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The mobility of phenanthrene (PHE) in soils depends on its sorption and is influenced by either the existing soil humus or exogenous humic substances. Exogenous humic acids (HAs) were added to soil to enhance the amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) by 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 g kg−1. PHE desorption of the treated soils was determined at two pH levels (3.0 and 6.0) and temperatures (15 and 25 °C). Soil PHE adsorption was related to pH and the type and quantity of added HAs. Humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA) derived from peat had different effects on adsorption of PHE. Adsorption increased at first and then decreased with increasing quantity of exogenous FA. When the soil solution pH (in 0.005 M CaCl2) was 4.5 or 3.0, the turning points were 2.5 g FA kg−1 at pH 3.0 and 5 g FA kg−1 at pH 4.5. When soil solution pH was 6, the amount of adsorbed PHE was enhanced with increasing exogenous HAs (HA or FA) and amount of adsorption by soil treated with FA was higher than with HA. Adsorption of PHE in the FA treatment at 10.0 g kg−1 was lower than the controls (untreated soil or treatment with HAs at 0 g kg−1) when the soil solution pH was 3.0. This suggests that FA adsorbed by soil was desorbed at low pH and would then increase PHE solubility, and PHE then combined with FA. PHE adsorption was usually higher under lower pH and/or lower temperature conditions. PHE sorption fitted the Freundlich isotherm, indicating that exogenous humic substances influenced adsorption of phenanthrene, which in turn was affected by environmental conditions such as pH and temperature. Thus, exogenous humic substances can be used to control the mobility of soil PAHs under appropriate conditions to decrease PAH contamination.  相似文献   

Thallus segments of Fucus serratus L. and F. vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) were transferred into seawater media with a salinity range from 32.65 to 2.25 and maintained for at least 2 weeks. Several parameters of chemical composition as well as rates of photosynthetic and respiratory oxygen exchange, 14C-assimilate patterns, and release of 14C-assimilates into the culture medium have been investigated. Compared to controls, in both species dry weight, ash, chloride, and mannitol contents distinctly decline proportionally to reduction of salinity in the incubation media, whereas content of total N (in terms of protein content) remarkably increase. Respiratory O2-consumption is markedly increased at lower salinities, whereas rate of photosynthetic O2-evolution shows some depression. Relatively little effects of salinity changes are observed in distribution of photosynthetically assimilated 14C among the major groups of photosynthates. Release of 14C-assimilates into the incubation medium never exceeds 2% of total 14C-uptake, but is stimulated in media of reduced salt content. The results are discussed with emphasis on phenomena of long-term adaptation and osmoregulation in the marine fucoid species.  相似文献   

The genetic expression of temperature tolerance in Eurytemora affinis Poppe in different environments was investigated by testing temperature tolerances of broods in pairs of salinity and temperature environments. Three methods were used to identify interaction between genotype and environment: (1) the correlation between mean tolerances of halves of broods grown in the two environments, (2) brood by environment interaction and (3) heritabilities in the two environments. All correlations between means of half broods were positive, only one of six brood by environment interactions was significant and the heritability estimates were not markedly different. Thus, the variability in temperature tolerance in different salinities and in different temperatures seems to be due to the same genes; and selection pressure on temperature tolerance is in the same direction with seasonal changes in temperature and salinity.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The phenanthrene (PHE) adsorption on soils from the Yangtze River Delta region under different pH and temperature conditions was studied in the laboratory....  相似文献   

The development of gill chloride cells was examined in premetamorphic larvae (leptocephali) and juveniles (glass eels) of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Branchial chloride cells were detected by immunocytochemistry using an antiserum specific for Na+,K+-ATPase. The specificity and availability of the antiserum for the detection of Japanese eel chloride cells were confirmed by Western blot analysis. The chloride cells first appeared on the developing gill filaments in a mid larval stage of leptocephalus (32.2 mm). Both immunoreactivity and the number of chloride cells gradually increased as the fish grew to a late stage of leptocephalus over 54 mm. In glass eels just after metamorphosis, gill lamellae developed from the gill filaments, and a rich population of chloride cells was observed in the gill filaments. In glass eels collected at a coastal area, chloride cells were extensively distributed in the gill filaments. The chloride cell size decreased progressively in glass eels transferred from seawater (SW) to freshwater (FW), whereas there was no difference in cell number. In contrast, some Na+,K+-ATPase immunoreaction distinct from typical chloride cells was observed in the gill lamellae throughout FW-transferred fish, but disappeared in control fish maintained in SW for 14 days. These findings indicate that the gill and gill chloride cells developed slowly during the extremely long larval stage, followed by rapid differentiation during a short period of metamorphosis. The excellent euryhalinity of glass eels may be due to the presence of the filament chloride cells and lamellar Na+,K+-ATPase-immunoreaction, presumably being responsible for SW and FW adaptation, respectively.  相似文献   

