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Ran Y  He Y  Yang G  Johnson JL  Yalkowsky SH 《Chemosphere》2002,48(5):487-509
The general solubility equation (GSE) proposed by Jain and Yalkowsky was used to estimate aqueous solubility of 1026 non-electrolytes. The only parameters used in the GSE are melting points (MP) and octanol-water partition coefficients (Kow). No fitted parameters and no training set are employed in the GSE. The experimental solubility values were taken from the AQUASOL dATAbASE. The average absolute error and the root-mean-square error in the solubility estimates are 0.38 and 0.53 log units, respectively. Thus, with an observed MP and calculated Kow; the users can obtain a reasonable estimation of the aqueous solubility of any organic non-electrolyte.  相似文献   

The aqueous solubilities of 27 insecticides and related compounds were determined. Diazinon, fensulfothion and paraoxon had solubilities greater than reported in the literature. The presence of impurities and/or additional components in the mixture altered the measured solubility values. Addition of acetone in amounts up to 1% (volume) produced increases in parathion solubility up to 11%. The pH values of the equilibrated solubility systems were, in most instances, acidic and, in several instances, were in the pH 3-4 range.  相似文献   

Several simple models for the estimation of the half-life (t(1/2)) for the depletion of an organic chemical from a soil surface to air were examined. For moist surfaces, two models are proposed: the first requires knowledge of the soil/organic carbon partition coefficient (K(oc)) and the Henry's law constant (H) and the second the vapor pressure (P(s)) of the chemical involved. Due to uncertainties in the experimental K(oc) values those ones predicted by the group-contribution model of Meylan et al. [Environ. Sci. Technol. 26 (1992) 1560]-and proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-should be used. If reliable experimental P(s) values are not available, the first model is proposed, where in cases when H values are not available, predicted ones by the Bond-Contribution method of Meylan and Howard [Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 10 (1991) 1283]-and also proposed by EPA-can be used. In general, the agreement of the predicted t(1/2) values with the measured ones is within a factor of 3-5. Similar expressions, but with somewhat poorer results, are presented for dry field soils. In all cases, the obtained results represent a substantial improvement over those obtained with the currently used Dow method: t(1/2) = 1.58 x 10(-8)((K(oc) x S)/P(S)), where S is the solubility of the compound in water.  相似文献   

The Ostwald solubility coefficient, L of 17 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the gas phase into water and dilute aqueous ammonia solutions was determined by the equilibrium partitioning in closed system-solid phase micro extraction (EPICS-SPME) method at 303 K and at 0-2.5 mol dm(-3) ammonia concentrations. Ammonia increased the solubility of all VOCs nearly linearly, but to a different extent. The difference in the solubility values in aqueous ammonia solutions (Lmix) compared to pure water (L) is explained on the basis of a Linear Solvation Energy Relationship (LSER) equation made applicable for solvent mixtures, logLmix - logL = x((sNH3 - sH2O)pi2H + (aNH3 - aH2O)Sigma2H + (bNH3 - bH2O)Sigmabeta2H + (vNH3 - VH2O)Vx). sNH3 - sH2O, aNH3 - aH2O, bNH3 - bH2O, vNH3 - vH2O are the differences of solvent parameters, x is the mole fraction, pi2H is the solute dipolarity-polarizability, Sigmaalpha2H is the effective hydrogen bond acidity of the solute, Sigmabeta2H is the effective hydrogen bond basicity of the solute and Vx, the McGowan characteristic volume. The most significant term was v, the phase hydrophobicity. The solubility behavior was explained by the change in structure of the aqueous solution: the presence of ammonia reduces the cavity effect. These findings show that the presence of compounds such as ammonia, frequently observed in environmental waters, especially wastewaters, affect the fugacity of VOCs, having consequences for the environmental partitioning of VOCs and having technical consequences towards wastewater treatment technologies.  相似文献   

Thirty organic compounds were selected to investigate their chloroform formation characteristics during chlorination with sodium hypochlorite at pH-values 7.0 and 8.0. These experiments were conducted under conditions similar to those applied on the chlorination of raw water. The results indicated that the chloroform concentrations occurred by the all tested compounds was in the ppm range. The maximum levels of chloroform (11-13 mg/l) were determined during the reaction of resorcinol and phloroglucinol at pH-value 8.0.  相似文献   

