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The effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza on heavy metal uptake and translocation was investigated in Cannabis sativa. Hemp was grown in the presence and absence of 100 microg g-1 Cd and Ni and 300 microg g-1 Cr(VI), and inoculated or not with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae. In our experimental condition, hemp growth was reduced in inoculated plants and the reduction was related to the degree of mycorrhization. The percentage of mycorrhizal colonisation was 42% and 9% in plants grown in non-contaminated and contaminated soil, suggesting a significant negative effect of high metal concentrations on plant infection by G. mosseae. Soil pH, metal bioavailability and plant metal uptake were not influenced by mycorrhization. The organ metal concentrations were not statistically different between inoculated and non-inoculated plants, apart from Ni which concentration was significantly higher in stem and leaf of inoculated plants grown in contaminated soil. The distribution of absorbed metals inside plant was related to the soil heavy metal concentrations: in plant grown in non-contaminated soil the greater part of absorbed Cr and Ni was found in shoots and no significant difference was determined between inoculated and non-inoculated plants. On the contrary, plants grown in artificially contaminated soil accumulated most metal in root organ. In this soil, mycorrhization significantly enhanced the translocation of all the three metals from root to shoot. The possibility to increase metal accumulation in shoot is very interesting for phytoextraction purpose, since most high producing biomass plants, such as non-mycorrhized hemp, retain most heavy metals in roots, limiting their application.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in encouraging revegetation of copper (Cu) mine tailings. Two native plant species, Coreopsis drummondii and Pteris vittata, together with a turf grass, Lolium perenne and a leguminous plant Trifolium repens associated with and without AMF Glomus mosseae were grown in Cu mine tailings to assess mycorrhizal effects on plant growth, mineral nutrition and metal uptake. Results indicated that symbiotic associations were successfully established between G. mosseae and all plants tested, and mycorrhizal colonization markedly increased plant dry matter yield except for L. perenne. The beneficial impacts of mycorrhizal colonization on plant growth could be largely explained by both improved P nutrition and decreased shoot Cu, As and Cd concentrations. The experiment provided evidence for the potential use of local plant species in combination with AMF for ecological restoration of metalliferous mine tailings.  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures are shown to be suitable experimental systems to screen higher plants for tolerance to various inorganic and organic pollutants, and for determining the role of the root matrix in the uptake and further metabolism of contaminants. A number of clones were obtained by infection of carrot tissues with Agrobacterium rhizogenes and two (the fastest and the slowest growing root clones) were chosen for further experimentation. Both clones showed a similar degree of tolerance towards phenol and its chlorinated derivatives, i.e. the growth of root biomass was maintained in concentrations of phenol equivalent to 1000 micromol/l, whilst the chlorophenols were tolerated only at concentrations 20 times lower (50 micromol/l). Transformed carrot roots were able to remove more than 90% of the exogenous phenolic compounds from the culture medium within 120 h after treatment. Metabolism of these compounds occurred in the root tissue and was accompanied by an increase in peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

