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We collected rainwater samples from every rainfall in Matsue, Japan in order to study variations of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations over time. The seasonal average concentration by magnitude order of Total Nitrogen (here after T-N) was highest in winter, then in spring, fall, and summer and that of Total Phosphorus (here after T-P) was highest in spring, then in winter, fall, and summer. These seasonal variations were examined in relation to the transportation paths of arrived air masses by using a backward trajectory and rainfall patterns from a surface synoptic weather chart. In winter, continental air masses frequently flow from China or Siberia and the resultant winter rainfall is on many occasions of a continental type. In summer, maritime air masses frequently arrive from the Pacific Ocean and this resultant rainfall therefore was often of maritime type. Looking at average concentrations of T-N and T-P for each rainfall type, continental types were high range and maritime types were low. It was therefore concluded that the monthly average concentration of T-N was affected by continental air masses from northern China in winter and by maritime ones from the Pacific Ocean in summer. The maximum deposition of T-N was caused by this concentration in winter and rainfall depth in summer. Seasonal variation of T-P showed a different fluctuation tendency from T-N, with a maximum concentration in spring, and minimum in summer and fall. T-P was susceptible to the yellow sand phenomenon which maximised T-P deposition in spring.  相似文献   

The physical principles of the Black Smoke method for measuring airborne particulate matter are very similar to those of the optical transmission method for Black Carbon, known as aethalometry. A simple quadratic relationship between the two methods can be derived, which could be useful in the interpretation of historical Black Smoke data for human health and climate change studies. Data supporting the relationship from a London kerbside site are presented.  相似文献   

通过融合污泥粘度与污泥浓度关系式、污泥粘度与温度关系式,得到一个新的关系式:污泥粘度与污泥浓度、温度的关系式,并通过实验数据拟合出各项参数,拟合效果比较理想.得出的污泥粘度与污泥浓度、温度的关系式对了解污泥的粘度变化非常有帮助,同时,该关系式也将为污泥处理、处置方案的制定提供参考依据.  相似文献   

污泥的粘度与浓度、温度三者关系式的实验推导   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过融合污泥粘度与污泥浓度关系式、污泥粘度与温度关系式,得到一个新的关系式:污泥粘度与污泥浓度、温度的关系式,并通过实验数据拟合出各项参数,拟合效果比较理想。得出的污泥粘度与污泥浓度、温度的关系式对了解污泥的粘度变化非常有帮助,同时,该关系式也将为污泥处理、处置方案的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Fungal spores are an important component of bioaerosol and also considered to act as indicator of the level of atmospheric bio-pollution. Therefore, better understanding of these phenomena demands a detailed survey of airborne particles.The objective of this study was to examine the dependence of two the most important allergenic taxa of airborne fungi - Alternaria and Cladosporium - on meteorological parameters and air pollutant concentrations during three consecutive years (2006-2008). This study is also an attempt to create artificial neural network (ANN) forecasting models useful in the prediction of aeroallergen abundance.There were statistically significant relationships between spore concentration and environmental parameters as well as pollutants, confirmed by the Spearman’s correlation rank analysis and high performance of the ANN models obtained. The concentrations of Cladosporium and Alternaria spores can be predicted with quite good accuracy from meteorological conditions and air pollution recorded three days earlier.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde (HCHO) concentrations were measured in 116 rain samples in Wilmington, NC from June 1996 to February 1998. Concentrations ranged from below the detection limit of 10 nM, to 13 μM, in the range of HCHO levels reported at other locations worldwide. The volume-weighted annual average rainwater formaldehyde concentration was 3.3±0.3 μM and comprised approximately 3% of the measured dissolved organic carbon. Using the volume weighted average HCHO concentration and annual precipitation of 1.4 m, an annual formaldehyde deposition of 4.6 mmol m−2 yr−1 was determined. Rainwater is a significant source of formaldehyde to surface waters and may contribute as much as 30 times the resident amount found in natural waters of southeastern North Carolina during the summer. Formaldehyde concentrations did not correlate with precipitation volume suggesting continuous supply during rain events. Evidence is presented which indicates part of this supply may be from direct photochemical production in the aqueous phase. Formaldehyde levels exhibited a distinct seasonal oscillation, with higher concentrations during the summer. This pattern is similar to that observed with other rainwater parameters at this site including pH, nitrate, and ammonium, and is most likely the result of increased photochemical production, as well as biogenic and anthropogenic emissions during summer months. The concentration of formaldehyde in both winter El Nino rains and summer tropical rains was less than half its concentration in non-El Nino or non-tropical events, suggesting significant terrestrial input. Formaldehyde was correlated with hydrogen peroxide and non-sea-salt sulfate deposition suggesting a relationship between HCHO, H2O2, S(VI) within the troposphere.  相似文献   

Estimates of the slope of the relationship between blood lead (μg dl−1) and air lead (μg m−3) obtained in ten independent studies are compared. No significant differences were detected among the estimates which ranged from 0.6 to 3.1 μg dl−1 per μg m−3 and represented male adult, female adult and child populations. A single best estimate of 1.2 μg dl−1 per μg m−3 ( ± 0.2,95 per cent confidence limits) was obtained. It is concluded that, if the blood lead-air lead slope depends on various physical and biological factors, then studies providing more precise estimates are required to detect these differences.  相似文献   

