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Summary Although sexual dichromatism in birds is usually ascribed to sexual selection, some workers argue that avian coloration is better explained by predation-related selection pressures. Supporting evidence for these latter hypotheses comes primarily from broad interspecific comparisons, which can be biased by a variety of factors. This study examines the predation-based hypotheses of Baker and Parker (1979), particularly the Predator Deflection Hypothesis, with reference to two closely-related oriole species: Icterus parisorum, which is dichromatic, and I. gularis, in which both sexes are brightly coloured. To test the prediction that bright coloration serves to divert the attention of predators away from cryptic young, rates of predation on nests of conspicuous (2 years of age or older) and dull-coloured (first-year). I. parisorum males were compared. The results showed equal predation on the young of males in both age/plumage classes. The Predator Deflection Hypothesis also predicts that, once a predator has been detected, brightly-coloured birds should attempt to distract it, whereas cryptic individuals should not. Tests using models of avian predators showed that this was not the case: cryptic I. parisorum females responded as aggressively toward the model as did conspicuous conspecific males. The same was true for I. gularis. Overall, the results did not support the idea that bright coloration has evolved in response to predation pressure in these species.  相似文献   

Sexual dichromatism and phenotypic variation in elaborate male traits are common products of sexual selection. The spectral properties of carotenoid and structurally-based plumage colors and the patch sizes of melanin-based plumage colors have received considerable attention as sexual signals in birds. However, the importance of variation in achromatic plumage colors (white, gray and black) remains virtually unexplored, despite their widespread occurrence. We investigated a potential signal function of the achromatic black and white plumage of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla). We captured and color-banded 178 free-living chickadees and assessed winter flock dominance hierarchies by tabulating pairwise interactions at feeders. We recaptured 73 of these birds and measured plumage coloration for six body regions using a reflectance spectrometer and the area of melanin-based plumage patches from standardized photographs. We found extensive individual variation in chickadee plumage traits and considerable sexual dichromatism. Male black-capped chickadees have significantly brighter white plumage than females, larger black patches, and greater plumage contrast between adjacent white and black plumage regions. We also found rank differences in the plumage reflectance of males; high-ranking males, who are preferred by females as both social and extra-pair partners, exhibit significantly darker black plumage and grow their feathers more rapidly than low-ranking males. This variation among individuals reveals a potential signal function for achromatic plumage coloration in birds.  相似文献   

The handicap principle suggests that ornamental traits that function as honest signals in mate selection must be costly to be effective. We evaluated in the sexually monochromatic yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) whether the carotenoid-derived plumage and eye coloration predicts parental quality and whether males and females within pairs mate assortatively in relation to these carotenoid-derived ornaments. In addition, we investigated whether age or body condition was related to the coloration of the ornamental traits. In yellow-eyed penguins, parental quality of males and females was predicted by eye and head plumage coloration. Even when we controlled for gender- and age-specific differences, eye and head plumage coloration reflected honestly parental quality. Males and females mated assortatively in relation to these ornamental traits. While age influenced coloration of both the eye and head plumage, body condition was related only to the saturation of plumage coloration. These results provide evidence that the carotenoid-derived ornaments in yellow-eyed penguins reflect the parental abilities of birds and, therefore, may be costly signals. Potentially, female and male yellow-eyed penguins could use eye and plumage coloration as an indirect cue in assessing age and quality of individual birds during mate choice. This is only the second study to examine plumage coloration in relation to sexual selection in penguins, while conspicuous ornamental traits in other species of penguin beg the question whether they also play a role in sexual selection.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by C.R. Brown  相似文献   

