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The fate of pyrimidine-2-14C-rimsulfuron in a rendzina soil was investigated using a laboratory microcosm approach. Measurement of CO2 evolution suggested that rimsulfuron applied at 5 times the recommended dose did not affect soil respiration. Under abiotic conditions, no mineralization of 14C-rimsulfuron into 14C-CO2 occurred and under biotic ones it was very low reaching 0.75% of the applied 14C-rimsulfuron after 246 days of incubation. The analysis of data showed that a three-half order model provided the best fit for the mineralization curve. Extractable 14C-residues decreased over time to 70-80% of the applied 14C-rimsulfuron at the end of the incubation. After 246 days of incubation, non extractable residues (NER) accounted for up to 24.7% of the applied 14C-rimsulfuron and were distributed according to organic carbon in soil size fractions, suggesting a progressive incorporation process of NER to soil humus.  相似文献   


Mass balance and fate of atrazine‐ 14C and pentachlorophenol‐ 14C (PCP‐ 14C) were studied in short‐term tests in a closed aerated laboratory soil‐plant system, using two concentrations in soil and two plant species, as well as under outdoor conditions for one vegetation period. In the laboratory, for both pesticides bioaccu‐mulation factors of radiocarbon taken up by the roots into plants were low. They were higher for lower (1 ppm) than for higher soil concentrations (6 ppm for atra‐zine, 4 ppm for pentachlorophenol) and varied with the plant species. Mineralization to 14CO2 in soil was negatively related to soil concentration only for PCP‐ 14C. Conversion rates in soil including the formation of soil‐bound residues were higher for the lower concentrations of both pesticides than for the higher ones; conversion rates in plants were species‐dependent. In 14 terms of CO2 formation and of conversion rates, PCP was less persistent in soil than was atrazine. For both pesticides, laboratory data on conversion and mineralization gave a rough prediction of their persistence in soil under long‐term outdoor conditions, whereas bio‐accumulation factors in plants under long‐term outdoor conditions could not be predicted by short‐term laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

Soil dissipation of the herbicide clopyralid (3,6-dichloropicolinic acid) was measured in laboratory incubations and in field plots under different management regimes. In laboratory studies, soil was spiked with commercial grade liquid formulation of clopyralid (Versatill, 300 g a.i. L(-1) soluble concentrate) @ 0.8 microg a.i. g(-1) dry soil and the soil water content was maintained at 60% of water holding capacity of the soil. Treatments included incubation at 10 degrees C, 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C, day/night cycles (25/15 degrees C) and sterilized soil (20 degrees C). Furthermore, a field study was conducted at the Waikato Research Orchard near Hamilton, New Zealand starting in November 2000 to measure dissipation rates of clopyralid under differing agricultural situations. The management regimes were: permanent pasture, permanent pasture shielded from direct sunlight, bare ground, and bare ground shielded from direct sunlight. Clopyralid was sprayed in dilute solution @ 600 g a.i. ha(-1) on to field plots. Herbicide residue concentrations in soil samples taken at regular intervals after application were determined by gas chromatograph with electron capture detector. The laboratory experiments showed that dissipation rate of clopyralid was markedly faster in non-sterilized soil (20 degrees C), with a half-life (t1/2) of 7.3 d, than in sterilized soil (20 degrees C) with t1/2 of 57.8 d, demonstrating the importance of micro-organisms in the breakdown process. Higher temperatures led to more rapid dissipation of clopyralid (t1/2, 4.1 d at 30 degrees C vs 46.2 d at 10 degrees C). Dissipation was also faster in the day/night (25/15 degrees C) treatment (t1/2, 5.4 d), which could be partly due to activation of soil microbes by temperature fluctuations. In the field experiment, decomposition of clopyralid was much slower in the shaded plots under pasture (t1/2, 71.5 d) and bare ground (t1/2, 23.9 d) than in the unshaded pasture (t1/2, 5.0 d) and bare ground plots (t1/2, 12.9 d). These studies suggest that environmental factors such as temperature, soil water content, shading, and different management practices would have considerable influence on rate of clopyralid dissipation.  相似文献   