A pot experiment examined the biomass and As uptake of Medicago truncatula colonized by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus mosseae in low-P soil experimentally contaminated with different levels of arsenate. The biomass of G. mosseae external mycelium was unaffected by the highest addition level of As studied (200 mg kg−1) but shoot and root biomass declined in both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, indicating that the AM fungus was more tolerant than M. truncatula to arsenate. Mycorrhizal inoculation increased shoot and root dry weights by enhancing host plant P nutrition and lowering shoot and root As concentrations compared with uninoculated plants. The AM fungus may have been highly tolerant to As and conferred enhanced tolerance to arsenate on the host plant by enhancing P nutrition and restricting root As uptake.  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures of Daucus carota L., Ipomoea batatas L. and Solanum aviculare Forst were investigated for their susceptibility to the highly toxic pollutants phenol and chlorophenols and for the involvement of inherent peroxidases in the removal of phenols from liquid media. Roots of D. carota grew normally in medium containing 1000 micromol l(-1) of phenol, whilst normal growth of roots of I. batatas and S. aviculare was only possible at levels up to 500 micromol l(-1). In the presence of chlorophenols, normal root growth was possible only in concentrations not exceeding 50 micromol l(-1), except for I. batatas which was severely affected at all concentrations. Despite the reduction in biomass, the growth of S. aviculare cultures was sustained in medium containing up to 2000 micromol l(-1) of phenol or 2-chlorophenol, and up to 500 micromol l(-1) of 2,6-dichlorophenol. The amounts of phenol removed by the roots within 72 h of treatment were 72.7%, 90.7% and 98.6% of the initial concentration for D. carota, I. batatas and S. aviculare, respectively. For the removal of 2,6-dichlorophenol the values were, respectively, 83.0%, 57.7% and 73.1%. Phenols labelled with 14C were absorbed by the root tissues and condensed with highly polar cellular substances as well as being incorporated into the cell walls or membranes. The results suggest that S. aviculare, an ornamental plant, would be best suited for remediation trials under field conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (Glomus caledonium) on accumulation and metabolism of atrazine in maize grown in soil contaminated with different concentrations of atrazine were investigated in a series of pot experiments. Roots of mycorrhizal plants accumulated more atrazine than non-mycorrhizal roots. In contrast, atrazine accumulation in shoot decreased in mycorrhizal compared with non-mycorrhizal plants. No atrazine derivatives were detected in the soil, either with or without mycorrhizal colonization. However, atrazine metabolites, deethylatrazine (DEA) and deisopropylatrazine (DIA), were detected in plant roots and the AM colonization enhanced the metabolism. After plant harvest atrazine concentrations decreased markedly in the soils compared to the initial concentrations. The decreases were the most in rhizosphere soil and then near-rhizosphere soil and the least in bulk soil. Mycorrhizal treatment enhanced atrazine dissipation in the near-rhizosphere and bulk soils irrespective of atrazine application rates.  相似文献   

Phenanthrene uptake by Medicago sativa L. was investigated under the influence of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Inoculation of lucerne with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus etunicatum L. resulted in higher phenanthrene accumulation in the roots and lower accumulation in the shoots compared to non-mycorrhizal controls. Studies on sorption and desorption of phenanthrene by roots and characterization of heterogeneity of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal roots using solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C NMR) demonstrated that increased aromatic components due to mycorrhizal inoculation resulted in enhanced phenanthrene uptake by the roots but lower translocation to the shoots. Direct visualization using two-photon excitation microscopy (TPEM) revealed higher phenanthrene accumulation in epidermal cells of roots and lower transport into the root interior and stem in mycorrhizal plants than in non-mycorrhizal controls. These results provide some insight into the mechanisms by which arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation may influence the uptake of organic contaminants by plants.  相似文献   

The presence of high levels of Cu in soil decreases the shoot and root dry weights of Eucalyptus globulus. However, higher plant tolerance of Cu has been observed in the presence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus deserticola. The hyphal length of G. deserticola was sensitive to low Cu concentrations, and the percentage of AM root colonisation and the metabolic activity of the AM fungus were also decreased by Cu. Therefore, a direct effect of Cu on the development of the AM fungus inside and outside the root cannot be ruled out. E. globulus colonised by G. deserticola had higher metal concentrations in the roots and shoots than do non-mycorrhizal plants; however, the absence of a higher root to shoot metal ratio in the mycorrhizal plants (1.70 ± 0.11) indicated that G. deserticola did not play a filtering/sequestering role against Cu. The saprobe fungi Coriolopsis rigida and Trametes versicolor were able to remove Cu ions from the asparagine–glucose growth media. However, plants inoculated with C. rigida and T. versicolor did not accumulate more Cu than non-inoculated controls, and the growth of the plant was not increased in the presence of these fungi. However, C. rigida increased the shoot dry weight, AM root length colonisation, and metabolic mycelial activity of plants colonised with G. deserticola in the presence of Cu; only this saprobe-AM fungus combination increased the tolerance of E. globulus to Cu. Inoculation with G. deserticola and C. rigida increased the E. globulus Cu uptake to levels reached by hyperaccumulative plants.  相似文献   

