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移动执法系统是近年来部分地区用于现场执法的信息化系统。它在为现场执法提供便利的同时,亦收集了大量的一线原始数据。利用大数据,对移动执法系统积累的数据进行汇总、分析和加工,有利于提高环境监管执法的精准度。本文简要介绍了全国环境监察移动执法系统建设现状,提出了目前利用大数据在移动执法中的典型应用,并展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国的环境管理发展历程分析后认为,我国的环境管理模式已由过去单一的管理模式转变为强化执法监督、加大投入、注重技术相互结合的综合型管理模式,在继续强化执法监督的同时,不断提高环保投入的比例和不断增加科技含量,是环境管理发展的趋势。  相似文献   

/ This paper combines a review of recent publications on the effectiveness of environmental enforcement in the United States with new data to address the question of what type of enforcement activity is most productive. Using data on 39 state National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs, the measures of effort and cost typically applied to environmental enforcement and inspection activities were tested for relationships with compliance outcomes. No statistically significant relationships were found. In the absence of any improving trend in traditional measures of compliance, this lack suggests all enforcement systems presently used by states are failing. To work, an environmental enforcement system needs to include maintenance and restoration of compliance, real deterrence, mobilization of public opinion, minimal obtrusiveness, conformity with legal search requirements, cost-effectiveness for all parties, effective primary role for skilled inspectors, self-monitoring, compatibility with environmental management systems (e.g., ISO 14000), environmental auditing, robustness in the face of changing strategies by permittees, segregation of technical assistance from enforcement, team orientation, adaptability to multimedia, and, most difficult of all, disconnection from today's timely, appropriate, proportionate standard. These goals can be achieved through a proposed new environmental enforcement approach built on infrequent, random, but thorough inspections leading to fully documented enforcement actions resulting in high penalties. The enforcement system used by the Vienna übahn, or subway, can serve as a model for this type of environmental enforcement system. KEY WORDS: Enforcement; Deterrence; Environmental water quality; Discharge elimination systems  相似文献   

环球中国环境专家协会(PACE)于2019年6月27~29日在中国人民大学组织召开第四届中国环境治理学术年会,主题为推进国家环境治理体系和治理能力现代化,国内外环境公共治理领域顶级专家以及国家和地方相关政府官员出席了会议,并分理论方法、实践应用、行政执法、社会治理、经济政策以及全球环境治理等专题进行了深入研讨。会议认为,作为国家治理体系的重要组成部分,我国环境治理体系,在生态文明建设框架下,已取得长足进步,特别是以目标为导向的治理战略,已形成鲜明国际特色。中国环境治理模式正从传统的自上而下的政府行政管理转向政府主导、企业主体、社会参与和市场调节相结合并由自下而上机制相补充的多元共治现代公共治理模式,治理能力近年来显著加强,但在环境社会治理以及参与全球环境治理等方面仍存在显著薄弱环节,在政府执法机制以及经济政策使用等方面仍有许多需要改进的地方。  相似文献   

Enforcement gaps are an especially vexing problem in China due to pervasive "pro-growth" local government priorities, the weak administrative capacity of environmental agencies themselves, and relatively weak levels of societal support for a cleaner environment. This study seeks to examine this problem from the perspective of the local enforcement officials by empirically examining the relationships between these and other influences on their perceptions of enforcement effectiveness. Using samples of enforcement officials from the fast-growing cities of Chengdu, Dalian, and Guangzhou, this study finds that many of the more commonly cited problems related to regulatory enforcement were not as influential in accounting for variations in perceptions of enforcement effectiveness than the current literature might suggest. Moreover, this study also finds that the pattern of influences varies greatly across jurisdictions, with only the officials' belief in the legitimacy of the governments' policies being significant in all three samples. Strong influences on perceptions of enforcement effectiveness in two of the three samples include the environmental values of enforcement officials, their perceptions of organizational capacity for enforcement, and their assessment of government support for environmental protection. Although government support was found to be a strong predictor of enforcement effectiveness in two of the three samples, the influence of societal support had a somewhat mixed and more complicated effect. In addition, this study suggests that further improvements in enforcement effectiveness may be possible by cultivating or selecting enforcement officials with strong environmental values and beliefs in the legitimacy of the government's environmental policy to take charge of enforcement. Because it is generally accepted that local environmental protection bureaus are generally upgrading their organizational capacity for improvement as the result of increasing central government support for environmental protection and institutional restructuring, and because environmental awareness in China is growing, this study suggests that some incremental progress is likely in China's efforts to close the enforcement gap. Unfortunately, such improvements are likely to be masked by the steep trajectory of economic growth, the narrow scope of regulatory control (i.e., with scant attention paid to nonindustrial sources), and the migration of industrial pollution to rural areas.  相似文献   

