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Summary Conflicts of interest within and between the sexes are important processes leading to variability in mating systems. The behavioral interactions mediating conflict are little documented. We studied pairs and harems of the snail-shell inhabiting cichlid fish Lamprologus ocellatus in the laboratory. Due to their larger size, males controlled the resource that limited breeding: snail shells. Males were able to choose among females ready to spawn. Females were only accepted if they produced a clutch within a few days of settling. When several females attempted to settle simultaneously the larger female settled first. Females were least aggressive when guarding eggs. Secondary females were more likely to settle when the primary female was guarding eggs. In established harems females continued to be aggressive against each other. The male intervened in about 80% of female aggressive interactions. Male intervention activity correlated with the frequency of aggression among the females in his harem. The male usually attacked the aggressor and chased her back to her own snail shell. When a male was removed from his harem, aggression between females increased immediately and usually the secondary female was expelled by the primary female within a few days. Time to harem break-up was shorter the more mobile the primary females' young were and did not correlate with the size difference between harem females. Male L. ocellatus interfere actively in female conflict and keep the harem together against female interests. Female conflict presumably relates to the cost of sharing male parental investment and to the potential of predation by another female's large juveniles on a female's own small juveniles.Correspondence to: F. Trillmich  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to assess the effects of sublethal concentrations of zinc (0.1 and 0.2 mgl(-1)) on the nutritional value of fish Channa punctatus after exposure for 135 days. The parameters studied were, levels of total proteins, glycogen, total lipids, cholesterol and vitamins (A and D) in the muscle. Total proteins, glycogen, total lipids and vitamin D show highly significant decline from day 90 to 135, while cholesterol and vitamin A, show no significant changes upto 105 days. This study signifies a drastic reduction in the nutritive value of fish, which is compounded by the fact that under natural conditions fish are exposed to these levels of zinc for prolonged periods.  相似文献   

Impact of metal cadmium on the nutritive value of Channa punctatus on exposure to a sublethal concentration (1.12 mg/l) of cadmium (Cd2+) for 15 and 60 days has been studied. Among the various parameters selected, the level of moisture in liver and muscle was increased, while decrease was noted in the level of ash, total proteins and inorganic constituents like iron, calcium, inorganic phosphate, sodium and potassium in both liver and muscle in the two types of exposure. The total lipid level of liver increased, while muscle lipid level was decreased. On the other hand, calcium, iron, inorganic phosphate, sodium and potassium levels showed increase in blood. Zinc and selenium decreased the percentage alterations in all the parameters selected for study. In the two types of exposure, zinc was most effective to counteract the cadmium toxicity to fish as in almost all the parameters insignificant alterations were recorded. In combination studies, protection against cadmium toxicity by the two chemicals became more marked with increase in the tenure of exposure.  相似文献   

Habitat maps are frequently invoked as surrogates of biodiversity to aid the design of networks of marine reserves. Maps are used to maximize habitat heterogeneity in reserves because this is likely to maximize the number of species protected. However, the technique's efficacy is limited by intra-habitat variability in the species present and their abundances. Although communities are expected to vary among patches of the same habitat, this variability is poorly documented and rarely incorporated into reserve planning. To examine intra-habitat variability in coral-reef fishes, we generated a data set from eight tropical coastal habitats and six islands in the Bahamian archipelago using underwater visual censuses. Firstly, we provide further support for habitat heterogeneity as a surrogate of biodiversity as each predefined habitat type supported a distinct assemblage of fishes. Intra-habitat variability in fish community structure at scales of hundreds of kilometers (among islands) was significant in at least 75% of the habitats studied, depending on whether presence/absence, density, or biomass data were used. Intra-habitat variability was positively correlated with the mean number of species in that habitat when density and biomass data were used. Such relationships provide a proxy for the assessment of intra-habitat variability when detailed quantitative data are scarce. Intra-habitat variability was examined in more detail for one habitat (forereefs visually dominated by Montastraea corals). Variability in community structure among islands was driven by small, demersal families (e.g., territorial pomacentrid and labrid fishes). Finally, we examined the ecological and economic significance of intra-habitat variability in fish assemblages on Montastraea reefs by identifying how this variability affects the composition and abundances of fishes in different functional groups, the key ecosystem process of parrotfish grazing, and the ecosystem service of value of commercially important finfish. There were significant differences in a range of functional groups and grazing, but not fisheries value. Variability at the scale of tens of kilometers (among reefs around an island) was less than that among islands. Caribbean marine reserves should be replicated at scales of hundreds of kilometers, particularly for species-rich habitats, to capture important intra-habitat variability in community structure, function, and an ecosystem process.  相似文献   