Because mycorrhizal fungi are intimately associated with plant roots, their importance in radionuclide (RN) recycling and subsequent dispersion into the biosphere has received an increasing interest. Recently, the capacity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to take up and translocate radiocaesium to their host was demonstrated. However, the relative contribution of these processes in comparison to the ones of roots remains unknown. Here, the respective contributions of the hyphae of a Glomus species and the transformed carrot (Daucus carota L.) roots on radiocaesium uptake and translocation were compared and quantified. We observed that radiocaesium uptake by hyphae was significantly lower as compared to that of the roots, while the opposite was noted for radiocaesium translocation/uptake ratio. We also observed that the intraradical fungal structures might induce a local accumulation of radiocaesium and concurrently reduce its translocation within mycorrhizal roots. We believe that intraradical fungal structures might induce the down-regulation of radiocaesium channels involved in the transport processes of radiocaesium towards the xylem.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the extent to which rhizobia, mycorrhizal fungi, and anions in simulated rain affect plant growth response to acid deposition. Germinating subterranean clover seeds were planted in steam-pasteurized soil in pots and inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum, Glomus intraradices, Glomus etunicatum, R. leguminosarum + G. intraradices, R. leguminosarum + G. etunicatum, or no microbial symbionts. Beginning 3 weeks later, plants and the soil surface were exposed to simulated rain in a greenhouse on 3 days week(-1) for 12 weeks. Rain solutions were deionized water amended with background ions only (pH 5.0) or also adjusted to pH 3.0 with HNO3 only, H2SO4 only, or a 50/50 mixture of the two acids. Glomus intraradices colonized plant roots poorly, and G. intraradices-inoculated plants responded like nonmycorrhizal plants to rhizobia and rain treatments. Variation in plant biomass attributable to different rain formulations was strongest for G. etunicatum-inoculated plants, and the effect of rain formulation differed with respect to nodulation by rhizobia. The smallest plants at the end of the experiment were noninoculated plants exposed to rains (0.38 g mean dry weight total for 3 plants pot(-1)). Among nonnodulated plants infected by G. etunicatum, those exposed to HNO3 rain were largest, followed by plants exposed to HNO3 + H2SO4, pH 5.0, and H2SO4 rain, in that order. Among plants inoculated with both R. leguminosarum + G. etunicatum, however, the greatest biomass occurred with pH 5.0 rains, resulting in the largest plants in the study (1.00 g/3 plants). Treatment-related variation among root and shoot biomass data reflected those for whole-plant biomass. Based on quantification of biomass and N concentrations in shoot and root tissues, total N content of plants inoculated with G. etunicatum alone and exposed to the HNO3 + H2SO4 rains was approximately the same as plants inoculated with R. leguminosarum + G. entunicatum and exposed to pH 5 rains. Thus, the acid-mixture rains and rhizobia under no acid deposition provided approximately equal amounts of N in biomass. The significant interactions among rain formulation and the symbiotic status of the plants suggest that conclusions concerning the impact of acid deposition on plants in the environment cannot be considered reliable because most experiments on which such assessments are based have not tested confounding influences of microorganisms and precipitation characteristics.  相似文献   

Root colonization and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were analyzed in Veronica rechingeri growing in heavy metal (HM) and non-polluted soils of the Anguran Zn and Pb mining region (Iran). Three species could be separated morphologically, while phylogenetic analyses after PCR amplification of the ITS region followed by RFLP and sequencing revealed seven different AMF sequence types all within the genus Glomus. Rarefaction analysis confirmed exhaustive molecular characterization of the AMF diversity present within root samples. Increasing heavy metal contamination between the sites studied was accompanied by a decrease in AMF spore numbers, mycorrhizal colonization parameters and the number of AMF sequence types colonizing the roots. Some AMF sequence types were only found at sites with the highest and lowest soil HM contents, respectively.  相似文献   

Abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with dominant plant species were studied along a transect from highly lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) polluted to non-polluted soil at the Anguran open pit mine in Iran. Using an established primer set for AMF in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA, nine different AMF sequence types were distinguished after phylogenetic analyses, showing remarkable differences in their distribution patterns along the transect. With decreasing Pb and Zn concentration, the number of AMF sequence types increased, however one sequence type was only found in the highly contaminated area. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that further factors than HM soil concentration affect the AMF community at contaminated sites. Specifically, the soils’ calcium carbonate equivalent and available P proved to be of importance, which illustrates that field studies on AMF distribution should also consider important environmental factors and their possible interactions.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculation with indigenous naturally occurring microorganisms (an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus and rhizosphere bacteria) isolated from a Cd polluted soil was assayed on Trifolium repens growing in soil contaminated with a range of Cd. One of the bacterial isolate showed a marked PGPR effect and was identified as a Brevibacillus sp. Mycorrhizal colonization also enhanced Trifolium growth and N, P, Zn and Ni content and the dually inoculated (AM fungus plus Brevibacillus sp.) plants achieved further growth and nutrition and less Cd concentration, particularly at the highest Cd level. Increasing Cd level in the soil decreased Zn and Pb shoot accumulation. Coinoculation of Brevibacillus sp. and AM fungus increased shoot biomass over single mycorrhizal plants by 18% (at 13.6 mg Cd kg(-1)), 26% (at 33.0 mg Cd kg(-1)) and 35% (at 85.1 mg Cd (kg(1)). In contrast, Cd transfer from soil to plants was substantially reduced and at the highest Cd level Brevibacillus sp. lowered this value by 37.5% in AM plants. Increasing Cd level highly reduced plant mycorrhization and nodulation. Strong positive effect of the bacterium on inocula, are important in plant Cd tolerance and development in Cd polluted soils.  相似文献   