The requirements of the MACT Standards for Emissions from Leaking Equipment and the requirements of the amended Clean Air Act will change how environmental control programs are administered within plants. No longer will the programs be the responsibility solely of the separate environmental function. The programs will need to be administered via a team of personnel that involves maintenance, computer systems, environmental, emissions measurement specialists, and planning personnel as well as management. Compliance with the rules will be based on an inspection of paper records and computer databases. The enforcement penalties will not be trivial. The ability of the plant to grow and be modified will need to be balanced against the potential benefits from early reduction programs, which will allow for delayed implementation of some programs.  相似文献   

环境是公共的,环境利益具有公众性。在环境执法中积极吸纳公众意见,是国家民主管理社会的体现。公众参与环境执法的角色定位即:政府在环境执法中处于核心地位,拥有最终裁量权;企业是环境执法的对象;公众是环境执法的最终受益者。政府、企业与公众的沟通协调是公众参与环境执法的有效机制。  相似文献   

如何使环境执法与环境监测有机融合、协同联动,促进环境管理工作高效开展,是现阶段生态环境部门急需解决的问题。通过分析环境执法与环境监测在实际工作中存在的问题及新时期环境执法和环境监测融合发展的意义,提出应积极构建二者协同联动机制,以解决新型生态环境问题。  相似文献   

通过实证考察可知,目前我国环境监察执法体制有自身的特点,同时也存在一些缺陷,制约了生态环境执法的有效性。独立环境监察执法体制是应对执法困境的良药,该体制具有特殊的内涵,其既具有理论基础也具有政策依据。在分析域外环境执法的经验基础上,针对我国环境执法体制存在的问题,独立环境监察执法体制与机制的建构应当遵循以下路径。首先,独立环境监察执法体制与机制的建构应当遵循合法、效能与环境执法特殊性相契合的原则。其次,建议通过保障组织机构的独立,扩充环保部门的权力,加强环境执法的财政保障以及确立环境执法的独立责任等措施构建起独立环境监察执法体制。再次,通过规范的程序机制、确立综合协调机制、强化责任追究机制、协调激励和制约机制、优化公众参与机制、探索建立环保警察制度等措施完善环境监察执法机制。最后,独立环境监察执法体制与机制需要法律保障。  相似文献   

改革开放40年来,我国生态环境监管执法体系经历了从无到有,从以排污收费为核心内容,到以改善生态环境质量为根本目的,再到更加注重保护执法相对人合法权利的变迁和跨越。总体而言,环境监管执法队伍在全国各级政府不断建立,环境监管相关之事权与权责更加明晰,环境监管执法能力不断强化,环境行政管理体制不断理顺,环境法律制度体系更加优化,环境治理之主体和手段更加多元。  相似文献   

张健  张舒 《中国环境管理》2021,13(2):119-126
开展跨区域联合执法是解决长三角跨界环境问题的重要途径。长三角区域环境联合执法的实质在于打破传统属地管辖模式,在一定程度上实现行政管辖权的共享。目前,长三角区域在建立区域合作机构、开展环境合作活动、统一环境执法依据等方面已经进行了积极探索,但依然存在执法主体不规范、执法权限不充分、执法依据不统一等问题。长三角区域环境联合执法所采取的横向府际协同模式以及统一执法与联合执法相结合的模式具有一定优势,需要在此基础上加以改进。未来需要规范联合执法队伍的组建,通过区域合作和中央批准的方式建立联合执法队伍并对执法主体进行明确授权,充分发挥现有机构的监督协调作用,以及通过分区域、分行业、分时段的方式逐渐统一执法依据。  相似文献   

加强环境保护执法工作的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了执法工作在实施环境保护中的重要意义,并在分析当前环境执法活动存在问题的基础上,提出了加强和完善环境执法工作的对策。  相似文献   