Methods for estimating the proportion of fish that exhibit gross pathological disorders and for estimating the variance of these estimates are defined. The methods are for the situation in which a probability-based sampling design is used to collect fish for examination, but geographic locations (rather than individual fish) are assigned probabilities of being selected for sampling. To illustrate the use of the methods, they are applied to data collected during the 1992 EMAP- Estuaries sampling program in the Louisianian Province (i.e., the Gulf of Mexico). Separate estimates of the proportion of fish with gross pathological disorders are computed for demersal species, commercial species, pelagic species, and all species as one group. In addition, a test for trend in the proportion of fish that exhibit gross pathological disorders is defined, and analyses of the power of the test are presented. The power analyses are based on a general underlying model of the random distribution patterns of fish and the random process of catching fish. The power analyses also take into account the features of the sampling designs used for collecting fish. Component parameter estimates were computed using data from the 1992 EMAP-Estuaries sampling program in the Louisianian Province. Results from these analyses suggest that the EMAP-Estuaries sampling designs are capable of detecting a 0.15% change per year in the proportion of fish (all species groups combined) with gross pathological disorders in estuaries of the Louisianian Province over a 12-year period with a power of at least 80%. © Rapid Science 1998  相似文献   

Many chemicals that are currently used in aquaculture have not been evaluated with regard to their specific effects on the aquatic environment. In the present study, the toxic effects of several chemicals associated with land-based marine fish farming activities were assessed using two species of marine microalgae (Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Isochrysis galbana). Mini-scale toxicity tests were performed with six antibiotics (amoxicillin, ampicillin, flumequine, oxytetracycline, streptomycin and sulfadiazine) and two disinfectants (formaldehyde and hypochlorite). Amoxicillin and streptomycin did not exert toxic effects. Sulfadiazine was the most toxic chemical; the EC50 values were 0.11 mg/L and 1.44 mg/L for P. tricornutum and I. galbana respectively. As expected, the disinfectants displayed high toxicity, and P. tricornutum was particularly sensitive to these compounds. Although the differences in microalgal sensitivity depended on the chemical considered, both species were highly sensitive to most of the compounds tested. We recommend the inclusion of mini-scale microalgal toxicity tests in environmental risk assessment (ERA) and environmental monitoring plans because they are cost-effective and rapid.  相似文献   

As representatives of primary producers, algae and cyanobacteria play an important role in assessing the risk of chemicals. However, the list of standard algal species commonly used for toxicity testing comprises very few species so that there is an urgent demand to identify further non-standard species which can be used for higher-tier risk assessment in general and the analysis of species sensitivity distributions in particular. In this study, four measuring techniques to assess growth inhibition were compared using five non-standard and two standard algal species and 3,5-dichlorophenol as reference substance. Regarding sensitivity and suitability, the measuring techniques were ranked in the following descending order: delayed fluorescence, prompt fluorescence, photometric absorbance, and microscopic cell count. All five non-standard species fulfilled the validity criteria if tested with delayed fluorescence.  相似文献   

Recent empirical evidence suggests that important disparities exist between willingness to pay and compensation demanded for the same good. These results, which clearly contradict closely held economic doctrines, have led some influential commentators to call for an entirely new economic paradigm to displace conventional neoclassical theory. This study examines the generality of these experimental findings by going to a well-functioning marketplace and examining more than 350 individual decisions across two incentive-compatible elicitation mechanisms. The data suggest that behavior of individuals with intense experience approaches neoclassical predictions: any observed WTA/WTP disparity amongst this group is negligible.  相似文献   

