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The tellinid bivalveMacomona liliana (Iredale) occurs at relatively low densities on a sandbank (Te Tau bank) in Manukau Harbour, New Zealand. Te Tau bank is dominated by polychaetes, including the tube-building spionidBoccardia syrtis (Rainer). JuvenileM. liliana are known to disperse as post-settlement juveniles by byssus-drifting. Laboratory experiments were conducted to assess whether the low abundance ofM. liliana on Te Tau bank was due to the presence ofB. syrtis, or to some reaction to the sediment itself. In particular, we, examined how juvenileM. liliana survived after exposure to Te Tau bank sediments with and without the spionid tube-mat for 1 mo in still-water conditions, and how they responded when given a choice of different sediment/tube-mat treatments in moving water. JuvenileM. liliana did not appear to have a strong aversion to settling and burrowing in sediments from Te Tau bank. Sediments without the tube-mat did not adversely affect the survivorship of the bivalves, but survival was significantly lower amongst theB. syrtis tube-mat. In the presence of a current, the juvenile bivalves settled in Te Tau bank sediments without a tube-mat, but avoided settling amongst liveB. syrtis. An artificial tube-mat enhanced settlement. Avoidance of liveB. syrtis appears to be an avoidance of the worms themselves rather than a response to the physical presence of their tubes.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies of mating behavior between conspecific and heterospecific pairs of three closely related species in the genus Pseudodiaptomus reveal differences in the timing of life-history events, species-specific attraction of mates, distinctive tactile cues, multiple spermatophore attachments, and gametic incomptibility or hybrid inviability. These differences may function as reproductive isolating mechanisms among calanoid copepods. Differences in breeding behaviors and associated morphological features are greater between sympatric than between allopatric species, indicating that selection reinforces both behavioral and morphological divergences.  相似文献   

The technique of endoscopic video observation was used to study feeding processes of Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin), collected from Bull Arm, Newfoundland in August 1991 and 1992, under near-natural feeding conditions. The fate of captured particles depended on the extent of ingestive or handling capacity saturation. Under low (1 to 10 particles l-1) to medium (10 to 20 particles l-1) particle concentrations, most particles were incorporated in continuous anteriorly directed slurries in the dorsal ciliated tracts of the gill arch and dorsal bends. As particle concentration or exposure time to the lower particle concentrations increased, four endogenous mechanisms of ingestion volume control were increasingly observed: (1) rejection of dense mucus-particle masses from the principal filament troughs onto the ventrally beating cilia and associated currents of the ordinary filament plicae, counter to and below the incoming pallial current maintained by the principal filament cilia; (2) intermittent stopping of the anteriorward flow in the dorsal ciliated tracts; (3) reduction or cessation of input from the principal filaments to the dorsal ciliated tracts; (4) detachment of the dorsal bends from the mantle to establish a shunt from the infrabranchial to the suprabranchial cavity. Chemical and histochemical tests of purified fluid withdrawn from the dorsal ciliated tracts indicate that mucus is present at all particle concentrations. Mucus therefore participates both in normal feeding and in ingestion volume control on the bivalve gill, although different mechanisms, and types of mucus, effect transport of material in the dorsal (feeding) and ventral (cleaning) ciliated tracts.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance, and resistance adaptations to higher temperature and desiccation of three species of intertidal mussels (Mytilus edulis aoteanus, Perna canaliculus and Aulacomya maoriana) were studied in New Zealand. M. edulis aoteanus generally was more abundant upshore, with P. canaliculus dominating downshore. M. edulis aoteanus was more common than P. canaliculus on the outside of mixed-species clumps. Abundance of A. maoriana was variable, with individuals favouring damp habitats such as inside mussel clumps. In moving air at 75% relative humidity and at 20°C or 30°C, median lethal levels of water loss were similar for P. canaliculus and M. edulis aoteanus but lower for A. maoriana. Rates of desiccation varied inversely with size and were higher for P. canaliculus, due mainly to valve gaping with resultant loss of water from the mantle cavity. M. edulis aoteanus was more tolerant of higher water temperatures than were the other species. Success in colonizing upshore or more aerially exposed habitats seems to be related to ability of small mussels to tolerate desiccation, especially during hot, windy weather.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of understanding feeding in the early stages of bivalve development, little information is available concerning the organogenesis of the bivalve gill. The present study used histological and scanning electron microscopical techniques to present a detailed account of gill development in the early stages of the scallop Pecten maximus L. (Bivalvia: Pectinidae). Live specimens from larval cultures were observed daily using light microscopy, while five scallops were sampled for electron and light microscopy every 2 to 3 d from Day 18 to 35, then weekly to Day 56, with a final sampling on Day 58. Although development was continuous, four distinct stages were identified (1-primordia, 2-homorhabdic unreflected, 3-homorhabdic reflected, 4-heterorhabdic), partially recapitulating the presumed phylogenetic evolution of this character in the Pectinidae. The absence of a ventral grcove in all stages suggests that the particle transport mechanism of pectinids evolved independently of such a structure, which is found in other bivalve families. Similarly, the absence of latero-frontal cilia in all specimens up to the largest observed (4 mm) indicates that the single row found in adults is a later development, rather than a vestige of a more abundant ciliation in ancestral forms. The anatomical data, together with in vivo observations of feeding in postlarvae, suggest that the developmental stages of the P. maximus gill correspond to critical changes in gill function. The early life of P. maximus may thus be characterized by distinct functional changes in feeding.  相似文献   

