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Predicting flow and mass transport in vegetated regions has a broad range of applications in ecology and engineering practice. This paper presents large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flow and scalar transport within a fully developed open-channel with submerged vegetation. To properly represent the scalar transport, an additional diffusivity was introduced within the canopy to account for the contribution of stem wakes, which were not resolved by the LES, to turbulent diffusion. The LES produced good agreement with the velocity and concentration fields measured in a flume experiment. The simulation revealed a secondary flow distributed symmetrically about the channel centerline, which differed significantly from the circulation in a bare channel. The secondary circulation accelerated the vertical spread of the plume both within and above the canopy layer. Quadrant analysis was used to identify the form and shape of canopy-scale turbulent structures within and above the vegetation canopy. Within the canopy, sweep events contributed more to momentum transfer than ejection events, whereas the opposite occurred above the canopy. The coherent structures were similar to those observed in terrestrial canopies, but smaller in scale due to the constraint of the water surface.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The paper reports on the development of an explicit, algebraic model for the turbulent scalar fluxes which properly reflects the dependence of these fluxes on the...  相似文献   

A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distributions of aerosols and droplets associated with clustering instability in the atmospheric turbulent flow is discussed. The particle clustering is a consequence of a spontaneous breakdown of their homogeneous space distribution due to the clustering instability, and is caused by a combined effect of the particle inertia and a finite correlation time of the turbulent velocity field. In this paper a theoretical approach proposed in Elperin et al. (2002) Phys Rev E 66:036302 is further developed and applied to investigate the mechanisms of formation of small-scale aerosol inhomogeneities in the atmospheric turbulent flow. The theory of the particle clustering instability is extended to the case when the particle Stokes time is larger than the Kolmogorov time scale, but is much smaller than the correlation time at the integral scale of turbulence. We determined the criterion of the clustering instability for the Stokes number larger than 1. We discussed applications of the analyzed effects to the dynamics of aerosols and droplets in the atmospheric turbulent flow.  相似文献   

Scalar similarity is widely assumed in models and interpretation of micro-meteorological measurements. However, in the air space within and just above the canopy (the so-called canopy sublayer, CSL) scalar similarity is generally violated. The scalar dissimilarity has been mainly attributed to differences in the distribution of sources and sinks throughout the canopy. Since large-scale coherent structures in the CSL (e.g. double roller and sweep/ejection) arise from the instabilities generated by the interaction between the mean flow and the canopy, they may encode key dynamical features about the production term responsible for the source–sink dissimilarity of scalars. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the geometric attributes of coherent structures are tightly coupled to the onset and the vertical extent of scalar dissimilarity within the CSL. Large-eddy simulation (LES) runs were used to investigate the role of coherent structures in explaining scalar dissimilarity among three scalars (potential air temperature, water vapour and $\text{ CO }_2$ concentration) within the CSL under near-neutral conditions for horizontally uniform but vertically varying vegetation leaf area density. It was shown that coherent structures, when identified from the first mode of a novel proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) approach, were able to capture some features of the scalar dissimilarity in the original LES field. This skill was quantified by calculating scalar–scalar correlation coefficients and turbulent Schmidt numbers of the original field and the coherent structures, respectively. However, coherent structures tend to magnify the magnitude of scalar–scalar correlation, particularly in cases where this correlation is already strong. The ability of coherent structures to describe more complex features such as the scalar sweep-ejection cycle was also explored. It was shown that the first mode of the POD does not capture the relative importance of sweeps to ejections in the original LES field. However, the superposition of few secondary coherent structures, derived from higher order POD modes, largely diminish the discrepancies between the original field and the POD expansion.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - In this paper, the linear stability of sand waves sheared by a turbulent flow is analyzed. The velocity distribution in the streamwise direction is considered to...  相似文献   

In this work we address the role of turbulence on mixing of clear layer of fluid with sediment-laden layer of fluid at a sediment concentration interface. This process can be conceived as the entrainment of sediment-free fluid into the sediment-laden layer, or alternatively, as the transport of sediment into the top sediment-free flow. This process is governed by four parameters—Reynolds number of the flow \(Re_\tau\), non-dimensional settling velocity of the sediment (proxy for sediment size) \(\tilde{V}\), Richardson number \(Ri_\tau\) and Schmidt number Sc. For this work we have performed direct numerical simulations for fixed Reynolds and Schmidt numbers while varying the values of Richardson number and particle settling velocity. In the simple model considered here, the flow’s momentum and turbulence pre-exists over the entire layer of fluid, while the sediment is initially confined to a layer close to the bed. Mixing of sediment-free fluid with the sediment-laden layer is associated primarily with upward transport of sediment and buoyancy. There is no simultaneous upward transport of fluid momentum and turbulence into the sediment-free fluid layer, which is already in motion and turbulent. The analysis performed shows that the ability of the flow to transport a given sediment size decreases with the distance from the bottom, and thus only fine enough sediment particles are transported across the sediment concentration interface. For these cases, the concentration profiles evolve to a final steady state in good agreement with the well-known Rouse profile. The approach towards the Rouse profile happens through a transient self-similar state. This behavior of the flow is not seen for larger particles. Detailed analysis of the three dimensional structure of the sediment concentration interface shows the mechanisms by which sediment particles are lifted up by tongues of sediment-laden fluid with positive correlation between vertical velocity and sediment concentration. Finally, the mixing ability of the flow is addressed by monitoring the time evolution of the center of mass of the sediment-laden layer and the vertical location of the sediment-free/sediment-laden interface.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Analytical solutions are developed for the flow induced by a vertically distributed turbulent plume in an otherwise quiescent uniform environment. The plume...  相似文献   

