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We investigated the contribution of volatile aerosols in light-absorption measurement by three filter-based optical instruments [aethalometer, continuous light-absorption photometer (CLAP), and continuous soot monitoring system (COSMOS)] at Gosan Climate Observatory (GCO) from February to June 2012. The aerosol absorption coefficient (σ abs) and the equivalent black carbon (BC) mass concentration (M BC) measured by the aethalometer and CLAP showed good agreement with a difference of 9 %, which is likely due to the instrumental uncertainty. However, σ abs and M BC measured by the COSMOS with a heated inlet were found to be approximately 44 and 49 % lower than those measured by the aethalometer and CLAP under ambient conditions, respectively. This difference can be attributed to the light absorption by the volatile aerosols coexisting with the BC. Even considering inherent observational uncertainty, it suggests that approximately 35–40 % difference in the σ abs and M BC can be contributed by volatile aerosols. Increase in the difference of M BC measured by the aethalometer and COSMOS with the increasing thermal organic carbon (OC) measured by Sunset OC/EC analyzer further suggests that the filter-based optical instruments without the use of a heater are likely to enhance the value of σ abs and M BC, because this sample air may contain both BC and volatile aerosols.  相似文献   

Drinking water samples from Irbid, the second populated city in Jordan were analyzed for trace metals (As, Ba, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Ni, and Se) content. The study was undertaken to determine if the metal concentrations were within the national and international guidelines. A total of 90 drinking water samples were collected from Al-Yarmouk University area. The samples were collected from three different water types: tap water (TW), home-purified water (HPW), and plant-purified water (PPW). All the samples were analyzed for trace metals using an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. All the samples analyzed were within the United States Environmental Protection Agency admissible pH limit (6.5–8.5). The results showed that concentrations of the trace metals vary significantly between the three drinking water types. The results showed that HPW samples have the lowest level of trace metals and the concentrations of some essential trace metals in these samples are less than the recommended amounts. Slight differences in the metal contents were found between HPW samples, little differences between PPW samples; however, significant differences were found between TW samples. Although some TW samples showed high levels of trace metals, however, the mean level of most elements determined in the samples were well within the Jordanian standards as well as the World Health Organization standards for drinking water.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in deciduous teeth from children living in Jordan and to investigate the affecting factors. Deciduous teeth samples (n?=?320, without fillings) were collected from 5- to 12-year-old children and analyzed for Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry. A questionnaire was used to gather information on each child, such as sex, age, tooth type (incisors, canines, and molars), tooth position within the mouth (upper or lower jaw), caries status, presence of amalgam fillings inside the mouth, type of drinking water (tap water, home purified water, and plant purified water), and zone of residence (close to or far from heavy traffic roads). The mean concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn were 30.26, 0.55, 6.23, 34.72, and 128.21 μg/g, respectively. Our results indicate that there is a clear relation between the concentrations of the metals analyzed in this study and tooth type, tooth position within the mouth, caries status, presence of amalgam fillings inside the mouth, and type of drinking water. No significant differences in the concentrations of the five metals analyzed were observed due to sex. Our results also show that no significant difference among Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn concentrations and age among the ages of 5–6, 7–8, 9–10, and 11–12, except for Pb, which decreases at age 11–12.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of black carbon (BC) aerosol mass concentration were performed at a background site Preila (55°55'N, 21°00'E, 5 m a.s.l., Lithuania) during the period 2008-2009. The data were used to characterize the BC mass concentration distribution over the East Baltic region. High increase in aerosol BC concentration was associated with the change in air mass characteristics and biomass burning during the winter heating season and spring wildfires. Monthly means of BC concentration ranged from 212 to 1268 ng m(-3) and the highest hourly means of concentration were from 4800 to 6300 ng m(-3), predominantly in spring and winter months. During the October-April period the BC mass concentrations were about twice as high as those in the summertime. The BC diurnal pattern in winter was typically different from that in spring indicating the seasonal variation of the atmospheric boundary layer height. The weekday/weekend difference was not strongly pronounced because the BC concentrations in Preila are mainly affected by long-range transport or local sources. Typical periodicities caused by anthropogenic and meteorological influences have been identified using Fourier analysis. It was shown that domestic heating appears as a 365 day periodicity; traffic slightly contributes 5-7 day peaks in the spectrum and elevated long-range BC can be identified as characteristic peaks with periodicities in the range from 16 to 29 days.Temporal evolution and transport of BC aerosols were interpreted by the air mass backward trajectory analysis in conjunction with the examination of the wavelength dependence on the aethalometer data. Air masses originated from the North Atlantic Ocean and Scandinavia were favourable for lower BC concentrations (350 ng m(-3)), while the BC level associated with the Western Europe airflows was significantly higher (970 ng m(-3)). The mean values of ?ngstr?m exponent of the absorption coefficient (monthly means 1.45 ± 0.25 and 0.84 ± 0.50 over January and June, respectively) revealed that the BC concentration observed over the East Baltic is influenced by submicron sized particles as a result of incomplete biomass combustion during the winter season.  相似文献   

