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We collected fish and mammals in several radioactively contaminated locations in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone and analyzed them for 137Cs content. Frequency distributions were built for populations of channel catfish, yellow-necked mice and bank voles. We combined our data with similar data from several other studies to demonstrate the relationship between the standard deviations and means of 137Cs of fish and mammal populations. The frequency distributions of 137Cs in populations of fish and mammals are not normal, as indicated by the strong relationship between standard deviation and mean. Distributions for mammals are more skewed than those for fish. Fish and mammals probably use their environments in fundamentally different ways. The highest concentrations and thus greatest risks are therefore confined to relatively few individuals in each population.  相似文献   

The geographic variation of the water vole Arvicola terrestris L. has been analyzed with respect to two linear combinations of craniometric characters with the highest additive heritability (h 2 = 0.59 and h 2 = 0.52). The greatest differences have been revealed between the territorially close montane and piedmont populations. The lowland and montane populations have proved to differ to the smallest extent, despite their spatial and altitudinal separation. Selection under extreme conditions that leads to similar phenotypic results may be based on the common genetic background of these populations, irrespective of considerable distances between them and different environmental conditions in their habitats.  相似文献   

为揭示城市化、工业化等人为活动对土壤环境质量的影响,选择能反映上海城郊乡梯度差异的中心城区、城郊结合部和远郊,采用地统计学方法对表层土壤样品Cu、Zn、Pb的空间变异结构和分布特征进行了对比分析。结果表明:城市土壤Pb、Cu、Zn的变异系数范围为0.24~0.62,均属中等变异强度。徐汇区土壤Cu、Pb、Zn符合正态分布,闵行区土壤Cu、Pb和Zn符合对数正态分布,奉贤区土壤Zn呈正态分布,土壤Cu、Pb符合对数正态分布。由中心城区到远郊,城市土壤Cu、Pb、Zn的各项统计特征值和变异系数均有较大差异,存在明显的空间分布差异。半方差函数分析结果表明,徐汇区作为中心城区,土壤Cu、Pb、Zn符合球状模型,土壤Cu、Zn具有强烈的空间相关性,土壤Pb具有明显的空间自相关。奉贤区以农业用地为主,土壤Pb符合线性模型,土壤Cu符合高斯模型,土壤Zn符合指数模型,具有强烈的空间相关性。闵行区地处城郊结合部,土壤Cu、Pb、Zn的半方差拟合模型均为线性模型,表现为纯块金形式,以随机变异为主,空间相关性弱。采用Kriging最优内插法进行无偏估值,绘制了表层土壤重金属含量的空间分布图,中心城区、城郊结合部、郊区土壤重金属的空间分布受城市化、工业化、城市交通等因素的影响,均表现出不同的空间分布规律。  相似文献   

武汉市外部空间形态分形特征演变规律研究   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
城市外部空间形态是城市空间要素自组织演变的外在表现,合理的外部空间形态有利于城市组成要素及其资源环境的稳定发展。空间形态的分维数在不同时间尺度上有其发展演变的规律,分维数的变化与人类活动有着密切的关系。以武汉市建国以来不同时段的城市外部形态为例,在GIS环境下研究外部形态信息图谱,提取各时期的分维数和人口、面积的统计数据,经拟合发现城市规模与外部形态分维数有密切的函数关系,并在此基础上建立“形态描述函数”,提出在城市发展时期,分维数可作为城市面积和人口规模的指示器,来预测城市空间扩展和演变的程度,以及利用分维数与社会经济因素的相关关系可以深入分析城市空间形态的发展机理。  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the cellulolytic activity of the soil microflora during the growing season (from May to September) has been studied in spruce-fir forests exposed to emissions from the Middle Ural Copper-Smelting Plant. It has been shown that the average rate of decomposition of pure cellulose in polluted areas is significantly reduced, with its spatial variation being markedly increased. The spatial pattern of cellulolytic activity remains stable during the growing season, and the integrated parameters of frequency distributions in zones with different pollution levels change with time in the same direction.  相似文献   

