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Chorionic villus biopsy specimens were studied electron microscopically in six pregnancies at risk of the infantile type of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL). The biopsy was performed in all cases in the first trimester of pregnancy (8–10 gestation weeks) by the transcervical route. In one case, the biopsy was repeated at 17 weeks by the transabdominal procedure. In two pregnancies, the endothelial cells and, to a lesser extent, the mesenchymal cells of the chorionic villi contained unit membrane-bound inclusions typical of INCL. In both cases, the pregnancy was terminated and in one of them identical inclusions were found in the brains and kidneys of the fetus at 20 weeks of gestational age. The children from the remaining four pregnancies are healthy and have shown no signs of the disease.  相似文献   

The distribution of parasites is often characterised by substantial aggregation with a small proportion of hosts harbouring the majority of parasites. This pattern can be generated by abiotic and biotic factors that affect hosts and determine host exposure and susceptibility to parasites. Climate factors can change a host’s investment in life-history traits (e.g. growth, reproduction) generating temporal patterns of parasite aggregation. Similarly, host age may affect such investment. Furthermore, sex-biased parasitism is common among vertebrates and has been linked to sexual dimorphism in morphology, behaviour and physiology. Studies exploring sex-biased parasitism have been almost exclusively conducted on polygynous species where dimorphic traits are often correlated. We investigated the effects of season and life-history traits on tick loads of the monogamous eastern rock sengi (Elephantulus myurus). We found larger tick burdens during the non-breeding season possibly as a result of energetic constraints and/or climate effects on the tick. Reproductive investment resulted in increased larval abundance for females but not males and may be linked to sex-specific life-history strategies. The costs of reproduction could also explain the observed age effect with yearling individuals harbouring lower larval burdens than adults. Although adult males had the greatest larval tick loads, host sex appears to play a minor role in generating the observed parasite heterogeneities. Our study suggests that reproductive investment plays a major role for parasite patterns in the study species.  相似文献   

As an important secondary photochemical pollutant, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) has been studied over decades, yet its simulations usually underestimate the corresponding observations, especially in polluted areas. Recent observations in north China found unusually high concentrations of PAN during wintertime heavy haze events, but the current model still cannot reproduce the observations, and researchers speculated that nitrous acid (HONO) played a key role in PAN formation. For the first time we systematically assessed the impact of potential HONO sources on PAN formation mechanisms in eastern China using the Weather Research and Forecasting/Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model in February of 2017. The results showed that the potential HONO sources significantly improved the PAN simulations, remarkably accelerated the ROx (sum of hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and organic peroxy radicals) cycles, and resulted in 80%–150% enhancements of PAN near the ground in the coastal areas of eastern China and 10%–50% enhancements in the areas around 35–40°N within 3 km during a heavy haze period. The direct precursors of PAN were aldehyde and methylglyoxal, and the primary precursors of PAN were alkenes with C > 3, xylenes, propene and toluene. The above results suggest that the potential HONO sources should be considered in regional and global chemical transport models when conducting PAN studies.  相似文献   

光释光信号积分区间的选择对等效剂量(D e )的估算有重要影响。光释光衰减曲线并非单一的指数衰减,而由多个指数衰减函数组成,且每个衰减函数代表不同的信号组分。因矿物晶格陷阱类型不同,各组分有不同的衰减率、热稳定性等。本文对采自青藏高原东缘4个典型黄土分布区的黄土样品进行了系统的石英光释光组分分析和背景区间扣除研究。结果发现:(1)高原东缘黄土石英光释光信号由快、中、慢组分组成,并以快组分占主导,适合用单片再生剂量法测定等效剂量;(2)不同背景区间扣除对小于10 Gy样品等效剂量结果影响较小,误差范围内一致;(3)对大于10 Gy样品,选取早、晚不同背景区间扣除其等效剂量结果差异显著,两者差值占晚期背景扣除所得D e 值的10%—38%,且有随D e 值增加而增大的趋势,因此计算大于10 Gy样品D e 时应慎重选择积分区间。  相似文献   

Thyasiridae are one of the less studied groups of chemosymbiotic bivalves. Here, we investigated symbioses in three different thyasirid species collected at three cold seeps from the Atlantic and Mediterranean. Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences demonstrated that each thyasirid species harbours a single phylotype of symbiont that belongs to a distinct lineage of putative sulphur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria. This result is confirmed by other marker genes (encoding 23S rRNA and APS reductase) and fluorescence in situ hybridization. This work highlights the diversity of bacteria involved in symbiosis with thyasirids and underlines the relevance of this group as a target for future symbiosis studies.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter le vel changes of ducks exposed 8-month in a mercury-polluted site(Wanshan, China) and a reference site ( Shanghai, China) were examined. Chemical analyses showed both higher mercury and selenium concentrations in the organ of Wanshan ducks. An increased content of acetylcholine(ACh) in brain and blood and a decreased activity of acetylcholinesterase(AChE) in blood were observed. Moreover, there was an increasing trend for nitric oxide synthase(NOS) activity and nitric oxide(NO) production in duck brain, but a reduction of NOS activity in duck serum. The possible explanations were due to the interactive effect of selenium accumulation and the sublethal exposure level of mercury in Wanshan area. The present study showed that AChE and NOS were sensitive to mercury contamination of real circumstance, suggesting that these two indexes have the potential to be biomarkers in assessment of health effects by mercury contamination.  相似文献   

