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Since 1972, 10 benthic surveys and 9 static fish bioassays have been conducted to assess the impact of AVTEX Fibers, Inc. effluent on the lower South Fork of the Shenandoah River. AVTEX (formerly FMC Corp.) is a rayon and polyester fibers plant located in Front Royal, Virginia. Benthic samples were taken at four stations, one above and three below the plant discharges. Single surveys in 1972 and 1973 indicated a severe impact on the benthic community along the right side of the river, below the plant, as a result of the channelized effluent. Diversity values (¯d) were low (0–2.42) and numbers of taxa and organisms were reduced. A fish bioassay in 1973 indicated the effluent to be acutely toxic at the 34.5% level (mixture of effluent and river water). In early 1974, FMC Corp. constructed an activated sludge treatment system to reduce BOD and supplement the neutralization and chemical precipitation (zinc hydroxide and liquid-solid separation) facilities that had been used to treat waste waters since 1948. After the new equipment was placed in operation, the previously stressed area became more stable. In 1975 and 1976 the stressed area exhibited greater ¯d values (1.19–3.39) and an increased number of taxa and organisms. Bioassays showed the effluent to be acutely toxic to fish only once since 1973. The major improvements in the effluent were a 70% reduction in BOD5 and a 60% reduction in the amount of zinc entering the river. Community conditions in 1977 indicated a partial remission of improvement, probably due to drought conditions.The rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems is a process important to all biologists. An important factor in encouraging industry to participate in this activity is evidence that improved waste treatment will often have demonstrable biological benefits rather soon. As data accumulate on the recovery process it may be possible to predict the degree of rehabilitation and time required more precisely.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The town of Jamestown, Rhode Island, located on Conanicut Island in Narragansett Bay, is constructing a secondary treatment plant in order to comply with NPDES regulations. Twelve candidate sites for the plant and marine outfall were initially proposed, and ability to meet State water quality standards at these sites was evaluated using an EPA buoyant plume model. A final outfall site, Taylor Point, was selected by the Town from among the sites considered acceptable. Taylor Point was then subjected to field hydrographic studies including drogue tracking, current recordings, and tracer dye surveys. Results of the measurement program served as input to a two-dimensional effluent dispersion model which predicted excess BOD, coliform, and suspended solids resulting from effluent discharge off Taylor Point. The model predictions demonstrated that State water quality standards can be maintained outside the initial discharge plume.  相似文献   

Scientists often use mathematical models to assess river water quality. However, the application of the models in environmental management and risk assessment is quite limited because of the difficulty of preparing input data and interpreting model output. This paper presents a study that links ArcIMS, a Web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) software to ROUT, a national and regional scale river model which evolved from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Water Use Improvement and Impairment Model, to create a WWW-GIS-based river simulation model called GIS-ROUT. GIS-ROUT is used to predict chemical concentrations in perennially flowing rivers throughout the continental United States that receive discharges from more than 10,000 publicly owned wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The WWTP chemical loadings are calculated from per capita per day disposal of product ingredients and the population served by each plant. Each WWTP, containing data on treatment type and influent and effluent flows, is spatially associated with a specific receiving river segment. Based on user defined treatment-type removal rates for a particular chemical, an effluent concentration for each WWTP is calculated and used as input to the river model. Over 360,000 km of rivers are modeled, incorporating dilution and first order loss of the chemical in each river segment. The integration of spatial data, GIS, the WWW, and modeling in GIS-ROUT makes it possible to organize and analyze data spatially, and view results on interactive maps as well as tables and distribution charts. The integration allows scientists and managers in different locations to coordinate and share their estimations for environmental exposure and risk assessments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An intensive water quality investigation was conducted in western North Carolina to determine whether water quality problems existed from point and nonpoint source inputs of sediment from surface mining activities. Depth integrated measurements of sediment transport and biological sampling of benthic communities indicated that very serious water quality problems were caused by erosion from a concentrated area of open pit mining for mica, kaolin, and feldspar. The erosion occurred on haul roads, active mines, inactive mines, and tailings disposal piles. The need for using specific “Best Management Practices” for erosion control on the mining operation is discussed. These practices need to be implemented to restore populations of trout to the degraded reaches of the river. Additional monitoring data are presented that indicate that the biological integrity of surface waters can be preserved in the vicinity of point source mining discharges when the operators utilize proper practices in settling and neutralizing their effluent. While much has been done to abate the point source discharges, attention now needs to be focused on the nonpoint sources of sediment from mining operations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Water resources are under increasing pressure to meet potable supply needs while sustaining aquatic ecosystems and fisheries. Growing populations and enforcement of the Total Maximum Daily Load provisions of the Clean Water Act present public water and wastewater utilities with costly options to meet potable water demands and reduce pollutant discharges into receiving waters. This paper documents that New York City’s comprehensive water conservation program – designed to extend the city’s safe yield of potable water—has also resulted in reduced nitrogen discharges from the city’s water pollution control plants during a period of population increases. This paper demonstrates and quantifies the effects that wastewater inflow volume reductions have on increased nitrogen removal, controlling for plant process changes. Conservation programs have saved the city billions of dollars in delayed or avoided capital improvements to both water and wastewater treatment plants, and have enabled the city to meet interim effluent discharge standards.  相似文献   

