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In August of 2003 a severe wildfire burnt the majority of Fishtrap Creek, a 170 km2 catchment in central British Columbia, Canada. The objective of this study was to determine the short-term (15-month) influence of the wildfire on the amount and composition of fine sediment delivery and retention in the system and to compare it to a similar unburnt catchment. In the spring of 2004 automatic water samplers were installed at a gauging site on Fishtrap Creek to collect suspended sediments from the snowmelt runoff and gravel traps were deployed on the channel bed surface to collect composite samples of suspended fine sediment. Jamieson, the reference creek, exhibits similar geology and pre-burn vegetation and was sampled in the same manner for comparison. Composite suspended sediment collected in the traps was removed from the streams in mid-summer and early September. Quantitative estimates of the amount and particle size structure of the naturally stored fine sediment in, and on, the gravel creekbed were obtained in pre-melt, mid and late-summer conditions. Estimates of suspended sediment yields indicated that while the burnt system delivered 66% more material per unit area, the total seasonal suspended sediment yield was low (855 kg km−2) compared to other fire-disturbed systems. While the burnt catchment was primed to deliver sediment, the hydrologic drivers were not of sufficient magnitude to generate a substantial response, suggesting that in this first post-fire year the system was transport-limited, not supply-limited. Differences were noted in the spatial and seasonal composition of the <500 more OM% composite suspended sedimentswith the burnt catchment having significantly (P≤0.05) more OM%. Seasonally a significant increase of OM% in late summer samples was associated with instream biofilms and possible delivery of black carbon. The system’s post-fire response was not geomorphically substantial but significant biological differences were noted in the short-term.  相似文献   

An in situ erosion flume was used to measure the stability of sediment deposits in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, Canada. The flume consists of a rectangular duct with an opening at the bottom. A submerged pump attached to the downstream end of the flume circulates the ambient water through the flume, thereby generating turbulent shear flows inside the flume. When the flume rests on a sediment deposit, the exposed part of the sediment deposit is subjected to the flow shear stress. By applying a continually increasing flow shear stress on the sediment deposit and by measuring the amount of sediment erosion, it is possible to assess the erosional stability of the sediment deposits. An under water video camera was mounted on the flume to get visual images of the sediment erosion process. The flume was used at two sites in the Harbour. The erosional resistances measured by the flume for the two sites were different. Measurement of dry density of the sediment deposits using an ultrasonic device was carried out to explain the differences in the stability of sediment deposits from the two sites.  相似文献   

Specific polymeric material applications as bioactive molecules delivery systems involve a strictly controlled degradation of polymer matrixes. One possibility to obtain a zero-order kinetic for small molecules release consists in a simple hydrolysis of ester groups contained in the macromolecular structure. The chemical degradation can lead to the continuous surface erosion of the formulated resins without loss of their mechanical properties and to a permanent activity of the delivery systems. Hydrolysis is a very well-known reaction in the case of organic molecules containing ester groups. The mechanism seems to be more complicated when ester groups are located in macromolecular structures. With the aim of antifouling applications, acrylic acid polymers bearing lateral ester groups of different chemical structures (hydrophilic, hydrophobic, hydrolyzable) have been prepared, characterized, and immersed in water, at pH 8, and their hydrolysis has been studied. Experimental data display two parameters, at least, which must be taken into account: the reactivity of the ester groups toward hydrolysis and the hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance of the polymer. The susceptibility of the acrylic polymers to hydrolysis has been compared to the erosion characteristics of the corresponding films. The results confirm that hydrolysis is necessary to obtain a regular degradation of the films without loss of mechanical properties. A relationship has been observed between the characteristics of hydrolysis and erosion for each studied polymer.  相似文献   