Several experimental studies have shown that female birds use ornamental melanin and carotenoid plumage coloration as criteria in mate choice. Whether females choose mates based on natural variation in structural coloration, however, has not been well established. Male eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) display brilliant ultraviolet (UV)-blue plumage coloration on their head, back, wings, and tail, which is positively correlated with condition, reproductive effort, and reproductive success. We experimentally tested the hypothesis that female eastern bluebirds prefer as mates males that display brighter structural coloration by presenting breeding-condition females with males of variable coloration. We conducted two types of mate-choice experiments. First, females chose between males whose coloration was manipulated within the natural range of variation in the population; feathers were either brightened with violet marker or dulled with black marker. Second, females chose between males with naturally dull or bright plumage coloration. In both manipulated and unmanipulated coloration trials, female choice did not differ significantly from random with respect to structural coloration. We found no support for the hypothesis that the UV–blue coloration of male eastern bluebirds functions as a criterion in female mate choice.  相似文献   

According to the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis, selection favors prey that accurately assess the degree of threat posed by a predator and adjust their anti-predator response to match the level of risk. Many species of animals rely on chemical cues to estimate predation risk; however, the information content conveyed in these chemical signatures is not well understood. We tested the threat-sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis by determining the specificity of the information conveyed to prey in the chemical signature of their predator. We found that fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) could determine the degree of threat posed by northern pike (Esox lucius) based on the concentration of chemical cues used. The proportion of minnows that exhibited an anti-predator response when exposed to a predator cue increased as the concentration of the pike cue used increased. More surprisingly, the prey could also distinguish large pike from small pike based on their odor alone. The minnows responded more intensely to cues of small pike than to cues of large pike. In this predator–prey system small pike likely represent a greater threat than large pike.Communicated by A. Mathis  相似文献   

Animals utilise various strategies to reduce the risk of predation, including camouflage, warning colours and mimicry, and many of these protective signals promote avoidance behaviour in predators. For example, various species possess paired circular ‘eyespots’, which startle or intimidate predators, preventing or halting an attack. However, little is known of how the efficacy of such signals relates to the context in which they are found, and no studies have tested the relative effectiveness of anti-predator signals when on otherwise camouflaged and conspicuous prey. We find that the protective value of conspicuous wing spots, placed on artificial moth-like targets presented to wild birds in the field, is strongly affected by the attributes of the prey ‘animal’ on which they are found. Wing spots reduced predation when on conspicuous prey but were rendered ineffective when on otherwise camouflaged targets, indeed they increased the risk of predation compared to non-marked camouflaged controls. These results demonstrate how different anti-predator strategies may interact, and that protective signals can switch from being beneficial to costly under different contexts.  相似文献   

Many prey species have a genetic predisposition to recognise and respond to predators and can fine-tune their anti-predator behaviour following appropriate experience. Although the Trinidadian guppy ( Poecilia reticulata) has become a model species for the investigation of adaptive behaviour, the extent to which experience mediates predator recognition remains unclear. In this study, we examined the effects of relaxed predation pressure on patterns of anti-predator behaviour in populations differing in evolutionary history. The anti-predator behaviour of wild- and laboratory-born guppies from high- and low-predation localities in Trinidad were compared using three models resembling Crenicichla alta, a dangerous guppy predator, Aequidens pulcher, a less dangerous piscivore, and a snake. Snakes are not known to prey on guppies in Trinidad. Specifically, the following predictions were tested: (1) wild caught fish from the high-predation localities (where guppies co-occur with C. alta and A. pulcher) would respond to the three models according to their perceived level of threat, whereas guppies from the low-predation site would show a reduced response to all of the predator models; (2) high-predation laboratory-reared fish would display a reduced but qualitatively similar response to their wild counterparts; and (3) there would be no behavioural differences between wild- and laboratory-reared low-predation fish. In accordance with these predictions, the results revealed that wild fish originating from high-predation sites responded more strongly to the models than fish from low-predation sites. When reared in the laboratory, guppies from the high-predation population showed a reduced response compared to their wild-caught counterparts, but there was no difference in the behaviour of wild- and laboratory-reared low-predation fish. Model type affected predator inspection behaviour but not schooling tendency, and both wild- and laboratory-reared guppies were more wary of the fish models than the snake. These results suggest that early experience differentially mediates the anti-predator responses of fish from high-risk localities.  相似文献   

