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Scour is defined as the processes of removal of sediment particles from water stream bed by the erosive action of activated water, and also carries sediment away from the hydraulic structures. Scour is the main cause of pier failure. Numerous equations are available for estimating temporal and equilibrium scour depth. The present study describes the phenomenon of temporal scour depth variation at bridge piers and deals with the methods for its estimation. The accuracy of six temporal scour depth equations are also checked in this study. After graphical and statistical analysis, it was found that the relationship proposed by Oliveto and Hager (J Hydraul Eng (ASCE) 128(9):811–520, 2002) predicts temporal scour depth better than other equations. Three equations of equilibrium time of scour are also used for computing equilibrium time. Equilibrium time equation proposed by Choi and Choi (Water Environ J 30(1–2):14–21, 2016) gives better agreements with observed values.  相似文献   

Previous investigations indicate that scour around bridge piers is one of the most important factors for the failure of waterway bridges. Hence, it is essential to determine the accurate scour depth around the bridge piers. Most of the previous studies were based on scour around a single pier; however, in practice, new bridges are usually wide and then piers comprise two circular piers aligned in the flow direction that together support the loading of the structure. In this study, the effect on maximum scour depth of the spacing between two piers aligned in the flow direction was investigated experimentally under clear water scour conditions. The results show that the maximum scour depth at upstream of the front pier occurs when the spacing between the two piers is 2.5 times the diameter of the pier. Two semi empirical equations have been developed to predict the maximum scour depth at upstream of both front and rear piers as a function of the spacing between the piers, in terms of a pier-spacing factor. If the new equations for the pier-spacing factor are used with some of the existing equations for scour at a single pier, the predicted scouring depths are in good agreement with observed results. The S/M equation exhibited the best performance among the various equations tested and was recommended for use in prediction of the equilibrium scour depth. The findings of this study can be used to facilitate the positioning of piers when scouring is a design concern.  相似文献   

The coherent turbulent flow around a single circular bridge pier and its effects on the bed scouring pattern is investigated in this study. The coherent turbulent flow and associated shear stresses play a major role in sediment entrainment from the bed particularly around a bridge pier where complex vortex structures exist. The conventional two-dimensional quadrant analysis of the bursting process is unable to define sediment entrainment, particularly where fully three-dimensional flow structures exist. In this paper, three-dimensional octant analysis was used to improve understanding of the role of bursting events in the process of particle entrainment. In this study, the three-dimensional velocity of flow was measured at 102 points near the bed of an open channel using an Acoustic Doppler Velocity meter (Micro-ADV). The pattern of bed scouring was measured during the experiment. The velocity data were analysed using the Markov process to investigate the sequential occurrence of bursting events and to determine the transition probability of the bursting events. The results showed that external sweep and internal ejection events were an effective mechanism for sediment entrainment around a single circular bridge pier. The results are useful in understanding scour patterns around bridge piers.  相似文献   

The scour around a long fixed pipeline placed just above a non-cohesive sandy bed is numerically simulated using an Eulerian two-phase model that implements Euler–Euler coupled governing equations for fluid and solid phases and a modified k−ɛ turbulence closure for the fluid phase, the modeling system being a part of the CFD software package FLUENT. Both flow–particle and particle–particle interactions are considered in the model. During the simulations, the interface between sand and water is specified using a threshold volume fraction of sand, and the evolution of the bedforms is studied in detail. The predictions of bedform evolution are in good agreement with previous laboratory measurements. Investigations into the mechanisms of scour reveal that three sediment transport modes (bed-load, suspended-load and laminated-load) are associated with the scour development. While some previously proposed scour development formulae for cylindrical objects are in good general agreement with the simulations, scour prediction based on a commonly used operational mine-burial model (DRAMBUIE) shows disparities with present simulations.  相似文献   