In siblicidal species, hatching asynchrony could act to reduce sibling rivalry or promote the death of last-hatched chicks. The pattern of hatching asynchrony was experimentally altered in the black kite Milvus migrans. Hatching asynchrony in control broods was intermediate between those of experimentally synchronised and asynchronised broods. Sibling aggression and wounds on the chicks were more commonly observed early in the nestling period and in synchronous nests. Serious injuries were observed on last-hatched chicks in asynchronous nests, as were observations of intimidated or crushed chicks. Sibling aggression was related to food abundance, but some chicks died at an early age in nests with abundant food (cainism). Cainism was more commonly found in asynchronous nests. For species with facultative siblicide, moderate hatching asynchrony could be a compromise between reducing sibling rivalry and avoiding large size differences between sibs that would result in cainism. Female black kites preferentially fed the smallest chicks and exhibited behaviours to reduce sibling aggression, contrary to observations in other siblicidal species. In a highly opportunistic forager such as the black kite, a strategy may exist to protract the life of all the chicks in the brood, waiting for unpredictable situations of food overabundance. This would induce the appearance of a parent-offspring conflict over brood reduction, reflected in the existence of a possible anticipated response by some of the chicks (cainism) and in the appearance of special behaviours by the parents to selectively feed smaller chicks or reduce sibling aggression. In this facultatively siblicidal species, cainism does not seem to be the final stage of an evolutionary trend favouring the raising of high-quality chicks, but a manifestation of a parent-offspring conflict over brood size. Received: 9 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 8 August 1998  相似文献   

整合分析中的非参数检验:重复取样检验法的实例应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
整合分析(meta-analysis)是对同一主题下多个独立实验结果进行综合的统计学方法。非参数检验整合分析——重复取样检验(resampling test)不考虑原文献数据的分布形式,故可在不知原文献数据分布形式时使用。其中的靴襻法(bootstrap)可用来给出总效应值的置信区间,但不能检验组内异质性是否显著。靴襻法与随机检验法(randomization test)可以有效弥补这一缺失,判断出组间差异性是否显著。实例应用表明,重复取样检验没有参数检验保守,又与参数检验的结果差异较小。  相似文献   

The fishes of Martis Creek, in the Sierra Nevada of California (USA), were sampled at four sites annually over 30 years, 1979-2008. This long-term data set was used to examine (1) the persistence and stability of the Martis Creek fish assemblage in the face of environmental stochasticity; (2) whether native and alien fishes responded differently to a natural hydrologic regime (e.g., timing and magnitude of high and low flows); and (3) the importance of various hydrologic and physical habitat variables in explaining the abundances of native and alien fish species through time. Our results showed that fish assemblages were persistent at all sample sites, but individual species exhibited marked interannual variability in density, biomass, and relative abundance. The density and biomass of native fishes generally declined over the period of study, whereas most alien species showed no significant long-term trends. Only alien rainbow trout increased in both density and biomass at all sites over time. Redundancy analysis identified three hydrologic variables (annual 7-day minimum discharge, maximum winter discharge, and number of distinct winter floods) and two habitat variables (percentage of pool habitat and percentage of gravel substrate) that each explained a significant portion of the annual variation in fish assemblage structure. For alien taxa, their proportional contribution to the total fish assemblage was inversely related to mean annual streamflow, one-day maximum discharge in both winter and spring, and the frequency of springtime floods. Results of this study highlight the need for continuous annual monitoring of streams with highly variable flow regimes to evaluate shifts in fish community structure. Apparent successes or failures in stream management may appear differently depending on the time series of available data.  相似文献   