Behavioural ecology is rife with examples of prey animals that are able to adjust the intensity of their anti-predator response to match background risk levels. Often, preys need experience with predators before they will invest in costly anti-predator responses. This means that prey animals often fail to respond to predators during their first encounter. Recently, we have shown that prey raised under high-risk conditions may exhibit avoidance of potential predation cues independent of experience (neophobia). Such phenotypically plastic neophobic predator responses may reduce the initial costs of learning ecologically relevant threats while maintaining sufficient behavioural plasticity to respond to variation in local conditions. Here, we test if induced neophobia results in threat-sensitive behavioural trade-offs in response to a novel chemosensory cue. Our first experiment shows that while juvenile convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) pre-exposed to high (but not low) risk conditions exhibited predator avoidance to a novel odour (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss), the response intensity was not influenced by the concentration of trout odour detected. Our second experiment demonstrated that the intensity of anti-predator response towards a novel predator cue was dependent upon the level of background risk. Convict cichlids pre-exposed to high-risk conditions showed stronger responses than those pre-exposed to low-risk conditions, while cichlids pre-exposed to intermediate-risk conditions exhibited intermediate response intensities. Together, these data demonstrate that background levels of risk and not the concentration of novel cues detected shape the induced neophobic response pattern of juvenile convict cichlids.  相似文献   

Summary Increased basking and reduced agility in gravid female southern water skinks (Eulamprus tympanum) suggest that they will be more vulnerable to predators. However, gravid females shift their anti-predator tactics towards crypsis, by allowing potential predators (such as a human observer) to approach more closely than do males and non-gravid females. Gravid females were taken no more frequently than were non-gravid females or males when exposed to two types of natural predators, birds (kookaburra, Dacelo gigas) or snakes (common blacksnakes, Pseudechis porphyriacus) in field enclosures. Both these results suggest that the vulnerability of potential prey in this system is determined by the predator's probability of detecting a potential prey item, not its probability of capturing the prey item after detection. Hence, laboratory-based measures of performance demonstrating reduced escape speed may sometimes have little relevance to actual fitness under field conditions, if the probability that an animal will be taken by a predator depends primarily on whether or not it is seen, rather than on how quickly it can escape. Correspondence to: L. Schwarzkopf  相似文献   

The number of nests containing egg masses a female makes over her lifetime and the pattern of scattering nests vary among species in a genus of nest-weaving spider mites (Stigmaeopsis). We hypothesized that the scattered nests of small nest builders have a previously overlooked indirect effect in that the void nests created after predation take on a new role as hindering devices that effectively decrease predator searching efficiency. First, we demonstrated that the experimental design used in this study is a good reflection of the nest distribution pattern of Stigmaeopsis takahashii (an intermediate-sized nest builder) in the field. Using this species as a model, we tested how different nest-scattering patterns affect the predator to examine how scattering may indirectly provide an anti-predation strategy by increasing a predators searching time. Next, we observed how artificially arranged void nests disturb predatory behavior in both starved and fully fed predator females and showed that void nests have a strong hindering effect on predators. Thus, we concluded that the nesting behavior of this mite species not only has anti-predator effects but must also have a stabilizing effect on predator–prey interaction systems at the population level.  相似文献   

The glossy sheen of healthy hair is an ideal of human beauty; however, glossiness has never been quantified in the context of non-human animal signaling. Glossiness, the specular reflectance characteristic of polished surfaces, has the potential to act as a signal of quality because it depends upon material integrity and cleanliness. Here, we undertook two studies of glossiness in avian plumage to determine (a) the repeatability of a recently developed measure of glossiness, (b) the relationship between glossiness and conventional measures of coloration, and (c) how glossiness is associated with quality signaling. Using museum specimens of three North American bird species with glossy plumage (red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus; great-tailed grackle, Quiscalus mexicanus; Chihuahuan raven, Corvus cryptoleucus), we found that the glossiness measure was highly repeatable for all species and was significantly correlated with plumage coloration (e.g., chroma, brightness) in male great-tailed grackles. We then used wild-caught grackles to examine sexual dimorphism in plumage glossiness and its correlation to a potentially sexually selected trait in this species, male tail length. We found that males were significantly glossier than females and that male, but not female, glossiness correlated positively with tail length. This study provides a repeatable method to measure glossiness and highlights its potential as a signal of individual quality in animals.  相似文献   

