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ABSTRACT: Nonpoint pollution in the form of runoff generated by conventional agricultural practices is one of the major sources of environmental degradation of surface water bodies. Agricultural conservation practices including no‐tillage operations have been introduced as alternatives to cope with such challenges. This study attempts to examine the economic and environmental impacts of no‐tillage as compared to conventional agricultural practices for cotton, soybeans and corn cultivated in the Mississippi Delta. Impacts in the form of sediment, nutrient and pesticide runoff at farm level are investigated, using the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC).  相似文献   

The concept of water conservation has increased in importance because of revisions in the rules and procedures for performing cost-benefit analyses of federal water projects. These revisions include a requirement that nonstructural and water conservation measures be incorporated into economic assessments of projects. Project analyses will now proceed as if water supplies were allocated “most effectively,” that is, to their highest valued uses. A related requirement provides that the net benefits of any project should now be valued using willingness to pay measures. A specific cost-benefit methodology accommodating the revisions is constructed and discussed. Informational requirements for applying this methodology are identified. In addition to being consistent with federal mandates, this technique offers important advantages over the traditional “requirements” approach to water supply planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The importance of water conservation was emphasized by a proposed National Water Policy which was established during the previous Carter Administration. This policy stressed water conservation on a national scale. Such a policy sought to apply one program to all water resources problems. Before implementation of this or another such policy, consideration must be given to those vast areas of the country which in reality do not have a shortage of water. One of these areas is the French-Broad River basin in Tennessee. This report was formulated in an effort to describe both the positive and negative effects of water policies which would bring about either a 10 percent or 30 percent reduction in water usage in this basically water rich area. The parameters used in the evaluation included selected economic, sociological, legal, and environmental impacts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A partial production function for corn that considers the time and amount of water applications is determined. Examples are worked out by using data on site specific parameters for nine soil sites in the Great Plains Region repesenting various combinations of water holding capacity, pan evaporation, and average rainfall. It is found that soils with a low water holding capacity are more water and energy intensive in crop production and thus more vulnerable to fluctuations in net returns due to declining water tables or energy shortages. Despite this, farmers of low water holding capacity soils are likely to opt for irrigation. This points to the existence of a necessary, but sufficient, condition for socially inefficient use of ground water resources. This calls to question the property right concept in water created through the appropriation doctrine and the “law of capture.” This paper indicates the type of analysis that must be undertaken in order to make appropriate changes in laws governing water use.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the past, researchers have applied a variety of analytical techniques for maximizing the present value of a stock resource - simulation, calculus of variations, stochastic dynamic programming, and optimal control theory. This paper presents a more operational approach - linear programming. A simplified, broadly drawn example from Southwest agriculture is used for demonstrating the model's structure and output. The method is based on a set of state transformation operations that prevent the additivity assumption of linear programming from being violated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increasing costs and competition for water have resulted in pressure to manage urban water demand through conservation programs. Metering, pricing, devices, restrictions, building code changes, and horticultural practices have all been effective in reducing average residential water use. Some conservation means are specifically aimed at reducing peak demands but these usually reduce average usage as well. Combined programs of conservation can be expected to reduce urban demand by as much as 25–30 percent over the long term. Restrictions can reduce water usage on the short term even further. The success of conservation programs is as dependent on the effectiveness of public education and information dissemination as on the conservation practices themselves.  相似文献   

