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ABSTRACT: To comprehend the distributions of salinity, temperature, and suspended sediment in the Danshuei River estuary in Taiwan, monthly field surveys were conducted in 2003. These included several high and low slackwater surveys and intensive surveys. The results show that the Danshuei River estuary is predominately a partially mixed estuary. The highest concentration of suspended sediment is typically observed at the Chung‐Hsin Bridge, the most upstream sampling station. The suspended sediment concentration exhibits a general decreasing trend in the downstream direction. It may be concluded that the sediments mostly come from the upstream reach. A locally high concentration of suspended sediment is found at the Kuan‐Du station because of the local deep channel bathymetry and two‐layered estuarine circulation. A vertical two‐dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model is applied to investigate the tidally averaged salinity distribution, residual circulation, and suspended sediment concentration. The modeling results reveal that, under the Q75 flow condition (i.e., low flow), a turbidity maximum occurs at the Kuan‐Du station due to the strong estuarine circulation. The model simulation with a much higher river flow condition results in a weaker residual circulation and weaker turbidity maximum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality and trophic conditions in the Feitsui Reservoir, a subtropical reservoir, were evaluated with data from a ten-year data base to depict the impacts of river impoundment upon the chemical and biological characteristics of a reservoir, and to discuss the effects of flushing rate on in-lake phosphorus concentrations and phytoplankton growth. The results of the investigation showed that during the incipient impounding period, the water quality in the Feitsui Reservoir was significantly affected by internal loadings from submerged vegetation and soil in the flooded area. Studies of the changes in phosphorus compounds indicated that total phosphorus concentration appeared to approach equilibrium after the seventh year of impoundment and that orthophosphate stabilized after the sixth year of impoundment. Concentrations of both phosphorus forms varied seasonally after attaining stability. Nitrogen compounds (NH3-N, NO3-N and NO2-N) approached equilibrium within three years after impoundment. The seasonal variation in carbon was correlated to the number of phytoplankton. The mean value of the N:P mass ratio has remained over 110 since year seven of impoundment (1990), indicating that phosphorus constitutes the potential limiting nutrient in the growth of phytoplankton. The rapid flushing rate (132.11 and 110.43 yr-1) in Feitsui Reservoir during the first and second impounding stages was a critical factor influencing the phytoplankton growth response to available nutrients.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The objective of cost effectiveness has led to the use of mathematical decision models to implement the best water quality control program in a river from the various alternatives available at a time. The paper presents the water quality control program in the Hsintien River in Taiwan by the use of probabilistic programming technique.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of variable discharges during the summer on the dissolved oxygen (DO) content and water temperature upstream and downstream of the Conowingo Hydroelectric Power Station were investigated. The DO dynamics are controlled primarily by meteorological factors that are independent of the mode of hydrostation operation. DO stratification occurred during the summer in Conowingo Pond, but thermal stratification was not observed. The magnitude and duration of off-peak discharges including a run-of-the-river operation did not affect DO stratification in Conowingo Pond; little vertical mixing occurred. However, strong winds and/or high river flows temporarily destroyed DO stratification. The run-of-the-river operation or off-peak continuous discharge schemes did not provide better DO conditions downstream of the hydrostation than the peaking operation with intermittent off-peak releases. A statistical model predicted that a DO of 5 ppm occurs 0.6 miles downstream of the powerhouse when the natural river flow is consistently greater than 15,000 cfs and water temperature is less than 80°F. A mean daily DO of at least 4 ppm was predicted to occur over 80 percent of the time during the 92-day summer period. Farther downstream (1.3 miles from the powerhouse) a mean daily DO of at least 4 ppm was predicted to occur 90 percent of the time in summer.  相似文献   

The Shechter-Lucas wilderness use simulation model (WUSM) has been modified to quantify the effects of fluctuating Glen Canyon Dam releases on Grand Canyon river trips. The model now simulates changes in flow as predicted by the Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation computer model for the Colorado River. This revised WUSM provides data on several flow-related effects, including delays at rapids, encounters with other parties, and the time available for visiting attraction sites. Nine flow alternatives are evaluated and compared. Analysis of these outputs provides useful information to the Bureau of Reclamation on how the operation of Glen Canyon Dam effects river trips through Grand Canyon National Park.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A one-dimensional hydraulic transient model has been designed for water resource studies of Lake Ontario and the Upper St. Lawrence River. The model simulates water surface profiles and flows in the St. Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and the Moses-Saunders Power Dam under both open water and ice-covered conditions. Errors in water surface elevations were found to be less than 0.2 feet during quasi-steady conditions on the river. Comparable errors occurred during the ice-covered conditions. A sensitivity analysis found the model to be most sensitive to the roughness coefficients and the flow through the power dam.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Field data collected from the Feitsui Reservoir in Taiwan indicate that the water is at a stage between mesotrophic and eutrophic. Recent measurements such as total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and Secchi depth levels suggest that the water quality has been declining. A two‐dimensional, laterally averaged, finite difference hydrodynamic and water quality model was used to simulate the water quality in the Feitsui Reservoir in an effort to determine sound water quality management strategies. The model was calibrated and verified using data collected in 1996 and 1997. The calibrated model was used to simulate algal biomass (in terms of chlorophyll a) levels under various wasteload reduction scenarios. Model results show that 50 percent reduction of the total phosphorus load will improve the existing water quality, shifting the trophic status from eutrophic/mesotrophic to oligotrophic. The modeling effort has yielded valuable information that can be used by decision makers for the evaluation of different management strategies of reducing watershed nutrient loads.  相似文献   

