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Inefficient environmental instruments and the gains from trade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary result from the trade and environment literature is that countries never lose from trade liberalization as long as they implement optimal pollution targets or if they hold emissions constant. These results are derived in models where the regulators use efficient instruments such as tradable permits or emission taxes. Regulators, however, continue to prefer command and control instruments. I show that regulation under these inefficient instruments (such as design standards or concentration standards) can lead to net losses under trade liberalization even if emissions are optimally adjusted for trade. Furthermore, holding the line on emissions need not guarantee welfare improvements either. The problem is that institutional distortions, the excess costs of inefficient instruments, can rise with trade and offset the material gains from trade. Hence the presumption that we can achieve gains from trade by considering only the level of emissions fails to recognize that the mode of regulation also matters.  相似文献   

In principle, a country cannot endure negative genuine savings for long periods of time without experiencing declining consumption. Nevertheless, theoreticians envisage two alternatives to explain how an exporter of non-renewable natural resources could experience permanent negative genuine savings and still ensure sustainability. The first one alleges that the capital gains arising from the expected improvement in the terms of trade would suffice to compensate for the negative savings of the resource exporter. The second alternative points at technological change as a way to avoid economic collapse. This paper uses the data of Venezuela and Mexico to empirically test the first of these two hypotheses. The results presented here prove that the terms of trade do not suffice to compensate the depletion of oil reserves in these two open economies.  相似文献   

We provide evidence for temporal displacement of illegal discharges of oil from shipping, a major source of ocean pollution, in response to a monitoring technology that features variation in the probability of conviction by time of day. During the nighttime, evidence collected by Coast Guard aircraft using radar becomes contestable in court because the nature of an identified spot cannot be verified visually by an observer on board of the aircraft. Seasonal variation in time of sunset is used to distinguish evasive behavior from daily routines on board. Using data from surveillance flights above the Dutch part of the North Sea during 1992–2011, we provide evidence for a sudden increase in illegal discharges after sunset across the year. Our results show that even a tiny chance of getting caught and a mild punishment can have a major impact on behavior.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to examine to what degree the integration between R&D and environmental departments facilitates the achievement of an environmental practice-derived competitive advantage. With this aim, we surveyed 110 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14001 certified factories. The results reveal that the integration of environmental action into the R&D department enhances a company's reputation through the product quality and image. Moreover, the said integration positively influences the company's overall innovative capability and, hence, its ability to penetrate international markets.  相似文献   

Nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons react to form atmospheric ozone, but, for given concentrations of either one, increasing amounts of the other give rise to declining increments of ozone. Thus, the damage functions from hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions are non-convex. A case study of control strategies in the New York metropolitan regions show that, because control costs rise so steeply for both pollutants, a cost-effective approach is to control emissions of both, despite the non-convexities. However, the loss function, for deviations from the least-cost strategy, lies well within the range of scientific uncertainty regarding precursor-ozone relationships, and the least-cost strategy choice is highly sensitive to small changes in the relative control costs. Therefore, decisions regarding controls on these emissions, especially nitrogen oxide emissions, should be based also on other considerations, such as the reduction in acid deposition.  相似文献   

Growing energy demand has increased the need to manage conflicts between energy production and the environment. As an example, shale‐gas extraction requires substantial surface infrastructure, which fragments habitats, erodes soils, degrades freshwater systems, and displaces rare species. Strategic planning of shale‐gas infrastructure can reduce trade‐offs between economic and environmental objectives, but the specific nature of these trade‐offs is not known. We estimated the cost of avoiding impacts from land‐use change on forests, wetlands, rare species, and streams from shale‐energy development within leaseholds. We created software for optimally siting shale‐gas surface infrastructure to minimize its environmental impacts at reasonable construction cost. We visually assessed sites before infrastructure optimization to test whether such inspection could be used to predict whether impacts could be avoided at the site. On average, up to 38% of aggregate environmental impacts of infrastructure could be avoided for 20% greater development costs by spatially optimizing infrastructure. However, we found trade‐offs between environmental impacts and costs among sites. In visual inspections, we often distinguished between sites that could be developed to avoid impacts at relatively low cost (29%) and those that could not (20%). Reductions in a metric of aggregate environmental impact could be largely attributed to potential displacement of rare species, sedimentation, and forest fragmentation. Planners and regulators can estimate and use heterogeneous trade‐offs among development sites to create industry‐wide improvements in environmental performance and do so at reasonable costs by, for example, leveraging low‐cost avoidance of impacts at some sites to offset others. This could require substantial effort, but the results and software we provide can facilitate the process.  相似文献   