Studies specifically addressing the elemental carbon (EC)/black carbon (BC) relationship during the transition from clean-normal (CN) air quality to heavy haze (HH) are rare but have important health and climate implications. The present study, in which EC levels are measured using a thermal-optical method and BC levels are measured using an optical method (aethalometer), provides a preliminary insight into this issue. The average daily EC concentration was 3.08?±?1.10 μg/m3 during the CN stage but climbed to 11.77?±?2.01 μg/m3 during the HH stage. More importantly, the BC/EC ratio averaged 0.92?±?0.14 during the CN state and increased to 1.88?±?0.30 during the HH state. This significant increase in BC/EC ratio has been confirmed to result partially from an increase in the in situ light absorption efficiency (σ ap) due to an enhanced internal mixing of the EC with other species. However, the exact enhancement of σ ap was unavailable because our monitoring scheme could not acquire the in situ absorption (b ap) essential for σ ap calculation. This reveals a need to perform simultaneous measurement of EC and b ap over a time period that includes both the CN and HH stages. In addition, the sensitivity of EC to both anthropogenic emissions and HH conditions implies a need to systematically study how to include EC complex (EC concentration, OC/EC ratio, and σ ap) as an indicator in air quality observations, in alert systems that assess air quality, and in the governance of emissions and human behaviors.  相似文献   

Obtaining and analyzing the specific inherent optical properties (SIOPs) of water bodies is necessary for bio-optical model development and remote sensing-based water quality retrievals and, further, for related ecological studies of aquatic ecosystems. This study aimed to measure and analyze the specific absorption and backscattering coefficients of the main water constituents in Poyang Lake, China. The specific absorption and/or backscattering coefficients of the main water constituents at 85 sampling sites (47 in 2010 and 38 in 2011) were measured and analyzed as follows: (1) the concentrations of chlorophyll a (C CHL), suspended particulate matter (C SPM) (including suspended particulate inorganic matter (C SPIM) and suspended particulate organic matter (C SPOM)), and the absorption coefficients of total particulate (a p), phytoplankton (a ph), and non-pigment particulate (a d) were measured in the laboratory; (2) the total backscattering coefficients at six wavelengths of 420, 442, 470, 510, 590, and 700 nm, including the contribution of pure water, were measured in the field with a HydroScat-6 backscattering sensor, and the backscattering coefficients without the contribution of pure water (b b) were then derived by subtracting the backscattering coefficients of pure water from the total backscattering coefficients; (3) the specific absorption coefficients of total particulate ( $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ ), phytoplankton ( $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ ), and non-pigment particulate ( $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ ) were calculated by dividing a p, a ph, and a d by C SPM, C CHL, and C SPIM, respectively, while the specific backscattering coefficients of total suspended particulate matter ( $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ ) were calculated by dividing b b by C SPM; and (4) the $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ , $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ , $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ and $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ of the remaining samples (46 in 2010 and 36 in 2011) were visualized and analyzed, and their relations to C CHL, C SPIM or C SPM were studied, respectively. The main results are summarized as follows: (1) the $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ values at 440 nm were 0.0367–0.7203 m2?mg?1 with a mean of 0.1623?±?0.1426 m2?mg?1 in 2010 and 0.0319–0.7735 m2?mg?1 with a mean of 0.3145?±?0.1961 m2?mg?1 in 2011; there existed significant, negative, and moderate correlations between $ {a_{{\mathrm{ph}}}}^{ * } $ and C CHL at 400–700 nm in 2010 and 2011 (p?<?0.05); (2) The $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ values at 440 nm were 0.0672–0.2043 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.1022?±?0.0326 m2?g?1 in 2010 and 0.0559–0.1347 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.0953?±?0.0196 m2?g?1 in 2011; there existed negative correlations between $ a_{\mathrm{d}}^{ * } $ and C SPIM, while the correlations showed overall decreasing and increasing trends before and after around 575 nm with increasing wavelengths, respectively; (3) The $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ values at 440 nm were 0.0690–0.1929 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.1036?±?0.0298 m2?g?1 in 2010 and 0.0571–0.1321 m2?g?1 with a mean of 0.1014?±?0.0191 m2?g?1 in 2011, and the negative correlations between $ a_{\mathrm{p}}^{ * } $ and C SPM were found in both years; (4) The $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ at the six wavelengths generally decreased with increasing wavelengths, while the $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ values at 420 nm were lower than those at 442 nm for some samples; the correlation between $ b_{\mathrm{b}}^{ * } $ and C SPM increased with increasing wavelength. Such results can only represent the SIOPs during the sampling time periods, and more measurements and analyses considering different seasons need to be carried out in the future to comprehensively understand the SIOPs of Poyang Lake.  相似文献   