Yu-San Han 《Marine Biology》2011,158(10):2349-2358
Japanese eels spawn mainly during June–August. The larvae (leptocephali) then drift for 3–5 months before metamorphosing into glass eels. The recruitment season generally starts in southern East Asia in November and in northern areas in April the following year, a lag of ~5 months. However, analysis of otolith daily growth rings revealed only a 1–2-month difference in the mean leptocephalus stage between southern and northern East Asian samples. Experiments and field observation indicate that glass eels may starve, lose body weight, and remain in early pigmentation stage for a few months in cold waters. The time lag in recruitment can be accounted for by a longer leptocephalus stage combined with a low temperature-driven delay to upstream migration in winter. The leptocephalus duration and oceanic currents determine the dispersal locations up to the glass eel phase, while temperatures determine the timing of upstream migration time at each location.  相似文献   

L. Westin 《Marine Biology》1990,106(2):175-179
The migration pattern of silver eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in the Baltic is well documented from many tagging experiments. This particular investigation differed from previous taggings in that the background of all the eels used was the same. They came from a 1980 stocking programme and had been imported from France as glass eels. When migrating these stocked eels missed the outlet of the Baltic and continued in a south-westerly direction. They were still reported in this southern-most area more than 4 yr later. Indigenous eels turn northwards after passing the south of Sweden and leave the Baltic through the narrow Sound. Since the formerly stocked eels had never been in the Baltic, the absence of an imprinted olfaction cue may explain their orientation failure. Although lacking an imprinted olfaction cue eels were recaptured mainly in a very restricted area in the southwestern Baltic. This reflects another cue, genetic or imprinted during the Atlantic journey. This second cue, temperate, can also serve as the trigger which causes eels to stop migrating and to initiate spawning. The enclosed Baltic acts as a giant trap for eels from the huge stocking programmes undertaken there. As a consequence stocked eels probably contribute little to spawning stocks in the Sargasso Sea which may have contributed to the decrease in abundance of glass eels reported from western Europe in recent decades.  相似文献   

The effects of fluctuating salinities on the survival and activity of Urosalpinx cinerea (Say) from the James River, Virginia, USA, were observed and compared to results of similar studies at constant salinities. All experiments were conducted at summer temperatures. The lower extremes of salinity fluctuations, especially values below 9, had the greatest effect on mortality; the upper extremes may have delayed, but did not reduce, mortality. There was a characteristic 10-day mortality-free period at the start of the fluctuating salinity experiments. Mortality patterns were much different in constant salinities, where the first 2 weeks of exposure were characterized by highest mortalities. In both types of experiments, drill activity, measured by attachment, feeding, and oviposition, increased as salinities increased above lethal levels (greater than a minimum of 9). Fluctuating salinities, which approximated field conditions, affected drills differently from constant salinities and were, therefore, more realistic for study of these estuarine organisms.Contribution No. 543, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, submitted by the senior author to the School of Marine Science of the College of Williams and Mary, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the otolith microstructure and microchemistry of Anguilla marmorata glass eels in the western North Pacific (Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia) determined the timing of metamorphosis and age at recruitment to freshwater habitats with a view to learning about the early life history and recruitment of this species of tropical anguillid eel, which has a wide range throughout much of the western Pacific and parts of the Indian Ocean. Three new samples (from Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia) were analyzed and statistically compared along with two other previously published samples that were analyzed using the same techniques. Ages at metamorphosis and recruitment, respectively, were 123ᆡ.4 days (mean-SD) and 154ᆥ.0 days in specimens from Japan, 116ᆢ.6 days and 145ᆣ.6 days in those from Taiwan, 120ᆡ.0 days and 154ᆡ.5 days in the Philippines stock and 132Nj.7 days and 159ᆟ.7 days, and 120ᆣ.6 days and 152ᆣ.2 days in the Indonesian stock. The average duration of the period of metamorphosis estimated from otolith microstructure was very similar (15-17 days) in the specimens from all locations. A close linear relationship was found between the ages at metamorphosis and recruitment at all locations, suggesting that individuals that metamorphosed earlier were recruited to freshwater habitats at a younger age. Back-calculated hatching dates ranged over about 6 months of the year, suggesting that this species may spawn throughout much of the year. It is hypothesized that specimens from all four sites are from the same spawning population originating in a spawning area in the North Equatorial Current of the western North Pacific.  相似文献   