A portion of a population is assumed to be at risk, with the mortality hazard varying with atmospheric conditions including total suspended particulates (TSP). This at-risk population is not observed and the hazard function is unknown; we wish to estimate these from mortality count and atmospheric variables. Consideration of population dynamics leads to a state-space representation, allowing the Kalman Filter (KF) to be used for estimation. A harvesting effect is thus implied; high mortality is followed by lower mortality until the population is replenished by new arrivals. The model is applied to daily data for Philadelphia, PA, 1973-1990. The estimated hazard function rises with the level of TSP and at extremes of temperature and also reflects a positive interaction between TSP and temperature. The estimated at-risk population averages about 480 and varies seasonally. We find that lags of TSP are statistically significant, but the presence of negative coefficients suggests their role may be partially statistical rather than biological. In the population dynamics framework, the natural metric for health damage from air pollution is its impact on life expectancy. The range of hazard rates over the sample period is 0.07 to 0.085, corresponding to life expectancies of 14.3 and 11.8 days, respectively.  相似文献   

为了研究哈尔滨市大气污染特征以及气象要素对大气污染的影响,对哈尔滨市2013年采暖期及非采暖期内4种大气污染物(二氧化硫SO2、二氧化氮NO2、可吸入颗粒物PM10、细颗粒物PM2.5)日均浓度分布特征以及日均浓度与部分地面气象要素(风速、气温、气压、相对湿度)相关性进行研究.提出哈尔滨市4种大气污染物日均浓度均符合对数正态分布.采暖期和非采暖期内4种大气污染物浓度与地面气象要素的相关性存在显著差异.采暖期内,4种污染物浓度与风速显著负相关,与风速相关系数最高达-0.639;与气压和相对湿度正相关.非采暖期内,4种大气污染物均与相对湿度呈负相关,相关系数为-0.5左右,与其他3种气象要素相关性普遍不高.全年4种污染物中仅有SO2与气温呈较好负相关,相关系数为-0.4.  相似文献   

An evaluation of mercury observations from North Sea coastal stations during 1995–2002 has been performed. The mercury data originate from EMEP/OSPAR stations in Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Sweden where mercury in precipitation and Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) have been measured. A decreasing trend in mercury wet deposition is observed. The decrease is sufficiently large to be significant considering measurement precision and appears to occur at all the studied sites. The reduction in deposition is 10–30% when comparing the two periods 1995–1998 and 1999–2002. The trend is likely to be due to emission controls in Europe. In contrast, no decreasing trend in TGM could be observed during the same time periods. A plausible explanation is that the TGM concentration measured in the OSPAR area to a larger extent than before is dominated by the hemispherical background concentration of TGM.  相似文献   

A long distance air pollution model operating on a daily time scale and incorporating washout and dry deposition components is presented. Parameters in the model are based on literature values. Model testing is carried out by comparing computed results with field measurements for specific precipitation events and for a one year period.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between air pollution, fossil fuel energy consumption, water resources, and natural resource rents in the panel of selected Asia-Pacific countries, over a period of 1975–2012. The study includes number of variables in the model for robust analysis. The results of cross-sectional analysis show that there is a significant relationship between air pollution, energy consumption, and water productivity in the individual countries of Asia-Pacific. However, the results of each country vary according to the time invariant shocks. For this purpose, the study employed the panel least square technique which includes the panel least square regression, panel fixed effect regression, and panel two-stage least square regression. In general, all the panel tests indicate that there is a significant and positive relationship between air pollution, energy consumption, and water resources in the region. The fossil fuel energy consumption has a major dominating impact on the changes in the air pollution in the region.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Ever since the discovery of the mutagenic properties of ionizing radiation, the possibility of birth sex odds shifts in exposed human populations was considered in the scientific community. Positive evidence, however weak, was obtained after the atomic bombing of Japan. We previously investigated trends in the sex odds before and after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident. In a pilot study, combined data from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Poland, and Sweden between 1982 and 1992 showed a downward trend in the sex odds and a significant jump in 1987, the year immediately after Chernobyl. Moreover, a significant positive association of the sex odds between 1986 and 1991 with Chernobyl fallout at the district level in Germany was observed. Both of these findings, temporality (effect after exposure) and dose response association, yield evidence of causality. The primary aim of this study was to investigate longer time periods (1950–2007) in all of Europe and in the USA with emphasis on the global atmospheric atomic bomb test fallout and on the Chernobyl accident. To obtain further evidence, we also analyze sex odds data near nuclear facilities in Germany and Switzerland.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate lichens as biomonitors of PAH atmospheric deposition; for that, an inter-comparison between the PAH profile and concentrations intercepted in lichens with those of air, soil and pine needles was performed. The study was conducted in a petro-industrial area and the results showed that PAH profiles in lichens were similar to those of the air and pine needles, but completely different from those of soils. Lichens accumulated higher PAH concentrations when compared to the other environmental compartments and its concentrations were significantly and linearly correlated with concentrations of PAHs in soil; we showed that a translation of the lichen PAHs concentrations into regulatory standards is possible, fulfilling one of the most important requirements of using lichens as biomonitors. With lichens we were then able to characterize the air PAHs profile of urban, petro-industrial and background areas.  相似文献   

The recent claim made in this journal that nuclear bomb tests and the Chernobyl disaster caused distortions in the secondary sex ratio is shown to be a likely artifact of data mining, misused statistics, and misreading of the evidence. In particular, the concept of statistical “significance” and its limitations do not seem to be fully understood, and important confounding factors have not been accounted for.  相似文献   

In recent years, the rapid increase in population density has caused increases in the consumption of fuel, and the outdoor air quality has deteriorated in the crowded urban areas of Turkey. Erzurum, a city in the eastern part of Turkey, is influenced by air pollutants such as SO2 and suspended particles. It is known that, in general, the air pollution concentrations have a close relationship with meteorological factors. In this study, the relationship between outdoor air quality data and meteorological factors, such as wind speed, rainfall, temperature, sunshine hours and relative humidity, is statistically analysed, using the code SPSS. According to the results obtained through multiple linear regression analysis, there are moderate levels of correlation between SO2 and particle concentrations and meteorological factors in Erzurum.  相似文献   

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