The anti-predator responses of an animal may depend on the species of predator attacking. For example, ground-dwelling monkeys respond with different warning calls in response to attacks from hawks from above vs attacks from leopards at the side. In grouping animals, it has usually been assumed that the best anti-predator behavior against most predators is to move toward the center of a group. However, little work has been done to study positioning of individuals in response to different predators and whether it might be influenced by gender or body condition. An optimality model is developed that gives predictions for how the needs of predator avoidance, drafting, and foraging could lead to one optimal location within the group. We then conducted a laboratory experiment with individually marked whirligig beetles (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae). We exposed them to an aerial (bird) or aquatic (fish) attack and determined changes in their distance to the front of groups at different speeds of water. We found that female whirligigs occupied the front of a group in response to a fish attack in fast water, but the back after an aerial bird attack, while the reverse was true for males. In slow water, different results were found; in response to a bird attack, females were more likely to be found in the front compared with males. Body condition was not correlated to the front/back position of either males or females before or after attacks in our study.  相似文献   

Migrating animals face numerous mortality risks, such as novel predators with which they may not be accustomed. Most animals can recognize predators innately; however, additional predator information can be collected to enhance familiarity. Because migrating birds rarely participate in mobs, they may seek alternative information sources such as cues provided by other birds that can provide information on predator location, identity, and degree of threat. We predicted that Nearctic–Neotropical migrants (hereafter, “migrants”) would react to vocal antipredator cues (e.g., mob-calls) of species residing in areas through which they migrate. To test this, we conducted experiments in Belize during spring migration, using playbacks of mob-calls of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and blue-gray tanagers (Thraupis episcopus); tanagers are familiar to all birds in Belize; chickadees are novel to residents but familiar to migrants. This also allowed us to assess response to novel and out-of-context antipredator signals. Resident birds did not respond to novel chickadee mob-calls, but did respond to familiar tanager calls. Birds overwintering south of our study area, which were migrating during our study, responded most strongly to chickadee playbacks. Conversely, individuals of species that include our study area in their winter range did not respond to either playback. This is the first evidence that birds react to vocal antipredator cues during migration, which may be a strategy used by migrants to learn about predators. Although residents failed to recognize a foreign cue, migrating birds responded most strongly to the out-of-context chickadee cue, associated with breeding grounds >2,000 km northward. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Cliff swallows (Hirundo pyrrhonota) in SW Nebraska, USA, nest in colonies and associate in groups away from their colonies. The degree to which group-living in this species affords advantages in the avoiding of predators was examined. The distance from the colony at which a snake predator was detected increased with colony size. In flocks away from the colonies, group vigilance increased, but the time that each individual spent vigilant decreased, with flock size. As a result, birds in large flocks had more time for preening and mud-gathering. Cliff swallows did not effectively mob predators and thus were unable to deter predators regardless of group size. Nesting within each colony was highly synchronous, but when the effects of ectoparasites on nesting success were removed, individuals nesting during the peak breeding period were no more successful than those nesting before or after the peak. This suggests that swamping of predators is unlikely in cliff swallow colonies. Nests at the edges of colonies were more likely to be preyed upon than nests nearer the center, suggesting that colonial nesting conferred some selfish herd benefits. Overall reproductive success did not vary with colony size. While cliff swallows receive some anti-predator benefits by living in groups, the avoidance of predators is probably not a major selective force for the evolution of coloniality in this species.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have indicated that animals are able to use chemical cues of predators to assess the magnitude of predation risk. One possible source of such cues is predator diet. Chemical cues may also be important in the development of antipredator behaviour, especially in animals that possess chemical alarm substances. Tadpoles of the common toad (Bufo bufo) are unpalatable to most vertebrate predators and have an alarm substance. Tadpoles of the common frog (Rana temporaria) lack both these characters. We experimentally studied how predator diet, previous experience of predators and body size affect antipredator behaviour in these two tadpole species. Late-instar larvae of the dragonfly Aeshna juncea were used as predators. The dragonfly larvae were fed a diet exclusively of insects, R. temporaria tadpoles or B. bufo tadpoles. R. temporaria tadpoles modified their behaviour according to the perceived predation risk. Depending on predator diet, the tadpoles responded with weak antipredatory behaviour (triggered by insect-fed predators) or strong behaviour (triggered by tadpole-fed predators) with distinct spatial avoidance and lowered activity level. The behaviour of B. bufo in predator diet treatments was indistinguishable from that in the control treatment. This lack of antipredator behaviour is probably related to the effective post-encounter defenses and more intense competitive regime experienced by B. bufo. The behaviour of both tadpole species was dependent on body size, but this was not related to predator treatments. Our results also indicate that antipredator behaviour is largely innate in tadpoles of both species and is not modified by a brief exposure to predators. Received: 22 August 1996 / Accepted after revision: 31 January 1997  相似文献   