中国旅游扶贫地空间分布格局及成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
旅游扶贫试点村是中国实施旅游扶贫的重要载体,是精准扶贫理念的集中体现。本研究以全国560个旅游扶贫试点村为研究样本,综合运用空间分析、相关性分析等方法探究了中国旅游扶贫地的空间分布格局和成因。研究表明:1试点村在地理空间上呈现凝聚型分布状态,地带间分布差异较小,西部分布稍多于东部,中部相对最少,与传统认知上的贫困村分布格局存在错位现象。2试点村系统分形特征明显,存在局部围绕贫困山区集聚的情况,空间分布上呈现不等概率分布状态,分形结构较为复杂。3试点村分布密度最大区域为燕山-太行山、罗霄山、沂蒙山和武夷山-南岭山区,其次为六盘山、秦巴山、武陵山、大别山和滇桂黔等山区,且大都高密度分布在各省区边缘和交界地带,呈现"大集聚、小分散"的空间分布格局。4中国旅游扶贫地的空间格局的形成主要原因有旅游资源禀赋、地形海拔高度、交通因素及政府政策导向四个方面。5优质的旅游资源禀赋、较高的地形海拔高度、落后的交通条件以及强有力的地方政策支持可以作为试点村的评选标准;并从空间上建议增加中西部试点村布点;对空间上集聚在贫困山区的试点村其旅游扶贫应注意保护性开发利用原生态的自然环境,深挖地域文化符号;各省区边缘和交界地带试点村应加强区域旅游合作。最后结合试点村的分布和致贫的原因,把试点村划分为资源利用不足型、山地环境制约型、交通区位非优型、政策支持欠缺型四种类型,从而提出针对不同类型试点村旅游扶贫路径。  相似文献   

丝绸之路经济带横跨我国东部到西部,水土资源的空间分异特征明显,对该区域水土资源的空间分布格局和分异规律进行监测和评价,能有效地引导经济带开发的空间布局。基于GIS空间分析与统计数据定量分析,通过计算研究区各地级市的后备可利用土地资源和水资源进行分析:(1)后备可利用水土资源总量的空间分布特征及其地域分异规律;(2)人均后备可利用水土资源的空间分布格局和资源丰度分异规律;(3)人均后备可利用土地资源与水资源的分布匹配程度,以及区域人均后备可利用水土资源的空间分异规律分析。结果表明:研究区共有后备可利用土地资源309 849.6 km~2,后备可利用水资源1 512.21亿m~3;后备可利用水土资源人均占有量呈现由南往北、由西向东递减的趋势,水土资源空间分布不均,且土地资源与水资源的空间分布不相匹配。  相似文献   

《Environment international》2012,38(8):1307-1320
Environmental risks are traditionally assessed and presented in non spatial ways although the heterogeneity of the contaminants spatial distributions, the spatial positions and relations between receptors and stressors, as well as the spatial distribution of the variables involved in the risk assessment, strongly influence exposure estimations and hence risks. Taking into account spatial variability is increasingly being recognized as a further and essential step in sound exposure and risk assessment. To address this issue an innovative methodology which integrates spatial analysis and a relative risk approach was developed. The purpose of this methodology is to prioritize sites at regional scale where a preliminary site investigation may be required. The methodology aimed at supporting the inventory of contaminated sites was implemented within the spatial decision support sYstem for Regional rIsk Assessment of DEgraded land, SYRIADE, and was applied to the case-study of the Upper Silesia region (Poland).The developed methodology and tool are both flexible and easy to adapt to different regional contexts, allowing the user to introduce the regional relevant parameters identified on the basis of user expertise and regional data availability. Moreover, the used GIS functionalities, integrated with mathematical approaches, allow to take into consideration, all at once, the multiplicity of sources and impacted receptors within the region of concern, to assess the risks posed by all contaminated sites in the region and, finally, to provide a risk-based ranking of the potentially contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Environmental risks are traditionally assessed and presented in non spatial ways although the heterogeneity of the contaminants spatial distributions, the spatial positions and relations between receptors and stressors, as well as the spatial distribution of the variables involved in the risk assessment, strongly influence exposure estimations and hence risks. Taking into account spatial variability is increasingly being recognized as a further and essential step in sound exposure and risk assessment. To address this issue an innovative methodology which integrates spatial analysis and a relative risk approach was developed. The purpose of this methodology is to prioritize sites at regional scale where a preliminary site investigation may be required. The methodology aimed at supporting the inventory of contaminated sites was implemented within the spatial decision support sYstem for Regional rIsk Assessment of DEgraded land, SYRIADE, and was applied to the case-study of the Upper Silesia region (Poland). The developed methodology and tool are both flexible and easy to adapt to different regional contexts, allowing the user to introduce the regional relevant parameters identified on the basis of user expertise and regional data availability. Moreover, the used GIS functionalities, integrated with mathematical approaches, allow to take into consideration, all at once, the multiplicity of sources and impacted receptors within the region of concern, to assess the risks posed by all contaminated sites in the region and, finally, to provide a risk-based ranking of the potentially contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Male and female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) were compared with respect to seasonal variation in hippocampus size and dynamics of spatial behavior during the annual population cycle. The winter decrease in the size of the hippocampus (the brain region involved in the processing of spatial information about the environment) in young autumn-born voles coincided in time with reduction of their home ranges and did not differ significantly between males and females. The growth of the hippocampus in spring, after winter regression, was higher in males (19–28% in different populations) than in females (8–20%) and coincided with an increase in spatial activity, which was also more distinct in males. A significantly greater hippocampus size in males during the breeding period correlated with their higher mobility (reflected in capture rate) and greater size of home ranges. Thus, parallel seasonal modulation of sex-related differences in hippocampus size and spatial behavior was revealed: sexual dimorphism in these characters was insignificant among young voles in autumn; disappeared in winter; manifested itself again, synchronously in both characters, in early spring (with the onset of puberty); and reached a peak in summer.  相似文献   