The oxidation of elemental sulphur in the catalytic presence of selected metal ions [Cr(III), Ce(III), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Mo(VI), Cd(II), Zn(II), Ti(IV), and V(V)], and hydrocarbons (benzene, gasoline, and kerosene) was studied in an alkaline medium buffered by marble powder. The catalytic efficiencies of metal ions were: Cr(III) > Ce(III) > Cu(II) > Hg(II) > Ni(II). The oxidation process was inhibited in the presence of other ions, and the inhibitive effect was in the following order: Co(II) < Mo(VI) < Cd(II) < Zn(II) < Ti(IV) < V(V). In the case of hydrocarbons, the efficiencies were as follows: gasoline > benzene > kerosene. The oxidation of sulphur in sulphur-loaded soils obtained from near a textile mill and a distillery were also carried out in the c both cases was significantly enhanced.To whom all correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the Babylon snail (Babylonia areolata) to examine the effects of copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) on different life stages of this gastropod. Metal toxicity significantly varied according to the life stage of the snail. The different LC50 values obtained were 0.51, 5.49, 0.31, and 0.2 ppm for Cu, Zn, Cd, and Ni for the larval stage and 4.98, 15.19, 0.91, and 1.21 ppm at the juvenile stage and 8.54, 17.52, 1.14, and 1.44 ppm in the adult stage. Studies were also conducted on the effects of dual metal concentrations and experiments were repeated with temperature as a variable. Results demonstrated that metal toxicity values were altered depending on the metals involved in the combination as well as temperature under which the experiment was conducted.  相似文献   

The influence of salinity on the response of the estuarine teleost, Tilapia guineensis fingerlings to acute toxic effects of inorganic nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) (15: 15: 15) fertilizer was investigated using semi-static bioassay. The toxicity of NPK fertilizer was found to increase significantly with increase in the salinity level from 0.05 %. to 32.4 %o. The 96 hr LC50 value at salinity of 32.4 %o was 0.11 mg/l and was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) higher than the toxicity values at any other salinity level of media evaluated. The implication of the findings is that pollution control standards and/or safe limits for brackish water ecosystem should consider variations in salinity regimes for greater relevance and reliability.  相似文献   

Diurnal variability in chlorophyll fluorescence caused by dynamic irradiance conditions is an important issue when using pulse amplitude modulation fluorometry to measure physiological conditions of plants at the landscape scale. We examined the use of slopes and y-intercepts of diurnal effective photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) (ΔF/F m′) versus photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) regressions in addition to direct measurements of maximum photochemical efficiencies of PSII (F v/F m) values to assess physiological status of Thalassia testudinum seedlings in a controlled mesocosm study. Seedlings were exposed to two light treatments (full sun and 50–70 % light reduction) and three salinity treatments (20, 35, and 50). Measurements were taken at 0600, 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800, and 2100 hours in order to assess the diurnal variation in photochemical efficiency of PSII and PAR, with measurements at 2100 providing F v/F m. Results indicated significant effects of light and salinity on regression y-intercepts and measured F v/F m values. Shaded seedlings had higher values for both parameters, suggesting low-light acclimation. The highest salinity treatment resulted in significant reductions for both parameters, suggesting stress. Stress was also indicated by significant reductions in both seedling leaf growth and mean differences between seedling leaves and media osmolalities in the hypersaline treatments (152.0 ± 26.4 vs. 630 ± 40.2 mmol kg?1 for the control treatments). Slopes of ΔF/F m′ versus PAR significantly differed with varying light treatments, with full sun seedlings exhibiting shallower slopes than shaded seedlings, indicating higher efficiency of dissipation of excess energy (photoprotection). These experimental results confirm field data suggesting that diurnal ΔF/F m′ versus PAR regressions are responsive to changes in the physiological status of T. testudinum and that the y-intercepts of diurnal regressions may be used as a proxy for F v/F m.  相似文献   

