulative experiments in a nearshore cobble bed (2 to 3 m below mean low water) at Eagle Head, Nova Scotia, Canada, between 1984 and 1986, showed that small juveniles ofStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis (3 to 6 mm diam) sheltering beneath cobbles had a refuge from predators such as rock crabs, small lobsters, and fish. Sea urchins gradually outgrew these refuges and small adults (25 to 30 mm) required larger rocks as shelter from predators, particularly large cancrid crabs. Small juveniles were usually solitary and well dispersed beneath cobbles, whereas small adults tended to aggregate on the undersides and in the interstices of boulders. These aggregations may develop passively as sea urchins accumulate in suitablysized refuges. Chemotaxis experiments indicate that juvenileS. droebachiensis are repelled by waterborne stimuli from conspecifics. In a factorial experiment, effects of the presence of potential predators (rock crabs and lobsters) and/or food (kelp) on the behaviour of large juvenile (10 to 15 mm) and small adult sea urchins were examined in flowing seawater tanks. Both size classes formed exposed feeding aggregations when kelp was provided as food, irrespective of the presence or absence of predators. In the absence of kelp, each size class responded differently to the presence of a predator: juveniles became more cryptic, whereas adults aggregated on the tank sides. Increased movement to the sides of a tank in the presence of a predator may reflect a flight response, since chemotaxis experiments indicated thatS. droebachiensis is repelled by waterborne chemical stimuli from predators. Observational and experimental data suggest that predation at the late juvenile and early adult stages may influence population structure, distribution and abundance ofS. droebachiensis.  相似文献   

Migrating birds often alternate between flight steps, when distance is covered and energy consumed, and stopover periods, when energy reserves are restored. An alternative strategy is fly-and-forage migration, useful mainly for birds that hunt or locate their prey in flight, and thus, enables birds to combine foraging with covering migration distance. The favourability of this strategy in comparison with the traditional stopover strategy depends on costs of reduced effective travel speed and benefits of offsetting energy consumption during migration flights. Evaluating these cost-benefit effects, we predict that fly-and-forage migration is favourable under many conditions (increasing total migration speed), both as a pure strategy and in combination with stopover behaviour. We used the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) as test case for investigating the importance of this strategy during spring and autumn migration at a lake in southern Sweden. The majority, 78%, of passing ospreys behaved according to the fly-and-forage migration strategy by deviating from their migratory track to visit or forage at the lake, while 12% migrated past the lake without response, and 10% made stopovers at the lake. Foraging success of passing ospreys was almost as good as for birds on stopover. Timing of foraging demonstrated that the birds adopted a genuine fly-and-forage strategy rather than intensified foraging before and after the daily travelling period. We predict that fly-and-forage migration is widely used and important among many species besides the osprey, and the exploration of its occurrence and consequences will be a challenging task in the field of optimal migration.  相似文献   

Kleptoparasitism is a tactic used to acquire food opportunistically and has been shown to provide several benefits, including greater food intake rate and the acquisition of items not normally available during self-foraging. Host individuals may differ in their ability to defend themselves against kleptoparasitic attacks and therefore identifying those host individuals that are particularly vulnerable to attack could both provide energetic benefits and increase the efficiency of kleptoparasitism as a foraging strategy. Here, we show that the kleptoparasitic fork-tailed drongo (Dicrurus adsimilis) specifically targets juveniles when following groups of cooperatively breeding pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor). Drongos give alarm calls upon sighting a predator, thus providing extra predator vigilance to foraging pied babblers. However, drongos also use alarm calls to steal food items. During kleptoparasitic attacks, drongos give false alarm calls and then swoop down to steal food items dropped by alarmed babblers. Juvenile pied babblers are particularly vulnerable to attack because they (a) spend a longer period handling prey items prior to consumption and (b) respond to alarm calls primarily by immediately moving to cover, in contrast to adults who respond by looking up and visually scanning the surrounding area. Drongos attack juvenile babblers significantly more often than adults, with attacks on juveniles more likely to result in the successful procurement of a food item. This patterns of attack suggests that drongos are able to differentiate between individuals of different age when targeting pied babblers, thus increasing the efficiency of kleptoparasitism as a foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Sexual segregation outside the mating season is common in vertebrates, and has been attributed to sexual differences in predator escape performance in ungulates and fish, but not in birds. Here, we tested the hypothesis that sex- and latitude-specific predator escape performance underlies the differential nonbreeding distribution of western sandpipers (Calidris mauri), a migratory shorebird. Females overwinter further south along the American Pacific coast, creating a latitudinal cline in sex ratio. Escape performance is reduced with increasing body mass, and birds generally carry less fat further south. Western sandpipers with poor escape performance were therefore predicted to prefer southern sites to reduce the risk of mortality posed by predators. Data from four nonbreeding latitudes showed that wing loading, used as an index of escape performance, was overall higher for females, and that it decreased with latitude in both sexes. Within latitudes, wing loading was lower at smaller, and presumably more dangerous, sites. Flight response to a predatory attack was longer in the south. Mortality risk offers a novel and candidate explanation for differential distribution patterns in western sandpipers and possibly other avian migrants.  相似文献   