Oliveira RS  Castro PM  Dodd JC  Vosátka M 《Chemosphere》2005,60(10):1462-1470
The presence of actinorhizas and arbuscular mycorrhizas may reduce plant stresses caused by adverse soil conditions. A greenhouse experiment was conducted using a sediment with a high pH, resulting from the disposal of waste originated at an acetylene and polyvinylchloride factory, in which Black alder (Alnus glutinosa) seedlings were inoculated either with Glomus intraradices BEG163 (originally isolated from the same sediment), Frankia spp. or both symbionts. After a 6-month growth period, plants inoculated with both symbionts had significantly greater leaf area, shoot height and total biomass when compared with the uninoculated control, the Frankia spp. and the G. intraradices treatments alone. In dual inoculated plants the N and P leaf content was significantly increased. A defoliation experiment was performed to evaluate the stress recovery of A. glutinosa and plants inoculated with both symbionts had a faster leaf regrowth and produced greater numbers of leaves. The dual inoculation resulted in greater numbers of and larger root nodules than when inoculated with Frankia spp. alone. The length and NADH diaphorase activity of the extraradical mycelium of G. intraradices was also significantly greater when dual inoculation was performed. The inoculation with Frankia spp. alone was shown to improve A. glutinosa growth, whereas G. intraradices alone had no positive effect under these environmental conditions. However, when the two symbionts were inoculated together a synergistic effect was observed resulting in a greater benefit for the plants and for both symbionts. The relevance of these findings for the phytorestoration of anthropogenic stressed sediments with high pH is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of olive mill dry residue (DOR) treated with saprobe fungi on growth of tomato and alfalfa colonized by Glomus deserticola. The application of 25g kg(-1) of dry DOR to soil decreased the shoot and root dry weight of tomato and alfalfa. Plants were more sensitive to the toxicity of DOR when colonized with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. The sensitivity of both plants to the toxicity of DOR differed according to whether they were colonized by G. deserticola or by indigenous AM fungi. The phytotoxicity of DOR towards tomato and alfalfa was decreased by incubation the residue before planting with saprobe fungi for 20wk. The beneficial effects of AM fungi on plant growth added with DOR incubated with saprobe fungi depend of the type of the plant and AM fungi. The contribution of AM fungi to the beneficial effect of DOR incubated with saprobe fungi varied according to the type of the plant and AM fungi. G. deserticola increased the shoot and root dry weight of plants when they were grown in the presence of DOR incubated with saprobe fungi for 20wk. The beneficial effect of saprobe fungi on the dry weight and the level of AM mycorrhization of plants seem to be related to the decrease caused by these fungi in the phenol concentration in DOR. However, the toxicity of DOR due to substances other than phenols can not be ignored. The use of certain saprobe and AM fungi allows the possibility of using DOR as an organic fertilizer.  相似文献   