The release and accumulation dynamics of trace metals in soils and aquatic sediments were exemplarily investigated in the catchment area of the Reservoir Klingenberg(Germany). Catchment soils were examined for mobilizable and total concentrations of arsenic(As), cadmium(Cd), chrome(Cr), iron(Fe), manganese(Mn), nickel(Ni), lead(Pb),and zinc(Zn) and compared with trace metal quantities accumulated in riverbed and reservoir sediments. The comparison of all samples showed relatively small variations of Cr(7.96–46.0 mg/kg), Fe(7.79–40.4 g/kg), and Ni(6.06–56.5 mg/kg), while stronger differences were found for As(11.2–164 mg/kg), Cd(0.14–30.5 mg/kg), Mn(0.08–1.84 g/kg), Pb(20.7–183 mg/kg), and Zn(69.1–916 mg/kg). The catchment soils were slightly enriched by Cd, Pb, and Zn. Especially Cd and Zn were characterized by large mobilizable proportions.The mean trace metal concentrations in riverbed sediments were higher than in catchment soils, while reservoir sediments accumulated the highest amounts of the analyzed elements. The enrichment of trace metals in reservoir sediments was generally determined by the sedimentation of fine particles, while the distribution of As, Fe, and Mn was additionally impacted by redox conditions. For Cd and Zn, which in comparison were most enriched in riverbed and reservoir sediments, a significant release from soils by leaching processes was observed. The accumulation of As and Pb in reservoir sediments was influenced to a greater extent by soil erosion and by anthropogenic or chalcogen sources in the catchment.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical mesoscale air quality model is applied to study the effect of pollutant recirculation in the eastern Mediterranean, southern coastal plain of Israel. The model is based on the integration of two submodels: a mesoscale submodel and a Lagrangian dispersion submodel. The model is validated using air quality data measured during a severe pollution event in the city of Ashdod. When the recirculated portion of the pollution was separated from that directly contributed by the sources, it was found to constitute about 50% of the total concentration measured.  相似文献   

IntroductionTheannelidPiscicolageometra(L)otherwiseknownasfishleechisacommonparasiteoffreshwaterfishes.Someareectoparasiticonpoikilothermicandhomoeothermicvertebratessuchasamphibians ,molluscs,andworms ,feedingontheirblood(Cheng ,1973;Duijn ,1973)causingconside…  相似文献   

空间自相关分析可以揭示变量的空间聚集性质.基于中国东部城市群的日空气质量指数(AQI)数据,研究了AQI的空间自相关特征.同时,考虑到日AQI的空间非平稳性,分析分成两步进行.首先,对每个城市的日AQI序列建立时间序列模型,进而获得其标准残差序列;然后再基于残差项进行空间自相关分析,计算其全局Moran's I指数和局域Moran's I指数.结果表明,全局Moran's I指数体现出明显的季节变化特征,呈现出冬季高而夏季低的以年为周期的循环变化.通过分析局域Moran's I指数,发现中国东部城市群存在2个值得重视的高空间自相关区域:京津冀地区和长三角地区.由于残差项体现的是气象条件的影响,因此,大面积的高自相关区体现了邻近城市群空气质量对气象条件变化的同步响应特征.  相似文献   

污泥电子传递体系(ETS)活性测定中萃取剂的选择   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
比较了丙酮、乙醇、正丁醇、磷酸三丁酯、乙酸乙酯、甲苯和三氯甲烷等7种萃取剂检测活性污泥电子传递体系(ETS)活性的特性.结果表明,这7种萃取剂制作标准曲线的性能相近;在实际污泥样品检测中,37℃下丙酮的萃取时间仅需10min,待测样品量相同时,其萃取速度约是其它萃取剂的4~22倍,37℃下丙酮萃取污泥样品中三苯基甲脂(TF)的能力大于其它萃取剂在37℃或90℃下的萃取能力,同时以丙酮作萃取剂测定的污泥电子传递体系活性也最大,说明丙酮是污泥电子传递体系活性测定中萃取剂的最佳选择.  相似文献   