For the abutment bed scour to reach its equilibrium state, a long flow time is needed. Hence, the employment of usual strategy of simulating such scouring event using the 3D numerical model is very time consuming and less practical. In order to develop an applicable model to consider temporally long abutment scouring process, this study modifies the common approach of 2D shallow water equations (SWEs) model to account for the sediment transport and turbulence, and provides a realistic approach to simulate the long scouring process to reach the full scour equilibrium. Due to the high demand of the 2D SWEs numerical scheme performance to simulate the abutment bed scouring, a recently proposed surface gradient upwind method (SGUM) was also used to improve the simulation of the numerical source terms. The abutment scour experiments of this study were conducted using the facility of Hydraulics Laboratory at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to compare with the presented 2D SGUM–SWEs model. Fifteen experiments were conducted with their scouring flow durations vary from 46 to 546 h. The comparison shows that the 2D SGUM–SWEs model gives good representation to the experimental results with the practical advantage.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problems involved in obtaining grab samples for direct comparison of the respective benthic fauna, using information from a survey conducted across the South African Continental Shelf below the Benguela Current. Many factors influence the depth of grab penetration into the sediment and, hence, the grab sample volume. One of the most important of these factors is sediment texture. While this fact has been long recognised, most workers have attached little significance to it. It is shown here that an exponential relationship exists between the grab sample volume and sediment texture, until the minimum percentage of silt plus clay that will give a maximum grab sample volume is reached. This relationship only extends to a certain depth, in this case to 280 m. There are more species per unit number of specimens (“species richness”) in association with sand or muddy-sand than with mud. A linear relationship is given between the grab sample volume and species richness between the depths of 280 and 440 m, inclusive.  相似文献   

TOXIWASP combines most of the kinetic structure of EXAMS 2 with the transport capabilities of WASP (Water Analysis Simulation Program). TOXIWASP uses variable chemical degradation rates from chemical properties and the environmental conditions of the aquatic ecosystem. These rates are reduced from pseudo first‐order rates to first‐order rates including the processes hydrolysis, biotransfor‐mation, phototransformation, oxidation, and volatilisation. Assuming ultimate local equilibrium, and using a chemical dependent partition coefficient as well as spatially varying environmental carbon fractions, sorption onto sediments and biomass is calculated. Environmental alternations could be specified in any time scale by providing monitoring data.

TOXIWASP generates total sediment and chemical concentrations every time step in every segment, including surface water, subsurface water, surface bed and subsurface bed. Advection, dispersion, mass loading, sedimentation, and scour affect sediment concentration in the water column and in the bed sediment concentrations depend on burial and erosion. In addition chemical concentrations are influenced by degradation, sediment‐water dispersion, and percolation. Lateral transport of chemical within the bed is neglected and transport data are not calculated in the program. TOXIWASP is developed to model stratified lakes, reservoirs, large rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters. As for EXAMS 2 (Burns et al.2) the TOXIWASP user has to accept the model's inability to connect the water body to a chemically contaminated atmosphere.  相似文献   

Prediction of scour depth is one of the most significant problems in designing of bridges. Due to complexity of scour phenomenon, available empirical equations do not always offer accurate scour depth prediction. In this work, experiments were conducted on non-uniform sands using two piers of different diameter with and without seepage conditions. It has been found that, the scour depth at upstream of piers is decreased with application of downward seepage. The observed scour depths are compared with scour depth predicted by various prediction methods and it has been observed that the available equations are not suitable for seepage conditions. The present work thus introduces a new empirical equation for prediction of scour depth at piers with inclusion of seepage. The features of migrating dune like bedforms at downstream of piers due to deposition of scoured bed material are also explored. Height of deposition is found to be increased with downward seepage. The empirical equation describing morphology of dunes behind piers is also developed by incorporating downward seepage parameter.  相似文献   

We employ a three-dimensional coupled hydro-morphodynamic model, the Virtual Flow Simulator (VFS-Geophysics) in its Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes mode closed with \(k-\omega\) model, to simulate the turbulent flow and sediment transport in large-scale sand and gravel bed waterways under prototype and live-bed conditions. The simulation results are used to carry out systematic numerical experiments to develop design guidelines for rock vane structures. The numerical model is based on the Curvilinear Immersed Boundary approach to simulate flow and sediment transport processes in arbitrarily complex rivers with embedded rock structures. Three validation test cases are conducted to examine the capability of the model in capturing turbulent flow and sediment transport in channels with mobile-bed. Transport of sediment materials is handled using the Exner equation coupled with a transport equation for suspended load. Two representative meandering rivers, with gravel and sand beds, respectively, are selected to serve as the virtual test-bed for developing design guidelines for rock vane structures. The characteristics of these rivers are selected based on available field data. Initially guided by existing design guidelines, we consider numerous arrangements of rock vane structures computationally to identify optimal structure design and placement characteristics for a given river system.  相似文献   