Residence time-dependent distribution patterns of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) among different soil organic matter fractions of three Chinese soils were investigated. Soil organic matter (SOM) was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA), bound-humic acid (BHA), lipid, and insoluble residue (IR) fractions using methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) method. Results revealed that as the residence time prolonged, the amounts of HCB and DDT in the FA, HA and BHA fractions decreased, while those in the lipid and IR fractions increased. One- and two-compartment first order, and one- and two-parameter pore-diffusion kinetic models were used to describe the mobility of HCB and DDT from the FA, HA and BHA fractions. The results suggest that excellent agreements were achieved between the experimental data and fits to the two-compartment first order kinetic model (R2>0.97). The transfer rates of HCB and DDT followed the order FA>HA>BHA.  相似文献   

Aldicarb [2-methyl-2(methyl thio) propionaldehyde-O-methyl carbamoyl oxime], which forms the active ingredient of a systemic oximic carbamate insecticide, at 2 ppm level did not affect the in vitro growth and respiration of Azotobacter chroococcum Beij, while concentrations at 5 ppm and 10 ppm levels were inhibitory. The insecticide treatment at 10 ppm level suppressed the assimilation of (14C) - glucose in the whole cells and in the cellular constitutents viz., cold - TCA soluble, hot TCA soluble fractions and insoluble residue. However, the 14C - incorporation in the alcohol soluble and alcohol-ether soluble fractions was enhanced indicating that aldicarb considerably altered the glucose metabolism of the organism.  相似文献   

Soil response to contamination with 2,4,5-triclorophenol was studied to test the validity of the concept of Generic Reference Levels (GRL), the main criterion used to define soil contamination. Soil samples were artificially contaminated with doses between 0 and 5000 mg kg−1 of 2,4,5-triclorophenol, and analysed by various tests. Where possible, the response of soils to the contaminant was modelled by a sigmoidal dose-response curve in order to estimate the ED50 values. The tests provided different responses, but only microbial biomass-C and dehydrogenase and urease activities demonstrated soil deterioration in response to contamination. The results suggest that the diagnosis of soil contamination has been greatly simplified in the legislation by the provision of a single figure for each compound, and that the GRL concept could perhaps be substituted by measurement of ED50 values, which better reflect the alteration of a soil due to the presence of a xenobiotic substance.  相似文献   

The effects of three soil pH's, three soil temperatures, and three soil moistures on [14C]isofenphos degradation were investigated. All three factors interacted strongly and significantly affected the persistence of isofenphos as well as the formation of the degradation products (p less than 1%). Isofenphos degradation was greatest at the higher temperatures 35 degrees C greater than 25 degrees C greater than 15 degrees C (except under alkaline pH's), medium moisture 25% greater than 30% greater than 15%, and in both alkaline (pH = 8) and acidic soils (pH = 6) compared with neutral soil (pH = 7). Isofenphos oxon formation was greatest at higher temperatures 35 degrees C compared with 25 degrees C and 15 degrees C, in acidic soil greater than neutral soil greater than alkaline soil, and under high moisture (30%) compared with the 15% and 22.5% moistures. The formation of soil-bound residues was greatest at higher temperatures 35 degrees C greater than 25 degrees C greater than 15 degrees C, higher moisture 30% compared with 15% and 22.5%, and in alkaline soil compared with neutral and acidic soils.  相似文献   

An Indian sandy loam soil was initially treated with 1 kg a.i. ha(-1) of either [(14)C]-p,p'-DDT or [(14)C]-gamma-HCH during winter. DDT concentration after 30 days declined to 75.3%, which included 2.1% soil-bound residues. After 150 days, DDT levels further decreased to 42.4% with a concomitant increase in bound residues amounting to 5.9%. Identical treatment with HCH caused the residue levels to be reduced to 67.4 and 23.6%, after 30 and 150 days, respectively. During this period, the soil-bound residues of HCH increased from 5.2 to 12.8%. Repeat application to pre-treated soils in summer and subsequent field exposure for 30 days reduced the concentration of DDT to 52.1% and that of HCH to 42.4% of the total concentration following the second treatment. In parallel control experiments, which received only a single treatment, DDT levels declined to 61.3%, while HCH slumped to 45.3%, indicating a slower dissipation rate than in the corresponding repeated treatments. In repeat experiments, the soil-bound residues of DDT and HCH showed only a 1.07 to 1.08-fold increase in 30 days, as compared to three to ten-times increase in the control experiments. The results amply demonstrate that pre-treatment of tropical soils with DDT or HCH enhances their rate of dissipation and significantly reduce the formation of their soil-bound residues.  相似文献   