Interest in indoor air quality is steadily increasing. Exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is associated with health effects as diverse as childhood respiratory disease, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. In an effort to assess the environmental impact indoors from possible sources of VOCs, such as (i) open oil lakes, (ii) chemical and petrochemical industries and (iii) indoor pollution from household items, concentrations of aliphatic and aromatic VOCs, comprising n-hexane to n-hexadecane, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethyl benzene, methanol and o-dichlorobenzene, were measured in indoor air samples from seven different cities in Kuwait using a gas chromatograph. The data for the period March to May 1993 are presented. The VOCs, as measured, were surprisingly low and they are below the concentrations set by the American Hygienists Association. However, although the concentration of the estimated VOCs being low, were cumulative effects of them entering the human body and water sources cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Surface tension of pure and mixed aqueous solutions of both inorganic and organic species that are relevant in atmospheric droplets has been studied in a laboratory investigation. Following the Gibbsian theory of surfaces experimental data have been fitted by the Szyszkowski equation. As a function of the carbon-chain length trends in the maximum surface excess Γmax and the inverse surface activity β have been clearly identified for pure aqueous solutions of homologous series of n-alcohols and mono-carboxylic acids, while these parameters oscillate for the homologous series of di-carboxylic acids. For mixed aqueous solutions of water-soluble organic and inorganic compounds, e.g. cis-pinonic acid and sodium chloride, a further decrease in surface tension has been observed, which can be interpreted as an interaction between the inorganic and organic solutes and an enrichment of the surface-active organic compound in the surface layer. Taking this effect into account surface-tension data of real atmospheric samples become more plausible, especially when also slightly soluble or water-insoluble organic compounds having a high surface activity at low concentrations are considered.  相似文献   

The solubility in pure and saline water at various temperatures was calculated for selected nitro compounds (nitrobenzene, 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, 2-nitrotoluene, 3-nitrotoluene, 4-nitrotoluene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene, 2,3-dinitrotoluene, 3,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene) using the Conductor-like Screening model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS). The results obtained were compared with experimental values. The COSMO-RS predictions have shown high accuracy in reproducing the trends of aqueous solubilities for both temperature and salinity. The proposed methodology was then applied to predict the aqueous solubilities of 19 nitro compounds in the temperature range of 5-50 °C in saline solutions. The salting-out parameters of the Setschenow equation were also calculated. The predicted salting-out parameters were overestimated when compared to the measured values, but these parameters can still be used for qualitative estimation of the trends.  相似文献   

A Finizio  A D Guardo 《Chemosphere》2001,45(6-7):1063-1070
Temperature dependence data for physical-chemical properties is increasingly required for modelling the fate of chemicals in the environment. Solubility and octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) are among the most important parameters. A simple and fast method is presented to determine solubility and Kow of organic chemicals at different temperatures (5 degrees C, 15 degrees C, 25 degrees C, 35 degrees C) utilising a variable temperature RP-HPLC column. Correlations between capacity factors (k') and solubility and Kow were determined for some halogenated and methylated benzenes and showed that this approach could be used to predict acceptable results. New values for solubility and Kow as function of temperature for several compounds are presented.  相似文献   

Aqueous sorption of phenol, atrazine and naphthalene was measured on complexes formed from Na-montmorillonite (Fischer bentonite) and the organic cationic dyes crystal violet and rhodamine-B. Sorption isotherms were found to be non-linear. This agrees well with the rigid nature of the dye-clay organic coverage, which provides a finite surface for adsorption. High values of organic carbon-normalized distribution coefficients reached 20,000-25,000 for atrazine on rhodamine-B-montmorillonite, 7000 for atrazine on crystal violet-montmorillonite, and 1500 for phenol on crystal violet-montmorillonite. As such, dye-clays may significantly extend the variety of organoclay sorbents that effectively reduce aqueous concentrations of non-ionic organic compounds.  相似文献   