Ranunculus spp. are the dominant plants of lowland chalk stream habitats in England. The spatial variability of sediment characteristics (silt–clay, organic matter, total phosphorus and total nitrogen content) within stands of Ranunculus spp. was investigated in 12 rivers in lowland England. Variability was found to be high and there were no discernible differences between samples taken from within Ranunculus and a limited number of samples from bare substrate. For two of these rivers, comparisons were also made between reaches upstream and downstream of waste water treatment works outfalls in terms of the characteristics of the sediments within Ranunculus stands. In one river a clear increase in sediment nutrient, fine and organic material content was observed downstream but in the other there was no consistent difference. Temporal variability was considered for two rivers in the Frome catchment, Dorset, by analysing the monthly variability in sediment organic matter and silt–clay content beneath Ranunculus stands over an annual cycle of growth and die-back. Whilst a clear pattern of fine and organic material retention consistent with seasonal plant growth patterns was evident at one site, the three sites displayed different temporal patterns. This inconsistency is believed to reflect differences in sediment supply at the three sites.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine a suite of four metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu) in the sediment, porewater and a pioneer plant (Juncus bulbosus) of Lusatian lignite mining lakes in eastern Germany. An attempt was made to understand the factors which affect element concentrations in the above- and below-ground biomass of Juncus bulbosus in an extreme environment. Water samples, sediments, porewater and plant material collected from two different mining lakes dominated by Juncus bulbosus species were analyzed for their elemental content. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and an energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector were used to follow the internal metal distribution in the roots of Juncus plant. Results showed that sediment and porewater element concentrations in the lakes decreased in the order Fe > Mn > Zn and Cu. All the four elements were higher in the roots than in above-ground tissues, suggesting that iron plaque induced on roots under anaerobic conditions served as a metal reservoir, but not as an ultimate mechanism to control metal concentrations in the above-ground tissues. SEM and EDX analyses revealed that the rhizodermis, exodermis and endodermis cells regulate the traffic of transition metals and therefore avoid excess levels that are toxic to the plant in acidic mining-impacted lake sediments.  相似文献   

Since nearly one hundred years Traunsee experiences the import of tons of liquid and solid waste originating from salt and soda production. Today, the lake exhibits chloride concentrations of up to 170 mg L-1 and 19% of the lake floor are directly or indirectly influenced by industrial deposits (ID). Based on the comparison of several microbial parameters in unaffected, directly affected and intermediate lake bottom sediments, the ecological integrity of the lake was evaluated. The highly alkaline ID, which were exclusively colonized by microorganisms, harbored a bacterial community reduced by a factor of 10 in abundance and biomass compared to undisturbed sediment areas within the lake. The bacterial community of ID was furthermore characterized by a reduced content of actively respiring cells (INT-formazan reduction), a lower frequency of dividing cells (FDC) and a significantly reduced cell and biomass production. A 80 to 90% reduction in carbon recycling is estimated for the area exclusively covered by ID. Protists, although occasionally absent from the industrial sediments, were in general found to be less sensitive to the contaminant stress. Differences in alkalinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations of sediment porewaters as well as the total organic content and C/N ratios of sediments partly explain the microbial pattern observed at the various sampling sites. Possible consequences of the continuous industrial tailings for the whole lake ecosystem and the validation of the ecological integrity are discussed.  相似文献   

脱硫增效剂与白泥在湿式FGD系统中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了脱硫增效剂和纯碱厂生产的废渣白泥在石灰石-石膏湿法脱硫系统中的应用,以已经实施投加增效剂和使用白泥为脱硫剂的电厂案例为基础进行技术经济分析与比较,对工艺改造方案选择给出了建议。  相似文献   

The cessation of production and replacement of cathode ray tube (CRT) displays with flat screen displays have resulted in the proliferation of CRTs in the electronic waste (e-waste) recycle stream. However, due to the nature of the technology and presence of hazardous components such as lead, CRTs are the most challenging of electronic components to recycle. In the State of Delaware it is due to this challenge and the resulting expense combined with the large quantities of CRTs in the recycle stream that electronic recyclers now charge to accept Delaware’s e-waste. Therefore it is imperative that the Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) understand future quantities of CRTs entering the waste stream. This study presents the results of an assessment of CRT obsolescence in the State of Delaware. A prediction model was created utilizing publicized sales data, a variety of lifespan data as well as historic Delaware CRT collection rates. Both a deterministic and a probabilistic approach using Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) were performed to forecast rates of CRT obsolescence to be anticipated in the State of Delaware. Results indicate that the peak of CRT obsolescence in Delaware has already passed, although CRTs are anticipated to enter the waste stream likely until 2033.  相似文献   

Hyporheic exchange is known to provide an important control on nutrient and contaminant fluxes across the stream-subsurface interface. Similar processes also mediate interfacial transport in other permeable sediments. Recent research has focused on understanding the mechanics of these exchange processes and improving estimation of exchange rates in natural systems. While the structure of sediment beds obviously influences pore water flow rates and patterns, little is known about the interplay of typical sedimentary structures, hyporheic exchange, and other transport processes in fluvial/alluvial sediments. Here we discuss several processes that contribute to local-scale sediment heterogeneity and present results that illustrate the interaction of overlying flow conditions, the development of sediment structure, pore water transport, and stream-subsurface exchange. Layered structures are shown to develop at several scales within sediment beds. Surface sampling is used to analyze the development of an armor layer in a sand-and-gravel bed, while innovative synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography is used to observe patterns of grain sorting within sand bedforms. We show that layered bed structures involving coarsening of the bed surface increase interfacial solute flux but produce an effective anisotropy that favors horizontal pore water transport while limiting vertical penetration.  相似文献   