孙俊玲  张庆华  王鹏焱 《环境化学》2020,39(6):1709-1715
采集了北京市北四环附近典型交通路口不同交通状况下大气颗粒物(TSP、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5))样品,利用高分辨率气相色谱/高分辨率质谱(HRGC/HRMS),按照US EPA 1668A方法,对19种多氯联苯(PCBs)浓度水平、组成特征和粒径分布规律进行了监测分析,并评估了交通控制对大气颗粒物中PCBs的影响.结果表明, PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和TSP中19种PCBs的质量浓度和毒性当量(TEQ)变化范围分别为567—2481 fg·m~(-3)和0.33—1.42 fg WHO-TEQ·m~(-3)、875—2845 fg·m~(-3)和0.34—1.71 fg WHO-TEQ·m~(-3)、1118—3922 fg·m~(-3)和0.46—2.09 fg WHO-TEQ·m~(-3),北京市大气颗粒物中PCBs处于较低水平,且主要富集在PM_(2.5)上,占51%—87%;3个采样期PCBs单体组成模式没有明显不同,说明释放源和转化过程是相似的;对总浓度贡献最大的是PCB-209和PCB-28,两者的贡献率为52%—77%,而对总TEQ贡献最大的是PCB-126,占86%—92%(平均值89%),其次是PCB-169,占6%—11%(平均值8%);交通限行期间PCBs的污染水平明显低于限行前,约降低69%—77%(平均值72%),临时交通控制措施的实施对PCBs污染水平降低具有积极的影响.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸是土壤有机碳分解的主要生物化学过程,可反映土壤有机质的分解程度及有效养分供给水平,可用于评价土壤微生物活力状况.通过设置8个养分处理,对黑土进行41 d的室内好气培养,考查了黑土微生物活力对不同养分响应的规律.结果表明,单加N或P以及NP组合均不能提高黑土微生物活力;单加葡萄糖能够使土壤呼吸释放的CO2累积量达到对照的10倍以上,使黑土微生物活力显著提高.在可利用碳底物充足的条件下,N的加入能够显著提高黑土微生物活力,土壤呼吸释放出的CO2累积量达到对照的13倍以上,显著促进土壤有机质中无机养分的释放,CN交互作用显著;在C和N养分都充足的条件下,P的加入才能够对黑土微生物产生激发效应.不同养分状况下,黑土微生物活力达到峰值的时间不同,表现为,CNP(C N P)处理土壤呼吸强度在第3 d达到最高值,CN (C N)处理在第5天达到最高值,单加C和CP (C P)处理,在15 d左右达到最高值.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2006,190(1-2):15-40
Models aiming to simulate growth under salinity stress and varied climatic conditions must rely on accurate methods for predicting transpiration and photosynthesis. Traditionally, models have described salinity stress as a decrease in water uptake caused by a low osmotic potential in the soil; however, many physiological studies suggest that reduced plant growth observed under saline conditions could be caused by increased respiration. Explicit calculation of photosynthesis and respiration enables both approaches to be tested and compared in a simulation model. We used an integrated ecosystems model (the CoupModel) to simulate photosynthesis and transpiration over a range of salinities. The model was calibrated and tested on two sets of data (two different seasons) on saline water, drip-irrigated tomato from lysimeter trials in the Arava Valley, Israel. Yields for the spring season were significantly lower than during the first autumn season even though transpiration was higher. As a result, water use efficiency differed by a factor of two between seasons. The model was successful in capturing this large variation, which was caused primarily by high levels of radiation and vapour pressure deficits during spring. For autumn the salinity stress approach in which water uptake was reduced performed well, whereas during spring the increased respiration approach correlated better with measurements. The concept of water use efficiency was found to be a useful tool for interpreting the accumulated effects of climatic and environmental conditions on particular agricultural systems. An attempt to simulate tomatoes grown in production beds indicated that the model set-up was also able to describe conventional cropping systems.  相似文献   

