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Vapor intrusion risk characterization efforts are challenging due to complexities associated with background indoor air constituents, preferential subsurface migration pathways, and representativeness limitations associated with traditional randomly timed time‐integrated sampling methods that do not sufficiently account for factors controlling concentration dynamics. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends basing risk related decisions on the reasonable maximum exposure (RME). However, with very few exceptions, practitioners have not been applying this criterion. The RME will most likely occur during upward advective flux conditions. As such, for RME determinations, it is important to sample when upward advective flux conditions are occurring. The most common vapor intrusion assessment efforts include randomly timed sample collection events, and therefore do not accurately yield RME estimates. More specifically, researchers have demonstrated that randomly timed sampling schemes can result in false negative determinations of potential risk corresponding to RMEs. For sites experiencing trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor intrusion, the potential for acute risks poses additional challenges, as there is a critical need for rapid response to exposure exceedances to minimize health risks and liabilities. To address these challenges, continuous monitoring platforms have been deployed to monitor indoor concentrations of key volatile constituents, atmospheric pressure, and pressure differential conditions that can result in upward toxic vapor transport and entry into overlying buildings. This article demonstrates how vapor intrusion RME‐based risks can be successfully and efficiently determined using continuous monitoring of concentration and parameters indicating upward advective chemical flux. Time series analyses from multiple selected 8‐ and 24‐hr time increments during upward advective TCE flux conditions were performed to simulate results expected from the most commonly employed sampling methods. These analyses indicate that, although most of the selected time increments overlap within the same 24‐hr window, results and conclusions vary. As such, these findings demonstrate that continuous monitoring of concentration and parameters such as differential pressure and determination of a time‐weighted concentration average over a selected duration when upward advective flux is occurring can allow for a realistic RME‐based risk estimate.  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion characterization and response efforts must consider four key interactive factors: background indoor air constituents, preferential vapor migration pathways, complex patterns of vapor distribution within buildings, and temporal concentration variability caused by pressure differentials within and exterior to structures. An additional challenge is found at sites contaminated by trichloroethylene (TCE), which in the United States has very low indoor air screening levels due to acute risk over short exposure durations for sensitive populations. Timely and accurate characterization of vapor intrusion has been constrained by traditional passive time‐averaging sampling methods. This article presents three case studies of a robust new methodology for vapor intrusion characterization particularly suited for sites where there is a critical need for rapid response to exposure exceedances to minimize health risks and liabilities. The new methodology comprises low‐detection‐level field analytical instrumentation with grab sample and continuous monitoring capabilities for key volatile constituents integrated with pressure differential measurements and web‐based reporting. The system also provides automated triggered alerts to project teams and capability for integration with engineered systems for vapor intrusion control. The three case studies illustrate key findings and lessons learned during system deployment at two sites undergoing characterization studies and one site undergoing thermal remediation of volatile contaminants.  相似文献   

Conventional vapor intrusion characterization efforts can be challenging due to background indoor air constituents, preferential subsurface migration pathways, sampling access, and collection method limitations. While it has been recognized that indoor air concentrations are dynamic, until recently it was assumed by many practitioners that subsurface concentrations did not vary widely over time. Newly developed continuous monitoring platforms have been deployed to monitor subsurface concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, total volatile organic constituents, and atmospheric pressure. These systems have been integrated with telemetry, geographical information systems, and geostatistical algorithms for automatically generating two‐ and three‐dimensional contour images and time‐stamped renderings and playback loops of sensor attributes, and multivariate analyses through a cloud‐based project management platform. The objectives at several selected sites included continuous monitoring of vapor concentrations and related physical parameters to understand explosion risks over space and time and to then design a long‐term risk reduction strategy. High‐frequency data collection, processing, and automated visualization have resulted in greater understanding of natural processes, such as dynamic contaminant vapor intrusion risk conditions potentially influenced by localized barometric pumping. For instance, contemporaneous changes in methane, oxygen, and atmospheric pressure values suggest there is interplay and that vapor intrusion risk may not be constant. As a result, conventional single‐event and composite assessment technologies may not be capable of determining worst‐case risk scenarios in all cases, possibly leading to misrepresentation of receptor and explosion risks. While dynamic risk levels have been observed in several initial continuous monitoring applications, questions remain regarding whether these situations represent special cases and how best to determine when continuous monitoring should be required. Results from a selected case study are presented and implications derived. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Vapor intrusion characterization efforts can be challenging due to complexities associated with background indoor air constituents, preferential subsurface migration pathways, and response time and representativeness limitations associated with conventional low‐frequency monitoring methods. For sites experiencing trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor intrusion, the potential for acute risks poses additional challenges, as the need for rapid response to exposure exceedances becomes critical in order to minimize health risks and associated liabilities. Continuous monitoring platforms have been deployed to monitor indoor and subsurface concentrations of key volatile constituents, atmospheric pressure, and pressure differential conditions that can result in advective transport. These systems can be comprised of multiplexed laboratory‐grade analytical components integrated with telemetry and geographical information systems for automatically generating time‐stamped renderings of observations and time‐weighted averages through a cloud‐based data management platform. Integrated automatic alerting and responses can also be engaged within one minute of risk exceedance detection. The objectives at a site selected for testing included continuous monitoring of vapor concentrations and related surface and subsurface physical parameters to understand exposure risks over space and time and to evaluate potential mechanisms controlling risk dynamics which could then be used to design a long‐term risk reduction strategy. High‐frequency data collection, processing, and automated visualization efforts have resulted in greater understanding of natural processes such as dynamic contaminant vapor intrusion risk conditions potentially influenced by localized barometric pumping induced by temperature changes. For the selected site, temporal correlation was observed between dynamic indoor TCE vapor concentration, barometric pressure, and pressure differential. This correlation was observed with a predictable daily frequency even for very slight diurnal changes in barometric pressure and associated pressure differentials measured between subslab and indoor regimes and suggests that advective vapor transport and intrusion can result in elevated indoor TCE concentrations well above risk levels even with low‐to‐modest pressure differentials. This indicates that vapor intrusion can occur in response to diurnal pressure dynamics in coastal regions and suggests that similar natural phenomenon may control vapor intrusion dynamics in other regions, exhibiting similar pressure, geochemical, hydrogeologic, and climatic conditions. While dynamic indoor TCE concentrations have been observed in this coastal environment, questions remain regarding whether this hydrogeologic and climatic setting represent a special case, and how best to determine when continuous monitoring should be required to most appropriately minimize exposure durations as early as possible. ©2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Probabilistic economic analysis, including uncertainty of probabilities and consequences of project risks, is not widely used in remediation projects. This article presents a project risk assessment (PRA) method to identify, quantify, and analyze risks in remediation projects. The suggested method is probabilistic and includes uncertainty analysis of input variables based on expert judgment. It was originally developed as a part of a sustainability assessment tool, but is viable as a stand‐alone tool for remediation projects. The method is applied to a case study: a former paint factory that is being redeveloped into a residential area. The PRA method is used for analyzing and comparing the project risks associated with four remediation options, all including excavation but with different degrees of onsite treatment. The result of the case study application shows which alternative has the lowest mean risk cost, the highest probability to have the lowest risk cost, and how the risk costs are distributed, but also, importantly, helps the user to prioritize between risk‐reduction measures. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals  相似文献   

Reviews including the latest “data‐rich” chemical vapor intrusion‐radon (CVI‐Rn) studies indicate buildings/times can be “screened‐in” as having Rn‐evident‐susceptibility/priority for soil gas intrusion, and elevated‐potential for CVI concerns, or not. These screening methods can supplement conventional indoor‐air chemical sampling, under naturally varying conditions, by prioritizing buildings and times based on indoor Rn levels. Rn is a widespread, naturally occurring component of soil gas and a tracer of soil gas intrusion into the indoor air of overlying buildings. Rn is also an indicator for generally similar behavior of other components of near‐building soil gas, possibly including chemical contaminant vapors. Indoor Rn is easily measured at a low cost, allowing continuous observations from essentially all buildings with the potential for CVI across time. This presents cost savings and other benefits for all CVI stakeholders.  相似文献   