以拟建的深圳某电厂为研究对象,从美化景观、生态环境改善、水土保持、防灾浅灾、提高人与自然的亲和性等角度出发,提出了具体的绿化、美化建设方案。  相似文献   

Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) were developed to protect water quality. In the eastern US, those BMPs were often expanded to include maintenance of site productivity. Generally, BMPs recommend the use of pre-harvest planning and careful design for construction of roads and other activities that expose bare soil, minimizing trafficking and areas of bare soil, maintaining streamside management zones, ensuring rapid revegetation following harvesting, minimizing soil disturbance, and ameliorating severe trafficking with site preparation. This review of peer-reviewed research from the past 20 years examined the effects of forest harvesting and site preparation on water quality and site productivity in the eastern US. The review was subdivided into areas having relatively similar physiography and land management (New England, Lake States, Appalachian Plateau, Ridge and Valley, Blue Ridge, Piedmont, Atlantic Coastal Plain, Gulf Coastal Plain, and Ouachitas-Ozarks). In general, data from steeper physiographic regions indicated that forest harvesting and site preparation can increase erosion, sediment and nutrient losses to streams. However, the quantities introduced into streams tended to be relatively low, generally below the values that are considered acceptable for alternative land uses. Also most research indicated that water quality recovers within two to five years following forest operation disturbances, particularly if BMPs are employed. Research from the less mountainous and often more poorly drained Lake States and Coastal Plain regions indicated that soil compaction and rutting may or may not cause site productivity effects, depending on soil types, natural ameliorative properties and site preparation. Overall, the research supports the forestry BMPs recommended in the eastern states.  相似文献   

The natural Park of Peñalara consists of a small mountainousarea near Madrid and includes a series of water bodies (fromsmall mountain lakes to temporary ponds and peat bogs), the mostknown of them being the so-called `Laguna Grande dePeñalara'. Due to growing numbers of visitors theenvironmental conditions of this lake started to decline in theearly 1970s because of: (1) the start of severe soil erosionprocesses; (2) the increase of nutrient load; and (3) theintroduction of a non-native fish species. Since the area wasprotected in 1990, several conservation and restoration projectsincluded in an integrated management plan have been developed. Here we summarise some of the results of these efforts: (1) controlled access of livestock and visitors to the area; (2) palaeolimnology studies aimed at inferring recent changes in thewatershed; and (3) monitoring of the limnological features of thesystem. Restoration of this lake and its watershed is intendedto serve as a model for the management of other severely alteredhigh mountain lakes.  相似文献   

A total of 26.1 Mg of residual waste from 3129 households in 12 Danish municipalities was analysed and revealed that 89.6 kg of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 11 kg of batteries, 2.2 kg of toners and 16 kg of cables had been wrongfully discarded. This corresponds to a Danish household discarding 29 g of WEEE (7 items per year), 4 g of batteries (9 batteries per year), 1 g of toners and 7 g of unidentifiable cables on average per week, constituting 0.34% (w/w), 0.04% (w/w), 0.01% (w/w) and 0.09% (w/w), respectively, of residual waste. The study also found that misplaced WEEE and batteries in the residual waste constituted 16% and 39%, respectively, of what is being collected properly through the dedicated special waste collection schemes. This shows that a large amount of batteries are being discarded with the residual waste, whereas WEEE seems to be collected relatively successfully through the dedicated special waste collection schemes. Characterisation of the misplaced batteries showed that 20% (w/w) of the discarded batteries were discarded as part of WEEE (built-in). Primarily alkaline batteries, carbon zinc batteries and alkaline button cell batteries were found to be discarded with the residual household waste. Characterisation of WEEE showed that primarily small WEEE (WEEE directive categories 2, 5a, 6, 7 and 9) and light sources (WEEE directive category 5b) were misplaced. Electric tooth brushes, watches, clocks, headphones, flashlights, bicycle lights, and cables were items most frequently found. It is recommended that these findings are taken into account when designing new or improving existing special waste collection schemes. Improving the collection of WEEE is also recommended as one way to also improve the collection of batteries due to the large fraction of batteries found as built-in. The findings in this study were comparable to other western European studies, suggesting that the recommendations made in this study could apply to other western European countries as well.  相似文献   