The effects of temperatures and solar radiation on the dissipation of 14C‐p,p'‐DDT from a loam soil was studied by quantifying volatilization, mineralization and binding. The major DDT loss occurred by volatilization, which was 1.8 times more at 45oC than at ambient temperature (30°C). Mineralization of DDT slowly increased with time but it decreased slightly with increase in temperature. Binding of DDT to soil was found to be less at higher temperatures (35 and 45°C) as compared to ambient temperature. Degradation of DDT to DDE was faster at higher temperatures.

Exposure of non‐sterilized and sterilized soils treated with 14C‐DDT to sunlight in quartz and dark tubes for 6 weeks resulted in significant losses. Volatilization and mineralization in quartz tubes were more as compared to dark tubes. The volatilized organics from the quartz tubes contained larger amounts of p,p'‐DDE than the dark tubes. Further, higher rates of volatilization were found in non‐sterilized soils than in sterilized soils. The results suggest that faster dissipation of DDT from soil under local conditions relates predominantly to increased volatilization as influenced by high temperature and intense solar radiation.  相似文献   

Jiang X  Yediler A  Yufang S  Sun T  Kettrup A 《Chemosphere》2005,61(5):741-751
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS, 200 mg l(-1)) on the fate of phenanthrene in a model ecosystem "water-lava-hydrophytes-air". The experiments were conducted using two closed cultivation chamber systems. Rushes (Juncus effesus) were selected as a representative hydrophyte. Five hundred micrograms per liter of phenanthrene in a culture solution containing a 14C-activity of 75 microCi per chamber was applied (i) to investigate the degradation of the labeled test substance and the transfer processes within the system; (ii) to determine the mass-balance possible and (iii) to detect the occurrence of volatile test substances, their volatile metabolites and the degradation end-product CO2 in the gas phase. Most of the applied 14C-activity was found in the plant (41-45%), in which approximately 95% was associated with plant roots and approximately 5% with shoots. The 14C-activity recovered in the form of VOCs and CO2 was measured in lava (18-29%, 8-11%), and in the culture solution (10-14% and 1%), respectively. Majority of the applied 14C-activity existed in two forms, i.e. (1) polar metabolites (26%), of which 91% were found in plant roots, and (2) un-extractable residues (23%), most of which were in plant roots (40%) and bounded to lava (58%). The presence of LAS significantly increased the volatilization of phenanthrene and its metabolites, inhibited its mineralization and decreased the level of 14C-activity in lava. Moreover, LAS reduced the phenanthrene level in plant roots.  相似文献   

[Carbonyl-14C]methabenzthiazuron (MBT) was applied to growing winter wheat in an outdoor lysimeter. The amount applied corresponded to 4 kg Tribunil/ha. 140 days after application the 0-2.5 cm soil layer was removed from the lysimeter. This soil contained about 40% of the applied radioactivity. Using 0,01 M CaCl2 solution or organic solvents, the extractable residues were removed from the soil. The bioavailability of the non-extractable as well as aged residues remaining in the soil was investigated in standardized microecosystems containing 1.5 kg of dry soil. During a 4 weeks period the total uptake (4 maize plants/pot) amounted up to 3.6; 2.2; and 0.9% of the radioactivity from soils containing aged MBT residues, MBT residues non-extractable with 0.01 M CaCl2 or MBT residues non-extractable with organic solvents, respectively. About 20% of the radioactivity found in maize leaves represented chromatographically characterized parent compound. At the end of the plant experiment the soil was extracted again with 0.01 M CaCl2 and with organic solvents. The soil extracts and also the organic phases obtained from the aqueous fulvic acid solution contained unchanged parent compound.  相似文献   