Although standard methods of monitoring the progress of in-situ remediation may provide general results for the most permeable zones affected by soil vapor extraction or bioventing, they are essentially unsuccessful at providing information on the degree of heterogeneity within the remediation zone and on the existence of “hot spots.” Data are presented that suggest that monitoring the concentrations of fixed and biogenic gases and measuring soil permeability on a small-scale basis may circumvent the common problems associated with assessing the progress of in-situ remediation. The costs of these monitoring techniques are minor compared to those of designing and operating an in-situ remediation system, and may save additional time and costs by identifying problem areas early in the cleanup process.  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring, data processing, and reporting methods are expensive, labor‐ and resource‐intensive, time‐consuming, and often inaccurate. An innovative project management platform was developed for integrating environmental monitoring sensors, telemetry, geographical information systems, models, and geostatistical algorithms for automatically generating contour maps and time‐stamped renderings of sensor attributes and multivariate analyses. More specifically, algorithms converting sensor‐derived head and solute concentration values allow for automated monitoring of mass flux and discharge to evaluate groundwater remediation system performance and contaminant discharges from aquifers to surface‐water receptors. Life‐cycle costs and carbon footprints were reduced due to the elimination of energy and labor expenditures associated with transportation, data collection, laboratory efforts, report generation, and information dissemination. A brief summary of two demonstrations of this sensor‐based water resources management application is presented. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Leaking underground storage tank systems at service stations have resulted in tens of thousands of petroleum releases and associated groundwater chemical plumes often extending hundreds of feet off‐site. Technical and engineering approaches to assess and clean up releases from underground tanks, product lines, and dispensers using technologies such as soil vapor extraction, air sparging, biostimulation, and monitored natural attenuation are well understood and widely published throughout the literature. This article summarizes life‐cycle environmental response costs typically encountered using site‐specific cost estimation or metric‐based cost categories considering the overall complexity of site conditions: (1) simple sites where response actions require smaller scale assessments and/or remediation and have limited or no off‐site impacts; (2) average sites where response actions require larger scale assessments and/or remediation typical of petroleum releases; (3) complex sites where response actions require greater on‐site and/or off‐site remediation efforts; and (4) mega sites where petroleum plumes have impacted public or private water supplies or where petroleum vapors have migrated into occupied buildings. Associated cleanup cost estimates rely upon appropriate combinations of individual work elements and the duration of operation, maintenance, and monitoring activities. These cost estimates can be offset by state reimbursement funds, coverage in purchase agreements, and insurance policies. A case study involving a large service station site portfolio illustrates the range of site complexity and life‐cycle environmental response costs. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

When does remediation do more harm than good? After conducting a sustainability analysis on a large pump‐and‐treat site at the Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR), the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (AFCEE) found evidence suggesting that the remediation systems were creating more pollution than they were remediating. For several years, the AFCEE/MMR has had an aggressive “better, cheaper, faster” optimization program intended to expedite aquifer restoration, reduce costs to the taxpayers, and reduce cleanup time frames. An initial sustainability analysis was conducted in 2005 as part of this program. The analysis identified several concerns, one of which was the indirect generation of air emissions from conventional fossil fuel–based power plants used to power the remediation systems. In addition to the environmental impact of these air emissions, the cost of electricity continues to increase. The AFCEE/MMR evaluated options for addressing both of these concerns and opted to employ renewable energy technology in the form of a utility‐scale wind turbine. This case study presents a more sustainable approach to remediation at the MMR through the use of renewable energy, in the form of a 1,500‐kW wind turbine. Power costs for operating the treatment systems, which processed up to 16 million gallons per day, amounted to over $2.2 million in 2008. The wind turbine is anticipated to reduce the program's electricity costs and offset air emissions, generated indirectly through the use of electricity from fossil fuel–based power plants, by approximately 25 to 30 percent. Based on a range of utility cost projections and an estimate of the turbine's energy production, the $4.6 million project is anticipated to have a payback period between six and eight years. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. *
  • 1 This article is a U.S. Government work and, as such, is in the public domain of the United States of America.