In the framework of the EUROSTRATAFORM projects, a multidisciplinary research was focused on processes that involve transport and deposition of riverine material in the Adriatic Sea. The aim of our contribution was to increase a more complete understanding of organic matter deposition on the Adriatic shelf, also taking into account the role of Apennine rivers beyond the Po influence. In order to characterize origin, fate and variability of sedimentary organic carbon we utilized elemental and stable carbon isotope data in surficial sediments along shallow cross-shelf transects on the western Adriatic shelf.  相似文献   

为研究内陆河流运输中危险化学品(危化品)泄漏后的扩散规律,建立了一种数值模拟方法,利用地图软件获得地理信息,建立对应模型后进行数学计算。以长江南京段八卦洲北汊为例,模拟3 000 t级非溶解性危化品运输船舶的泄漏扩散过程,分析不同时刻危化品泄漏扩散的形态变化。模拟结果表明,泄漏后27.5 min时,泄漏团数量超过40个,最大泄漏团面积接近1 800 m2,次生事故风险显著增加。  相似文献   

The process of eutrophication in form of intense plant growth has been observed in some lakes and water streams at the Plitvice Lakes National Park in central Croatia. Here we investigate whether this phenomenon is a consequence of anthropogenic pollution or due to naturally produced organic matter in the lakes. We applied chemical analysis of water at two springs and four lakes (nutrients, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), trace elements) and measurements of surface lake sediments (mineral and organic fraction analyses, trace elements) in four different lakes/five sites. The chemical composition of water does not indicate recent anthropogenic pollution of water because the concentrations of most trace elements are below detection limits. The concentrations of DOC and nutrients are slightly higher in the area of increased eutrophication-plant growth. Also the content of organic matter in the sediment is at the highest level in areas with highest C/N ratio indicating that the organic fraction of this sediment is mainly of terrestrial origin. There is no significant difference among the trace element concentration in the upper segment of all cores, deposited approximately during last 50 years when higher anthropogenic influence is expected due to development and touristic activity, and the lower part of the cores, corresponding to the period approximately 100–200 years before present. The content of trace elements and organic matter in sediments decreases from the uppermost lake downstream. According to our results there is no indication of recent anthropogenic pollution in water and sediment. Higher concentrations of DOC in water as well as phosphorus and some other elements in the lake sediment can be a consequence of input of natural organic matter to the lake water.  相似文献   

以建筑结构为基础,介绍了电除尘器结构的受力特点和除尘器结构的优化思路,达到以最优的结构设计最理想的产品的目的。  相似文献   

内蒙古鄂尔多斯双欣电力公司2×300 t/h循环流化床锅炉烟气除尘应用袋式除尘器,投运后除尘器一直存在运行阻力偏高、滤袋破损频繁问题,严重影响锅炉负荷。通过试验测试和数值模拟分析,对滤袋破损原因、烟气参数、除尘器结构型式和流场分布问题进行全面研究,提出科学合理的袋式除尘器改造优化方案;改造实施后,降低设备运行阻力700 Pa,降低引风机电耗,实现锅炉满负荷稳定运行,解决了滤袋破损问题,为企业节约运行成本,创造了经济效益。  相似文献   

废铅蓄电池是再生铅主要原料,铅蓄电池产量、进出口量、社会消费保有量,以及铅蓄电池消费使用领域与废铅蓄电池产生量有关。预测2015年废铅蓄电池产生量,并讨论我国再生铅产能规模,供再生铅产业结构调整与区域布局调整作参考。  相似文献   

资源循环科学与工程专业硕士毕业生存在规模小、科技创新能力不足、能力施展受限等问题,无法满足产业对高层次人才的需求。究其原因有:(1)新兴专业,其研究生导师队伍建设不健全,人才培养质量参差不齐;(2)交叉专业,其科技创新能力培养方向尚需融合凝练;(3)综合专业,其现有科研平台还不足以支撑学科发展,科技创新能力培养模式还没有完全形成。因此,本学科研究生培养单位应树立协同创新理念,坚持行业需求导向,充分挖掘办学特色和优势,凝练培养方向、完善以科技创新能力培养核心的研究生培养方案;加强师资队伍建设,建立健全科研平台;支持鼓励科技创新实践活动,做好学科前沿追踪;加强校校交流互动,提升硕士点认可度。  相似文献   

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