The present study tested the utilization of dead microbial biomass by two benthic deposit-feeders:Abra alba (Wood) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) andEupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu) (Annelida: Polychaeta). Clams were collected in the Canet lagoon during spring 1989. Worms were collected in the Port-Vendres harbour during spring 1989. The14C-labelled (glutamic acid, 24 h) sediment used during the study was sterilized with 1% chloroform, washed with sterile seawater, and dried (60°C; 48 h). This sterilisation procedure, called fumigation is the least harmful to the sediment (Novitsky 1986). Both clams and worms were incubated in the presence of the fumigated sediment for 5, 10, 20, and 50 h. At the end of each experiment we recorded the radioactivity in four compartments: (1) sediment, (2) dissolved organic matter (DOM), (3) CO2, and (4) animals. The radioactivity of the sediment was subdivided into five fractions: (i) soluble in 2N HCl, (ii) soluble in hot 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), (iii) soluble in 1N NaOH, (iv) soluble in hot 6N HCl, (v) residual (after combustion in a Leco carbon analyser). In the first set of experiments, after 20 h of incubation, 5.4 and 4.7% of the total radioactivity was taken up by clams and worms, respectively. However, a model revealed that this uptake could have been correlated with the release of radiolabelled DOM (33% of total radioactivity during the first 5 h). In order to test this assumption, we used the same protocol with three additional washes of the fumigated sediment. This resulted in a significantly lower uptake by the clams (1.9% of the total radioactivity byt = 50 h), whereas the worms exhibited an uptake similar to that in the initial experiment (5.1% of total radioactivity byt = 50 h). These results underline the importance of considering interactions with DOM when applying radiotracer techniques to the study of benthic food chains. The average ingestion rates of fumigated sediment byA. alba andE. nebulosa were 5.2 10–2 mg sediment dry wt mg–1 clam h–1 and 3.5 10–2 mg sediment dry wt mg–1 worm h–1, respectively, which is comparable to previous data reported for other deposit-feeding bivalves and polychaetes feeding on natural sediment or detritus. The low radioactivity recorded for CO2 together with the similarity of the changes in the partitioning of the radioactivity within the sediment between control experiments and experiments carried out in the presence of clams or worms suggest low assimilation efficiencies. Therefore, the present study supports the fact that dead microbial biomass does not constitute an important food source for benthic deposit-feeders.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the structure of bivalve peribuccal organs and relate this to existing functional paradigms of their role in feeding, the labial palps of two scallop species,Placopecten magellanicus from the Bay of Fundy, Canada (1985 and 1986), andChlamys varia from the Bay of Brest, France (1986), were examined using histological techniques and electron microscopy. The ridged palp surface displays a uniformly dense ciliation with relatively few mucocytes; these are essentially concentrated in the region of the secondary ledge and may, through their secretory activity, determine the fate of particle masses in this area. The mucus secretions of the ridged palp surface are qualitatively different from those of the smooth palp surface. Mucocytes are much more abundant on the smooth palp surface, where it is suggested that their homogeneous secretions attenuate the potentially adverse effects of anteriorly-directed cleansing and swimming currents. Two other cell types are found in the palp epithelia: ciliated cells, which are very numerous on the ridged surface and relatively rare on the smooth surface, and non-ciliated epithelial cells, which are very numerous on the smooth surface and rare on the ridged surface, where they are confined to the palp margin. In addition to the mechanical role of the ciliated cells and mucocytes, the ultrastructural characteristics of the ciliated and non-ciliated epithelial cells indicate a dichotomy of function between the ridged and smooth surfaces. The ridged surface epithelial cells present an ultrastructural specialization in the absorption of dissolved and colloidal matter, suggesting an accessory nutritive role, whereas the smooth surface simple epithelial cells show signs of active molecular synthesis. No specialised sensory cells were observed on the ridged surface; it is therefore not yet possible to conclude whether the labial palps are capable of selection based on individual particle characteristics.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the balance between physiological mechanisms of feeding and digestion are considered among 45 to 57 mm shell length Mytilus edulis L. from southwest England. Mussels had been acclimated to standardised conditions of food availability in March, June and October, 1981. Results indicate that despite showing a negative relationship (P<0.001) with the efficiency of 15N absorption, coincident alterations of both ingestion rate (0.17 to 0.54 mg total Phaeodactylum tricornutum h-1) and organic gut content (1.00 to 1.80 mg) represent significant mechanisms effecting the seasonal regulation of nutrient acquisition. Concurrent changes in absorption efficiency alone clearly exerted a relatively minor influence upon seasonal rates of absorption. Associated gut residence times of 15N-labelled material varied between 4 and 10 h. Furthermore, despite the ensuing deleterious effects, together with increased gut contents, absorption efficiencies among mussels that had been starved throughout acclimation were consistently maintained equivalent to those among individuals feeding normally. Such constancy was at least partially achieved by an increased residence time of material within diverticulae, relative to the digestive system as a whole. Finally, comparison of isotopic absorption efficiencies with those recorded for total organics and organic nitrogen has demonstrated differences of as much as 30% between gross and net uptake due, we suggest, to excretion of metabolically derived material within the alimentary canal.  相似文献   