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    Potential health risks and cleanup costs are primary factors for measuring the effectiveness of a remediation project concerning a site contaminated with residual radioactive materials. Demanding cleanup of a contaminated site to its original condition, while eliminating any health risks after cleanup, can require prohibitive costs. However, by setting practical remediation objectives and by performing realistic but conservative risk assessments, health risks can be acceptable and cleanup costs can be reasonable. This article uses the South-Middle and Southeast Vaults Decontamination and Demolition Project at Argonne National Laboratory to demonstrate how negligible health risks can result after cleanup with minimal cleanup costs. Substantial cost savings of approximately $2 million was realized by implementing in-place decontamination and demolition (D&D) on the basis of acceptable risk, instead of requiring cleanup of the site to its original condition. By using the RESRAD computer program as a modeling tool, we show the maximum projected radiation dose (0.1 mrem per year) and the potential lifetime cancer risk (on the order of 106) to an individual from exposure to the residual radioactivities are negligibly small. In addition to aiding in the selection of a preferred remediation alternative, results of the RESRAD modeling were also used to guide the implementation of the selected alternative to reduce exposures from the dominant pathway and to ensure that exposures from all pathways would be as low as reasonably achievable.  相似文献   

    A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet‐based design tool has been developed to assist remediation professionals in the design of injection systems for distributing soluble substrate (SS) to enhance in situ anaerobic bioremediation. The user provides site data, design parameters, and unit‐cost information to generate estimates of remediation‐system cost and steady‐state contact efficiency (CESS) for various designs. CESS is estimated from a nonlinear regression equation that includes terms for the SS injection concentration (CI), minimum substrate concentration (CMIN), groundwater travel time between rows of injection wells (TT), SS half‐life (TH), substrate reinjection time interval (TR), and pore volumes of substrate solution injected (PV). With this tool, users can quickly compare the relative costs and performance of different injection alternatives and identify the best design for their specific site conditions. The design process embodied in the tool includes: (1) entering injection‐well configuration and unit costs for well installation, injection, and substrate; (2) determining treatment‐zone dimension; (3) selecting trial injection‐well spacing, time period between substrate reinjection, and injection pore volume; and (4) estimating contact efficiency and capital and life‐cycle costs. This process is then repeated until a final design is selected. In most cases, injection costs increase with increasing CESS. However, the best (highest) ratio of CESS to injection cost typically occurs for CESS in the range of 70 to 80 percent. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Vapor intrusion (VI) assessment is complicated by spatial and temporal variability, largely due to compounded interactions among the many individual factors that influence the vapor migration pathway from subsurface sources to indoor air. Past research on highly variable indoor air datasets demonstrates that conventional sampling schemes can result in false negative determinations of potential risk corresponding to reasonable maximum exposures (RME). While high‐frequency chemical analysis of individual chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) in indoor air is conceptually appealing, it remains largely impractical when numerous buildings are involved and particularly for long‐term monitoring. As more is learned about the challenges with indoor air sampling for VI assessment, it has become clear that alternative approaches are needed to help guide discrete sampling efforts and reduce sampling requirements while maintaining acceptable confidence in exposure characterization. Indicators, tracers, and surrogates (ITS), which include a collection of quantifiable metrics and tools, have been suggested as a potential solution for making VI pathway assessment and long‐term monitoring more informative, efficient, and cost‐effective. This review, compilation, and evaluation of ITS demonstrates how even low numbers of indoor air CVOC samples can provide high levels of confidence for representing the RME levels (e.g., 95th percentile) often sought by regulatory agencies for less than chronic effects. A two‐part compilation of available evidence for select low‐cost ITS is presented, with Part 1 focused on introducing the concepts of ITS, meteorologically based ITS, and the evidence from data‐rich studies to support lower cost CVOC VI assessments. Part 1 includes the results of quantitative analyses on two robust residential building VI datasets, where numerous supplemental metrics were collected concurrently with indoor air concentration data. These are supplemented with additional less‐intensive studies in different circumstances. These analyses show that certain ITS metrics and tools, including differential temperature, differential pressure, and radon (in Part 2), can provide benefits to VI assessment and long‐term monitoring. This includes indicators that narrow the assessment period needed to capture RME conditions, tracers that enhance understanding of the conceptual site model, and aid in the identification of preferential pathways and surrogates that support or substitute for CVOC sampling results. The results of this review provide insight into the scientifically supportable uses of ITS.  相似文献   