Results of stationary studies on the spatial location of sables (Martes zibellinaL.) belonging to different age and sex groups are summarized. Mapping the sites where 388 animals were taken, it was found that young animals tended to live near floodplains; adult animals, on watersheds. Analysis of sables taken by commercial hunters (n= 1833) made it possible to estimate the age composition and the degree and spatial distribution of the hunting pressure on sable populations in three areas of the Ob region. The spatial separation of young and reproductive animals is interpreted as a group adaptive response to the specific distribution pattern of different habitats typical of this species and to the pattern of animal elimination. It is proposed to use the specific pattern of animal distribution for maintaining the size of the population that is subject to hunting. Specifically, reserve (reproductive) territories should be organized in watershed areas.  相似文献   

Some up-to-date methods of analysis of the spatial and age structures of populations, including local population density maps and Ripley’s functions, are described using 20 cenopopulations (CPs) of Adonis vernalis L. as an example. Pregenerative plants have been found to be the most contagious, irrespective of climatic and phytocenotic conditions and land use type. The spatial distribution pattern and structure of A. vernalis are mainly determined by generative plants forming a tussock, irrespective of the climate and vegetation type. This is explained by higher competitiveness of generative plants, which results in a reduced vegetation density at small distances from them (25–50 cm). Within wider areas, plant distribution may be random due to uniformity of local conditions in microhabitats. The formation of distinct plant aggregations is accounted for by insufficient water supply and the intensity and type of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the seasonal evolution of the spatial distributions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, in relation to the estimation of the N and P loads, which were obtained in the framework of the DRAIN project. Such investigation is carried out by using a 3D reaction-diffusion model which has been calibrated against salinity data and then used for obtaining the most likely scenario of the spatial and seasonal distribution of DIN and DIP. The consequences of different management policies are also discussed, in relation to the current Italian legislation, which sets quality standards for both DIN and DIP in the lagoon of Venice.  相似文献   

Between 1998 and 2005, specific features of spatiotemporal distribution of small mammals in transformed habitats were studied using the example of the bank vole living in a gradient of chemical environmental pollution (the Middle Urals). Technogenic degradation of spruce-fir forests proved to entail significant changes in the spatial structure and abundance of vole populations. Differences in colonization of disturbed and intact territories by bank voles at different stages of population dynamics were revealed.  相似文献   

运用聚集分形模型,将近10年分为4个研究时间点,从时空距离探讨江苏全省及其3大区域的高等级景区系统的聚集分形演化特征。结果显示:(1)各区域景区系统均呈聚集态,且苏北和苏中的聚集程度高于苏南与全省;(2)各区域景区系统都在向均匀模式演变;(3)各区域景区系统基于时间距离的空间结构比基于空间距离的结构,更接近于均匀模式;(4)苏北与苏中各区域内景区之间的交通网络水平低于苏南与全省;(5)各区域景区系统基于时间距离的演变,快于本区域基于空间距离的演变速度。研究结论可为江苏景区空间的合理布局提供一定的参考  相似文献   

