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论述了袋除尘器和电袋复合除尘器的工作原理,以清灰方式对袋式除尘器进行了分类,阐述了几种类型袋式除尘器的优缺点;指出电袋复合除尘器是特定背景下的阶段性产物,电晕放电过程中产生的臭氧对滤袋使用寿命会产生不利影响;强调了建立合理的烟气流场是袋式除尘器稳定可靠运行的关键。  相似文献   

黔"西电东送"的电力供给与市场需求可靠性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
贵州省经济发展滞后,但电力资源丰富。发展电力,将贵州省的能源资源优势转化为经济优势,是振兴贵州经济的希望所在。结合贵州西电东送的优势,从供给与需求出发分析了"黔电送粤"的市场可靠性,以及西电东送对贵州经济的拉动作用。  相似文献   

我国火电脱硫市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国火电脱硫市场发展的良好条件和机遇,测算了今后十年市场发展的容量,并指出影响脱硫市场发展的因素。  相似文献   

Bushmeat hunting, a key source of dietary protein, has been implicated as a major extinction threat to tropical vertebrate species in West Africa. Ideally, any such hunting of wild species should be done sustainably, with off-take levels low enough to ensure viability of harvested species. Recent work purports to show that a mature bushmeat market in a major city in Ghana operates sustainably after depletion of vulnerable, slow-reproducing species (Cowlishaw and others 2005). I revisit two aspects of this work. First, I retest the prediction that larger species are transported to the market from greater distances, as expected if overexploitation depletes large species close to the city. Cowlishaw and others failed to find a significantly positive relationship between species-specific body mass and distance between capture site and the market. However, my reanalysis provides evidence for a positive relationship after all, consistent with unsustainable harvesting. In particular, ungulate species were harvested significantly farther from the market than smaller-bodied rodent species. Second, I caution that just because species “persist” in the marketplace in no way implies that they can withstand hunting pressure elsewhere and so should be of little concern to conservationists. I reveal that such species, despite their high intrinsic rates of population growth, are not robust elsewhere. Several of them have disappeared from a network of protected areas in Ghana (Brashares and others 2001). I show that faster-reproducing species are not necessarily more likely to persist in protected areas. The mere presence of fast-reproducing species in a mature bushmeat market should not be construed as generalizable robustness; criteria for ecological sustainability should ensure viability; and harvested species should be robust, not highly prone to extinction, in protected areas.  相似文献   

张琼  李进  王娜 《环境技术》2004,22(4):5-8,13
在我国,燃煤电厂水力冲灰系统的结垢是一个普遍存在的问题。通过对华北地区两个电厂冲灰系统流程、运行工况的调查及冲灰系统沿程各点的水质分析,利用CaCO3沉淀势作为判断依据,分析了其中一电厂冲灰系统严重结垢而另一电厂冲灰系统结垢不显著的原因,为电厂开展水力除灰管道的防垢及采取防垢措施提供依据。  相似文献   

火电厂氮氧化物控制标准、政策分析及研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制订污染物的排放标准及控制政策是治理环境污染的主要措施之一,世界各国针对火电厂氮氧化物(NOx)排放量分别制订了适合各国国情的控制政策及排放标准。通过对美国、欧盟及日本等世界主要发达国家及地区火电厂氮氧化物排放控制对策的分析,提出了对我国火电厂氮氧化物排放控制政策的建议。  相似文献   

Though characterized by a scarcity of water, West Asia and North Africa region has a large number of wetlands of various types supporting a rich biodiversity. However, the government efforts to reverse the trend of wetlands degradation fall short of the policy goals due to various reasons. The paper outlines the priorities for wetlands conservation in the region.  相似文献   

The provision of water supply and sanitation services requires a judicious balance of technological, organizational, managerial and legal measures. National policies should be spelled out and embodied in national sectoral planning, produced under the direction of a co-ordinating central body. Implementation agencies should follow the plan and directives laid down by the sectoral plan. Planning criteria for programme and project assessment should emphasize the need to consider different alternatives for augmentation of available water supplies. Sectoral planning and organization of executing agencies must take into account the active participation and support of users. Operation and maintenance can be improved through appropriate monitoring, rehabilitation and special training. Adequate operation, maintenance and rehabilitation will reduce investment needs. Legal rules should be precise, flexible and objective-orientated. Properly designed education campaigns are the most cost-effective alternative for improving drinking-water supply and sanitation programmes.  相似文献   