Farmers from four irrigation districts in Texas and California were questioned about water conservation practices they are now using, those they plan to adopt, and potential incentives that government might offer to induce still further water conservation on their part. While responses differed somewhat from place to place and among individual farmers, the general results were: a) farmers reported that “water conservation” is not new to them, it is something they practice regularly; b) recent innovations such as laser controlled land leveling devices have permitted some substantial water use reductions in recent years; and c) even greater incentive mechanisms that government could provide and that farmers would accept as useful incentives, such as long term low interest loans for water saving equipment, would probably not be able to reduce water use in agriculture much further than 15 percent below current levels. It is recommended nonetheless that Federal agencies and local water districts and individuals should nonetheless pursue water conservation training and education programs, demonstrations of conjunctive use and water banking opportunities for water saving, and increased loan programs for installation of water saving equipment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A typical single family residence in Tucson, Arizona, was retrofitted to incorporate low-water-use fixtures and water reuse systems. The use of municipal water was reduced by 53 percent to 53 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) and total water use at the home was reduced by 33 percent to 74 gpcd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper defines types of water losses in irrigated agriculture and outlines potentials for water conservation. Recoverable water “losses” (seepage, leakage, and spillage during storage and conveyance, and surface runoff and deep percolation during irrigation) and irrecoverable losses (evaporation from water and soil surfaces and transpiration from plants) are described and illustrated. Some conservation terms are defined, particularly the distinction between on-farm irrigation efficiency and areawide efficiency. Briefly reviewed are agricultural water conservation technologies and their applicability. The biggest untapped potential for water conservation may be a reduction in irrecoverable losses, especially evapotranspiration. The advantages and disadvantages of reducing recoverable and irrecoverable water losses are described, including possible effects on ground water, energy, salinity, crops, wildlife, and in-stream uses. Such information may be useful in several policy and management issues, e.g., ground water overdraft and possible constraints on crops and sites to be irrigated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of major water management practices on the pumping requirement from the Ogallala aquifer are discussed. Demand on the aquifer may be reduced as much as 15 percent by recycling irrigation runoff, 25 percent by recycling irrigation runoff and irrigating with water from playas, and 29 percent by recycling irrigation water in combination with irrigation from playas and artificial recharge of playa water to the aquifer. Other practices that can result in more efficient use of precipitation and groundwater are limited irrigation, land forming, soil profile modification, and improved irrigation systems, thereby reducing the pumping demand on the Ogallala. Additional water supplies can possibly be obtained by water harvesting, weather modification, and water importation. Conclusions reached were that the overdraft on the aquifer can be reduced by the application of sound water management practices on an area-wide basis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: California's courts have recently recognized the existence of underground aquifer storage rights that permit public agencies to (1) store imported waters in aquifers; (2) prevent others from expropriating that water; and (3) recapture the stored water when it is needed. The article describes the two appellate decisions that represent the common-law development of aquifer storage rights. Each decision related to separate aquifers that were subject to separate types of groundwater management programs. One decision involved an aquifer under the southeastern San Francisco Bay area that was managed under statutory authority and is entitled, Niles Sand and Gravel Co. v. Alameda County Water District 37 C.A.3d 924 (1974); cert. denied 419 US 869. The other decision involved an aquifer under Southern California's San Fernando Valley that was managed under judicial authority and is entitled, City of Los Angeles v. City of San Fernando 14 Cal.3d 199 (1975). The two decisions provide separate, but complimentary, public interest rationales for aquifer storage rights: (1) to protect water supplies necessary for the overlying community; and (2) to increase water supply efficiencies by using natural underground reservoirs wherever practicable. The Article reviews the relationship of aquifer storage rights to conventional groundwater rights and indicates aspects of the storage right that may need additional development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Cortaro Area is currently the depository for much of the liquid waste from the City of Tucson. In the past, more than one-half of the sewage effluent was used for crop irrigation. However, since 1970 virtually all of the sewage effluent has been percolated in the normally dry Santa Cruz River channel. Nitrate and chloride contents were monitored monthly in water samples from about 20 large-capacity irrigation wells. Contents and seasonal trends for these constituents were closely related to the disposal of sewage effluent. Water quality problems other than nitrate include total dissolved solids, boron, coliform, and lead. High lead contents in the area appear to be a natural phenomenon and the coliform contents are likely related to poor well construction. The other quality problems are primarily due to sewage effluent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Adequate water supplies are critical to the maintenance of a community's health and economic well-being. Across the nation communities are struggling to meet an expanding demand for water from municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreation, water quality, and power generation users. As the demand grows and communities actively compete with one another for a limited water supply, states are being called upon to help solve the problem. One possible solution that is being used in many areas is the development and implementation of a water conservation program to stretch the limited supply as far as possible. using a mailed survey, state water conservation programs and