Summary Habits, home range, and social behavior of three species of voles of the genus Pitymys, P. multiplex, P. subterraneus, and P. savii, were studied in Tessin (Switzerland) by radioactive tagging. P. multiplex and P. savii are fossorial and often use the burrow systems of moles (Talpa); P. subterraneus moves around on the surface under dense vegetation. Males and females of P. multiplex were territorial and their home ranges averaged 342 and 229 m2 respectively. The mating system appeared to be monogamous. P. savii male and female home ranges averaged 445 and 298 m2 respectively. Groups of up to one to three adult females, one or more adult males, and several young, occupied exclusive communal territories. The mating system appeared to be flexible, including monogamy, polygyny, and polyandry. P. subterraneus females occupied exclusive territories (mean 256 m2) overlapped by the home ranges of one or more males (1025 m2). The mating system appeared to be promiscuous. Individuals of the three species occupied one to seven nests. In P. savii all family members utilized three or more communal nests at the same time or alternatively. Co-nesting between males and females of P. multiplex or P. subterraneus were observed less frequently.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviours and dietary compositions of three co-occurring labrids (Ophthalmolepis lineolatus, Notolabrus gymnogenis and Pictilabrus laticlavius), which are conspicuous on rocky reefs in temperate south-eastern Australia, were investigated between 2003 and 2005. SCUBA observations at two locations showed that the feeding intensity, and hence the associated effects of these fishes on rocky reef invertebrate prey, was temporally consistent. Relative differences in the contributions of ingested prey and use of different feeding microhabitats demonstrated that the feeding ecology differed significantly among the three species. Thus, O. lineolatus fed on proportionately higher volumes of polychaetes, polyplacophorans, marginellid gastropods (especially Austroginella sp.), bivalves and echinoids, which were sighted opportunistically in a wide selection of microhabitats, but particularly in sand/rubble. Ambush hunting was used regularly by smaller N. gymnogenis and all sizes of P. laticlavius to forage on amphipods, small decapods and small gastropods at algal bases or fronds and Diopatra dentata tubes. Amphipods were similarly important in the diet of smaller O. lineolatus. Larger N. gymnogenis foraged opportunistically over an increased reef area and made greater use of microhabitats that offered minimal prey refuge (e.g. sand/rubble, bare rock/steel) from which common prey, in particular decapods, were obtained. The significant intra- and inter-specific differences in dietary compositions, allied with differences in the use of feeding microhabitats, would facilitate co-occurrence of these three conspicuous species and contribute to maintaining high richness of labrid species in reef systems. Echinoids were regularly consumed by each species but they made a moderate contribution to the diet of only O. lineolatus, which suggests that only one of the three labrids is likely to play a significant role in regulation of echinoid densities in these rocky reef habitats. However, the broad diets and diverse forging strategies employed by these labrid species imply that they have a system-wide influence on invertebrate prey on rocky reefs.  相似文献   