Porichthys notatus is a common benthic fish found along the Pacific coast of North America. It possesses more than 700 small dermal photophores on its head and trunk. When P. notatus collected in Monterey Bay, California, is injected subcutaneously with norepinephrine, the photophores emit a long-lasting luminescence that is readily visible to the dark-adapted eye. The light emission is due to the oxidation of luciferin (substrate) by molecular oxygen, catalyzed by luciferase. In contrast, P. notatus collected in Puget Sound, Washington, is nonluminous, even though the photophores do not differ ultrastructurally from those of the California fish. The inability of the Puget Sound fish to luminesce is due to lack of luciferin in its photophores. Luminescence capability, however, may be induced in the Puget Sound fish by the oral or intraperitoneal administration of a small amount of luciferin from the tiny luminescent marine ostracod crustacean, Vargula hilgendorfii, suggesting that the origin of luciferin in P. notatus may be from the diet. In this study, specimens of P. notatus were collected over the entire known range of the species, between November 1981 and September 1987, and the presence of luciferin in the photophores determined. The results indicate that there are two populations of P. notatus: a luciferin-deficient, nonluminescent population located north of northern California and a luciferin-containing, luminescent population extending south of Cape Mendocino, California, to Baja California, Mexico. At the northern end of the southern population, a mixture of luminescent and nonluminescent P. notatus was found.  相似文献   

A model to explain the behavioural mechanisms underlying the fountain manoeuvre, a predator-evasion response shown by fish shoals is tested. It is proposed that the responses of individual fish are constrained by requirements to (1) visually monitor the predator's behaviour, (2) minimise the energetic cost of escape, and (3) maximise the rate of passage around the predator. The model predicts that individuals will swim away from the threat at a constant angle determined by the rear limit of the visual field and that the range of reaction will be constrained by water visibility. The model's predictions were upheld in tests conducted in 1984 using a shoal of juvenile whiting, Merlangius merlangus (L.). It is concluded that the principal determinant of the fountain manoeuvre is the visual field of the fish.  相似文献   

Summary Nearest-neighbor distances and species' densities were calculated for 949 individuals of 8 species of orb-weaving spiders from eight edge and meacow sites in Panama. These data were used to test the hypothesis that interspecific aggressive interactions influenced spider community structure by: (1) eliminating or decreasing the densities of sympatric, less aggressive species, or, (2) affecting nearest-neighbor relationships so that large or aggressive individuals had smaller, less aggressive or more distant neighbors. Although there was a negative relationship between the densities of two species pairs (Leucauge sp. and Mangora pia; Eriophora fuliginea and Cyclosa caroli), overall spider densities could not be predicted from indices of spider aggression obtained by introduction experiments. The spatial distribution of spiders in three dimensions was not significantly different than random. I attributed the lack of clumping to the relative vegetational homogeneity of my sites; the lack of overdispersion may reflect the fact that websites are not limiting. Relationships between nearest neighbors generally supported the aggression hypothesis, however, comparisons of the actual data with equivalent randomly-assorted data indicate that a hypothesis of randomly chosen neighborsis equally applicable. This result suggests that, unless websites differ significantly in their quality, with high quality websites in short supply, spider aggression may not affect community structure.  相似文献   

In an agonistic interaction, the assessment of the probable outcome of future encounters with the same individuals may be the best way of decreasing costs of fighting, but this may only be accomplished if animals are able to recognize individual conspecifics. We staged encounters between male lizards, Podarcis hispanica, to examine whether odoriferous cues are involved in rival recognition during agonistic interactions. We experimentally manipulated the odour of intruding males, creating familiar males with their own odour or bearing odours of unfamiliar males, and unfamiliar males bearing unfamiliar odours or odours of familiar males. The results showed that when familiar males were impregnated with scents from unfamiliar males, they elicited an aggressive response by resident unmanipulated males similar to that observed for a new unfamiliar male with unfamiliar odour. This suggests that resident males were unable to recognize familiar males when their own scents were removed. In contrast, responding males were less aggressive towards familiar males impregnated with their own odour and towards unfamiliar males impregnated with scents of familiar males, suggesting that when two males have already interacted, their scents become familiar for both males, and that the detection in successive encounters of the familiar scent suffices to reduce the aggressive response of territorial males. Therefore, recognition mechanisms based on chemical cues during agonistic encounters may contribute to reducing the intensity and the costs of fighting in P. hispanica and may play an important role in the organization of their social system.  相似文献   

