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Glyptotermes dilatatus is the main pest of the lowland-grown tea in Sri Lanka, affecting some 42 000 ha. Infested bushes suffer debilitation of their structure, loss of yield and death. The concealed habit of Glyptotermes and its social organization makes it difficult to control by chemical, classical biological and other conventional methods. It was recently found that the nematode Heterorhabditis sp. (isolated in Darwin, Australia, and mass-produced by CSIRO entomologists) infests Glyptotermes and is able to kill the termite and breed in the cadaver both in the laboratory (22°C; 100% relative humidity) and under extreme climatic conditions experienced in the field (mean temp.: 28.3°C; range, 19.5–38.4°C; only 7 days low rainfall between 20 December 1981 and 28 February 1982). Within each cadaver, up to about 3500 juveniles were produced which are able to infect healthy termites in the laboratory as well as in the field, creating a chain of infection that leads to complete annihilation of a colony. In the laboratory, the dosage mortality equation predicted an LD50 of 3670±564 worms/ml, suggesting that a very high rate of application is needed to obtain 99.9% kill. In the field, experimental application of infectives at rates of 4000 and 8000 worms/ml in doses of 40 and 30 ml per bush, respectively, gave complete control within 60–95 days. The cost of control is US$2.39 (50.20 Sri Lankan rupees) per 1000 infected bushes (1987 values).  相似文献   

以污水生物处理中一种常见的有益微型动物——宿轮虫为对象,进行了应用消毒剂建立宿轮虫的无菌培养系的方法学研究.在对消毒剂次氯酸钠、甲醛及PreventolD7分别作用下的轮虫培养液中宿轮虫卵的孵化率和细菌密度变化趋势分析的基础上,建立了以确保较高的卵孵化率为前提、通过多次的抑菌培养轮虫、使培养液中细菌数量逐渐减少直至消亡、最终获得无菌轮虫的方法,即逐渐减菌方法.该方法与传统的一次性灭菌方法相比,克服了传统方法在轮虫存活率很低的条件下进行无菌化的缺点,因此,可降低对消毒条件的严格要求并提高了成功率.运用逐渐灭菌方法,为确保约50%的卵孵化率,分别使用40μL·L-1甲醛和4μL·L-1 PreventolD7进行48h抑菌培养,经过4次对宿轮虫的抑菌培养,均获得了无菌的宿轮虫种群.实验结果表明,无菌化宿轮虫种群的繁殖速度与未经无菌化的宿轮虫种群相当.  相似文献   

固定化小球藻净化市政污水的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用海藻酸钙凝胶包埋固定小球藻,对人工污水进行静态模拟净化试验,研究了小球藻在固定和悬浮状态下,对污水中的氨氮、正磷酸盐的净化效率及小球藻的生长、生理情况;研究了不同浓度的汞对固定化小球藻处理污水中氮氮和正磷酸盐净化效率和小球藻的生长及生理的影响.结果表明:固定化小球藻的净化效率远高于悬浮态的小球藻;不同浓度的汞对固定化小球藻对氨氮和正磷酸盐净化产生抑制效应.  相似文献   

曲霉AH625产酶条件与酶液降解制备壳寡糖   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从特定土壤中分离出一株能分泌胞外甲壳酶的高产菌株曲霉AH62 5 ,在以甲壳素为唯一碳、氮源的平板上长势良好 ,该菌株在生长培养基中振荡培养 72h ,再转移至诱导培养基中培养 2 4h ,酶活力可达 0 .51 2u/mL。研究表明 ,该菌株的最佳产酶条件是 :温度2 8℃ ,起始 pH4 .8,诱导底物为 1 .5 %的水溶性壳聚糖 ,0 .1 %的表面活性剂Tween80能使产酶量提高 2~ 3倍。用粗酶液在 50℃ ,pH5 .0条件下降解壳聚糖 ,得Mw 为 1 1 2 7,Mw/Mn 为 1 .53的壳寡糖。  相似文献   