D. M. Dauer 《Marine Biology》1983,77(3):279-285
Functional morphology and feeding behavior of Scolelepis squamata (Müller) were studied. Gut contents consisted of unconsolidated sedimentary particles, fecal pellets of other species, and a wide variety of embryos, larvae, and juveniles. Unlike other spionid polychaetes the palps of S. squamata lack a median, ciliated groove. Particles captured by the palps were brought to the pharynx by a complete contraction of the palp. In the presence of a current, S. squamata helically coiled their palps, and fed almost exclusively on suspended and resuspended particles. In contrast to most spionid polychaetes the palps of S. squamata are not deciduous. Various aspects of the morphology and feeding behavior of S. squamata are discussed in terms of their functional and ecological significance.  相似文献   

D. M. Dauer 《Marine Biology》1985,85(2):143-151
The functional morphology and feeding behavior of Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers) were studied. The tentacular feeding palps of P. pinnata possess four groups of cilia: laterals, latero-frontal cirri, frontals and basal transverse rows. The lateral cilia beat in metachronal waves creating in current that flows toward the frontal surface of the palp. The latero-frontal cirri deflect suspended particles onto the frontal surface and potentially resuspend deposited particles. The frontal cilia line the groove of the palp and transport particles to the ciliated pharynx. The basal transverse cilia also beat in metachronal waves and together with the frontal cilia of the branchiae produce a U-shaped current that removes particles rejected by the pharynx from the burrow. The significance of particle selection at the site of the pharynx in spionid polychaetes is hypothesized to be constrained by the interaction of specific morphologies and behaviors that reduce the effects of epifaunal predation and browsing. The relationship between sediment permeability and type of respiratory or ventilation current is hypothesized to be a potentially important factor in understanding the distribution of spionid polychaetes.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 16 enzyme loci was analysed in 20 Mediterranean and 1 Baltic population of Cerastoderma glaucum. Spatial genetic variation at different geographic scales was investigated. In general, this species was fairly genetically structured (over all loci Š=0.088), according to the fragmentary nature of its habitat. Spatial structuring of genetic diversity was shown to follow different models, depending on the geographic scale considered: a stepping-stone model provided a good fit at a wide scale, with gene flow inversely related to geographic distance, whereas at small scale, genetic relationships among samples could not be interpreted as simply the effect of physical distance among populations. Results are discussed taking into account the intrinsic and extrinsic factors which are most likely to affect the patterns of genetic structuring in coastal marine animals. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-001-0753-x  相似文献   

J. Shimeta 《Marine Biology》1996,126(3):479-488
Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata Okuda suspension feeds and deposit feeds at the sediment-water interface, where it is exposed to a variety of particles differing in physical characteristics and nutritional value. In flume experiments (conducted in August 1994 and May 1995) with two sizes of either suspended or deposited beads, I measured particle-size selection separately in each feeding mode. The same influences of palp width and of ambient flow speed were observed in each mode. At velocities 0.74 cm s-1 there were no relationships between palp width and the proportion of gut contents composed of large beads. At velocities 1.8 cm s-1 worms with narrower palps ingested relatively fewer large beads (and more small beads) than did worms with wider palps. Palp width and body length were linearly related, and results were similar when analyzed with body length as the independent variable. As flow speed increased, selectivity changed in a worm-size-specific manner: worms with a palp width -1. Assuming that in the field (1) particle size is the principle criterion for selection, and (2) the amount of digestible food component in deposited and suspended particles, respectively, is related to particle surface area and volume, I hypothesize that changes in selectivity as velocity rises can cause juveniles to experience a decreasing profitability of suspension feeding and a simultaneously increasing profitability of deposit feeding. Juveniles could maintain a diet of high food value despite flow variations by adjusting the proportion of time they spend suspension feeding relative to deposit feeding.  相似文献   