Tube-building by a marine meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pseudostenhelia wellsi Coull and Fleeger is a meiobenthic harpacticoid copepod inhabiting muddy, estuarine sediments. All individuals observed, and all ages including nauplii, build and inhabit elongate, mucous tubes which may extend to a depth of 3.9 mm into the sediment. Many of the narrow tubes, 0.27 mm in diameter, have a tube-cap extending 0.32 mm above the sediment-water interface. The tubes are a matrix of fine silt, sand and detritus cemented with a mucopolysaccharide, as shown by the Periodic Acid Schiff stain, apparently secreted from glands in the ventrolateral margin of the cephalothorax. Upon addition to sterile, homogeneous sediment, P. wellsi quickly (within 1 to 2 h) transform the upper 0.4 cm to a cohesive conglomerate of tubes, silt-clay particles and mucous filaments.  相似文献   

The flux of cohesive sediment in an estuary is determined by many factors, including tidal asymmetry, wave effect, fluvial influence, phase difference between tidal velocity and tidal level fluctuations, sediment properties, flocculation, bed erodibility, bathymetry effect and other nonlocal effects. Our capability in predicting sediment fluxes in tide-dominant environments is critical to the morphodynamics and water quality of estuaries. Due to the difficulties in carrying out detailed measurement of sediment flux with high spatial and temporal resolutions, an one-dimensional-vertical (1DV) numerical model for cohesive sediment transport, previously verified and calibrated with field measured cohesive sediment concentration data, is utilized here to study some of the aforementioned factors in affecting tidal-driven sediment fluxes in idealized condition. Tidal-averaged sediment flux is shown to be correlated with tidal velocity skewness with a linear relationship. This linear relationship is different from that of non-cohesive sediment and it is demonstrated here to be mainly due to variable critical shear stress implemented for the mud bed in order to parameterize consolidation. The reason that tidal velocity skewness causes tidal-averaged residual sediment transport is shown to be due to nonlinear intra-tidal interactions between flow velocity and sediment concentration. Moreover, the effects of nonlinear intra-tidal interaction between tidal velocity and tidal level fluctuations is shown to mainly cause seaward transport, which is the most significant under progressive wave system (phase difference 90°) and almost negligible for standing wave system (phase difference 0°).  相似文献   

The triketone herbicide mesotrione has been applied pre‐emergence at the dose of 150 g a.i. ha?1 on corn fields grown within the same period of time at different sites on clay, loam, sandy loam or sandy soils. During the crops and one month after the corn harvest, the mobility of mesotrione has been measured in the 0–20 cm surface soil layer, soil samples being taken in the 0–2,2–4,4–6,6–8, 8–10, 10–15 and 15–20 cm surface soil layers. During the first month after the treatment, mesotrione remained in the 0–2 cm surface soil layer. Thereafter, mesotrione was at a higher concentration in a 2 cm‐thick soil layer which progressively moved down in the clay, loam and sandy loam soils. In the sand soil, mesotrione moved down as a uniform diffusion, its concentration being similar in all the 2 cm‐thick layers of the 0–10 cm soil surface layer. Low mesotrione residues (6–10 ug kg?1 dry soil) attained the 10–15 cm layer faster in the clay and sand soils than in the loam and sandy loam soils. Mesotrione was not detected in the 15–20 cm soil layer of the loam and sandy loam soils, but well in the sand and clay soils. In the soils of the corn crops mesotrione thus mainly remained in the 0–10 cm surface soil layer. This low mobility and depth of penetration conjugated to the rate of mesotrione soil degradation explain why there was no movement of mesotrione toward the deeper soil layers. The adsorption of mesotrione was greatest on the soils recently treated with organic fertilizers, and having a loam or sandy loam texture. The adsorption coefficients explained the lower mobility and the greatest persistence of mesotrione in these soils.  相似文献   

Turbulence suppression by suspended sediment within a geophysical flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments are performed in a mixing box to evaluate the effect of suspended sediment on turbulence generated by an oscillating grid. Quartz-density sand of varying sizes and concentrations is used, and particle image velocimetry is employed to quantify only the fluid phase. Results show that (1) while a relatively large secondary flow field is present in the box, turbulence is a maximum near the grid and it decreases systematically toward the water surface; (2) relatively high concentrations of fine sediment can markedly alter this secondary flow field and significantly decrease both the time-mean and turbulent kinetic energy within the flow, yet these same sediment concentrations have little effect on the integral time and length scales derived for each velocity component; and (3) the overall turbulence suppression observed can be related to the transfer of energy from the fluid to the sediment and the maintenance of a suspended sediment load rather than commonly employed turbulence modulation criteria. These experimental data demonstrate unequivocally that the presence of a suspended sediment load can significantly reduce overall turbulent kinetic energy, and these results should be applicable to a range of sediment-laden geophysical flows.  相似文献   