Abstract: Small streams have been shown to be efficient in retaining nutrients and regulating downstream nutrient fluxes, but less is known about nutrient retention in larger rivers. We quantified nutrient uptake length and uptake velocity in a regulated urban river to determine the river’s ability to retain nutrients associated with wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent. We measured net uptake of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), dissolved organic phosphorus, ammonium (NH4), nitrate, and dissolved organic nitrogen in the Chattahoochee River, Atlanta, GA by following the downstream decline of nutrients and fluoride from WWTP effluent on 10 dates under low flow conditions. Uptake of all nutrients was sporadic. On many dates, there was no evidence of measurable nutrient uptake lengths within the reach; indeed, on several dates release of inorganic N and P within the sample reach led to increased nutrient export downstream. When uptake occurred, SRP uptake length was negatively correlated with total suspended solids and temperature. Uptake velocities of SRP and NH4 in the Chattahoochee River were lower than velocities in less‐modified systems, but they were similar to those measured in other WWTP impacted systems. Lower uptake velocities indicate a diminished capacity for nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

In the Ozark Highlands and across the United States, effluent phosphorus (P) sources often have a profound impact on water column concentrations and riverine transport. This study evaluated (i) annual P loads at the Illinois River at Arkansas Highway 59 from calendar year 1997 through 2008, (ii) the relative contribution of effluent P sources to annual riverine P transport, (iii) longitudinal gradients in water column P concentrations downstream from several wastewater treatment plant effluent discharges, and (iv) changes in monthly P loads over the last decade. This study showed that annual P loads have ranged from 64,000 kg to over 426,000 kg and that P transport was positively correlated to hydrology (i.e., the amount of water delivered downstream). The relative contribution of P inputs from municipal facilities has decreased from 40% of the annual P load at the Illinois River at Arkansas Highway 59 to < 15% in recent years. Elevated P concentrations during base flow conditions were traced 45 river km upstream to one municipal effluent discharge, but all effluent discharges influenced P concentrations in the receiving streams. Most important, flow-adjusted monthly P loads showed two distinct trends over time. Flow-adjusted loads significantly increased from 1997 through 2002 and significantly decreased from 2002 through 2008. The concentrations and transport of P within the Illinois River drainage area are significantly decreasing from all the watershed management changes that have occurred, and monitoring should continue to determine if this decrease continues at the same rate over the next several years.  相似文献   