The spawning population of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) has been considered panmictic on the basis of genetic markers and morphometric studies. This hypothesis was tested by screening glass eel from five locations (Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Sweden and U.K.), belonging to two cohorts at the cytochrome b (cyt b) locus (392 bp) of the mitochondrion and at five nuclear microsatellite loci. Seventeen cyt b haplotypes were detected, of which ten were singletons; the most common haplotype occurred in 47% of all fish. Haplotype number increased significantly with latitude. Phylogeographical structure based on the cytoplasmic marker was weak (FST=0.014) and non-significant. Close similarity was revealed between British and Irish glass eel populations, and weak differentiation among the British/Irish, Atlantic Moroccan, Italian and Swedish Baltic populations, respectively. No hierarchical genetic structure was obvious. Levels of genetic variation detected with five microsatellites were much higher levels than found with allozymes in previous studies (mean number of alleles per locus=11.1; mean expected heterozygosity=0.68). Overall among-population microsatellite variance was low but significant (FST=0.004), and caused by the linked microsatellite loci Aan03 and Aan04. The Hardy-Weinberg-Castle equilibrium and the absence of gametic disequilibria at these loci in the Moroccan population might point to its genetic isolation, although the impact of just two out of five loci is puzzling. Given the weak differentiation typical for marine species and the limitations of our data, the results should be interpreted with caution. However, combined with recent evidence from a related study, the paradigm that the European eel constitutes a panmictic population becomes difficult to maintain.  相似文献   

A model that helps explain the mysterious long-distance migration of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) is presented, based on oceanographic observations, satellite buoy drift experiments, and samplings of eel larvae taken in 1991. The trajectory of a 150 m depth buoy relased in the spawning area strongly suggests that A. japonica larvae spawned just south of the salinity front are transported westward by the North Equatorial Current (NEC). The larvae are then thought to be entrained into the Mindanao Current flowing southward along the Philippine Islands where A. japonica juveniles are scarcely distributed. These controversial results lead to the assumption that eel larvae are transferred from the NEC to the northward flowing Kuroshio, which distributes the eel larvae to the growth habitats of eastern Asia. In this eel larvae transfer model, a northward Ekman transport caused by trade winds plays an important role in explaining the wind-induced northward shift of the larvae together with the onset of diel vertical migration. Assuming that leptocephali greater than 20 mm initiate the vertical migration, a westward wind velocity greater than 5 to 10 m s-1 should be high enough to diminish the southward current velocity. When the physical and geophysical conditions — such as the salinity front for spawning activity, the water tunnel for westward larval transport, the Ekman transport by the trade wind for transfer of the larvae from the NEC to the Kuroshio, and the strong velocity of the Kuroshio for rapid transport to growth habitats — are well matched with the timing of the onset of vertical migration, large-scale eel migration could result.  相似文献   

昆明自然和阿子营冷水下鉴定了亲本及其十和田×NIL回交的BC5F5群体264个材料12个性状及ICP-AES测定了昆明自然下糙米17种矿质元素,并研究了该群体两点12个性状间及其17种矿质元素间的相关,结果表明:(1)阿子营冷水条件下该群体9个形态性状的平均值及其变异系数与昆明常温条件下相近,但穗实粒数、秕粒数及结实率3个耐冷性指标性状的平均值及其变异系数差异较大.(2)冷水条件下十和田 NIL群体形态性状间的相关比常温条件下吏密切,冷水条件下有42对呈显著或极显著相关(-0.823**~0.954**)而常温条件下仅有1 9对呈显著或极显著相关(-0.206**~0.432**).(3)在昆明常温和阿子营冷水下BC5F5群体及其亲本12个形态性状与糙米17种矿质元素组成的408对性状中仅有糙米9种矿质元素(S、Fe、Na、P、Zn、Ca、K、Mg和Mn)与孕穗期耐冷指标性状密切相关.  相似文献   

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