为探究溶藻菌Halomona Sp.DH-e无菌滤液对东海原甲藻的作用机制及其发酵产物安全性,测定了在该菌作用下东海原甲藻抗氧化系统的变化,同时对发酵产物进行了生物急性毒性试验。结果表明,当东海原甲藻细胞在受到溶藻菌DH-e的无菌滤液处理后,细胞活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)含量会急剧上升,随着藻细胞抗氧化系统激活,藻细胞内丙二醛(MDA)含量增加,超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性增强;溶藻菌发酵产物在96 h内对斑马鱼的半致死浓度LC50 > 100 mg/L,发酵产物最大剂量5 000 mg/kg·bw下小鼠14 d的死亡率为0,半致死剂量LD50 > 5 000 mg/kg·bw,由实验结果看见溶藻菌Halomona Sp.DH-e发酵产物属低毒或无毒物质。  相似文献   

The results of studies on dust aerosol optical properties obtained during the U.S.S.R.-U.S. experiment are discussed. The ground-based and aircraft measurements carried out during the experiment allow the estimation of characteristic values of aerosol optical depth, aerosol light-scattering coefficients, the degree of linear polarization, and aureole phase functions for different atmospheric conditions in Central Soviet Asia. Two dust storms were observed for which the recorded aerosol optical depth at λ = 0.55 μm {τa(0.55)} reached 1.5 on 16 and 17 September 1989, and 3.5 on 20 and 21 September 1989. The optical characteristics (spectral dependence of the optical depth, degree of linear polarization) were similar for two dust episodes.  相似文献   

美国的环境标准   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了美国环境标准的法律地位与作用以及大气环境标准、水环境标准、固体废物处理场标准,并分析了其特点。   相似文献   

A mational air quality monitoring network has been established in the U.K. by Warren Spring Laboratory, on behalf of the U.K. Department of the Environment, to determine compliance with the European Community Directive for nitrogen dioxide. Data from the six network sites for 1987 are presented and analysed.No site in the U.K. breached the NO2 Directive Limit Value during this year, though the closest approaches were at the two London stations. Annual average NO2 concentrations, which varied from 23 to 39 ppb, were consistent with the top five percentile of long-term measurements from a national survey of over 360 U.K. urban areas carried out in 1986.The temporal variability of NO2 concentrations was substantially lower over all time scales than that for NO: winter/summer ratios for all sites averaged 2.9 for NO and 1.3 for NO2. Most sites showed strong diurnal variations for NO which were primarily influenced by traffic emissions during rush hours, although these variations were less marked for NO2.A markedly non-proportional relationship between annual and daily average NO2 and NOx levels was observed, and this has important implications for its efficacy of possible NOx emission control strategies. An analysis of measured NO2/NOx ratios over weekends and weekday periods demonstrates, for instance, that a 20% emission cutback may result, typically, in a corresponding NO2 reduction of 12% at urban locations in the U.K. NOx reductions, however, exert a more proportional effect on NO2 concentrations at kerbside and rural locations.  相似文献   

贺震 《世界环境》2012,(3):80-81
在中国,各种媒体关于水污染事件的报道屡见不鲜,污染导致的水质性缺水已成为制约我国经济社会发展的瓶颈,甚至是迈向现代化进程中绕不过去的一道坎儿.然而,远在太平洋另一端的美国,情况又是怎样呢?笔者近期的美国之行也许能给人启示.  相似文献   

不久前,在美国新闻媒体的两位朋友艾黎克·斯达芝(ERIC STAATS) 和杰米·考克斯(JEREMY COX)的盛情安排下,同时在常年负责密西西比河疏浚工程的美国陆军工程兵部队 (the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers) 的大力帮助下,笔者有机会在空中和陆地比较详细地考察了密西西比河。其实不用美国东道主介绍,笔者早在上世纪60年代初攻读英美语言文学专业本科的时候就已熟知:19世纪上半期,内河是美国内陆交通的动脉,密西西比河上的蒸汽船则是当时美国南北交通运输的重要工具。1835年生于密苏里州的美国著名作家马克·吐温对密西西比河的航运有过很多描述, 他本人也在密西西比河的蒸汽船上工作过,并自称蒸汽船船员工作是他童年时代当地很多人的理想。这个时期被人们称为是“密西西比河的蒸汽船时代”。  相似文献   

美国环境监测QA/QC的进展及对我们的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文着重介绍质量保证与质量控制在环境监测中(特别是有机物监测中)应用的意义。美国环境保护部门对质量保证与质量控制是如何认识和行动的,我国环境保护部门对质量保证与质量控制的认识,以及本文作者分别就自己的经验谈对QA/QC的体会,和在监测科研中对我国各级环境监测实验室推行QA/QC的建议。   相似文献   