Griswold MW  Lounibos LP 《Ecology》2006,87(4):987-995
Multiple predator species can interact as well as strongly affect lower trophic levels, resulting in complex, nonadditive effects on prey populations and community structure. Studies of aquatic systems have shown that interactive effects of predators on prey are not necessarily predictable from the direct effects of each species alone. To test for complex interactions, the individual and combined effects of a top and intermediate predator on larvae of native and invasive mosquito prey were examined in artificial analogues of water-filled treeholes. The combined effects of the two predators were accurately predicted from single predator treatments by a multiplicative risk model, indicating additivity. Overall survivorship of both prey species decreased greatly in the presence of the top predator Toxorhynchites rutilus. By itself, the intermediate predator Corethrella appendiculata increased survivorship of the native prey species Ochlerotatus triseriatus and decreased survivorship of the invasive prey species Aedes albopictus relative to treatments without predators. Intraguild predation did not occur until alternative prey numbers had been reduced by approximately one-half. Owing to changes in size structure accompanying its growth, T. rutilus consumed more prey as time progressed, whereas C. appendiculata consumed less. The intermediate predator, C. appendiculata, changed species composition by preferentially consuming A. albopictus, while the top predator, T. rutilus, reduced prey density, regardless of species. Although species interactions were in most cases predicted from pairwise interactions, risk reduction from predator interference occurred when C. appendiculata densities were increased and when the predators were similarly sized.  相似文献   

Plumage coloration, particularly when carotenoid-based, is important in social signaling in birds. Although feather color is a relatively stable trait, individuals may modify it with “cosmetic” substances such as preen oils. In addition, dirt accumulation may influence plumage coloration and further affect signal perception by receivers. Here, we analyze the separate potential effects of preen oils and soil accumulation on the reflectance properties of carotenoid-pigmented feathers across the visual range of most bird species, which includes the ultraviolet (UV). Using the yellow portion of tail feathers of Bohemian waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus), we performed two separate experiments where: (a) preen oils and/or soil were removed, or (b) preen oils (from black-billed magpies Pica pica or eagle owls Bubo bubo) were added. Preen oil addition reduced brightness but increased UV hue and yellow chroma. UV chroma was reduced by the addition of magpie (but not owl) preen oil. Soil accumulation had little effect on plumage reflectance in the UV range but significantly reduced yellow chroma. According to models of avian vision, both of these effects are detectable by birds and biologically meaningful when compared with natural variation between the sexes and age classes. We conclude that preen oil and soil accumulation can significantly affect the UV–visible reflectance of carotenoid-based plumages. As such traits typically advertise individual quality, preening and soiling have the potential to modify the information content of carotenoid-based plumage traits and how these signals are perceived by receivers.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined how predator diets influence prey responses to predation risk, but the role predator diet plays in modulating prey responses remains equivocal. We reviewed 405 predator–prey studies in 109 published articles that investigated changes in prey responses when predators consumed different prey items. In 54 % of reviewed studies, prey responses were influenced by predator diet. The value of responding based on a predator’s recent diet increased when predators specialized more strongly on particular prey species, which may create patterns in diet cue use among prey depending upon whether they are preyed upon by generalist or specialist predators. Further, prey can alleviate costs or accrue greater benefits using diet cues as secondary sources of information to fine tune responses to predators and to learn novel risk cues from exotic predators or alarm cues from sympatric prey species. However, the ability to draw broad conclusions regarding use of predator diet cues by prey was limited by a lack of research identifying molecular structures of the chemicals that mediate these interactions. Conclusions are also limited by a narrow research focus. Seventy percent of reviewed studies were performed in freshwater systems, with a limited range of model predator–prey systems, and 98 % of reviewed studies were performed in laboratory settings. Besides identifying the molecules prey use to detect predators, future studies should strive to manipulate different aspects of prey responses to predator diet across a broader range of predator–prey species, particularly in marine and terrestrial systems, and to expand studies into the field.  相似文献   