Colonies of the slave-making ant, Harpagoxenus sublaevis, may simultaneously contain workers of several Leptothorax slave species. We observed aggressive interactions among slave-makers, between slavemakers and slaves, and among slaves in 11 mixed colonies. The first two types of aggression appear to be correlated with reproductive competition for the production of males. Aggressive interactions among slaves, however, occurred mainly between slaves belonging to different species. In two colonies, in which one slave species clearly outnumbered the other, the majority attacked and finally expelled all nestmates belonging to the minority species. Our observations thus suggest that in Harpagoxenus colonies a homogeneous colony odor is not always achieved and that heterospecific slaves may occasionally be mistaken for alien ants. Gas chromatographic analyses of ants from mixed colonies similarly show that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles may differ strongly between heterospecific nestmate slaves.  相似文献   

The phenotype of the social group is related to phenotypes of individuals that form that society. We examined how honey bee colony aggressiveness relates to individual response of male drones and foraging workers. Although the natural focus in colony aggression has been on the worker caste, the sterile females engaged in colony maintenance and defense, males carry the same genes. We measured aggressiveness scores of colonies and examined components of individual aggressive behavior in workers and haploid sons of workers from the same colony. We describe for the first time, that males, although they have no stinger, do bend their abdomen (abdominal flexion) in a posture similar to stinging behavior of workers in response to electric shock. Individual worker sting response and movement rates in response to shock were significantly correlated with colony scores. In the case of drones, sons of workers from the same colonies, abdominal flexion significantly correlated but their movement rates did not correlate with colony aggressiveness. Furthermore, the number of workers responding at increasing levels of voltage exhibits a threshold-like response, whereas the drones respond in increasing proportion to shock. We conclude that there are common and caste-specific components to aggressive behavior in honey bees. We discuss implications of these results on social and behavioral regulation and genetics of aggressive response.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been increasing interest in behavioral syndrome research across a range of taxa. Behavioral syndromes are suites of correlated behaviors that are expressed either within a given behavioral context (e.g., mating) or between different contexts (e.g., foraging and mating). Syndrome research holds profound implications for animal behavior as it promotes a holistic view in which seemingly autonomous behaviors may not evolve independently, but as a “suite” or “package.” We tested whether laboratory-reared male and female European house crickets, Acheta domesticus, exhibited behavioral syndromes by quantifying individual differences in activity, exploration, mate attraction, aggressiveness, and antipredator behavior. To our knowledge, our study is the first to consider such a breadth of behavioral traits in one organism using the syndrome framework. We found positive correlations across mating, exploratory, and antipredatory contexts, but not aggression and general activity. These behavioral differences were not correlated with body size or condition, although age explained some of the variation in motivation to mate. We suggest that these across-context correlations represent a boldness syndrome as individual risk-taking and exploration was central to across-context mating and antipredation correlations in both sexes.  相似文献   

Detection patterns of coral reef fish were assessed from the meta-analysis of distance sampling surveys performed by visual census in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, from 1986 to 1999. From approximately 100,000 observations relating to 593 species, the frequency distributions of fish detection distances perpendicular to the transect line were compared according to species characteristics and sampling conditions. The shape and extension of these detection profiles varied markedly with fish size, shyness, and crypticity, indicating strong differences of detectability across species. Detection of very small and cryptic fish decreased strongly 1 m away from the line. Conversely, sightings of shy and large species were excessively low in the first meters due to diver avoidance prior to detection. The larger the fish, the greater the fleeing distance. Distance data underscore how inconsistent detectability biases across species and sites can affect the accuracy of visual censuses when assessing coral reef fish populations.  相似文献   

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