Historical records of total organic carbon (TOC), black carbon (BC), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were reconstructed in dated sediment cores from four nearby lakes in central Switzerland. In the sub-Alpine Lake Thun, located at 558 m a.s.l., the proximity to anthropogenic emission sources is reflected in higher input of BC and PAHs into sediments with fluxes only slightly decreasing during the last decades. PAH/BC ratios are relatively high and correlation between levels of total PAHs and BC is almost inexistent in Lake Thun, probably due to the presence of less condensed forms of the BC spectrum (char BC) that is underestimated with the chemothermal oxidation method applied in this study. The sediment profiles of TOC, BC, and PAHs are noticeably different in the mountain lakes located around 2000 m a.s.l. In Lake Engstlen, the PAH/BC ratios, as well as the correlation between PAHs and BC, point towards appreciable amounts of predominantly light soot particles. Light soot particles have higher mobility and can, therefore, be efficiently transported to this remote site. The proglacial Lake Oberaar is shown to be a receptor of BC and PAHs released by the fast melting adjacent glacier acting as a secondary source for these conservative species temporarily stored in the glacier ice. Finally, Lake Stein is in strong contrast to all other lakes. High flux of BC into Lake Stein, combined with constant temporal evolutions of BC and PAHs, and in particular BC/TOC ratios approaching 100% are all strong indications for a geogenic presence of graphite in its catchment area.  相似文献   

The City of Amman, Jordan, has been subjected to persistent increase in road traffic due to overall increase in prosperity, fast development and expansion of economy, travel and tourism. This study investigates traffic noise pollution in Amman. Road traffic noise index L 10(1 h) was measured at 28 locations that cover most of the City of Amman. Noise measurements were carried out at these 28 locations two times a day for a period of one hour during the early morning and early evening rush hours, in the presence and absence of a barrier. The Calculation of Road Traffic Noise (CRTN) prediction model was employed to predict noise levels at the locations chosen for the study. Data required for the model include traffic volume, speed, percentage of heavy vehicles, road surface, gradient, obstructions, distance, noise path, intervening ground, effect of shielding, and angle of view. The results of the investigation showed that the minimum and the maximum noise levels are 46 dB(A) and 81 dB(A) during day-time and 58 dB(A) and 71 dB(A) during night-time. The measured noise level exceeded the 62 dB(A) acceptable limit at most of the locations. The CTRN prediction model was successful in predicting noise levels at most of the locations chosen for this investigation, with more accurate predictions for night-time measurements.  相似文献   