Although the effect of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on the oxidation of dissolved sulfur dioxide by oxygen has been the subject of many investigations, this is the first study which examines the effect of a large number of precisely 16 hydroxy compounds. The kinetics both in the absence and the presence of VOCs was defined by rate laws (A and B): A $$ \hbox{-} \mathrm{d}\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right]/\mathrm{dt}={R}_o={k}_o\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right] $$ B $$ \hbox{-} \mathrm{d}\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right]/\mathrm{dt}={R}_i={k}_i\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right] $$ where R o and k o are the initial rate and first-order rate constant, respectively, in the absence of VOCs, R i , and k i are the initial rate and the first-order rate constant, respectively, in the presence of VOCs, and [S(IV)] is the concentration of dissolved sulfur dioxide, sulfur(IV). The nature of the dependence of k i on the concentration of inhibitor, [Inh], was defined by Eq. (C). C $$ {k}_i={k}_0/\left(1+B\left[\mathrm{Inh}\right]\right) $$ where B is an empirical inhibition parameter. The values of B have been determined from the plots of 1/k i versus [Inh]. Among aliphatic and aromatic hydroxy compounds studied, t-butyl alcohol and pinacol were without any inhibition effect due to the absence of secondary or tertiary hydrogen. The values of inhibition parameter, B, were related to k inh , the rate constant for the reaction of SO4 ? radical with the inhibitor, by Eq. (D). D $$ B=\left(9\pm 2\right)\times 1{0}^{-4}\times {k}_{inh} $$ Equation (D) may be used to calculate the values of either of B or k inh provided that the other is known. The extent of inhibition depends on the value of the composite term, B[Inh]. However, in accordance with Eq. (C), the extent of inhibition would be sizeable and measurable when B[Inh]?>?0.1 and oxidation of S(IV) would be almost completely stopped when B[Inh]?≥?10. B[Inh] value can be used as a guide whether the reaction step: SO4 ??+?organics? \( \overset{k_{inh}}{\to } \) ?SO4 2??+?non-chain products: should be included in the multiphase models or not.  相似文献   

The salting-out effect by seawater constituents on the water solubilities of 11 aromatic compounds, anthracene, pyrene, phenanthrene, biphenyl, naphthalene, p-nitrotoluene, p-toluidine, o-nitrophenol, m-nitrophenol, p-nitrophenol and phenol was investigated. A best fit equation (r = 0.965) for the salting-out parameters, K, and distilled water solubilities, So, at 20°C was found to be K = ?0.0298 log So + 0.114. Seawater solubilities, S, predicted for solutions of ionic strength, I, using the equation log S = (0.0298 I + 1) log So ? 0.114 I were in agreement with observed values within 13 % (average 4.8 %) and there were no significant differences between values from the Pacific Ocean seawater and those from 35 o/oo NaCl solutions. It was concluded that dissolved organic matter in seawater had an insignificant effect for the test chemicals.  相似文献   


The aqueous solubility of 39 insecticidal and related compounds was determined at 20±1.5°C, using a previously described shaking and centrifugation method. Fenamiphos, fenthion and methi‐dathion produced values substantially less than those reported in the literature whereas, aminocarb, diazinon, dicapthon, pirimiphos‐ethyl and pirimiphos‐methyl gave solubilities substantially greater than reported literature values.  相似文献   

The physical chemical equations relating solubility to octanol water partition coefficient are presented and used to develop a new correlation between these quantities which includes a melting point (fugacity ratio) correction. The correlation is satisfactory for 45 organic compounds but it is not applicable to organic acids. When applied to very high molecular weight (> 290) compounds the correlation is less satisfactory; either it is believed because the data are inaccurate or because the tendency for these compounds to partition into organic phases is less than expected. This may have profound environmental implications.  相似文献   

Empirical equations which correlate high performance liquid chromatography capacity factor (k′) to aromatic hydrocarbon aqueous solubility are developed. The correlations of k′ to octanol-water partition coefficients, and k′ to hydrocarbon surface area are also shown.  相似文献   

Correlation equations relating aqueous solubility to molar volume and aqueous solubility to total molecular surface area were derived by regression analysis for several chemical classes which included both liquids and solids. These were similar to equations relating solubility with total molecular surface area and had similar correlation coefficients. The physical significance of the regression parameters obtained is discussed.  相似文献   