Numerous drivers are providing stimulus for increased water cycle localisation within urban neighbourhoods. This paper uses predominantly Australasian case studies to highlight trends, successes and challenges in the transition to neighbourhood centred water-based services using 'Low Impact' and 'Water Sensitive' design and development techniques. Major steps towards urban sustainability are demonstrated, for example, up to 70% reduction in the demand for potable water (Aurora, Melbourne), removal of contaminated stormwater and sewage effluent discharge to natural waterways vulnerable to nutrient or toxin accumulation, and up to 55% of the area of the greenfield site planted in indigenous species (Regis Park, New Zealand). Reduced demand for potable water would enable continued undiluted use of 'pure' water sources from limited bush catchments (Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand), and less dependence on rivers stressed by low flows. Reductions and dispersion of sewage effluent discharges protects receiving waters, such as Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne, from eutrophication. Reduced stormwater discharge favours retention of the natural hydrological regime of rivers and minimises bioaccumulation of toxins in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of many Brazilian rivers is seriously threatened by industrial and municipal pollution, and Rio Paraiba do Sul, located between two major industrial centers is one example of this situation. A survey of the fish assemblage was conducted from October 1998 to September 1999 and the data were used to develop an index of biotic integrity (IBI). We sampled three zones in bracketing a large urban–industrial complex to evaluate water quality changes and the usefulness of the IBI as a monitoring tool. Water quality was classified as poor upstream of the effluent discharges, very poor near the discharges, and poor–fair downstream of the discharges, with this latter situation revealing the current biological capacity of the river. Physical and chemical habitat characteristics were also measured at each site to construct an independent environmental index to validate the IBI. The habitat and IBI indices were highly correlated, suggesting this IBI would be applicable to other large rivers in southeast Brazil.  相似文献   

Environmental management of the stone cutting industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental Management of the stone cutting industry in Hebron is required to reduce the industry's adverse impact on the downstream agricultural land and the adverse impact on the drinking water aquifers. This situation requires the implementation of an industrial wastewater management strategic approach and technology, within the available technical and financial resources. Ten pilot projects at different locations were built at Hebron to reduce or eliminate the incompatible discharge of the liquid and solid waste to the environment and improve the stone cutting industry's effluent quality. A review of existing practices and jar test experiments were used to optimize the water recycling and treatment facilities. The factors reviewed included influent pumping rates and cycles, selection of the optimal coagulant type and addition methods, control of the sludge recycling process, control over flow rates, control locations of influent and effluent, and sludge depth. Based on the optimized doses and Turbidity results, it was determined that the use of Fokland polymer with an optimal dose of 1.5mg/L could achieve the target turbidity levels. The completion of the pilot projects resulted in the elimination of stone cutting waste discharges and an improvement in the recycled effluent quality of 44-99%. This in turn reduced the long term operating costs for each participating firm. A full-scale project that includes all the stone cutting firms in Hebron industrial area is required.  相似文献   

We conducted synoptic surveys over three seasons in one year to evaluate the variability in water sources and geochemistry of an urban river with complex water infrastructure in the state of Utah. Using stable isotopes of river water (δ18O and δ2H) within a Bayesian mixing model framework and a separate hydrologic mass balance approach, we quantified both the proportional inputs and magnitude of discharge associated with “natural” (lake, groundwater, and tributary inputs) and “engineered” (effluent and canal inflows) sources. The relative importance of these major contributors to streamflow varied both spatially and seasonally. Spatiotemporal patterns of dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, calcium, chloride, nitrate, and orthophosphate indicated seasonal shifts in dominant sources of river water played an important role in determining water quality. We show although urban rivers are clearly influenced by novel water sources created by water infrastructure, they continue to reflect the imprint of “natural” water sources, including diffuse groundwater. Resource managers thus may need to account for the quantity of both surface waters and also historically overlooked groundwater inputs to address water quality concerns in urban rivers.  相似文献   