Bendway weirs are one of the most practical in–stream rock structures utilized to protect the outer bend of meandering streams and rivers from erosion. We present development of a simulation-based paradigm for effective design of bendway weir structures to enhance meandering stream bank stability and control lateral migration. To do so, we employ the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Virtual StreamLab (VSL3D) code to elucidate the flow and sediment transport phenomena induced by interaction of flow, mobile bed, and in–stream structures in large rivers under prototype conditions. We carried out numerous numerical experiments to systematically simulate various arrangements of bendway weir in two river test-beds and gaining insights into the physical mechanisms via which such bendway weirs modify turbulent flow, sediment transport and scour processes. The so-gained physical insights are then taken into account to develop a set of practical physics-based design criteria for optimal placement of bendway weirs in large rivers.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the trace metals Mn, Zn, Cr, V, Co, Ni, Ba, Pb, Cu, Cd, As and Hg, their spatial distribution, and their correlation as a function of physico-chemical parameters were investigated for grab sediment samples collected from different locations across the Thane Creek, Mumbai, India. Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry were adopted for chemical analyses. Various geochemical indices were evaluated. The studied metal/metalloids were compared with sediment quality guideline values. Besides, the role of different physico-chemical parameters of the sediments such as pH, CaCO3, cation exchange capacity, total carbon, and of the relative composition in respect to very coarse, coarse and medium sand, fine sand and very fine sand, silt and clay fraction were also critically investigated. Positive one-to-one correlations between fine sand and very fine sand, silt and clay, and total carbon with sediment metal concentrations have been noticed. Multiple regression analysis reveals strong positive correlations between sediment metal concentrations and total carbon content only.  相似文献   

The distribution and enrichment of selected trace metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) in benthic sediments of the Southport Broadwater, a semi-enclosed coastal body of water adjacent to the Gold Coast city, south-eastern Queensland, Australia, was studied with the objective of assessing the extent and degree of sediment contamination. Sediment samples from the 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm depth intervals of 32 sites within the Southport Broadwater and surrounding residential canals were analysed for particle size distribution, pH, organic C and ‘near-total’ major (Al, Ca, Fe, Mn) and trace (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) metal contents. Sediment contamination for each trace metal was assessed by (1) comparison with Australian sediment quality guidelines, (2) calculation of the index of geoaccumulation based on regional background values, and (3) geochemical normalisation against Al (i.e. the abundance of alumino-silicate clay minerals). Based on this approach, the results indicate that submerged sediments in the study area are not presently enriched with Cd, Cr or Ni, with the spatial distribution of these metals being very well explained by the abundance of alumino-silicate clay minerals. However, several sites were strongly enriched with Cu, Pb, Sn and Zn, arising from sources related to either urban runoff or vessel maintenance activities. The study indicates that several varying approaches are needed for a satisfactory assessment of contaminant enrichment in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

This study was carried out between January and March 1995 on the intertidal sand flats of Tang Khen Bay, Phuket, South Thailand, where the soldier crab Dotilla myctiroides (H. Milne-Edwards) occurs in densities of up to 120 m−2. In this bay, long, ribbon-like sand waves (wavelength 40 m, height 0.4 m) are interspersed with shallow pools, running approximately parallel to the shore. During daylight low-tides, exposure of the sand waves is followed 15 to 20 min later by the emergence of the crabs which have been buried under the sediment surface during high tide. Their subsequent burrowing and feeding activity results in the production of large numbers of sand pellets on the sediment surface. Most crabs retreat down their burrows, and some also plug the burrow entrance, prior to being covered by the incoming tide. The crab burrows have a distinct distribution on the sand waves. Burrows are most dense at the top of each sand wave, and a band of unburrowed sediment adjoins the adjacent tidal pools. Crabs are most abundant between mean high-water neap-tide level and mean low-water neap-tide level, where the median particle size of the surface sediment is ∼2 . Measurements of water-table depth below the sand waves and the exposure time of the sediment indicated that, where sediment size is suitable, the main factor controlling crab distribution is the duration of daytime exposure. This observation is in contrast to those of many previous studies, which have suggested that water-table height and sediment drainage are the main factors controlling the distribution of D. myctiroides. Received: 14 January 1998 / Accepted: 6 May 1999  相似文献   