C. E. Mills 《Marine Biology》1981,64(2):185-189
Feeding behaviors of the following 4 species of hydromedusae are described from field and laboratory observations: Probosidactyla flavicirrata, Stomotoca atra, Phialidium gregarium and Polyorchis penicillatus. Feeding efficiency of medusae has previously been considered equivalent to fishing with a given amount (combined tentacle length) of adhesive fishing line; however, detailed observation shows that behavior of medusae greatly modifies the fishing capacity of each species. It is hypothesized that in addition to (1) tentacle number and length, the following factors strongly influence feeding efficiency: (2) tentacle posture, (3) velocity of tentacles moving through water (4) swimming pattern of medusa, (5) streamlining effects of medusa bell on water flow, (6) diameter of prey, (7) swimming pattern and velocity of prey. Each species of hydromedusa utilizes the above factors in different combinations.Mailing address  相似文献   

Summary. Colonies of two species of Metapone (M. madagascarica, M. new species.) were collected in Madagascar and established in laboratory nests. It could be demonstrated that both species are specialist predators of termites (Cryptotermes kirbyi). During hunting the ants sting the termites and thereby paralyze and preserve the prey alive. In this way prey can be stored in the ant nest for extended periods. During foraging and colony emigrations the ants lay chemical trails with poison gland secretions. Among the seven compounds identified in the venom only methyl pyrrole-2-carboxylate elicits trail following behavior in both Metapone species. Received 11 February 2002, accepted 23 February 2002.  相似文献   

Summary Hipposideros ruber use CF/FM echolocation calls to detect the wing flutter of their insect prey. Fluttering prey were detected whether the insects were flying or sitting on a surface, and prey in either situation were captured with equal success (approximately 40% of capture attempts). Stationary prey were ignored. The bats did not use visual cues or the sounds of wing flutter to locate their prey. Wing flutter detection suggests that H. ruber exploit the Doppler-shifted information in echoes of their echolocation calls. These bats fed primarily upon moths, usually those of between 10 and 25 mm wingchord, although moths of less than 5 mm and greater than 40 mm wingchord were also attacked and captured. They showed no evidence of selecting moths on the basis of species or other taxonomic distinction, and occasionaly captured other insects.  相似文献   

The discrimination of species of the copepod genus, Calanus (Copepoda; Calanoida), is problematical-especially in regions of sympatry. Although the species of Calanus exhibit exceptional morphological similarity, they are quite distinct in genetic character. The DNA base sequences of the mitochondrial large subunit (16S) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene unambiguously discriminated C. finmarchicus (Gunnerus 1765), C. glacialis (Jaschnov 1955), C. marshallae (Frost 1974), C. helgolandicus (Claus 1863), C. pacificus (Brodsky 1948), C. sinicus (Brodsky 1965), and C. hyperboreus (Kroyer 1838). Sequence differences among Calanus species for this gene portion range from 7.3% (between C. glacialis and C. marshallae) to 23.9% (between C. glacialis and C. sinicus). Differences among conspecific individuals were approximately 1 to 2%. [These sequence data were determined between April and November 1993; the sequenced domain is similar to that published previously in Bucklin et al. (1992) but are derived from analysis of additional individuals.] Statistical analysis of the sequence data using a variety of tree-building algorithms separated the taxa into one group of species corresponding to the C. finmarchicus group (C. finmarchicus, C. marshallae, and C. glacialis) and another ungrouped set of species corresponding to the C. helgolandicus group (C. helgolandicus, C. pacificus, and C. sinicus). The C. helgolandicus group may be older than the C. finmarchicus group, making the tree topology less reliable in this area. Calanus hyperboreus was an outlier; Nannocalanus minor (Claus 1863) was the outgroup. Similar analysis of Metridia species confirmed that M. lucens (Boeck 1864) and M. pacifica (Brodsky 1948) are distinct species; M. longa (Lubbock 1854) was still more divergent. These sequence data will allow the design of simple, molecular tools for taxonomic identifications. Diagnostic characters, assayed by rapid molecular protocols, will enable biological oceanographers to answer important questions about the distribution and abundance of all life stages (as well as patterns of reproduction) of morphologically similar species, such as those of Calanus.  相似文献   

Levels of genetic polymorphism were surveyed at two enzyme loci (LAP, PGI) in 2 intertidal and 6 subtidal species of the bivalve genus Macoma living in the waters of the San Juan Islands (Washington and Canada). The temporal environmental variability-genetic variability hypothesis predicts that intettidal species should have greater levels of genetic polymorphism than subtidal species. This is not true for the genus Macoma. However, at the PGI locus, genetic polymorphism was proportional to niche breadth in both the intertidal and subtidal species, but only for intertidal species at the LAP locus. These results support the contention that temporal environmental variability is not necessarily important in maintaining genetic variability, but that environmental heterogeneity may select for increased polymorphism at some loci.  相似文献   

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