河流水质模型在双流县流域治理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究利用现有的河流水质模型,构建了一个可实时模拟河流水环境质量变化状况的动态模型。模型采用一维稳态单组分水质模型对河流的CODCr、NH3-N的降解进行计算,采用多宾斯-坎普稳态模型对河流的BOD、DO变化情况进行计算。模型引入水文数据、水质监测数据、环境统计数据、社会统计公报数据,以Excel作为数据平台,可以反演出河流不同月份、不同区段的污染物降解系数。研究将该模型应用于双流县的流域治理,以在锦江双流段的应用为例进行了具体说明。根据2008年双流县河流的相关数据,研究使用该模型反演出了锦江双流段的污染物降解系数,并对其反映的流域污染状况进行了分析。随后,研究使用该模型已计算出的岷江中段河流的降解系数,模拟计算了4种情景下锦江双流段出境断面的可能水质变化,以验证拟定的双流县流域治理方案的预期效果。模型具有实用性和进一步扩展的功能。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A river basin-wide water quality management system is considered. The river receives thermal as well as organic wastes. At-source treatment of these pollutants is imposed to control the basin-wide water quality. The related water quality standards are: the minimum DO concentration, the maximum allowable BOD concentration, the maximum allowable stream temperature, and the allowable rise in stream temperature. The general dynamic mathematical model representing water quality in streams and the thermal effects on BOD and DO concentrations is presented. The model is highly nonlinear in nature. The optimal management problem involving the model is solved by a recently developed nonlinear propgramming technique - the generalized reduced gradient (GRG) method. Comparison of results obtained by the GRG method vs. dynamic programming, and of results using a more realistic mathematical model vs. a simple model are presented. The analysis procedure can be applied to designing new and examining existing water quality programs, and to study the influence of alternate policies and constraints.  相似文献   

以2001~2007年实测水文、水质数据为基础,计算了四川省主要出川断面高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和氨氮(NH3-N)污染负荷通量;利用断面水质目标约束,通过污染负荷历时曲线,分析了区域水环境承载力;在基流分割的基础上,利用水文分割法,识别了区域污染物的主要来源,为从源头上开展三峡水库水环境保护提供数据支撑。分析结果表明,各出川断面干流主要污染物(CODMn、NH3-N)大致在可接受的范围内,2001年以来,出川断面CODMn通量呈降低的趋势,有效的减缓了输入三峡库区的污染物总量,氨氮通量整体稳定。嘉陵江、涪江、渠江流域污染物来源主要为非点源,应重点加强面源的污染防控;长江干流为点面源混合型,简单的削减点源已不能保证高功能水体要求,应加强点源和面源污染的综合防控。  相似文献   

Pesticides and nutrients can be transported from treated agricultural land in irrigation runoff and thus can affect the quality of receiving waters. A 3-yr study was carried out to assess possible detrimental effects on the downstream water quality of the South Saskatchewan River due to herbicide and plant nutrient inputs via drainage water from an irrigation district. Automated water samplers and flow monitors were used to intensively sample the drainage water and to monitor daily flows in two major drainage ditches, which drained approximately 40% of the flood-irrigated land within the irrigation district. Over three years, there were no detectable inputs of ethalfluralin into the river and those of trifluralin were less than 0.002% of the amount applied to flood-irrigated fields. Inputs of MCPA, bromoxynil, dicamba and mecoprop were 0.06% or less of the amounts applied, whereas that for clopyralid was 0.31%. The relatively higher input (1.4%) of 2,4-D to the river was probably due its presence in the irrigation water. Corresponding inputs of P (as total P) and N (as nitrate plus ammonia) were 2.2 and 1.9% of applied fertilizer, respectively. Due to dilution of the drainage water in the river, maximum daily herbicide (with the exception of 2,4-D) and nutrient loadings to the river would not have resulted in significant concentration increases in the river water. There was no consistent remedial effect on herbicides entering the river due to passage of the drainage water through a natural wetland. In contrast, a considerable portion of the nutrients entering the river originated from the wetland.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Chowan River system consists of three rivers in southeast Virginia that form two confluences before flowing into Albermarle Sound in North Carolina. A computer program was written to simulate flows through the river system to determine flow rates, velocities, and depths. The output of the flow program was input into a second program that calculated the concentrations of BOD5, COD, DO, and four nitrogen parameters (organic, ammonia, nitrite-nitrate and algal-N). Measured field data were used to calibrate the model. The effect of reducing the concentration of nutrients from overland runoff on algal concentrations at the mouth of the river was studied. The program was also run to simulate the water quality of the watershed in a primitive condition, in which the watershed was assumed to consist only of forests. The results of the computer program indicate that the major changes in the water quality of the river are simulated satisfactorily. The program can be used to assess the impact of any management scheme to improve water quality.  相似文献   