Several large agricultural pumps, located in the upper St. Johns River Basin, Florida, and representative of the numerous pumps operating in the basin, were monitored during the spring and summer of 1982. These pumps have rated capacities ranging from 36 to 334 ft3/s and drain various quantities of improved pasture, row crop, and citrus land uses. The combined total pumping capacity of the pumps in this study is approximately equal to the average flow at US 192, near Melbourne (691 cfs). Results indicate high nutrient and suspended solids loading to the river, but the relative magnitude of each parameter varies with pump site and date. The row crop/Mary A pump (267 ft3/s capacity) exhibited the poorest water quality of the sampled pumps and appeared to have the greatest pollutional potential. The average suspended solids loading rate from the Mary A pump was high (37,900 Kg/day). The average total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) discharge concentrations at this pump were also high, with values of 3.96 mg/L and 0.79 mg/L, respectively. As expected, nutrient loading rates reflected discharge rates, to a large degree. Average TN loading rates for the pumping stations varied from 86 to 1935 Kg/day while TP loading ranged from 7 to 390 Kg/day. Nutrients from pumping are contributing factors to the increasing aquatic plant growth and algal blooms in the area. Poor quality discharge water, as well as rapid rises in water level from the cumulative discharges resulting in dead marsh vegetation and accompanying oxygen sags, have been suggested as causative factors for fish kills in the area.  相似文献   

A small, coastal stream in the San Francisco Bay area of California, USA, received the discharges from a drinking-water filtration plant. Two types of discharges were present. Discharges from filter backwashing were 3–4 times base stream flow, occurred 10–60 times per day, contained fine sediments, and each lasted about 10 min. The other discharge was a large, steady flow of relatively sediment-free water from occasional overflow of the delivery aqueduct which generally lasted several hours a day.Samples of invertebrates from natural substrates had significantly fewer taxa and lower density at the two stations below the backwash than at the two above. However, when stable artificial substrates were used, there were no significant differences among all four stations. The aqueduct apparently had no effect because the. invertebrate community at the station upstream of the backwash but downstream of the aqueduct was statistically similar to the station above the aqueduct. To test for acute toxicity, we exposed additional artificial substrates to short-term simulated backwash conditions. These exposures had no effect on invertebrate density or drift. Three-spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations were also significantly reduced at the two downstream stations and were made up mostly of larger, adult fish. Prickly sculpins (Cottus asper), restricted to the most downstream station, were emaciated and had poor growth, probably as a result of scarce benthic food organisms. Artificial redds with eggs of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) had significantly lower survival at two stations below the plant backwash (30.7% and 41.8%) than at the one above it (61.4%). Hatchery rainbow trout held in cages below the treatment plant from 7 to 37 days survived and continued to feed.Thus, the major effect of the water treatment plant on fish and invertebrates probably was not from acute toxicity in the discharges or the occasionally large discharge of clean water from the aqueduct, but was from the fluctuating backwash flows containing fine sediment that displaced small fish downstream and created unstable benthic substrates for invertebrates.The filter plant that we studied is a direct-feed type (that is, no sedimentation before filtration). These generally require greater frequencies of backwashing than do conventional plants and may therefore have greater biological impacts. Direct-feed plants are becoming increasingly popular throughout the world, for the most part because they are cheaper to build and operate. But if the associated biological problems are mitigated, then the cost savings of direct-feed compared to conventional plants may be lost.  相似文献   