We assessed the relative roles of local environmental conditions and dispersal on community structure in a landscape of lakes for the major trophic groups. We use taxonomic presence-absence and abundance data for bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish from 18 lakes in southern Quebec, Canada. The question of interest was whether communities composed of organisms with more limited dispersal abilities, because of size and life history (zooplankton and fish) would show a different effect of lake distribution than communities composed of good dispersers (bacteria and phytoplankton). We examine the variation in structure attributable to local environmental (i.e., lake chemical and physical variables) vs. dispersal predictors (i.e., overland and watercourse distances between lakes) using variation partitioning techniques. Overall, we show that less motile species (crustacean zooplankton and fish) are better predicted by spatial factors than by local environmental ones. Furthermore, we show that for zooplankton abundances, both overland and watercourse dispersal pathways are equally strong, though they may select for different components of the community, while for fish, only watercourses are relevant dispersal pathways. These results suggest that crustacean zooplankton and fish are more constrained by dispersal and therefore more likely to operate as a metacommunity than are bacteria and phytoplankton within this studied landscape.  相似文献   

This paper investigates privately and socially optimal patterns of economic development in a two-sector endogenous growth model with clean and dirty goods. We consider a second-best fiscal policy framework in which distortionary taxes jointly influence economic growth and environmental quality. In this policy setting, three conditions produce an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC): (i) dirty output is bounded; (ii) clean output grows endogenously; and (iii) growth in the dirty sector reduces growth in the clean sector. These conditions do not arise with a consumption externality, but can emerge with a production externality. Endogenous labor supply implications are also investigated. Although not necessary for producing an EKC, endogenous labor supply provides additional linkages that produce an EKC under circumstances in which it would otherwise not appear.  相似文献   

海南省畜禽养殖污染及其治理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周祖光 《生态环境》2006,15(4):885-888
畜禽粪便中含有大量畜禽食粮后没有被完全转化的有机质和氮、磷、钾等营养元素,也含有可作为饲料营养物质,流失进入水体环境后会造成水质富营养化,降低河流水质功能。通过实测和估算,研究海南省畜禽养殖粪便产生的主要污染物及其对河流水体的影响情况,同时研究海南省处置畜禽粪便污染的效果。2002年海南省畜禽养殖粪便主要污染物产生量分别为:COD量50.35万t、无机氮8.87万t、磷酸盐2.26万t;主要污染物入河量分别为:COD量19861t、无机氮1953t、磷酸盐365t。目前采用的好氧与厌氧沼气化处理处置畜禽粪便与污水效果较好,COD平均去除率为89%,氨氮平均去除率为88%,总磷平均去除率为75%。国内对畜禽养殖粪便的处理处置和污染问题也有不少研究,但像此文较系统性地研究畜禽养殖粪便污染及其治理问题却为鲜见,计算与估算的方法也与其它研究有所不同。  相似文献   

环境监测具有执法权威性和科学公正性.由于环境监测管理体制未尽完善等原因,不同部门监测机构施行环境监测存在一些亟待解决的问题.其中,管理体制中有关环境保护监测机构的法律属性不够明确,监测工作交叉重复、缺乏统一的规定和口径,各部门监测机构采用的标准不统一、监测数据可比性差是长期以来较为突出的现象.针对这些普遍关注的焦点,尝试寻求解决措施.阐明赋予环境监测职能部门及其监测活动明确法律地位和健全环境监测协调机制、确立环境保护部门监测机构作为监测工作牵头骨干、统一监督管理地位的必要性,扼要提出各部门监测机构规范化管理的基本思路,强调建立健全环境监测标准体系的重要性.旨在协调、规范各部门监测机构开展环境监测工作,强化环境监督管理,推进节能减排.  相似文献   

High Arsenic concentrations (up to 200 mg kg–1) are found in macadam products from Dannemora Iron Mine in central Sweden. Monitoring the As, Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in different macadam products shows that the highest amounts of the metals investigated appear in the fine fractions, 0–2 mm. Because of these relatively high concentrations, the Department of Environment has stopped all distribution of macadam products with a fraction less than 2 mm. However, the leaching tests show a very low concentration of weathering products which indicates a very low weathering rate for the material. Both the surface water and the ground water analyses also show low concentrations (<30g L–1) in all the samples.  相似文献   

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