着重对电-袋复合除尘器存在的PPS滤袋短期内出现非寿命期大面积损坏的原因,以及针对电-袋复合除尘工艺技术中的部分不同意见,进行了进一步的分析和探讨;提出电-袋复合除尘器与袋式除尘器在技术经济上并没有特殊优势,且电-袋复合除尘器在应用中已发现了一些重大问题,因而应引起有关重视,在选择采用这种工艺技术时要慎重。  相似文献   

电是当今社会不可或缺的能源,电能质量也随之被人们熟知。但各类电子设备的广泛应用,使谐波问题。它可以对电力系统、供配电系统造成一系列安全隐患,它的非线性、随机性、影响因素的复杂性可形成不可预知的潜在威胁。本文就三次谐波这一问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

文章阐述了近期我国火电厂烟气脱硫行业的进展及发展中存在的问题,并提出了具体改进建议。  相似文献   

国家环保总局日前通报了“两控区”(酸雨控制区和二氧化硫控制区)“十五”计划重点火电厂脱硫项目的进展情况,公布了46家尚未启动脱硫项目的火电厂名单,要求加大对火电厂脱硫的监管力度,最大限度地削减二氧化硫排放量。  相似文献   

The emissions guidelines for power plants in India are comparable to those of many other developed and developing nations, and in some cases are more stringent. But India's environmental impact assessment and enforcement practices need to be improved. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

近年来,部分燃煤电厂采用了电-袋复合除尘器,通过对33台电-袋复合除尘器的调查分析,结果发现在2年半内就发生了大量破袋而全部更换,其原因是前级电除尘器产生臭氧使烟气中NO2、SO3等含量有所增加,引起下游的滤袋大面积强度下降导致大量破损。所以在推广应用中要慎重,避免造成不必要的损失。  相似文献   

火电厂湿法石灰石/石膏烟气脱硫工程综合经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2×300MW火力发电机组所配湿法石灰石/石膏烟气脱硫装置为例,进行综合经济分析。  相似文献   

安徽是养殖大县,随着畜牧业"千区万场规范养殖推进工程"的实施,在三年内,生猪年出栏达4000万头,禽类养殖9亿只。由此每年产生畜禽粪便近12亿吨,粪便的化学需氧量排放达510万吨,超过了工业废水和生活污水的排放量。  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂应对气候变化采取的CO2减排技术路线和适合燃煤电厂的CO2捕集技术,调查了对当前燃煤电厂捕碳项目和清洁煤技术的发展情况.  相似文献   

本文通过研究汽车电源异常现象的来源,结合ISO 16750-2及各大车厂的要求,对各种汽车电源异常现象进行了分类和全面的阐述,使大家对ISO 16750-2有更加深入的理解。同时对ISO 16750-2:2010中出现的几个标误进行了分析说明,可供实验室和相关产品的供需双方参考。  相似文献   

The most widespread invasive alien plant species in South Africa’s Kruger National Park (KNP) were either introduced unintentionally along rivers and roads, or intentionally for use as ornamentals. We examine the spatial distribution of ornamental alien plants in KNP, look at the link between human population size, history, and species richness, and show how the distribution of particular species reflects the likely history of ornamental plantings. Results are used to assess whether past management actions have been appropriately directed. Two hundred and fifty-eight alien species have been recorded in the 36 tourist camps and staff villages. The number of staff housed in villages explains much of the diversity of cultivated alien plant species. Older camps also tend to have more ornamental alien plant species. However, the lack of a strong link between camp age and number of cultivated species suggests that ornamental plants have been widely spread around the KNP by humans. We also show that increased camp activity (either size or age) has led to more ornamental species, while, with the notable exception of Skukuza, camp activity has had a much smaller effect on the number of noncultivated species. Noncultivated species tend to be naturally dispersed, as opposed to directly spread by humans between camps. Past management prioritized certain species on the basis of their potential to invade KNP and on the prevailing national legislation. These species were removed manually and follow-up control was carried out. Once the priority species were deemed to be under control, less invasive species were targeted. All alien species were removed from vacated houses, regardless of the potential invasiveness of the species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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