Hong L  Luthy RG 《Chemosphere》2008,72(2):272-281
Polyoxymethylene (POM) is a polymeric material used increasingly in passive sampling of hydrophobic organic contaminants such as PAHs and PCBs in soils and sediments. In this study, we examined the sorption behavior of 12 PAH compounds to POM and observed linear isotherms spanning two orders of magnitude of aqueous concentrations. Uptake kinetic studies performed in batch systems for up to 54 d with two different volume ratios of POM-to-aqueous phase were evaluated with coupled diffusion and mass transfer models to simulate the movement of PAHs during the uptake process and to assess the physicochemical properties and experimental conditions that control uptake rates. Diffusion coefficients of PAHs in POM were estimated to be well correlated with diffusants' molecular weights as D(POM) proportional, variant(MW)(-3), descending from 2.3 x 10(-10) cm(2) s(-1) for naphthalene to 7.0 x 10(-11) cm(2) s(-1) for pyrene. The uptake rates for PAHs with log K(ow)<5.8 were controlled by the POM phase and the hydrophobicity of PAH compounds. For more hydrophobic PAH compounds, the aqueous boundary layer played an increasingly important role in determining the overall mass transfer rate. The POM partitioning technique was demonstrated to agree well with two other procedures for measuring PAH soil-water distribution coefficients in oil-soot (lampblack) containing soil samples.  相似文献   


[Carbonyl‐ C]methabenzthiazuron (MBT) was applied to growing winter wheat in an outdoor lysimeter. The amount applied corresponded to 4 kg Tribunil/ha. 140 days after application the 0–2,5 cm soil layer was removed from the lysimeter. This soil contained about 40 % of the applied radioactivity. Using 0,01 M CaCl2 solution or organic solvents, the extractable residues were removed from the soil. The bioavailability of the non‐extractable as well as aged residues remaining in the soil was investigated in standardized microecosystems containing 1.5 kg of dry soil. During a 4 weeks period the total uptake (4 maize plants/pot) amounted up to 3,6; 2,2; and 0,9 % of the radioactivity from soils containing aged MBT residues, MBT residues non‐extractable‐with 0,01 MCaCl2 or MBT residues non‐extractable with organic solvents, respectively. About 20 % of the radioactivity found in maize leaves represented chromatographically characterized parent compound. At the end of the plant experiment the soil was extracted again with 0,01 M CaCl2 and with organic solvents. The soil extracts and also the organic phases obtained from the aqueous fulvic acid solution contained unchanged parent compound.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the distribution of exogenous HCB and DDT among different soil organic matter fractions were studied under sterile and non-sterile conditions, different soil water contents, and different concentrations of added Cu(2+). The residence time was 311days. Soil organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acid (FA), humic acid (HA), bound-humic acid (BHA), lipid, and insoluble residue (IR) fractions by a methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) method. Results revealed that there is a mass transfer tendency of DDT and HCB from FA, HA and BHA to IR and lipid fractions with increasing residence time. Microbial activity accelerated the mass transfer, while the addition of Cu(2+) slowed it down. The HCB and DDT transfer rate decreased as the soil moisture increased from 1.9% to 60%, but increased when soil moisture increased further to 90%. A two-compartment first order kinetic model was used to describe the mass transfer from FA, HA and BHA.  相似文献   

Burreau S  Broman D  Orn U 《Chemosphere》2000,40(9-11):977-985
In the present study, the tissue distribution of [14C]-labelled 2,2',4,4'-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE 47) and its possible metabolites was investigated after dietary exposure in pike (Esox lucius) using whole-body autoradiography. The study is a time series with pike examined 9, 18, 36 and 65 days after exposure. PBDE 47 was efficiently absorbed from the food (>90%) and radioactivity remained in the body in considerable amounts even after the longest period examined. The results indicate that PBDE 47 is not rapidly metabolised to hydrophilic, but possible to hydrophobic metabolites and that PBDE 47 and possible hydrophobic metabolites are accumulated in the lipid rich tissues of the pike. Melanin binding of PBDE 47 and possible metabolite(s) is suggested. The levels of PBDE 47 and/or metabolite(s) declines with time in most tissues except for the most lipid rich, where no decline in radioactivity is observed even after the longest period studied. Signs of irreversible incorporation of PBDE 47-derived radioactivity were detected but considered as too uncertain to conclude that covalent binding of PBDE 47-metabolites to macromolecules occurs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to assess the effectiveness of two grass covers (buffer zone and grass-covered inter-row), to reduce pesticide leaching, and subsequently to preserve groundwater quality. Lower amounts of pesticides leached through grass-cover soil columns (2.7-24.3% of the initial amount) than the bare soil columns (8.0-55.1%), in correspondence with their sorption coefficients. Diuron was recovered in higher amounts in leachates (8.9-32.2%) than tebuconazole (2.7-12.9%), in agreement with their sorption coefficients. However, despite having a sorption coefficient similar to that of diuron, more procymidone was recovered in the leachates (10.2-55.1%), probably due to its facilitated transport by dissolved organic matter. Thus even in this very permeable soil, higher organic matter contents associated with grass-cover reduce the amount of pesticide leaching and limit the risk of groundwater contamination by the pesticides. The results of diuron and tebuconazole transfer through undisturbed buffer zone soil columns are in agreement with field observations on the buffer zone.  相似文献   