Elemental uptake and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) colonisation were studied during the life cycle of field collected Cd/Zn hyperaccumulating Thlaspi praecox (Brassicaceae). Plant biomass and tissue concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe and Ni were found to vary during development, while no variation in P, K, Ca, Mn and Cu tissue concentrations were observed. The lowest Cd bioaccumulation in rosette leaves (BAF(RL)) observed during seeding was partially attributed to lower translocation from roots to rosette leaves and partially to high translocation to stalks, indicating a high Cd mobility to reproductive tissues, in line with our previous studies. The highest intensity of AM colonisation (M%) was observed in the flowering phase and was accompanied by increased root Cd, Zn, Pb and Fe contents. In addition, a positive correlation between AM colonisation and Fe contents in rosette leaves was found. The results indicate developmental dependence of AM formation, accompanied by selective changes in nutrient acquisition in T. praecox that are related to increased plant needs, and the protective role of AM colonisation on metal polluted sites during the reproductive period.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted in which 15N was used as a tracer applied as (15NH4)2SO4 to donor plants of white clover and perennial ryegrass. Nitrogen transfer via hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) or by other routes was studied by separating the root systems of the two plant species, as donors and receivers, when growing in the same pot, with selective mesh barriers of varying pore sizes in the presence and absence of AMF. Inoculation with AMF increased DM production and nitrogen (N) yield of clover plants. Transfer of 15N occurred between white clover and grass plants but was independent of AMF. Pore size of the mesh barriers controlled the degree of 15N enrichment in the grass, suggesting that transfer was mediated by mass flow and/or diffusion. Additional experiments showed that grass roots could pass through pores of 60-microm diameter, and hyphal links could not be detected by autoradiography, thus supporting the conclusions of the tracer experiment.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation has been recognized as a cheap and eco-friendly technology which could be used for the remediation of organic pollutants, such as phenolic compounds. Besides, the extent to which plants react to environmental pollution might depend on rhizosphere processes such as mycorrhizal symbiosis. In the present work, phenol tolerance of transgenic tobacco hairy roots (HR), namely TPX1, colonized with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) was studied. However, the question is whether AMF symbiosis can moderate adverse effects of phenol to the plant tissues. Thus, the antioxidative response as well as parameters of oxidative damage, like malondialdehyde (MDA) content, were determined. Antioxidative enzymes such as peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase were higher in TPX1 HR colonized with AMF, compared to wild type HR colonized by AMF, in the presence of increasing concentrations of the pollutant. Besides, MDA levels remained unaltered in TPX1 HR associated with AMF treated with the xenobiotic. These results, suggested that this culture could tolerate phenol and moreover, it has an efficient protective mechanism against phenol-induced oxidative damage, which is of great importance in the selection of species with remediation capacities. Thus, transgenic HR colonized with AMF could be considered as an interesting model system to study different processes which play a key role in the phytoremediation of organic pollutants.  相似文献   

Applied research programs in the remediation of contaminated areas can be used also for gaining insights in the physiological and ecological mechanisms supporting the resistance of plant communities in stress conditions due to toxic elements. The research hypothesis of this study was that in the heavily contaminated but nutrient-poor substrate of mine tailing dams, the beneficial effect of inoculation with arbuscular mychorrizal fungi (AMF) is due to an improvement of phosphorus nutrition rather than to a reduction of toxic element transfer to plants. A concept model assuming a causal chain from root colonization to element uptake, oxidative stress variables, and overall plant development was used. The methodological novelty lies in coupling in a single research program experiments conducted at three scales: pot, lysimeter, and field plot, with different ages of plants at the sampling moment (six subsets of samples in all). The inoculation with AMF in expanded clay carrier had a beneficial effect on the development of plants in the amended tailing substrate heavily contaminated with toxic elements. The effect of inoculation was stronger when the quantity of expanded carrier was smaller (1 % vs. 7 % inoculum), probably because of changes in substrate features. The improvement of plant growth was due mainly to an improvement in phosphorus nutrition leading to an increase of protein concentration and decrease of oxidative stress enzyme activity (superoxide dismutase and peroxidase). In a single data subset, an effect of inoculation on the uptake of several toxic elements could be proved (decrease of As concentration in plant roots correlated with a decrease of oxidative stress independent from the effect of P concentration increase). The multi-scale approach allowed us to find differences between the patterns characterising the data subsets. These subset-specific patterns point out the existence of physiological differences between plants in different development states (as a result of sampling at different plant ages). From an applied perspective, conclusions are drawn with respect to the use of plants in the monitoring programs of contaminated areas and the use of inoculation with AMF in the remediation of tailing dams.  相似文献   

A nursery experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential role of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in encouraging the vegetation cover on bauxite residue (red mud) sites. An alkali tolerant bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) adapted to local conditions were grown in red mud with different amendments with and without AM fungi to assess mycorrhizal effects on plant growth, mineral nutrition, metal uptake and neutralization of bauxite residue. Inoculation of AM fungi significantly increased the plant growth, nutrient uptake and reduced Fe, Al accumulation in plant tissue and also improved the soil physico-chemical and biochemical properties. Gypsum and sludge amended treatments inoculated with AM fungi had maximum biomass, nutrient uptake and reduced accumulation of metals. The neutralization of red mud was significant in presence of AM fungi than control. The experiment provided evidence for the potential use of bermudagrass in combination with AM fungi for ecological restoration of bauxite residue sites.  相似文献   

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