Water quality modeling has been shown to be a useful tool in strategic water quality management. The present study combines the Qual2K model with the HEC-RAS model to assess the water quality of a tidal river in northern Taiwan. The contaminant loadings of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP), and sediment oxygen demand (SOD) are utilized in the Qual2K simulation. The HEC-RAS model is used to: (i) estimate the hydraulic constants for atmospheric re-aeration constant calculation; and (ii) calculate the water level profile variation to account for concentration changes as a result of tidal effect. The results show that HEC-RAS-assisted Qual2K simulations taking tidal effect into consideration produce water quality indices that, in general, agree with the monitoring data of the river. Comparisons of simulations with different combinations of contaminant loadings demonstrate that BOD is the most import contaminant. Streeter-Phelps simulation (in combination with HEC-RAS) is also performed for comparison, and the results show excellent agreement with the observed data. This paper is the first report of the innovative use of a combination of the HEC-RAS model and the Qual2K model (or Streeter-Phelps equation) to simulate water quality in a tidal river. The combination is shown to provide an alternative for water quality simulation of a tidal river when available dynamic-monitoring data are insufficient to assess the tidal effect of the river.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is developing a river forecast system for the Nile River in Egypt. The river forecast system operates on scientific work stations using hydrometeorological models and software to predict inflows into the high Aswan Dam and forecast flow hydrographs at selected gaging locations above the dam The Nile Forecasting System (NFS) utilizes satellite imagery from the METEOSAT satellite as the input to the forecast system. Satellite imagery is used to estimate precipitation over the Blue Nile Basin using five different techniques. Observed precipitation data and climatic statistics are used to improve precipitation estimation. Precipitation data for grid locations are input to a distributed water balance model, a hill slope routing model, and a channel routing model. A customized Geographic Information System (GIS) was developed to show political boundaries, rivers, terrain elevation, and gaging network. The GIS was used to develop hydrologic parameters for the basin and is used for multiple display features.  相似文献   

Water quality modelling of the river Yamuna (India) using QUAL2E-UNCAS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes the utility of QUAL2E as a modelling package in the evaluation of a water quality improvement programme. In this study, QUAL2E was applied to determine the pollution loads in the river Yamuna during its course through the national capital territory of Delhi, India. The study aimed at examining the influence of different scenarios on river water quality. Four different pollution scenarios were analysed besides the 'business as usual' situation. The study revealed that it was necessary to treat the discharge from drains to the river Yamuna and diversion of a substantial load to the Agra canal for further treatment was also essential. It was also established through this study that maintaining a flow rate of more than 10 m(3)/s in the river could also help preserve the river's water quality. To clearly display the model outcomes and demarcate polluted zones in the river stretch, model results were interfaced with a Geographical Information System (GIS) to produce cartographic outputs. In addition, uncertainty analysis in the form of first-order error analysis and Monte Carlo analysis was performed, to realise the effect of each model parameter on DO and BOD predictions. The uncertainty analysis gave satisfactory results on simulated data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a concerted effort by the Taiwan Water Resources Bureau, the City of Taipei, and the Bureau of Fei‐tsui Reservoir Management to protect the water quality in the Fei‐tsui Reservoir.The reservoir is the major source of water supply for over two million people in the metropolitan area of Taipei. Over the years the reservoir has suffered from siltation and more recently eutrophication. The sources of the pollution are traced to the hundreds of tea gardens, rice fields and other agricultural areas in the watershed and to urban sources such as construction sites. Large amounts of nutrients enter the reservoir by way of storm water runoff during storm or typhoon events. Since 1999, various agencies have worked to initiate an effort to reduce nonpoint pollution in the Fei‐Tsui Reservoir watershed. Practices being considered include nonstructural measures such as nutrient management, and structural measures such as swales, detention basins, and wetlands, in addition to erosion and sediment control methods. A number of field tests have been completed on the performance of selected best management practices (BMPs). A strategy for implementing the BMPs at the watershed scale has been developed based on a total maximum daily load (TMDL) analysis that is reported in this paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP5) was used to model the transport and sediment/water interactions of metals under low flow, steady state conditions in Tenmile Creek, a mountain stream supplying drinking water to the City of Helena, Montana, impacted by numerous abandoned hard rock mines. The model was calibrated for base flow using data collected by USEPA and validated using data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for higher flows. It was used to assess metals loadings and losses, exceedances of Montana State water quality standards, metals interactions in stream water and bed sediment, uncertainty in fate and transport processes and model parameters, and effectiveness of remedial alternatives that include leaving contaminated sediment in the stream. Results indicated that during base flow, adits and point sources contribute significant metals loadings to the stream, but that shallow ground water and bed sediment also contribute metals in some key locations. Losses from the water column occur in some areas, primarily due to adsorption and precipitation onto bed sediments. Some uncertainty exists in the metal partition coefficients associated with sediment, significance of precipitation reactions, and in the specific locations of unidentified sources and losses of metals. Standards exceedances are widespread throughout the stream, but the model showed that remediation of point sources and mine waste near water courses can help improve water quality. Model results also indicate, however, that alteration of the water supply scheme and increasing base flow will probably be required to meet all water quality standards.  相似文献   