Humic acid (HA) and humin (HM) were extracted with 0.1 M NaOH and black carbon (BC) was isolated using a combustion method at 375°C from six sediments in different areas in China and their sorption isotherms for phenanthrene (Phen) were determined. All sorption isotherms were nonlinear and fitted well with the Freundlich model. Among the SOM, HM and BC with more aromatic carbon controlled the sorption nonlinearity and capacity. Compared to HM, higher K oc values were observed for BC due to the combustion of organic matter and native sorbates in HM. For HAs isotherms, a positive relation was observed between the K oc values and aliphaticity or H/C ratios, but a negative relation was shown between the n values and polarity of HAs. HA, HM, and BC were responsible for 0.4–9.3%, 46–97%, and 65–96% of the total sorption, respectively, indicating the dominance of HM and BC fractions in overall sorption of Phen by the sediments.  相似文献   

The concentrations of EC, BC and dust aerosols were determined for atmospheric samples collected from an observation station in Xi'an, China. The results show that the averaged correlation coefficient between EC and BC was founded to be 0.72 with 0.81 (n = 49) in autumn, 0.70 (n = 112) in winter and 0.69 (n = 57) in spring, respectively. Absorption coefficients of dust aerosol were estimated to be 2.7 m2 g−1 in autumn and 4.4 m2 g−1 in winter. The comparison of absorption coefficients of dust aerosol with those of BC implies that BC is the principal light-absorbing aerosol over Xi'an atmosphere. By combining thermal analysis of elemental carbon and dust contents in the aerosol samples, however, the fraction of dust absorption to total light absorption is estimated to be 19% in autumn and 31% in winter, respectively.  相似文献   

We report the application of an infrared (IR) differential absorption Lidar (DIAL) system (also capable of ultra violet measurements) built at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK, to field measurements of total site emissions (controlled and fugitive) from petrochemical and landfill installations. The validation of the IR-DIAL was carried out via a series of controlled field experiments including comparison to GC analysis and tests against controlled methane releases from a test stack, all detailing agreements on the order of ±20%. In volatile organic compound (VOC) measurements at a UK petrochemical site it was found that the American Petroleum Institute's methodology of the time for calculating the emitted flux underestimated by a factor of 2.4. Also, in a similar field trial it was found that scaling traditional point measurements at easily accessible flanges and valves to represent all flanges and valves on a site led to an underestimation by a factor of 6. In addition to petrochemical examples we also report field measurements from a landfill site to demonstrate the advantageous of the DIAL technique for monitoring area emission sources. In this case study it was found that active (still being filled) cells resulted in significantly greater VOC emission rates (30 kg h(-1)) than closed (≤ 10 kg h(-1)).  相似文献   

Previously it has been suggested that certain organic aerosol components of wood smoke have enhanced ultraviolet absorption at 370 nm relative to 880 nm in two-wavelength aethalometer measurements. This enhanced absorption could serve as an indicator of wood burning particles. Two-wavelength (370 nm and 880 nm) aethalometer measurements were made at urban sites in Rochester, New York and Laredo, Texas from August 1 to December 31, 2009 and from December 23, 2007 to January 2, 2008, respectively. In Rochester, Delta-C (UVBC(370 nm)- BC(880 nm)) values were higher by a factor of 3 during the night than during the day in November and December when residential wood burning was common. In Laredo, particularly high Delta-C values were observed on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve and were attributed to biomass burning and firework emissions. Exponential decay was found to be a good estimator for predicting BC concentrations at different wind speeds regardless of wind directions.  相似文献   

