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Meiotic abnormalities have been studied in Siberian spruce growing in the Southern Urals under different ecological conditions: in contrasting natural landscapes (high mountains, plains, river valleys and floodplains), in zones of natural geochemical anomalies, and in areas with different levels of industrial pollution. The results provide evidence for an adverse effect of technogenic pollution and extreme environmental factors on the process of microsporogenesis in the species studied.  相似文献   

Changes in the anatomical characters of ectomycorrhiza in Siberian fir and Siberian spruce were studied in natural forests polluted with heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, As, and Fe) and sulfur dioxide. As technogenic load increased, the total radius of mycorhiza terminals and plant roots included in them increased in the organic horizon and decreased in the mineral part of the soil. The absolute thickness of fungal mycorhiza caps and their relative contribution to the total volume of consuming organs increased under pollution. The observed responses were regarded as adaptive, aimed at compensating the adverse effects caused by technogenic pollution.  相似文献   

The phylogenogeographic structure, polymorphism, and differentiation of Pinus sylvestris L. have been studied for the first time by means of allozyme analysis of 143 populations along a network of transects covering the entire species range. The results show that the species in general is characterized by a significant level of differentiation, regardless of its relative uniformity in northern and central parts of the range. Nei??s genetic distances between populations and their gradients in the extreme southern parts of the range, where it has an insular pattern, are seven to eight times greater than in the northern, ??glacial?? zone. Three Pleistocene refugia for the species have been revealed in the Balkans, Southern Urals, and Northern Mongolia. Using analysis of genetic distances between 18 phylogeographic regions and an original genosystematic scale, one subspecies, five geographic races and nine geographic population groups have been distinguished in the P. sylvestris L. species structure.  相似文献   

Pollution distribution maps of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) for Erzurum province were developed on the basis of chemical analysis of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles collected from randomly selected sampling points during 2 years. The maps show deposition zones for the studied elements and could help in identification of sources and directions of air pollution dispersion. This study indicated that vegetation in Erzurum was greatly endangered by sulphur dioxide (SO(2)), whereas Zn does not pose an immediate threat to vegetation in most of the country's territory. However, in the city center, main and secondary road agglomeration, very high pollution with Pb and Cu could limit growth. Higher levels of SO(2) measured in some areas of Erzurum might be harmful for human and animal health. Results of this study indicated that Scots pine needles were not contaminated by Zn.  相似文献   

The results of demographic studies on Crepis tectorum L. populations from polluted and clean habitats are presented. They show that these populations significantly differ from each other in a number of parameters, including the seasonal dynamics of seed germination, the number of generations, the time of plant transition to reproduction, and the rate of generation succession in general. These data provide evidence that populations of annual or biennial plants can employ different survival strategies when growing under conditions of pollution or its absence.  相似文献   

Generalizations are made on the basis of results obtained in the course of long-term, stationary quantitative studies on phenogenetic divergence of P. sylvestris populations growing in an upland bog and the adjacent dry land area in the pre-forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. Contrasting differences between the two edaphoecotopes and almost complete phenological reproductive isolation of populations from year to year are demonstrated. It has been found that root morphogenesis in the F 1 progeny of pine from the bog population grown under uniform ecological conditions in the dry land area is characterized by elimination of the vertical phenotype, with the alternative lateral phenotype type being dominant in 7- to 22-year seedlings. Significant allozyme differentiation and distinct chorological boundary between the dry-land and bog populations have been revealed. The hypothesis of their genetic divergence in the Holocene is proposed, with this phenomenon being explained by the cumulative effect of disruptive selection and strict reproductive isolation in two contrasting environments.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal ingrowth collars were used to study the effect of tree species on the seasonal dynamics of carbon dioxide flux from three major sources of soil respiration: (1) plant roots, (2) mycorrhizal hyphae, and (3) microorganisms. Distinct seasonality in carbon transport to mycorrhizae was revealed, with its highest values being observed during the second half of the growing season. The annual amount of C transferred through mycorrhizae did not differ between the two tree species, and the contribution of mycorrhizae to soil surface CO2 emission was about 20%.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - The forest-steppe ecotone in southern Siberia is the natural transition zone from the dry steppe in the south to the wetter taiga in the north, where tree growth is...  相似文献   