1994年3月,美国加利福尼亚州的立法委员会通过和颁布”餐馆,酒吧内一律不准吸烟”的法令。3个月后,又把禁烟范围扩大到政府机关大楼周边地区和公共活动场地,。到2003年9月,加利福尼亚州沿海城市索拉纳滩(Solana Beach)又把禁烟范围率先扩大到海滨沙滩和游泳场。2004年3月,圣克利门蒂(San Clemente)和圣莫尼卡(Senta Monica)两座沿海城市议会投票,  相似文献   

 The nest of the dwarf honeybee A. florea Fabr. consists of a single comb attached to a tree branch. Recruitment dances take place on the upper surface of the comb that must therefore be kept clear of debris. We report here, for the first time, a behaviour that serves for removing leaves and other foreign objects from the surface of the comb. Individual workers crawl under the object and lift it with their heads, pushing it towards the rim where it eventually slides off the comb. Objects that are heavier or fixed at one end such as leaves are nevertheless lifted and kept away from the surface for up to several minutes. This "head-pushing" is frequently performed without the aid of mandibles, and individuals performing it maintain a distinctive posture, holding the forelegs at an angle without touching the object. Repeated involvement of particular individuals indicate that head-pushers might form a distinct task group. Received: 24 November 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 10 March 2000  相似文献   

凌铠 《环境》2005,(2):100-103
向西,向西,雄壮的青藏高原,巍巍玉珠雪峰。我们一行十几人从青海省格尔木市出发,踏上了前往玉珠峰的征程。车子开出据说是世界上面积最大城市的格尔木市市区后很快就上了青藏公路.此时天高云淡,清冷洁净的空气中我们仿佛嗅到了雪山的味道。公路两旁,荒凉的戈壁滩给我们这些异乡人更多的是令人震撼的凄美,偶尔出现的红柳等植物在此刻显现了它们生命的顽强。  相似文献   

鲁珊 《世界环境》2011,(6):56-57
1989年,美国马萨诸塞州(麻州)通过了《减少有毒物质使用法》(以下简称TURA),旨在促进安全和清洁生产,并提高麻州企业经济效益。与此同时,该州还成立了减少有毒物质研究所(以下简称TURI),以帮助麻州企业在生产过程中减少并消除使用有毒物质。麻州TURA在美国同  相似文献   

From a total of 490 cystic fibrosis (CF) high-risk families under supervision (mostly Russian Slavs from the European part of the country), DNA data including both direct screening for some CF gene(CFTR)mutations(deIF508, G551D and 1677delTA) and allelic polymorphism studies with tightly CF linked DNA markers were collected from 261 families. All full families (129) and 86 CF families with a deceased index child were found to be either fully (42 per cent) or partially (40 per cent) informative for DNA analysis. Prenatal diagnosis (PD) was carried out in 161 CF families. Microvillar enzyme (MVE) assay was applied to all 140 PD at the second trimester either as a single test (88) or in conjunction with DNA analysis (52). The frequency of false-negative results of the MVE assay was 1.3 percent and that of false-positive results, as judged by the albumin meconium test, was 5.0 per cent. Ambiguous results of MVE analysis were found in 30 cases, 12 of which were verified by DNA analysis. Molecular diagnosis of CF at the first trimester was carried out in 21 cases and four pregnancies were terminated. Altogether, 39 pregnancies with a predicted high risk of CF fetuses were terminated. The low average frequency of delF508 in CF chromosomes of Russian Slavs (50 per cent), its remarkable inter-population variation, and the significant proportion of at-risk families without an affected child determine the necessity of combined molecular and biochemical (MVE assay) approaches for efficient prenatal diagnosis of CF in the former U.S.S.R.  相似文献   

新时期中外高校体育教育思想发展趋势比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了德国和俄罗斯学校在体育发展的多方向、多功能的趋势,分析了我国高校体育教育的现状,从体育与健康课程整合的方面,提出高校体育应借鉴国外体育教育强国的思想观念,强调体育教改应重视学生身心的全面成长,贯穿“个体化、专项化、社会化”的思想。  相似文献   

在分析美国污染物排放标准体系和排放标准法制化管理的基础上,提出我国锡工业污染物排放标准制定中应注意的事项。并指出我国污染物排放标准不适合用标准化管理,应借鉴美国的经验,走法制化管理的道路,通过健全的法律机制,保障锡工业污染物排放标准的制定和实施。  相似文献   

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