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The rising energy prices and increasingly imposing regulations have drawn attention for improving the energy efficiency of manufacturing processes. Over the past decade, different approaches have been developed to target from individual unit processes to entire manufacturing systems. However, each model or approach has limitations in terms of the efficiency improvement. Thus, an integrated approach is proposed to overcome these limitations combining unit process energy consumption models with production system simulation. The outcome potentially leads to a more energy-efficient production and process planning, which considers the dynamics of individual processes as well as the entire system. Two case studies are presented to demonstrate the approach and its benefits.  相似文献   

In the twenty-first century, the continuous demand in energy resource has put sustainability on the agenda of many businesses. This is particularly true for the manufacturing industry, where a large amount of energy is consumed to sustain daily operations. This paper studies energy-efficient computer numerical control machining systems. To achieve overall energy efficiency in machining systems, several activities are involved as in the proposed research framework of a global energy-efficient machining system (GEMS). These activities are described as modules, i.e. energy monitoring, energy analysis and optimisation, energy-based optimal control and energy-enriched database. In a GEMS, one critical issue is data interoperability. Seamless data sharing enables collaboration for improving energy efficiency. Using the EXPRESS language, energy data models are proposed for each module in the GEMS, and integrated with the existing STEP-NC (STandard for Exchange of Produce-compliant Numerical Control) standards. Two case studies are presented to demonstrate how the proposed data models may be used. One study updates an existing production file to include general energy information for auditing or reviewing purposes; the other study maintains machine tool energy profiles in a database. Many other energy-efficient activities, e.g. online energy optimisation, can be realised with the proposed data models. The present study proved that interoperable energy information can enhance the energy-efficient performance of a machining system.  相似文献   

In this paper, sustainability is examined as one of the objectives of enabling man in a preserved, efficient and enduring world environment. Thus, sustainable housing and environmental development is conceptualized as a building or shelter provided through judicious, selective sourcing, processing and use of building materials to satisfy current shelter needs while ensuring quality environment and adequate resources for the future generations in satisfying theirs. To stimulate orderly academic debate, the paper proposes five major factors of sustainability. They include climatic sustainability factor, ecological sustainability factor, economics and affordability sustainability factor, social sustainability factor and cultural sustainability factor. The sustainability attributes of each factor are highlighted, and the criteria for the selection of building materials to satisfy the attributes are commended.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - A sustainable building design technology is being proposed to heat and cool inside the building naturally by using exterior curtain wall to control the...  相似文献   

Due to the high rates of energy consumption and its impact on environment over the last decades, policy decision-makers are increasingly recognising the need to take actions that allow to address problems associated with the deployment of non-renewable resources and climate changes. One field of action has been the promotion of measures that contribute to improve energy efficiency of countries. The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors explaining changes in energy efficiency applying the multiplicative Log Mean Divisia Index decomposition method for a set of countries (Portugal, UK, Brazil and China) with different socio-economic background and energy mix. The results show that overall energy efficiency trends display different patterns between countries and the same happens within each country from a sectoral perspective. Major drivers of improvements of overall energy efficiency were the intensity effect and the affluence effect, whereas the driver that hampered those improvements was the energy consumption per capita. Some policy implications derived from the results achieved are: policy decision-makers should support measures that promote the adoption of energy-saving technologies resulting from new technological developments; policy measures should be directed to raise awareness of end-users regarding energy efficiency and energy conservation efforts; policy measures promoting economic growth through the development (or expansion) of sectors of activity that consume less energy can also be implemented; finally, policy instruments may also be used to reduce the costs of implementing energy efficiency and energy-saving measures to households and firms.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - This paper examines the impact of energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) on carbon emissions, using a panel data of South Asian countries...  相似文献   

Contrasting effects of the dilution of indoor generated pollutants and the energy efficiency of heating and ventilating air conditioning systems (HVAC) for indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort were studied for 10 Kuwaiti residences. The levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the calculated cooling load of the HVAC systems were used as indicators for the IAQ and for the energy consumption, respectively. Air exchange rates and VOCs levels (both indoor and outdoor) were measured. It was found that the outdoor VOC concentrations were always less than the indoor values. Therefore reduction of indoor VOC levels can be accomplished either by increasing the ratio of the makeup air to the recirculation air of the HVAC system or by increasing the infiltration airflow rate through openings. A single compartment IAQ model, modified by the authors, was used to test for the variation in the above two dilution modes and to test the performance sensitivity. Hence, the optimum parameters in terms of IAQ and energy consumption were determined. The results indicated that it was necessary to increase the ratio of the makeup air to the recirculation air from its typical design value of 0.5 to a range of 0.7-1.3 in order to reduce indoor VOC to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