Abstract: Some sources of organic wastewater compounds (OWCs) to streams, lakes, and estuaries, including wastewater‐treatment‐plant effluent, have been well documented, but other sources, particularly wet‐weather discharges from combined‐sewer‐overflow (CSO) and urban runoff, may also be major sources of OWCs. Samples of wastewater‐treatment‐plant (WWTP) effluent, CSO effluent, urban streams, large rivers, a reference (undeveloped) stream, and Lake Champlain were collected from March to August 2006. The highest concentrations of many OWCs associated with wastewater were in WWTP‐effluent samples, but high concentrations of some OWCs in samples of CSO effluent and storm runoff from urban streams subject to leaky sewer pipes or CSOs were also detected. Total concentrations and numbers of compounds detected differed substantially among sampling sites. The highest total OWC concentrations (10‐100 μg/l) were in samples of WWTP and CSO effluent. Total OWC concentrations in samples from urban streams ranged from 0.1 to 10 μg/l, and urban stream‐stormflow samples had higher concentrations than baseflow samples because of contributions of OWCs from CSOs and leaking sewer pipes. The relations between OWC concentrations in WWTP‐effluent and those in CSO effluent and urban streams varied with the degree to which the compound is removed through normal wastewater treatment. Concentrations of compounds that are highly removed during normal wastewater treatment [including caffeine, Tris(2‐butoxyethyl)phosphate, and cholesterol] were generally similar to or higher in CSO effluent than in WWTP effluent (and ranged from around 1 to over 10 μg/l) because CSO effluent is untreated, and were higher in urban‐stream stormflow samples than in baseflow samples as a result of CSO discharge and leakage from near‐surface sources during storms. Concentrations of compounds that are poorly removed during treatment, by contrast, are higher in WWTP effluent than in CSO, due to dilution. Results indicate that CSO effluent and urban stormwaters can be a significant major source of OWCs entering large water bodies such as Burlington Bay.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The 150-kilometer middle reach of the Snake River (middle Snake) in south-central Idaho receives large quantities of water from springs discharging along the north side of the river from the regional Snake River Plain aquifer. Water-quality samples collected from nine north-side springs in April 1994 indicated that springs in the upstream part of the reach had larger concentrations of dissolved solids, dissolved nitrate, total nitrogen, tritium, and heavy isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen than to springs in the downstream part of the reach. Because the spring chemistry varies in the reach, discharge from the springs resulted in a degradation in water quality in some parts of the middle Snake and improvements in water quality in other parts. Depending on the annual discharge in the Snake River, the contribution from the north-side springs represented 33 to 66 percent of the discharge, 32 to 57 percent of the dissolved solids, 26 to 50 percent of the total nitrogen, and 7 to 14 percent of the total phosphorus transported annually from the middle Snake. Synoptic sampling showed that the north-side springs contributed 84 percent of the discharge and 35, 40, and 10 percent of the dissolved solids, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus load, respectively, to the Snake River during the peak of the irrigation season in 1994.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An application of the receiving water block of the EPA Storm Water management Model (SWMM) is presented to quantify water quality impacts and evaluated control alternatives for a 208 areawide waste water management plan in Volusia Country, Florida. The water quality impact analyses were conducted for dry-and wet-weather conditions to simulate dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorides, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) in the Halifax Rivers, Florida, a 40-kilometer-long tidal estuary located on the Atlantic coast of Florida near Daytona Beach. Dry-weather analysis was performed using conventional 7-day, 10-year low flow conditions to determine a set of unit transfer coefficients which estimate the pollutant concentration transferred to any point in the estuary from a constant unit discharge of pollutants at the existing waste water treatment plant outfall locations. Wet-weather analysis was performed by continuous simulation of a typical three-month summer wet season in Florida. Three-month cumulative duration curves of DO, TN and TP concentrations were constructed to estimate the relative value of controlling urban runoff of waste water treatment plant effluent on the Halifax River. The three-month continuous simulation indicated that the greatest change in DO, TN, and TP duration curves is possible by abatement of waste water