岷江上游植被生境适应性空间分异格局的间隙度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解岷江上游不同植被生境适宜性类型在整体和局部上的空间分异格局对植被生境管理和修复具有非常重要的意义。基于岷江上游4类植被生境适宜性类型空间分布图借助分形和贝叶斯理论,建立间隙度指数模型和多水平贝叶斯模型,实现定量表征不同植被生境适宜性类型在整体和局部空间上的聚簇和分异程度。结果表明:1)汶川在Ⅰ~Ⅳ类、Ⅲ类和Ⅳ类生境适宜性下的间隙度指数最大,其对应的空间分异尺度为3 000 m(即为30倍网格边长,网格边长为100 m)、2 900 m、2 800 m,而松潘在Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类型下的间隙度指数最大,其空间分异尺度为3 000 m、2 700 m。2)Ⅰ~Ⅳ类、Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类生境适宜性分别在汶川、松潘和理县的间隙度维数最大,空间格局聚簇性较小,进一步证明空间分异尺度较大,而Ⅲ类和Ⅳ类生境适宜性在茂县的间隙度维数最大。岷江上游植被生境空间分异格局的间隙度分析,可以为研究生境空间格局及其生境管理尺寸在整体和局部上的差异提供必备的条件和依据。  相似文献   

The spatial structure of 10 populations of rare orchid species (Dactylorhiza incarnata, D. traunsteineri, Listera ovata) has been studied in rich fens sporadically occurring in Murmansk oblast. Two levels of plant aggregation within populations have been distinguished: (1) clusters of individuals and (2) isolated population subsets consisting of clusters. General spatial demographic features of orchid populations in the fens are small area (77 m2) and low ecological density (0.009 ind./m2). Characteristics of the population subsets (their number, area, composition, and distance to the neighboring subset) are species-specific and reflect the degree of species rarity in plant communities.  相似文献   

When characterizing environmental radioactivity, whether in the soil or within concrete building structures undergoing remediation or decommissioning, it is highly desirable to know the radionuclide depth distribution. This is typically modeled using continuous analytical expressions, whose forms are believed to best represent the true source distributions. In situ gamma ray spectroscopic measurements are combined with these models to fully describe the source. Currently, the choice of analytical expressions is based upon prior experimental core sampling results at similar locations, any known site history, or radionuclide transport models. This paper presents a method, employing multiple in situ measurements at a single site, for determining the analytical form that best represents the true depth distribution present. The measurements can be made using a variety of geometries, each of which has a different sensitivity variation with source spatial distribution. Using non-linear least squares numerical optimization methods, the results can be fit to a collection of analytical models and the parameters of each model determined. The analytical expression that results in the fit with the lowest residual is selected as the most accurate representation. A cursory examination is made of the effects of measurement errors on the method.  相似文献   

In most studies quantifying the migration parameters - apparent migration velocity and apparent dispersion coefficient - of radionuclides in the soil by model calculations, these parameters are determined for undisturbed soils. For soils disturbed by ploughing, however, no such data are available in the literature. Therefore, in the present study, the migration parameters of (137)Cs, (60)Co and (226)Ra were estimated for ploughed soils by means of a convection-dispersion model. The depth distributions of the radionuclides were determined in four lysimeters (area: 1m(2), depth of soil monolith: 0.75m) filled with artificially contaminated soils of different types in July 1990. The lysimeters were cropped with agricultural plants. The soil in each lysimeter was ploughed manually once a year until 1996 (plough depth 20cm). In July 1999, soil samples were collected from three pits in each lysimeter. The depth distributions of all radionuclides proved to be very similar in each soil pit. The spatial variability of the depth distributions of a given radionuclide within the lysimeters was about the same as their variability between the four lysimeters. Evaluation of the migration parameters revealed that the convective transport of the radionuclides was always rather small or even zero, while the dispersive transport caused a "melting" process of the initially sharp activity edge at the lower border of the Ap horizon. These results are explained by the high evapotranspiration (80-90% of the total precipitation plus irrigation) and the small amounts of seepage water during the observation period of 9 years.  相似文献   

生态潜力是衡量多种生态因子综合配合效果的指标。金沙江流域(云南段)从上游到下游地貌类型多样,地形、土壤物化特性差异明显,导致流域内各地貌单元的生态潜力值空间分布特征不一样。GIS的强大空间分析功能,为流域内复杂的生态潜力空间分布规律研究提供了快捷的分析工具。利用ArcGIS空间分析软件,在植被分类图的基础上,对金沙江流域(云南段)生态潜力进行三维透视、空间变异规律等研究。并在此基础上,选取土壤因子,分别对流域内不同地貌单元的生态潜力与土壤空间分布相关性进行了对比研究。结果表明,流域的生态潜力总体上往西北方向递增;变异函数分析得出流域内的生态潜力具有各向异性特点,且生态潜力沿流域走向具有很好的空间自相关性;土壤类型在生态潜力的空间分布特征上具有一定的控制作用。研究中所使用的GIS技术与方法,特别是三维透视与变异函数的应用,为其它地区的类似研究提供了参考;另外,计算得出的金沙江流域生态潜力的分布规律,为该区域的生态保护提供了一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

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