 Juvenile and adult marine organisms differ in their morphology, chemistry, physiology, behavior, and ecology. Because juvenile algae are thinner, smaller, and have more delicate tissues than adults, they are often assumed to be more susceptible to grazers. We examined within-species food preferences of four common generalist herbivores for juvenile and adult tissues of eight common brown algae in two-choice laboratory food-preference experiments. Our results showed that juvenile algae did not tend to be a preferred food of herbivores. Juvenile tissues were significantly preferred over adult tissues in only four of the 32 combinations of algae and herbivores tested. In 12 experiments, adult tissues were preferred over juvenile tissues, and no choice occurred in the remaining 16 experiments. When sea urchins exhibited a preference, it was always for adult tissues. The other three herbivores, an isopod and two snails, were more variable in their choices, sometimes preferring juveniles, sometimes adults, and sometimes having no preference. We measured nitrogen and phlorotannin concentrations in adult and juvenile seaweeds to see whether these parameters were correlated with herbivore food preferences. Nitrogen levels were similar in juveniles and adults of three algal species and were higher in juveniles of two. Phlorotannin levels were higher in juveniles of four species and lower in juveniles of one. The other three species showed no differences in phlorotannin levels. Phlorotannin concentrations decreased with increasing juvenile size in three species and increased with increasing size in one species. Neither nitrogen nor phlorotannin concentrations explained overall herbivore food preferences for algae of different stages. Our results suggest that preferences of certain grazers for juvenile algae are not as strong as previously assumed and are dependent on herbivore species. Preferences between juveniles and adults are likely to be determined by a combination of morphological and chemical features of the tissues and the unique responses of herbivore species to those features. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 19 November 2000  相似文献   

Ten adult male loggerhead sea turtles, captured by trawlers or dip nets, were satellite-tracked from a neritic foraging ground in the Mediterranean in order to investigate adult spatio-temporal distribution and breeding migration. Five individuals migrated to potential breeding sites in Libya and one to Greece. The results complement previous studies and show that: (1) the Tunisian shelf may be more important for turtles from Libyan rookeries than previously thought; (2) male tracks corroborate a conservation hotspot previously identified for juveniles; (3) the north African coast represents a preferred migratory corridor, unless open sea routes are more direct; (4) adult males may exhibit high fidelity to relatively small areas, without evident seasonal differences; (5) adults home ranges were smaller and more neritic than juveniles frequenting the same area; (6) males may frequent multiple courtship areas; (7) the average remigration interval of males frequenting this region is longer than 1 year.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are acidifying the world’s oceans. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that ocean acidification can impact survival, growth, development and physiology of marine invertebrates. Here, we tested the impact of long-term (up to 16 months) and trans-life-cycle (adult, embryo/larvae and juvenile) exposure to elevated pCO2 (1,200 μatm, compared to control 400 μatm) on the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Female fecundity was decreased 4.5-fold when acclimated to elevated pCO2 for 4 months during reproductive conditioning, while no difference was observed in females acclimated for 16 months. Moreover, adult pre-exposure for 4 months to elevated pCO2 had a direct negative impact on subsequent larval settlement success. Five to nine times fewer offspring reached the juvenile stage in cultures using gametes collected from adults previously acclimated to high pCO2 for 4 months. However, no difference in larval survival was observed when adults were pre-exposed for 16 months to elevated pCO2. pCO2 had no direct negative impact on juvenile survival except when both larvae and juveniles were raised in elevated pCO2. These negative effects on settlement success and juvenile survival can be attributed to carry-over effects from adults to larvae and from larvae to juveniles. Our results support the contention that adult sea urchins can acclimate to moderately elevated pCO2 in a matter of a few months and that carry-over effects can exacerbate the negative impact of ocean acidification on larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   