Nei's genetic distances (Nei, 1972, 1978) between 12 Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations were determined using isozyme analysis. The gradients of these distances along the 1500-km meridional transect in the Transural Region and Northern Turgai from the pre-forest-tundra subzone (the Synya River basin) to the southern steppe (the Naurzumskii forest) were calculated. We discovered that the genetic distance gradients (GDGs) progressively increase in the direction from the northern boundary of the range to the southern boundary of the forest-steppe zone and sharply increase in the insular forests growing in the steppe zone. The results of cluster analysis and Mahalanobis distance gradients with respect to a set of morphological characters of the cones provide evidence that Scotch pine populations of the forest zone share somewhat the same gene pool, whereas the group of Scotch pine populations in the insular forests of Northern Turgai is obviously differentiated phenogenetically from the insular forests of the Tobol region, which grow farther to the north.  相似文献   

An allozyme analysis of 67 Pinus sylvestris L. populations distributed over the entire species range has provided a basis for determining locations of 12 hypothetical Pleistocene refugia (HPRs) in its southern marginal part and estimating their relative contributions to the gene pools of seven phylogeographic population groups (PPGs) in the glaciated zone of the range. Using Nei’s (1978) minimum genetic distances (DN78 < 0.015) reflecting similarities and differences in allele frequencies between PPGs and the refugia, it has been shown that the main contributions to the P. sylvestris gene pool in Central Europe, Scandinavia, and the Russian Plain were probably made by the Balkan and Southern Ural refugia, and in Western and Central Siberia, by the Southern Ural, Turgai, and Southern Siberian mountain refugia.  相似文献   

The radial and vertical distributions of radiocaesium, potassium and calcium were determined in two Scots pine stands (17 and 58 yr old) similarly affected by the Chernobyl fallout. For both age classes, concentrations are always the lowest in the stemwood, highest in the inner bark and intermediary levels were observed for the outer bark. Due to the cumulative character of its biomass. however. stemwood is a long-term major reservoir of 137Cs. With tree development, changes in the 137Cs radial distribution are well described by variations in the sap ascent pattern and reveal an important transfer between tree rings. It is shown that. both the biomass evolution and knowledge of the evolution of the 137Cs radial gradient are important to predicting 137Cs accumulation in wood with time. According to the common transfer factor (TF) approach, one would expect a decrease in radiocaesium accumulation with time (from 0.0047 +/- 0.0013 to 0.0035 +/- 0.0008 m2kg(-1) for the 17 and 58 yr old trees, respectively). With the wood immobilisation potential (WIP) approach, it was, however, clearly shown that additional annual uptake was highest for the older stand (3.12 +/- 0.23 Bq cm(-3) yr(-1) for the 58-year-old stand compared to 1.99 +/- 0.30 Bq cm(-3) yr(-1) for the younger stand). Following the WIP approach, it was moreover possible to distinguish between the 137Cs incorporated via the root uptake process and a possible lasting effect of interception. It is shown that, whereas for the younger stand (5 yr old at the time of the accident) root uptake contributed exclusively to the wood contamination, the former process explained only 48% of the measured total 137Cs content in the wood of the older tree.  相似文献   

The development of concepts concerning the stability of aquatic ecosystem and their variation under conditions of toxic pollution and after its reduction is considered. General trends in ecosystem transformation are explained in terms of theoretical ecology and thermodynamic mechanisms of energy ordering in living systems. Basic symptoms of disorganization in ecosystems under extreme loads and of their regenerative self-organization are discussed. It is shown that the development of a new modification of an aquatic ecosystem after a decrease in toxic pollution complies with the pattern of ecosystem succession: from a natural ecosystem, via the critical stage, to its more stable but structurally different modification.  相似文献   

The population structure and biological parameters of the European whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), have been analyzed in a technogenically polluted water body. The biochemical state of the whitefish and the fauna and morphology of helminths parasitizing them have been assessed. It is shown that the species composition of the fish, plankton, benthos, and parasite faunas of this water body are depleted and the morphological parameters of common fish parasites are altered. It is noted that, in addition to adaptive rearrangements in biochemical metabolism, the whitefish from the transformed water body are characterized by a reduction in the level of protein synthesis in muscles and the rate of aerobic energy metabolism in the liver and muscles.  相似文献   