treatment plant pollution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Caloosahatchee River has two major sources of freshwater one from its watershed and the other via an artificial connection to Lake Okeechobee. The contribution of each source to the freshwater discharge reaching the downstream estuary varies and either may dominate. Routine monitoring data were analyzed to determine the effects of total river discharge and source of discharge (river basin, lake) on water quality in the downstream estuary. Parameters examined were: color, total suspended solids, light attenuation, chlorophyll a, and total and dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. In general, the concentrations of color, and total and dissolved inorganic nitrogen increased, and total suspended solids decreased, as total discharge increased. When the river basin was the major source, the concentrations of nutrients (excepting ammonia) and color in the estuary were relatively higher than when the lake was the major source. Light attenuation was greater when the river basin dominated freshwater discharge to the estuary. The analysis indicates that water quality in the downstream estuary changes as a function of both total discharge and source of discharge. Relative to discharge from the river basin, releases from Lake Okeechobee do not detectably increase concentrations of nutrients, color, or TSS in the estuary.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nonstorm water discharges to municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) are notable for spatial and temporal variability in volume, pollutant type, pollutant concentration, and activity of origin. The objective of this paper was to determine whether current technical knowledge and existing U.S. policy support an improved regulatory approach. The proposed policy would use type of discharge as a regulatory basis, merging the concepts of allowability of de minimis discharges and type-based statewide consistent rules. Specific research objectives were to comprehensively identify discharge types, characterize their prevalence in California, analyze relevant local and regional regulatory guidelines, and systematically evaluate opinions of experts about potential water quality impacts. Results demonstrate nonstorm water discharges were widespread in at least one sector, industrial facilities subject to a state permit; one discharge for every four facilities was reported in 1995, even though the permit explicitly prohibits such discharges. Clear consensus exists for minimal water quality concern for some discharge types when considering both municipal guidelines and experts’ opinions. In particular, condensate from a wide range of equipment and discharges from fire fighting equipment testing were found to be of low concern. Discharge types with consensus high concern were largely limited to discharges prohibited under other regulations, such as wastewater and hazardous waste management controls. Some discharge types where no consensus was identified, such as landscape irrigation, nevertheless generated concern for water quality impacts and appear to be relatively widespread. Available information supports technical feasibility of the proposed policy because at least some discharge types show strong consensus for de minimis impacts among regulatory guidelines and opinions of technical experts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A method to partition the variation in concentrations of water chemistry parameters in a river is described. The approach consists of fitting a family of curves for each chemical parameter. Each curve indicates the response of the parameter to river flow for a particular time period or location. An analysis of covariance is then used to identify statistically significant differences between curves. Such differences result largely from two factors: (1) the discharge of effluents and (2) river flow-concentration relationships. The deviations from the fitted curves indicate month-to-month variations unrelated to river flow that are controlled by factors such as temperature-related seasonal patterns. Underlying statistical assumptions are discussed with respect to water chemistry data. The technique is applied to a data set consisting of monthly samples of 22 water chemistry parameters from the Sulphur River of Texas and Arkansas. Several patterns of response to river flow and to two effluent discharges were revealed.  相似文献   

赵禹  周雪飞 《四川环境》2009,28(6):58-64,67
为了提高出水质量,法国小镇Cagnes—sur—Mer的生活污水处理厂从2008年初开始实施高有机负荷的运行,但同时这也提高了出泥产量。由于污泥的处理费用及搬运污泥的交通费用很高,水厂对污泥进行了污泥好氧稳定工艺,工艺使用纯氧机(VSA装置)就地利用空气制氧。工艺投入运行后,每日对好氧消化池的入泥和出泥进行采样和检测(MLSS、MLVSS、pH、COD、DRYNESS etc)以建立完整的运行数据。污泥经好氧消化作用后其有机物含量减少60%以上,每月减少40吨的出泥。同时,消化池的使用还使水厂周日也能对曝气池中的污泥进行抽取,缓解了以往由于周日停止排泥而导致周一曝气池中污泥浓度过大的问题。从而达到优化出水水质的目的。消化池中的温度维持在40℃左右,因为反应为放热反应,所以无需加热设备。此项目所收集到的数据将为这种工艺的发展提供帮助。同时也可以为那些想要减少出泥量的水厂提供一种新的方法。因为它投资小,见效快,操作简单。  相似文献   

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