Sorption of phthalate acid esters on black carbon from different sources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Black carbon (BC) is known as a strong sorbent for the sorption of planar hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs), but there is very little information about the sorption of nonplanar HOCs on BC. In this study, the sorption of di-(2-ethyl-hexyl) phthalate (DEHP), one kind of nonplanar phthalate acid ester (PAE), by environmental BC collected from river sediments and pure BC (char-wood, char-stalk and soot-ash) was investigated. Strong and nonlinear sorption was observed for the sorption of DEHP on both pure BC and environmental BC with the Freundlich exponent ranging from 0.55 to 0.75 except for soot-ash, and the measured K(BC) (BC-water partition coefficient) of DEHP was about one order of magnitude higher than its organic carbon-water partition coefficient. There was a significant difference in sorption capacity among the environmental and pure BC. The presence of di-methyl phthalate (DMP) could significantly decrease the sorption of DEHP on BC, especially for environmental BC. In addition, the contribution of BC to the total sorption of DEHP on original river sediments was more than 50% when the equilibrium concentration of DEHP was less than 10 μg L(-1). This study indicated that ortho-substituted nonplanar PAEs could also be strongly sorbed by BC, and the difference in sorption among the BC samples revealed that it is important to take the source of BC into account when assessing its effects on the fate of HOCs in aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition of major and trace elements in Amman, Jordan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wet and dry deposition samples were collected in the capital of Jordan, Amman. Concentrations of Al, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, Zn, Fe, Sr, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Cl, NO3 and SO4 2−, along with pH were determined in collected samples. Mean trace metal concentrations were similar or less than those reported for other urban regions worldwide, while concentrations of Ca2+ and SO4 2− were among the highest. High Ca2+ concentrations were attributed to the calcareous nature of the local soil and to the influence of the Saharan dust. However, high SO4 2− concentrations were attributed to the influence of both anthropogenic and natural sources. Except for Cl, NO3 , SO4 2− and Cu, monthly dry deposition fluxes of all measured species were higher than wet deposition fluxes. The annual wet deposition fluxes of trace metals were much lower than those reported for other urban areas worldwide.  相似文献   

Carbon emission reduction in the Chinese cities can make significant contributions to the mission of global emission reduction. Therefore, the promotion of low-carbon cities (LCC) in China is of great importance to achieve this mission. This paper examines the performance of practicing LCC in China by conducting a temporal-spatial evolution analysis on LCC performance. By combining the entropy weight method and the linear weighted sum method, the LCC performance score is calculated to help establish performance grades. The quartile method and the Boston matrix method are used to conduct temporal analysis and spatial analysis respectively. The data employed in this study were collected from 34 cities in China for the period from 2006 to 2018. The findings are as follows: (1) The overall LCC performance in China has been improved in recent years and the implementation of the low carbon pilot project (LCPP) has made contributions to this improvement. (2) The LCC performance of those cities in Southern China is generally better than that in Northern cities. (3) Good LCC performance cities are those economically developed cities, in which the industrial structure is dominated by low carbon industries. This study provides a holistic picture of the LCC practice in China and also provides supportive references for policymakers to make tailor-made measures to improve the LCC performance internationally.  相似文献   

燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法测定废水中TOC   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
通过选择一定的仪器使用条件及样品预处理方法,利用燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法对生活污水、工业废水中TOC进行测定,方法的检出限为0.5mg/L,RSD为4.4%,加标回收率在91.0%~102%。本方法操作简单、快速,成本较低,灵敏度完全能满足废水中TOC项目的监测要求。  相似文献   