The rise in energy consumption and the associated costs instigate financial concerns among industrial energy consumers. For industrial processes addressing heating and cooling as well as material transformation, a wide range of energy efficiency measures have been developed and successfully implemented. In contrast to that, most robot-based operations such as pick-and-place motions or assembly tasks still use inefficient standard concepts causing high-energy consumption and high-energy costs. Thanks to a rather low payload-to-weight ratio of new robot designs, such as parallel kinematic or hybrid robot manipulators, a high potential for energy savings is expected. This article identifies potentials for energy saving concerning industrial consumers by assessing three different robot concepts. Based on a literature review, two existing designs for robots – the conventional serial robot and the parallel kinematic robot are analysed and compared with respect to the energy utilised during a typical item placement task. Afterwards, the concept of PARAGRIP, a hybrid of the two presented robot designs is introduced and examined based on simulation regarding its energy consumption. The final results demonstrate significantly different energy consumptions between the robot concepts, identifying potential savings of about 40% in a selected industrial application scenario.  相似文献   

提高能源效率、促进低碳经济转型是当前长江中游城市群区域协同发展和新型城镇化建设的重点和难点。基于共同前沿(Meta-frontier)理论,利用数据包络分析方法构建非参数前沿,并将SO2排放量这一非期望产出纳入DEA模型中,比较分析了2005—2014年长江中游城市群全要素能源效率的区域差异,采用"技术缺口比率"衡量长江中游城市群三大区域之间能源利用的技术差距,并在此基础上研究了能源非效率的分解以及对真实的能源强度和潜在的能源强度进行了相关分析。研究结果表明:1当前长江中游城市群全要素能源效率整体水平偏低,但地区差异并不显著。2三大区域之间的能源技术差距不是很大。3技术缺口和管理等因素对不同区域能源非效率的作用不同。4真实的能源强度和潜在的能源强度都具有一定下降的趋势,而且两者之间的差距逐渐缩小。最后根据分析结果得出一些结论和启示,如制定区域节能战略时坚持"求同存异"的原则,加快技术进步,积极进行能源技术创新,不断提高管理水平等。同时,政府应加大对长江中游城市群的政策倾斜力度,这样才能充分挖掘长江中游城市群的节能减排潜力,这对提升中国区域能源效率的整体水平以及促进绿色经济转型具有重大意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overall design method to better consider the energy consumption of electrical and electronic equipment during the use phase. This aspect is often considered as the most important environmental aspect in active electrical and electronic equipment during its life cycle. The proposed method, called ‘Synergico’, characterises the product energy efficiency according to its modes, its functions and its sub-assemblies. It also articulates three tools: one assessment tool, one improvement tool and one environmental check tool. These tools are integrated along a typical product design process. The method therefore helps designing more energy-efficient products without compromising other performances such as ergonomics, functional performances, security, recyclability or costs. The three tools and the overall method are presented. A case study illustrates the way it works and is discussed.  相似文献   

环境约束下中国地区能源全要素效率及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当下中国经济发展面临以节约能源消费和减少CO2排放作为主要目标的经济结构转型压力。在能源约束条件下如何提高能源效率实现经济可持续增长,能源效率问题作为研究中国经济可持续增长是必要的且具有十分重要的现实意义。本文基于Metafrontier GML指数方法,构建动态综合的污染强度指标作为非期望产出,测算中国地区2004—2013年28个省份的绿色能源效率,进而对中国区域之间与区域内部技术效应进行分解,并对其收敛性和影响因素进行分析。研究结果发现,中国东部地区技术赶超、创新和领先效应是显著的,东部地区辽宁省技术"领先效应"并不明显,导致该地区能源效率并未有提高;中部地区的技术创新效应不明显,但能源效率均有明显提高;而西部地区只存在技术创新效应,此地区的技术前沿与全国范围的共同技术前沿差距较大,特别是此地资源型地区的技术改进效率不高。其次,通过对能源效率的σ收敛和β收敛进行检验,发现中国地区能源效率在2004—2013年存在σ收敛但是不存在绝对β收敛。再次,对影响能源效率的因素进行回归分析,结果发现技术"赶超效应"、"创新效应"和"领先效应"均对能源效率的提高存在正向作用,产业结构升级和能源价格对能源效率的提高存在促进作用,但是增强环境规制强度会抑制能源效率的提高。这就意味着提高能源效率,对于不同地区需要"因地制宜",特别是对于资源型地区,需加大促进技术创新政策力度,缩小地区技术前沿与全国技术前沿的距离,制定合理的环境规制政策,进而促进能源效率的提高。  相似文献   