    Directionally drilled horizontal wells offer the opportunity for significant cost savings and technical advantages over alternative trenched well and vertical well soil and groundwater remediation systems in many cases. The magnitude of the cost savings is a function of the remediation technology deployed and the values placed on the reduction of site impacts, dramatic reduction in the time required to achieve site remediation goals and requirements, the ability of horizontal well remediation to easily treat normally recalcitrant contaminants such as MTBE, and the ability to drill under paved areas, operating plants, residential areas, landfills, lagoons, waterways, ponds, basins, and other areas that are normally difficult or impossible to access with conventional drilling or trenching methods. In addition to improvements in site access capabilities, horizontal wells have been found capable of addressing contaminants that vertical wells do not readily treat, even with the same remediation technology deployed, especially if air‐based remediation technologies are deployed. With biosparging, for example, greater treatment capabilities of horizontal wells over vertical wells are attributed to greater oxygen flux over a broader area, a larger treatment zone, and extremely prolonged residence of groundwater contaminants in the aerobic treatment area, typically months or years. This article describes the use of directionally drilled horizontal wells for application of a variety of treatment technologies and includes costs of various options with a detailed comparison of biosparging options. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Relatively little data are available to document the historical cost for using common remediation technologies, and site managers often must rely on information from technology vendors and predictive models, which may not accurately reflect the experiences of previous technology users. To help address these concerns, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted an evaluation of data on historical costs of common remediation technologies. Cost curves were developed for four technologies, showing the relationship between cost for remediation and quantity of material treated. Although costs are known to be highly site‐specific and affected by many factors, the curves are useful in illustrating the variability of historical costs and the economies of scale for treating relatively large quantities of material. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    DuPont has developed a method to compare, on a consistent economic basis, in situ remediation technologies. The methodology employs a template site with a perchloroethylene plume 1000 ft long by 400 ft wide, and incorporates various aquifer thicknesses and depths. Variables considered in the methodology include duration of the remediation; estimated engineering and flow/transport modeling costs; equipment costs; and operation, maintenance, and monitoring costs. In this article, substrate-enhanced anaerobic bioremediation, intrinsic bioremediation, in situ permeable reactive barriers, and pump-and-treat systems are evalutated. Cost metrics include present cost, cost per pound of contaminant removed, and cost per 1000 gals treated, using a discounted cash-flow analysis. Costs of the remedial alternatives increase starting from intrinsic bioremediation, to substrate-enhanced anaerobic bioremediation, to a biological substrate-enhanced anaerobic barrier, to in situ permeable reactive barriers, to pump-and-treat systems with air stripping and carbon adsorption.  相似文献   

    With the successful implementation of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) programs to remediate contaminated soil and groundwater aquifers worldwide, ISCO has become established as a traditional remediation technique. On the basis of historical success, expanded ISCO practices are now routinely applied to increasingly difficult geologic environments, including formerly problem locations such as those containing nonaqueous‐phase liquid, fractured bedrock, low‐conductivity media, and highly layered and/or heterogeneous aquifers. Effective delivery of amendment, however, remains the single most important aspect of successful remediation, particularly given the range of potentially applicable delivery methods and site complexities. Selecting the most appropriate technique for any specific site depends upon a clear understanding of the variety of site constraints, including factors such as site conditions, underlying geology, contaminant distribution, technology limitations, and other project‐specific factors. Because the injection program is often the largest cost associated with implementation of an ISCO project, it is critical to develop a cost‐effective injection method for each site. Constant head injection provides a cost‐effective alternative for sites with low‐conductivity lithology(ies). Constant head injection employs a continuous low‐pressure application method to deliver ISCO agents over a long period of time. This synergistic method complements the existing site conditions and heterogeneity, working with the natural conditions, rather than trying to overcome or destroy the site geology using highly aggressive delivery techniques. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    The decision to mitigate exposures from vapor intrusion (VI) is typically based on limited data from 24‐hour air samples. It is well documented that these data do not accurately represent long‐term average exposures linked to adverse health effects. Limited decision guidance is currently available to determine the most appropriate sampling strategy, considering the cost of sampling alternatives along with the economic consequences of exposure‐related health effects. We present a decision model that introduces economic and statistical considerations in evaluating alternative VI sampling methods. The model characterizes the best sampling method by factoring economic and health consequences of exposure, the variability of exposure, the cost of sampling and mitigation, and the likelihood of false‐negatives and false‐positives. Decision‐makers can use results to select the sample size that maximizes net benefit. Conceptual and mathematical models are presented linking biological, statistical, and economic considerations to assess the cost and effectiveness of different sampling strategies. The model relates an average exposure concentration, determined statistically, to abatement costs and to the monetary value of health deterioration. The value of the information provided by different strategies is calculated and used to select the optimum sampling method. Simulations show that longer‐term sampling methods tend to be more accurate and cost‐effective than short‐term samples. The ideal sampling strategy shows significant seasonal variation (it is typically optimal to use longer samples in the winter) and also varies significantly with the stringency of regulatory standards. Longer‐term sample collection provides a more accurate representation of average VI exposure and reduces the likelihood of type I and type II errors. This reduces expected costs of mitigation and exposure (e.g., health consequences, legal and regulatory penalties), which in some cases can be quite significant. The model herein shows how these savings are balanced against the additional costs of longer‐term sampling.  相似文献   

    Sustainable remediation concepts have evolved during the decade 2007–2017. From the establishment of the first Sustainable Remediation forum (SURF) in 2007, to publication of ASTM and ISO standards by 2017. Guidance has been developed around the world to reflect local regulatory systems, and much has been learned in applying sustainability assessment to contaminated site management projects. In the best examples, significant improvements in project sustainability have been delivered, including concurrent reduction of the environmental footprint of the remediation program, improved social performance, and cost savings and/or value creation. The initial advocates for the concept of sustainable remediation were quickly supported by early adopters who saw its potential to improve the remediation industry's performance, but they also had to overcome some inertia and scepticism from other parties. During the debates and discussions that occurred at numerous international conferences and SURF workshops around the world, various opinions were formed and positions stated. Some proved to be correct, others not so. With the recent publication of ISO Standard 18504 and the benefit of a decade's‐worth of hindsight on sustainable remediation programs implementation and project delivery, this paper summarizes a number of myths and misunderstandings that have been stated regarding sustainable remediation and seeks to debunk them. Sustainable remediation assessment shows us how to manage unacceptable risks to human health and the environment in the best, that is to say the most sustainable, way. It provides the contaminated land management industry a framework to incorporate sustainable development principles into remediation projects and deliver significant value for affected parties and society more broadly. In dispelling some myths about sustainable remediation set out in this paper, it is hoped that consistent application of ISO18504/SuRF‐UK (or equivalently robust guidance) will facilitate even wider use of sustainable remediation around the world.  相似文献   

    Strategies for remediation of drilling mud wastes at a typical deep sour gas well site in the foothills of Alberta were assessed in terms of financial and social costs and benefits, in alignment with established sustainable remediation and decision analysis principles. Managers of contaminated sites containing historical drilling wastes are challenged with managing liability through several regulatory changes over time. Excavation and disposal of the contaminated soil from the site was the only means of securing regulatory release, with the nearest landfill located 150 km away. A perception exists that in many cases excavation and disposal inflicts unnecessary levels of site intrusiveness and public disturbance when other options achieving a similar risk end point may do so for lower social cost. The study tested this hypothesis to ascertain whether the currently accepted solution is the best option when the wider costs and benefits to society and the environment are included. Eight remedial strategies were assessed using cost–benefit analysis, including using environmental economics techniques to quantify social and environmental impacts. The economic model showed that methods such as capping in‐place or engineered encapsulation were superior to full excavation and disposal from financial and sustainability perspectives. Quantified external costs and benefits such as road damage, greenhouse gas emissions, public nuisance and safety, and community amenity value were influential in identifying superior options. It was demonstrated that $0.2 million of societal costs could be avoided by choosing capping over landfill disposal. This represents substantial implications when viewed in the context of this and other operators’ portfolios of hundreds of abandoned wells in the area. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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