River systems have been altered worldwide by dams and diversions, resulting in a broad array of environmental impacts. The use of a process-based, hierarchical framework for assessing environmental impacts of dams is explored here in terms of a case study of the Kootenai River, western North America. The goal of the case study is to isolate and quantify the relative effects of multiple dams and other river management activities within the study area and to inform potential restoration strategies. In our analysis, first-order impacts describe broad changes in hydrology (determined from local stream gages), second-order impacts quantify resultant changes in channel hydraulics and bed mobility (predicted from a 1D flow model), and third-order impacts describe consequences for recruitment of riparian trees (recruitment box analysis). The study area is a 233km reach bounded by two dams (Libby and Corra Linn). Different times of dam emplacement (1974 and 1938, respectively) allow separation of their relative impacts. Results show significant changes in 1) the timing, magnitude, frequency, duration and rate of change of flows, 2) the spatial and temporal patterns of daily stage fluctuation, unit stream power, shear stress, and bed mobility, and 3) the potential for cottonwood recruitment (Populus spp.). We find that Libby Dam is responsible for the majority of first and second-order impacts, but that both dams diminish cottonwood recruitment; operation of Corra Linn adversely affects recruitment in the lower portion of the study reach by increasing stage recession rates during the seedling establishment period, while operation of Libby Dam affects recruitment in the middle and upper portions of the study reach by changing the timing, magnitude, and duration of flow. We also find that recent experimental flow releases initiated in the 1990s to stimulate recovery of endangered native fish may have fortuitous positive effects on cottonwood recruitment potential in the lower portion of the river. This case study demonstrates how a process-based, hierarchical framework can be used for quantifying environmental impacts of dam operation over space and time, and provides an approach for evaluating alternative management strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Winter heat budget and frazil ice production in the St. Lawrence River between the Ogdensburg-Prescott Boom and the Moses-Saunders Power Dam are analyzed. Contributions of each heat exchange component, and spatial distributions of heat exchange rates are calculated for three typical winters. Based on the calculated heat budget, the amount and distribution of frazil ice generated in the study reach is analyzed. The result of this study indicates that the thermal energy contained in the river water flowing into the study reach is a dominate factor in the heat budget analysis. The heat flux from the channel bottom accounts for an important portion of the total heat budget during the ice covered period.  相似文献   

A significant improvement in river water quality cannot be expected unless nonpoint-source contaminants are treated in addition to the further treatment of point-source contaminants. If river water is sprayed over a floodplain, the consequent water filtration through the sediment profile can simultaneously remove organic matter and nitrogen in the water through aerobic and denitrifying reactions. This hypothesis was tested using lysimeters constructed from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (150 cm long, 15 cm in diameter) packed with loamy sand floodplain sediment. Water was applied to the top of the lysimeters at three different flow rates (48, 54, and 68 mm d(-1)). Concentrations of NO3 and dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and redox potential (Eh) in the water were measured as functions of depth after the system reached steady states for both water flow and reactions. At the rate of 68.0 mm d(-1), a reducing condition for denitrification developed below the 5-cm depth due to the depletion of O2 by organic matter degradation in the surface oxidizing layer; Eh and DO were below 205 mV and 0.4 mg L(-1), respectively. At a depth of 70 cm, COD and NO3-N concentration decreased to 5.2 and 3.8 mg L(-1) from the respective influent concentrations of 17.1 and 6.2 mg L(-1). Most biodegradable organic matter was removed during flow and further removal of NO3 was limited by the lack of an electron donor (i.e., organic matter). These results indicate that the floodplain filtration technique has great promise for treatment of contaminated river water.  相似文献   

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