关于构建企业环境守法引导机制框架的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
当前我国经济发展步入新常态阶段,经济发展速度减慢,部分企业资金缩紧,难免出现逃避监管、偷排漏排等现象。在这种形势下,只有转变对企业的传统监管模式,从单纯的行政执法向行政执法与守法激励相结合模式转变,建立企业环境守法引导机制,才能更好、更快地促进企业自觉调整结构,创新技术,发展绿色产业,从而实现环境效益、经济效益和社会效益共赢。本研究基于环境规制、利益相关者以及企业社会责任等理论基础,提出构建企业环境守法引导机制的基本框架由行政监管、经济激励、企业自律和社会监督等四个方面构成,并分析目前我国企业环境守法引导机制建设存在不完善问题,建议从完善行政监管执法机制、健全经济激励政策、加强企业环保意识培养、完善社会监督机制等方面间接和直接引导企业环境守法。  相似文献   

环境行政执法存在的问题及应对措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境保护执法不到位、行政不作为、执法难、执法软等现象,不仅损害了环境法律的严肃性和环保部门的形象,在一定程度上纵容了环境违法行为,地方保护主义等因素的存在,又使环境执法难成为各地的普遍存在的问题。因此环保部门应尽快制定措施,完善法规、健全机制、强化执法力量、加大宣传力度。  相似文献   

周聿泓 《四川环境》2012,(4):143-146
环境监督管理全覆盖移动执法系统,是利用现代无线通信技术、计算机技术等先进技术手段,利用手持终端(PDA)、手提电脑等设备,通过无线数字通信网的支持,实现在任何执法地点都可从后台业务系统中获取所需的业务数据、文字、图片、视频等信息,同时将现场执法的信息及时回传至后台系统中。本文介绍了移动执法系统的建设以及应用的情况。  相似文献   

固定源合规制度是确保固定源企业将排污许可证中载明的要求得以实施的具体措施和规定,也是将排污许可制度打造为固定源环境管理核心制度的重要环节。本文基于美国固定源合规监管经验和当前国内排污许可实施基础,构建了固定源排污许可合规管理制度。所构建的制度基于整体性治理理论,以固定源企业需提交的排污许可合规报告为主要合规监管环节,将政府部门对于固定源企业的合规监管分为以合规报告为主的书面核查和企业现场核查两个环节,并在整个合规监管过程中贯彻数据管理,设计了企业合规报告、政府核查报告、核查类型及任务、核查评估方法、合规信息公开及违规处罚方式等关键内容,以节省对于固定源企业污染排放合规监管过程的环境执法资源和提升监管效率。  相似文献   

杨金茂  孙克 《四川环境》2022,(1):250-256
农村生态环境保护是乡村振兴战略的重要一步,但当前农村生态环境污染现状严重,亟待解决.运用案例分析和文献研究法对农村生产、生活现状进行分析.发现我国农村生态环境法制方面存在基本法律缺乏、执法不规范、农民环保意识淡薄的问题.而完善农村环境保护立法、强化农村环境保护执法、提高农民环境保护意识这三条路径能够有效解决农村环境法制...  相似文献   

区域贸易协定框架下的多边环境协议涉及的主要问题可以概括为RTAs的环境条款类型、制度基础与制度选择问题,RTAs环境影响评价问题,RTAs的环境合作问题,RTAs环境标准、环境法实施与争端解决机制问题以及RTAs的公众参与环境保护问题等。贸易与环境问题的结合一直具有争议性,区域贸易协定在文本上达成的环境标准与贸易的结合要得到真正的实施,后续的努力至关重要,这些努力包括环境对话与合作、环境保护资金来源、公众参与等。  相似文献   

以陕西省18家30万kW以上火电机组自动监测仪器设备、比对监测的结果作为参考依据,指出CEMS比对监测存在缺乏统一管理、监管薄弱、监测方法不同、设备安装位置不规范、参数缺项的问题,并针对问题提出规范设备供应商、严把CEMS验收关、加强监管、贯彻执行国家相关文件及技术规范、强化环境执法等具体建议。  相似文献   

Companies that incorporate Total Quality Management into their operations are placing increased emphasis on identifying the root causes of deficiencies and problems. This is in keeping with the TQM principles identified by Deming in Out of the Crisis. Deming states that quality comes not from inspection or from management by objectives or results, but from improvements made in the process and products in order to meet customer needs. Deming's approach demands a shift in focus from addressing symptoms to addressing causes. In this article, environmental management audits are presented as the best means to assure that adequate management controls are in place to protect the company, its managers and its employees from penalties associated with civil and criminal enforcement actions.  相似文献   

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