Recent experiments exposing migratory birds to altered magnetic fields simulating geographical displacements have shown that the geomagnetic field acts as an external cue affecting migratory fuelling behaviour. This is the first study investigating fuel deposition in relation to geomagnetic cues in long-distance migrants using the western passage of the Mediterranean region. Juvenile wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) were exposed to a magnetically simulated autumn migration from southern Sweden to West Africa. Birds displaced parallel to the west of their natural migration route, simulating an unnatural flight over the Atlantic Ocean, increased their fuel deposition compared to birds experiencing a simulated migration along the natural route. These birds, on the other hand, showed relatively low fuel loads in agreement with earlier data on wheatears trapped during stopover. The experimental displacement to the west, corresponding to novel sites in the Atlantic Ocean, led to a simulated longer distance to the wintering area, probably explaining the observed larger fuel loads. Our data verify previous results suggesting that migratory birds use geomagnetic cues for fuelling decisions and, for the first time, show that birds, on their first migration, can use geomagnetic cues to compensate for a displacement outside their normal migratory route, by adjusting fuel deposition.  相似文献   

The influence of kinship on foraging competition in Siberian jays   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foraging competition in Siberian jay groups was examined in relation to dominance and kinship to determine whether juvenile offspring, by associating with adults, gained in food acquisition relative to juvenile immigrants. Members of the adult pair were dominant over juvenile cohort members and males were dominant to females, although an inter-sexual hierarchy, with male juveniles occasionally overlapping adult females, was suggested. Few competitive asymmetries were found between adults and retained offspring or adults and immigrant juveniles when they were competing for food together, but in kin and non-kin foraging groups, respectively. Male offspring visited the bait site more frequently than adult males, and female immigrants spent less time at the bait site than adult females. Under these circumstances, hoarding activities may limit the ability of alpha members to control resources. In mixed groups containing both juvenile offspring and juvenile immigrants, no difference was found in the number of visits made to the bait site, although load sizes and foraging rates were lower for immigrant birds. Retained juveniles obtained greater load sizes and foraging rates when associating with adults. The social dominance of parents suggests that they control juvenile foraging. Although offspring benefit in the presence of adults, adults may incur a cost to their restraint by spending more time at the bait site when competing with immigrants. These results extend conclusions from previous work describing the role of selective tolerance by adults which relaxes competition with retained offspring in Siberian jay winter groups. The present findings suggest that offspring benefit in both immediate and future energy gains, which may have a direct influence on survival. Received: 18 September 1996 / Accepted after revision: 26 January 1997  相似文献   

Summary Observations of resting groups of African penguins Spheniscus demersus on land showed that adults were more aggressive towards juveniles than towards adults. Head coloration was important in triggering this aggression. Adults probably discriminate against juveniles to exclude inexperienced birds from co-operative feeding groups and thus maximize their own energetic returns. There was a disproportionately low frequency of penguin groups at sea containing both adult and juvenile birds. Almost a quarter of juvenile penguins moulted a variable amount of their heads into adult plumage at sea. This reduced the amount of aggression received in proportion to the degree of head moult. Head moult probably occurs in only the fittest juveniles. Birds which moult can join adult feeding groups where communal feeding enhances success. The costs of moulting at sea prevent the occurrence of head moulting in the entire population of juveniles.  相似文献   

Timing of arrival at the breeding grounds by migratory birds affects their mating success and access to superior resources, thus being a major factor associated with fitness. Much empirical work has been devoted to investigate the condition dependence of arrival sequence of migrants and characteristics of individuals that influence arrival time from migration. Surprisingly, there are no studies examining the relationship between flight performance of individual birds and their arrival time. I investigated the relative importance of direct effects of short-term flight performance, age, body condition and the degree of sexual ornamentation (tail length) on timing of spring arrival in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), a long-distance trans-equatorial passerine migrant. I evaluated short-term flight performance (a composite variable comprising flight manoeuvrability, velocity and acceleration) in a standardised manner using flight tunnels. Short-term flight performance was a significant and important predictor of spring arrival date. Furthermore, locomotion predicted arrival date of individual birds independently of morphological variables—the degree of sexual ornamentation (the length of the tail) and wing aspect ratio and body condition. I discuss the possible role short-term flight performance may have in determining migratory performance. This is the first time flight performance has been shown to be associated with timing of arrival from migration in a migratory bird.  相似文献   

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