The distribution and concentration of some organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the soil around a pesticide factory in Zibo, China, were examined, including dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites, isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) and endosulfan (ENDO). The results showed that the OCPs concentrations were extraordinary high in this region. The concentrations of DDTs, HCHs, and ENDO were measured in the range of 0.775–226.711, 0.248–42.838, and 0.081–1.644 mg kg?1, respectively. DDT and its isomers were identified to be the dominate contaminants in most of the sampling sites. In the vertical direction, the distribution pattern of the total OCPs was in order of DDTs, HCHs, and ENDO in the 0–20 cm, but in 20–40 and 40–60 cm the trends were unobvious. Although no recent input occurred in most areas, the residues of OCPs remained in deep soil due to their persistence. Unlike ENDO, DDTs and HCHs appeared to have the similar property in terms of not only the migration pattern in soil, but also the relationship to the same dominant impact factor (i.e. organic matter). DDTs and HCHs were affected positively by the organic matter, whereas ENDO was affected negatively. Due to the interrelationship among various impact factors, the spatial distribution of pesticides in the soil was considered to be a combined result.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the glyphosate application effects on the Cerotoma arcuata Oliver (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) population in glyphosate-resistant soybean crops. Field studies were conducted with glyphosate and the insecticide endosulfan to observe the effects of these pesticides on C. arcuata, on its damages in the crop and on the populations of natural enemies in glyphosate-resistant soybean crops. Moreover, the lethal and behavioral sublethal response of C. arcuata to glyphosate and endosulfan was conducted in the laboratory. The results of the field and laboratory experiments showed that glyphosate caused moderate toxicity and high irritability in C. arcuata and that endosulfan caused high toxicity and irritability. Therefore, the direct effect of glyphosate on C. arcuata was negative and does not explain the population increases of this pest in glyphosate-resistant soybean. However, the glyphosate also decreased the density of predators. Thus, the negative effect of glyphosate on the predators may be related to population increases of C. arcuata in glyphosate-resistant soybean crops, however, more studies are needed to better evidence this relationship. This study suggests that glyphosate can impact other non-target organisms, such as herbivorous insects and natural enemies and that the use of this herbicide will need to be carefully stewarded to prevent potential disturbances in beneficial insect communities in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Adani F  Ricca G 《Chemosphere》2004,56(1):13-22
Alkali soluble (humic acid-like material) (HA-like) (yield of 132 gkgdm(-1)) and the unhydrolized-alkali soluble (core-humic acid-like material) (core-HA-like) (yield of 33.4 gkgdm(-1)) fractions were extracted from maize plants and characterized by C and N determinations, DRIFT, and 1H and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Fresh plants were subsequently incubated for 6 months in an artificial mineral soil, and the HA-like and core-HA-like trends were monitored quantitatively (C fraction content) and qualitatively (spectroscopic approach) in order to study their contribution to the formation of soil humic acid. During incubation the HAC-like partially degraded (loss of 320 gkgHAC(-1)) and partially formed new fulvic-like acids (160 gkgHAC(-1)). On the contrary, the stable fraction of HAC, the core-HAC-like, was maintained (loss of 153 kgcore-HAC(-1)), representing, after incubation, 846 gkg(-1) of the initial core-HAC-like content. The core-HA-like fraction is composed of lignin residues, polysaccharides, lipids and proteins, probably structured into a well-defined network, i.e. the plant cell wall.  相似文献   

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