Temporal status and trends in water quality of Al-Wehda Dam, Jordan, from 2006 to 2012 indicate that the dam is subject to a combination of impacts from rainstorm and agricultural runoffs. It also revealed that mineral dissolution, sediment load, rainfall events, evaporation, and water-level fluctuation are the major contributors to variations in water quality. The water chemistry of the impounded Al-Wehda Reservoir showed that Na, Ca, Mg, HCO3, and Cl are the principal ions, reflecting the dominance of carbonate weathering, with some contribution of silicates. The pH values showed a cyclic pattern with highest values observed in the spring seasons. Total dissolved solids (TDS), Ca, Mg, and HCO3 are primarily related to leaching and evaporation, with elevated levels that occurred in the rainy winter months. In contrast, seasonal patterns in Na, K, Cl, and NH4–N contents showed decreased values in winter. Peaks in NO3–N observed in winter are strongly associated with agricultural runoff. Fluctuations in chlorophyll-a level were coincided with low ratio of total nitrogen (TN) to total phosphorus (TP). Seasonal variations in organic matter content were also apparent, with peaks that generally occurred in spring through early fall corresponding with high algal growth. On an annual basis, the vast majority of water quality data have generally declined, particularly, in 2011. However, it is not clear whether these decreases are related to change in management practices within the Yarmouk basin, or protective measures have been implemented. Comparison of in-lake and post-dam water quality from 2009 to 2011 showed variation in concentrations, where Ca, HCO3, NO3–N, Mg, and TDS showed relatively greater post-dam values than in-lake water, whereas pH, Na, Cl, K, COD, BOD5, and chlorophyll-a were consistently lower in post-dam water. This comparison emphasizes the importance of self-purification capacity of Al-Wehda Dam in reducing some contaminants.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution is one of the burning issues of the world. In developed countries, there are lot of awareness about the environment and the impact of various industries on their life and surroundings. A little has been done in this direction in developing countries. In Pakistan, a big problem is the rapid conglomeration of the brick kilns in the outskirts of nearly all the urban centers to cope with the rapid construction work in big cities. A huge amount of low-grade coal or rubber tires is used as fuel in a very non-scientific manner. The purpose of the present study was to look into the impact of the brick kilns on the different aspects of environmental pollution caused by these kilns. Concentration of metals Cu, Co, Zn, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, and Mn were measured on 36 soil samples collected from the area and the same number of plant samples in order to establish the distribution of heavy metals in the area and to determine the effect of this distribution on the surrounding atmosphere and the possible effects on human life.  相似文献   

The sediment–water distribution coefficient, K d, is one of the most important parameters in radionuclide assessment models. In this study, we determined K ds of stable iodine (I) in estuarine and coastal regions. We studied 16 estuarine and coastal regions of Japan and obtained I data on water and sediments. Data on salinity, pH, dissolved organic carbon and dissolved oxygen in water, and organic carbon (OC) in sediments were also obtained as estuarine variables. Determined K ds of I in the Sagami River estuary decreased along the salinity gradient (salinity range, 0.1–33.8), indicating that salinity is one of the important factors controlling the K d values; however, when the K d values were compared among all the estuaries, the difference between minimum and maximum K d values varied by about two orders of magnitude in a narrow salinity range of 30.0–34.4. A significant correlation between K d value and OC content in sediments was observed in all the stations with a salinity of ≥30 except for stations in the Ishikari and Onga River estuaries. The exceptions are probably due to different sources of the sediments, which are explained by the results of relatively low I/OC ratios in sediments in those two estuaries, compared to the other estuaries. Thus, OC in sediments as well as salinity may be responsible for the variation of K ds of I in the estuarine and coastal regions.  相似文献   

Water with high nitrate concentration (NO3 ) is unfit for human consumption, especially when its concentration exceeded the threshold limit (50 mg/l) recommended by the health authorities such as the World Health Organization (WHO). In Jordan, there is a great concern for determination and monitoring organic and inorganic pollutants that may reach groundwater. Nitrate is highly mobile and present in domestic, agricultural and industrial waste in Jordan, and thus this study focused initially on nitrate as both a contaminant of concern and as an indicator of potential groundwater contamination. The present study determined the extent of nitrate contamination in groundwater in the study area and examined the likely sources of NO3 . A total of 248 groundwater samples were collected from 16 wells in different sites of Al-Hashimiya area, Zerqa Governorate, Jordan, and investigated for NO3 concentrations. Moreover, measurements of temperature, electrical conductivity and pH were carried out in the field. Analysis was carried out according to the methods described by the American Public Health Association (APHA). Results showed that there was a dramatic increasing in NO3 concentrations from the year 2001 to 2006 for some selected wells in the present study. NO3 concentration in 2006 was ranged from 10 to 330 mg/l with an average of 77 mg/l. Overall, groundwater had elevated nitrate concentration with 92% of the samples containing more than 20 mg/l NO3 , indicating the influence of human activities. This study has shown that there is a strong correlation between the nitrate concentration and the wastewater effluents as a source of pollution.  相似文献   

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