Based on 30-year monitoring of Ni2+ and Cu2+ concentrations in the organic horizon of Albic Rustic Podzols and the foliage of six plant species, a dynamic trend in the level of heavy metal accumulation in the components of forest ecosystems of the Kola Peninsula has been revealed against the background of five- to eightfold reduction of pollutant emissions. The direction of the trend has been found to differ: the size of polluted area and pollution level increase with time, while the concentrations of heavy metals in plants decrease due to reduction in their input from the polluted air.  相似文献   

Results of a comparative analysis of the frequency and spectrum of cytogenetic anomalies are presented for reproductive (seeds) and vegetative (needles) samples taken from Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) micropopulations growing at sites with differing levels of radioactive contamination in the Chernobyl NPP 30 km zone, and at the location of a facility for the processing and storage of radioactive wastes (the 'Radon' LWPE, near the town of Sosnovy Bor in the Leningrad Region). The data obtained indicate the presence of genotoxic contaminants in the environment of the tree micropopulations. Chemical toxins make the main contribution to the environmental contamination in the Sosnovy Bor area as compared with the influence of ionising radiation in the Chernobyl 30 km zone. The higher radioresistance of seeds of Scotch pine growing on the area of the 'Radon' LWPE and in the centre of Sosnovy Bor town was revealed with acute gamma-radiation.  相似文献   

Analysis of the reproductive dynamics ofCalliptamus italicus during the past 100 years confirmed the dependence of locust invasions on the 11-year cycles of solar activity, which was previously known for other gregarious locusts. Over a considerable part of the species range, the onset of mass reproduction is promoted by a hot and droughty spring and summer. The scale of the outbreak is determined by local conditions in the foci of reproduction. The current global warming is characterized by an unstable, drastically varying climate with a trend toward aridity in many regions. If this trend persists for several decades, we may expect an increase in the periods ofC. talicus mass reproduction and in the persistency and extent of damage inflicted by locusts on vast Palearctic areas.  相似文献   

Microcalorimetric, gasometric, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods have been used to evaluate heat production, gas exchange, and root membrane permeability in dandelion of different morphological forms from populations exposed to different levels of air pollution. The results show that these forms differ in the level of energy metabolism and that the form with a higher metabolic level (T. off. f. dahlstedtii) is more tolerant of air pollution with motor vehicle exhausts.  相似文献   

Anguilla anguilla L. were exposed to 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.9 and 2.7 microM abietic (AA), dehydroabietic (DHAA) acids and retene (Re) during 8, 16, 24 and 72 h. The eels plasma cortisol, glucose and lactate were measured. A significant decrease in plasma cortisol was observed at 72 h exposure to 0.9 and 2.7 microM Re. DHAA (0.1 microM) significantly decreased plasma cortisol in eels after 8 and 24 h exposure. However, a significant plasma cortisol increase was found after 16 h, 2.7 microM AA exposure and after 24 h exposure to 0.1 microM and 2.7 microM AA. Furthermore, 72 h exposure to 0.9 microM AA also induced a plasma cortisol increase. A general rise in plasma glucose was detected after all exposure periods to Re. The plasma lactate also increased after 72 h exposure to 2.7 microM AA and after 8 h exposure to 0.1 microM DHAA.  相似文献   

The influence of the Kosogorsky Metallurgical Plant (KMP; Tula region, Russia) on the abundance and biodiversity of carabid beetles and soil macrofauna and on the trophic activity of soil biota was studied. Metal concentrations in the impact plot were many times higher than those in the control plot located on the same transect. As the transect approached KMP, both the abundance of soil invertebrates (geobionts) and trophic activity of the soil biota remained unchanged, whereas the abundance and diversity of carabids (herpetobionts) decreased drastically. It is suggested that the impact of the KMP on herpetobionts is accounted for by modification of the structure of ecosystems and that herpetobiontic and geobiontic groups of the macrofauna respond differently to this impact because of differences in the ecological mechanisms of population response.  相似文献   

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