Predation on gibbons is rarely observed in the wild. However, the gibbons' moderate body size and relatively small social groups suggest high vulnerability to predation. To assess the role of predation and to study their anti-predator behaviour, we presented visual predator models to nine groups of wild white-handed gibbons at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. We measured subjects' immediate and delayed responses to four potential predators: tiger, clouded leopard, crested serpent eagle and reticulated python. Subjects reliably approached all four predators. In response to tigers and leopards, they additionally produced predator-specific songs and defecated copiously. In terms of delayed responses, distance between mated adults decreased, but only after exposure to the tiger model. In response to eagles and pythons, gibbons consistently vocalised, but this did not always include predator singing, and we found no long-term effects in overall activity or strata use. However, during 6 of 26 predator encounters, the gibbons produced songs with a structure that was intermediate between a duet song and a predator song more than 20 min after the predator encounter, indicating a long-term effect on their vocal behaviour. This study demonstrates that gibbons discriminate between different potential predators and respond to them with adaptive anti-predator behaviour, which include predator-specific vocal responses. We conclude that gibbons are not immune to predation and that terrestrial predators elicit consistent immediate and delayed anti-predation responses.  相似文献   

Abstract: Coffee farms can support significant biodiversity, yet intensification of farming practices is degrading agricultural habitats and compromising ecosystem services such as biological pest control. The coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) is the world's primary coffee pest. Researchers have demonstrated that birds reduce insect abundance on coffee farms but have not documented avian control of the berry borer or quantified avian benefits to crop yield or farm income. We conducted a bird‐exclosure experiment on coffee farms in the Blue Mountains, Jamaica, to measure avian pest control of berry borers, identify potential predator species, associate predator abundance and borer reductions with vegetation complexity, and quantify resulting increases in coffee yield. Coffee plants excluded from foraging birds had significantly higher borer infestation, more borer broods, and greater berry damage than control plants. We identified 17 potential predator species (73% were wintering Neotropical migrants), and 3 primary species composed 67% of migrant detections. Average relative bird abundance and diversity and relative resident predator abundance increased with greater shade‐tree cover. Although migrant predators overall did not respond to vegetation complexity variables, the 3 primary species increased with proximity to noncoffee habitat patches. Lower infestation on control plants was correlated with higher total bird abundance, but not with predator abundance or vegetation complexity. Infestation of fruit was 1–14% lower on control plants, resulting in a greater quantity of saleable fruits that had a market value of US$44–$105/ha in 2005/2006. Landscape heterogeneity in this region may allow mobile predators to provide pest control broadly, despite localized farming intensities. These results provide the first evidence that birds control coffee berry borers and thus increase coffee yield and farm income, a potentially important conservation incentive for producers.  相似文献   

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