The adsorption behavior of three anionic azo dyes (Acid Orange 6, Acid Orange 10 andAcid Orange 12) on different soil/sediment components (quartz sand, clay and organic matter) was investigated with a flow-through method using a simplified HPLC apparatus. Organic matter had the highest adsorption capacity for all three dyes, followed by clay and sand. The adsorption on different components in mixtures was not additive. The adsorption of similar aniomic azo dyes decreased with increasing negative charge. The affinity of equally charged dye molecules to the adsorbents was also strongly influenced by the remaining chemical structure. While adsorption on organic matter could always be described by Freundlich isotherms, S-shaped isotherms were often measured with quartz sand and clay. For that reason one must assume different adsorption mechanisms for organic matter and mineral adsorbens. Lower pH values always led to stronger adsorption of the anionic azo dyes. On the other hand, ionic strength effects cannot be characterized so clearly. Adsorption was generally lowered by decreasing ionic strengths but sometimes the opposite effect was observed. Moreover, there were some unusual cases of partly irreversible adsorption on quartz sand and organic matter when the dyes were not dissolved in an aqueous solution containing additional inorganic ions but in double distilled water. The adsorption of anionic azo dyes on soil and sediment materials turned out to be a very complex process. Although some interesting coherences could be pointed out, much more research is required to recognize general principles, concerning for example the influence of the chemical structure or the surrounding aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Meiofauna was sampled using SCUBA along 4 transects from 5 to 30 m depth in Algoa Bay, South Africa. Substrates were well-sorted medium to fine sands with traces of sewage pollution in some areas. Meiofauna numbers recorded in the upper 10 cm of sediment were 55 to 584 10 cm-2, but total numbers, including deeper-living animals, were 680 to 2090 10 cm-2 at 6 stations. Longer cores showed meiofauna to be abundant down to at least 35 cm, and samples of interstitial water taken from this depth in the sediment were 7% saturated with oxygen. This is the first detailed record of meiofauna penetration into sub-littoral sand and stresses the need for long cores for quantitative work. Nematode numbers were found to be significantly related to nitrogen in the sand while interstitial harpacticoid numbers were related to median particle diameters, which determine pore space. Effects of sewage were slight and only one station showed notable enrichment, increased meiofaunal numbers and extreme dominance by nematodes.  相似文献   

This paper presents the spatio-temporal variations in bed elevations and the near-bed turbulence statistics over the deformed bed generated around the submerged cylindrical piers embedded vertically on loose sediment bed at a constant flow discharge. Experiments were carried out in a laboratory flume for three blockage ratios in the range of 0.04–0.06 using three different sizes of submerged cylinders individually placed vertically at the centerline of the flume. Clear-water experimental conditions were maintained over the smooth sediment bed surface with a constant flow discharge (\(Q = 0.015\,{\rm m}^3/{\rm sec}\)), thereby giving three different cylinder Reynolds numbers \(Re_{D_c} = \frac{U_mD_c}{\nu }\) (=10200, 12750, 15300) away from the cylinder locations, where \(U_m\) is the maximum mean velocity, \(D_c\) is the cylinder diameter and \(\nu\) is the kinematic viscosity of fluid. Instantaneous sand bed elevations around the cylinders were recorded using a SeaTek 5MHz ultrasonic ranging system of net 24 transducers to estimate bed form migration, and the near-bed velocity data at transducer locations over the stable deformed bed around the pier-like structures were collected using down-looking three-dimensional (3D) Micro-acoustic Doppler velocimeter to estimate the bottom Reynolds shear stresses and the contributions of bursting events to the dominant shear stress component. The flow perturbation generated due to relatively lower flow blockage ratio favored to achieve the stable bed condition more rapidly than the others, and larger upstream scour-depth and deformed areas were noticed for greater flow blockage ratio due to larger cylinder diameter. For larger blockage ratio in the upstream of scour-hole near the bed, occurrences of probabilities of both boundary-ward interactions (Q1 and Q3) were the dominant; whereas in the downstream of the scoured region, occurrences of probabilities of second and third quadrant events (Q2 and Q4) were dominant. On the other hand, for the lower blockage ratio, quadrant (Q2) was dominant over Q4 in the downstream of scour-hole, and in the upstream of scour-hole, quadrant Q4 was the dominant.  相似文献   

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