The retention and mobility of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in soil is mainly determined by hydrophobic partitioning to dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM, respectively). The aqueous phase, DOM, and POM fractions were extracted and separated from soils at three sites contaminated with technical chlorophenol formulations. Concentrations of chlorophenols (CP), polychlorinated phenoxyphenols (PCPP), polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDE) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) were determined. The partitioning to POM, in relation to DOM, increased in all three soils with increasing hydrophobicity in the order CP < PCPP ~ PCDE ~ PCDF < PCDD. Differences in partitioning to DOM (logK(DOC)) and POM (logK(POC)) could not be explained by differences in gross organic C chemistry. Black carbon did not contribute significantly to the sorption of PCDDs, whereas >70% wood fibre in one soil resulted in a decrease of logK(POC) of 0.5 units for CPs and PCDDs. We conclude that logK(OC) for both DOM and POM need to be explicitly determined when the retention and mobility of HOCs is described and modelled in soils.  相似文献   

Synthetic nanoparticles have already been detected in the aquatic environment. Therefore, knowledge on their biodegradability is of utmost importance for risk assessment but such information is currently not available. Therefore, the biodegradability of fullerenes, single, double, multi-walled as well as COOH functionalized carbon nanotubes and cellulose and starch nanocrystals in aqueous environment has been investigated according to OECD standards. The biodegradability of starch and cellulose nanoparticles was also compared with the biodegradability of their macroscopic counterparts. Fullerenes and all carbon nanotubes did not biodegrade at all, while starch and cellulose nanoparticles biodegrade to similar levels as their macroscopic counterparts. However, neither comfortably met the criterion for ready biodegradability (60% after 28 days). The cellulose and starch nanoparticles were also found to degrade faster than their macroscopic counterparts due to their higher surface area. These findings are the first report of biodegradability of organic nanoparticles in the aquatic environment, an important accumulation environment for manmade compounds.  相似文献   

A comprehensive compilation of published studies reporting directly measured experimental determinations of Henry's law constant (HLC) temperature dependence relationships for organic compounds in dilute, non-saline aqueous solutions under ambient conditions was conducted. From this effort, 55 such studies (covering 204 organic compounds) were identified, critically reviewed, summarized and discussed. Of the 204 compounds, 57 were studied in more than one investigation. For the 57 'multi-studied' compounds, relatively good agreement (averaging within 20-30%) was found between the results from different investigations. Given such results, a 'consensus' relationship (i.e., an average temperature dependence relation) was generated for each of the multi-studied compounds. Overall, considering relations established for 197 of the 204 compounds investigated (the results for the other 7 compounds being excluded due to poor correlation coefficients), the average slope of the temperature dependence line was found to correspond to an increase in HLC values by a factor of 1.88 (i.e., an 88% increase) per 10 degrees C rise in temperature (thermodynamically equivalent to an average enthalpy of volatilization of 47 kJ/mole). The associated range found for the temperature dependence slope corresponds to an increase in HLC values by a factor ranging from 1.12 to 3.55 (i.e., a 12-255% increase) per 10 degrees C rise (equivalent enthalpy of volatilization range: 8-93 kJ/mole). The wide range of slope values found indicates that serious errors may result if one applies the commonly cited 'rule of thumb' that HLC values double per 10 degrees C rise in temperature to a specific compound. In light of this finding, when faced with a lack of data, a prudent course for practitioners to take appears to be conducting a laboratory study to determine the exact temperature dependence for the compound(s) of interest.  相似文献   

Gawlik BM  Kettrup A  Muntau H 《Chemosphere》2000,41(9):1337-1347
The European reference soil set was introduced as common basis for a better comparability of soil sorption data measured within the framework of chemical testing of environmental chemicals. The success of the EUROSOILS, as the set is commonly called, convinced the European Commission's Joint Research Centre to evaluate the possibility of producing a remake of these unique and new type of reference materials maintaining the principal sorption-controlling properties of the soils. In this paper the recently proposed second generation of the EUROSOILS is used to evaluate a HPLC-screening technique for the estimation of soil adsorption coefficients of organic chemicals. It could be shown that the derived correlations between HPLC capacity factors of the test substances and the respective soil adsorption coefficients resulting from batch experiments with the second version of the EUROSOILS agreed with those derived for the first generation of reference soils at a different occasion.  相似文献   

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