Despite more than 20 years of economic progress, especially in emerging economies like Brazil, the gap between developed and developing countries is still large, and environment problems have risen significantly. In this context, this paper aims to make the Brazilian furniture production cleaner, analyzing the environmental requirements considered by the micro and small enterprises (SMEs) in made-to-order furniture industry during the product development process (PDP). Another attempt was to identify the internal and external factors that led to the incorporation of these requirements. In this regard, a comprehensive review of eco-design concept that consists of composing environmental requirements into the PDP, through methods, tools, guidelines and techniques, was carried out. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews and in loco observations, analyzing each activity of the PDP and the environmental requirements on 18 SMEs in Brazil. The outcomes show that the economic factors determine the way in which the enterprises respond to the environmental issues and how adequate their companies according to laws and regulations. Moreover, the small number of qualified professionals in this field lead to difficulties to structure the sector, in other words, to produce with less environment impact.  相似文献   

Iran experiences a high level of energy consumption which is threatening not only economically but also politically and environmentally. This study aims to estimate the relationship between the economic growth with the various kinds of energies, non-hydroelectric, renewable, non-renewable, and total energies in Iran during 1967–2012, using an autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) model. The results show the ineffective relationship between the economic growth and energy consumption in Iran, considering non-hydroelectric energy, renewable energy, non-renewable energy, and total energy, one by one as the energy proxy. It implies the ineffectiveness of both the quantitative and qualitative deflationary policies over the energy sector. In another word, neither decreasing energy consumption nor changing energy portfolio affects the economic growth. Therefore, the policy makers are advised to formulate those policies which reduce the quantity of energy consumption or increase the segment of renewable energies in the portfolio of energy consumption because they do not lead to the considerable negative consequence on the economic growth, while they increase both the environmental quality and energy security.  相似文献   

Although studies on environmental conflicts have engaged with the subject of violence, a multidimensional approach has been lacking. Using data from 95 environmental conflicts in Central America, we show how different forms of violence appear and overlap. We focus on direct, structural, cultural, slow, and ecological forms of violence. Results suggest that the common understanding of violence in environmental conflicts as a direct event in time and space is only the tip of the iceberg and that violence can reach not only environmental defenders, but also communities, nature, and the sustainability of their relations.  相似文献   

In the UK, excessive levels of radon gas have been detected in domestic housing. Areas where 1% of existing homes were found to be over the Action Level of 200 Bq · m 3 were declared to be Radon Affected Areas. Building Regulations have been introduced which require that, for areas where between 3% and 10% of existing houses are above the Action Level, new homes should be built with basic radon protection using a membrane, and that, where 10% or more of existing homes exceed this level, new homes should be built with full radon protection.Initially these affected areas followed administrative boundaries, known as Counties. However, with increasing numbers of measurements of radon levels in domestic homes recorded in the national database, these areas have been successively refined into smaller units – 5 km grid squares in 1999, down to 1 km grid squares in 2007.One result is the identification of small areas with raised radon levels within regions where previously no problem had been identified. In addition, some parts of areas that were previously considered radon affected are now considered low, or no, risk. Our analysis suggests that the net result of improved mapping is to increase the number of affected houses. Further, the process is more complex for local builders, and inspectors, who need to work out whether radon protection in new homes is appropriate.Our group has assessed the cost-effectiveness of radon remediation programmes, and has applied this analysis to consider the cost-effectiveness of providing radon protection in both new and existing homes. This includes modelling the potential failure rate of membranes, and whether testing radon levels in new homes is appropriate. The analysis concludes that it is more cost effective to provide targeted radon protection in high radon areas, although this introduces more complexity.The paper also considers the trend in housing to a greater proportion of apartments, the regional variations in types of housing and the decreasing average number of occupants in each dwelling, and concludes that data and methods are now available to respond to the health risks of radon at a local level, in keeping with a general initiative to prioritise responses to health and social welfare issues at a more local level.  相似文献   

A new method for the evaluation of threshold temperature of development involving phenological observations and based on hyperbolic imaging of dependence between the day of development and temperature values close to the threshold was proposed. The rare species Clematis integrifolia was used as an example to evaluate thermal requirements for six stages of its development. The method proposed in this study was also compared with some common methods for the estimation of threshold temperature basing on phenological data.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources are mainly used in the electrical sector. Electricity is not a storable commodity. Hence, it is necessary to produce the requested quantity and distribute it through the system in such a way as to ensure that electricity supply and demand are always evenly balanced. This constraint is actually the main problem related to the penetration of new renewables (wind and photovoltaic power) in the context of complex energy systems. The paper analyzes some aspects in connection with the problem of new renewable energy penetration. The case of Italian scenario is considered as a meaningful reference due to the characteristic size and the complexity of the same. The various energy scenarios are evaluated with the aid of a multipurpose software taking into account the interconnections between the different energetic uses. In particular, it is shown how the penetration of new renewable energies is limited at an upper level by technological considerations and it will be more sustainable if an integration of the various energy use (thermal, mobility and electrical) field will be considered.  相似文献   

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