电子自旋共振(ESR)法是一种用于直接测量和研究含有未成对电子的顺磁性物质的分析方法。ESR测年是应用这种分析方法对沉积物最后一次埋藏以来的年代进行测定。相比于其他方法,它具有测年范围广,测试的样品种类多,样品可以重复测量,测量周期短等优势。20世纪80年代以来我国开始进行沉积物ESR测年与研究,但是在冰碛物ESR测年的制样和测量过程中存在一些问题。本文介绍冰碛物ESR测年的过程:样品野外采集时剖面的选取及其注意事项;详细描述提纯冰碛物中石英颗粒的前处理过程;石英颗粒经过人工辐照后在顺磁波谱仪上测试ESR信号并拟合古剂量过程中的具体方法和需要注意的问题。从实验中得到,用0.063 —0.125 mm粒径的组分提纯石英砂比较困难,前处理过程中试剂和时间消耗量大,因此建议ESR测年时:在样品充足的情况下选用细颗粒组分(0.063—0.125 mm),样品不充足的情况下选用中颗粒部分(0.125—0.25 mm)。待测样品中存在其他矿物会对石英的ESR信号有影响,因此在提纯石英过程中用重液分选提高石英纯度并可以增强测量的ESR信号的稳定性。经过氢氟酸刻蚀后的样品,石英的纯度要达到95%—99%或以上。对于冰碛物ESR测年过程中ESR信号的选择需要参照样品自身的特点,综合考虑多次尝试才能确定用常温Ge心信号还是低温的Al心、Ti心作为样品中石英的ESR测年信号。通过规范的采样、制样和ESR信号测量流程,使样品的定年能够被不同的人重复,并能够进行不同区域之间的对比。  相似文献   

Biochar is extensively used as an effective soil amendment for environmental remediation. In addition to its strong contaminant sorption capability, biochar also plays an important role in chemical transformation of contaminant due to its inherent redox-active moieties. However, the transformation efficiency of inorganic contaminants is generally very limited when the direct adsorption of contaminants on biochar is inefficient. The present study demonstrates the role of Fe ion as an electron shuttle to enhance Cr(VI) reduction by biochars. Batch experiments were conducted to examine the effects of Fe(III) levels, pyrolysis temperature of biochar, initial solution pH, and biochar dosage on the efficiency of Cr(VI) removal. Results showed a significant enhancement in Cr(VI) reduction with an increase in Fe(III) concentration and a decrease of initial pH. Biochar produced at higher pyrolysis temperatures (e.g., 700°C) favored Cr(VI) removal, especially in the presence of Fe(III), while a higher biochar dosage proved unfavorable likely due to the agglomeration or precipitation of biochar. Speciation analysis of Fe and Cr elements on the surface of biochar and in the solution further confirmed the role of Fe ion as an electron shuttle between biochar and Cr(VI). The present findings provide a potential strategy for the advanced treatment of Cr(VI) at low concentrations as well as an insight into the environmental fate of Cr(VI) and other micro-pollutants in soil or aqueous compartments containing Fe and natural or engineered carbonaceous materials.  相似文献   

The nocturnal dwarf lemurs of Madagascar (genus Cheirogaleus) are the only primates known to be obligate hibernators. Although the physiology of hibernation has been studied widely in the western, small-bodied species, Cheirogaleus medius, no direct evidence of hibernation, i.e., body temperature recordings, has been reported for any of the three recognized eastern dwarf lemur species. We present skin temperature data collected by external collar transmitters from two eastern dwarf lemur individuals (Cheirogaleus crossleyi) captured in the high-altitude forest of Tsinjoarivo, central-eastern Madagascar. Our study species is larger in body size than western dwarf lemurs and inhabits much colder environments. We present the first evidence of hibernation in an eastern dwarf lemur species, and we compare the results with data available for the western species. Although the hibernation period is shorter in dwarf lemurs from Tsinjoarivo, minimum body temperatures are lower than those reported for C. medius. Both individuals at Tsinjoarivo showed limited passive and extended deep hibernation during which they did not track ambient temperature as observed in most western dwarf lemurs. Because ambient temperatures at Tsinjoarivo never exceed 30°C, dwarf lemurs have to experience arousals to maintain homeostasis during periods of hibernation. We show that large dwarf lemurs (>400 g) are capable of undergoing deep hibernation and suggest that cold, high-altitude forests may render hibernation highly advantageous during periods of food scarcity. This study has implications for understanding the physiology of hibernation in small-bodied lemurs.  相似文献   

在宁夏银川市东郊设施蔬菜基地共采集49个表层土样,采用气相色谱质谱联用检测方法,分析了土壤中16种邻苯二甲酸酯(Phthalate esters,PAEs)化合物含量,并对其污染分布、污染特征进行了评价,同时对美国EPA和欧盟优先控制的6种PAEs进行了人体暴露的健康风险评价.结果表明,银川市东郊设施蔬菜基地土壤中16种邻苯二甲酸酯化合物(∑16PAEs)的含量范围为2.123~17.271 mg·kg~(-1),平均值和中位数分别为5.120和4.324 mg·kg~(-1).土样中DMP、DEP、Dn BP、DIBP和DEHP的检出率为100%.其中,DMP、Dn BP和DEHP是研究区土壤中PAEs污染物的主要组成部分,DMP、Dn BP和DEHP分别占∑16PAEs总量的46.03%、26.55%和10.32%,三者之和占∑16PAEs的82.79%,占美国EPA 6种优先控制污染物水平的86.16%.对人体健康风险评价表明,研究区6种优先控制化合物对人体产生的非致癌风险均1,未超过EPA推荐的非致癌水平,表明非致癌风险在可接受范围之内.对于DEHP单体,居民通过饮食途径的致癌风险为(0.779±1.370)×10-5,超过EPA推荐的致癌水平,应引起一定的重视,而BBP和DEHP其它非饮食途径的致癌风险都在可接受范围,不会对人体健康产生危害.  相似文献   

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