some of the characteristics of the different programs were documented. Responses to the nationwide survey were obtained from all 50 states. The specific water conservation program elements on which information was received from the survey included laws and restricted use, community assistance, education, research, and other services. Recommendations for states developing or considering the development of a water conservation program are outlined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Groundwater pumping constitutes approximately 100 percent of the water supply in the Tucson Active Management Area (AMA), Arizona. The current annual overdraft approaches 250,000 acre-feet, but the goal of the AMA is to eliminate the overdraft by the year 2025. Urban water reuse, if implemented by only 30 percent of the area's projected population, would reduce the annual ground-water overdraft by 25,000 acre-feet.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: It is contended that water conservation measures that reduce a water system's net revenues are unlikely to be adopted. Pricing policies that induce conservation can be designed to increase net revenues. Management practices that lead to conservation and pure conservation measures may reduce net revenues; consequently, they are unlikely to be adopted. Recent experience in five southwestern cities supports these contentions. It is argued that the managers of a municipal water enterprise are particularly sensitive to short term variation in revenues. Consequently, to increase the likelihood of the adoption of measures that reduce net revenues it is necessary to remove either the decision to adopt measures that reduce net revenue or the adverse revenue effect from the water enterprise. Finally, to make higher rates for conservation palatable, imaginative use for the funds generated must be developed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A study of 222Rn concentrations in the water distribution system of Tucson, Arizona, revealed levels of 60 to 1260 pCi/L in domestic waters. These measurements are comparable to levels of between 80 and 1400 pCi/l for 222Rn found in ground water samples in the North-Central Tucson basin (Kahn et al., 1994). Estimated loss of 222Rn due to radioactive decay during travel from the well head to the home ranges from 8 to 50 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The ground water in the Tucson basin is being drawn faster than it is replenished by nature. The water table is falling, giving rise to several conflicts between water users in the basin. At present, several lawsuits are in progress, including an action by the Papago Tribe against some of the major water users in the basin. Largely because of these difficulties, the State Legislature has established a commission to make proposals for the reform of Arizona's ground water law. The pattern of water use in the basin will undoubtedly be changed by the outcome of the present litigation and the coming reform of Arizona's ground water law. This paper describes how water use in the basin might be affected by changes in the availability of water and gives an account of the effects that these changes in water use could have on the region's economy. The paper concludes that the water problems of the Tucson basin will have little effect on the region at large and that these problems are simply a matter for the Indians and the other water users in the basin to sort out amongst themselves.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A model for estimating the probability of exceeding groundwater quality standards at environmental receptors based on a simple contaminant transport model is described. The model is intended for locations where knowledge about site-specific hydrogeologic conditions is limited. An efficient implementation methodology using numerical Monte Carlo simulation is presented. The uncertainty in the contaminant transport system due to uncertainty in the hydraulic conductivity is directly calculated in the Monte Carlo simulations. Numerous variations of the deterministic parameters of the model provide an indication of the change in exceedance probability with change in parameter value. The results of these variations for a generic example are presented in a concise graphical form which provides insight into the topology of the exceedance probability surface. This surface can be used to assess the impact of the various parameters on exceedance probability.  相似文献   

Groundwater use is likely to be inefficient in the absence of regulation and hence there is substantial interest in optimal groundwater withdrawals over time. Under an optimal regime withdrawals, pumping lifts, and profits converge to steady-state levels. In this paper we show that optimal steady-state lifts, withdrawals, and marginal user costs can be readily calculated for multi-cell models of confined aquifers. Applications to the design of economically efficient groundwater management policies are discussed, comparisons to previous work and to the safe yield concept are made, and an illustrative example is given.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: By extending the concept of response matrix to consider “active” and “passive” effects, an efficient response matrix method is developed for coupling a groundwater simulator and a regional agricultural management model The method eliminates the need to store all of the recovery information from preceding time periods. Active effects are those which occur during the actual application of a pumping or recharge stress while passive effects represent the recovery of water levels from an initial departure from steady-state conditions at the beginning of a time step. Derivation of the required matrices and a numerical example are presented for the Salinas Valley groundwater basin in California.  相似文献   

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