Turbulent flow and dispersion characteristics over a complex urban street canyon are investigated by large-eddy simulation using a modified version of the Fire Dynamics Simulator. Two kinds of subgrid scale (SGS) models, the constant coefficient Smagorinsky model and the Vreman model, are assessed. Turbulent statistics, particularly turbulent stresses and wake patterns, are compared between the two SGS models for three different wind directions. We found that while the role of the SGS model is small on average, the local or instantaneous contribution to total stress near the surface or edge of the buildings is not negligible. By yielding a smaller eddy viscosity near solid surfaces, the Vreman model appears to be more appropriate for the simulation of a flow in a complex urban street canyon. Depending on wind direction, wind fields, turbulence statistics, and dispersion patterns show very different characteristics. Particularly, tall buildings near the street canyon predominantly generate turbulence, leading to homogenization of the mean flow inside the street canyon. Furthermore, the release position of pollutants sensitively determines subsequent dispersion characteristics.  相似文献   

The coherent turbulent flow around a single circular bridge pier and its effects on the bed scouring pattern is investigated in this study. The coherent turbulent flow and associated shear stresses play a major role in sediment entrainment from the bed particularly around a bridge pier where complex vortex structures exist. The conventional two-dimensional quadrant analysis of the bursting process is unable to define sediment entrainment, particularly where fully three-dimensional flow structures exist. In this paper, three-dimensional octant analysis was used to improve understanding of the role of bursting events in the process of particle entrainment. In this study, the three-dimensional velocity of flow was measured at 102 points near the bed of an open channel using an Acoustic Doppler Velocity meter (Micro-ADV). The pattern of bed scouring was measured during the experiment. The velocity data were analysed using the Markov process to investigate the sequential occurrence of bursting events and to determine the transition probability of the bursting events. The results showed that external sweep and internal ejection events were an effective mechanism for sediment entrainment around a single circular bridge pier. The results are useful in understanding scour patterns around bridge piers.  相似文献   

We have developed a numerical method to simulate the transport of non-sorbing contaminants within the sediment layer of a stream and the leaching of these contaminants in the steam. Typical stream bottom surfaces are uneven with triangularly shaped undulation forms. The flow of the water above such triangular surfaces causes external pressure changes that result in a “pumping effect” and a secondary flow within the sediment. The latter causes a significant contaminant advection within the sediment layer. The flow field in the porous sediment layer is obtained by solving numerically Darcy’s equations. The unsteady mass transfer equation is solved by using a finite-difference method with an up-wind scheme. The effects of parameters, such as channel slope, hydraulic head and dispersion, are studied by quantitatively comparing the numerical results of the total mass flow rate from the contaminant source, the concentration front propagation, and the contaminant mass flow rate into the water column. The “pumping effect,” increases the flow in the vertical direction and, thus, enhances the vertical advective mass transport of the contaminant. This bedform-shape induced flow is largely responsible for the mass transfer of contaminants into the water column. The numerical results also show that the mechanical dispersion inside the sediment bed will significantly increase the contaminant mass flow rate from the source.  相似文献   

This paper presents a large eddy simulation of mass transfer in the flow around a surface-mounted finite-height circular cylinder. The study was carried out for a cylinder with height-to-diameter ratio of 2.5 and a Reynolds number based on the cylinder diameter of 44000. The approach flow boundary layer had a thickness of about 10% of the cylinder height. A tracer was released at various levels upstream of the cylinder. The effect of the release position in the subsequent spreading and dilution of the plumes is analyzed. It is found that a tracer released at the top or at mid-height is entrained into the recirculation zone behind the cylinder, and therefore presents similar plume evolution in the far wake in both cases. If the tracer is released at around three-quarters of the height of the cylinder, it is not significantly entrained by the main recirculation region, leading to smaller rates of spreading of the plume. Finally, if the tracer is released near the floor, the plume is entrained by the horseshoe vortex that wraps around the cylinder, leading to a large lateral spreading of the plume, remaining always near the floor.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The mechanical energy balance and energy loss have attracted significant attention in the literature. The general form of the energy equation has been previously...  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the prediction of mass and momentum transport in turbulent wall jets developing over smooth and transitionally rough plane walls. The ability to accurately predict the resulting wall shear stresses and vertical profiles of the Reynolds stresses in these flows is prerequisite to the accurate prediction of bed scour, sediment re-suspension and transport by turbulent diffusion. The computations were performed by solving the Reynolds-averaged forms of the equations describing conservation of mass, momentum and concentration. The unknown correlations that arise from the averaging process (the Reynolds stresses in the case of the momentum equation, and the turbulent mass fluxes in the case of concentration) were obtained from the solution of modeled differential equations that describe their conservation. Since these models are somewhat more complex than those typically used in practice, their benefits are demonstrated by comparisons with results obtained from simpler, eddy-viscosity based closures. Comparisons with experimental data show that results of acceptable accuracy can be obtained only by using the appropriate combination of models for the turbulent fluxes of mass and momentum that properly account for the reduction of the Reynolds stresses due to wall damping effects, and for the modification of the mass transfer rates due to interactions with the mean rates of strain.  相似文献   

Samples of the Antarctic octopus Pareledone turqueti were taken from three locations on the Scotia Ridge in the Southern Ocean. The genetic homogeneity of these populations was investigated using isozyme electrophoresis. Whilst panmixia appeared to be maintained around South Georgia (F ST = 0) gene flow between this island and Shag Rocks, an island only 150 km away but separated by great depths, was extremely limited (F ST = 0.74). These results are examined with respect to the discontinuous distribution of P. turqueti throughout Antarctica. An estimate of effective population size was also calculated (N e = 3600). Received: 7 March 1997 / Accepted: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - This paper presents a set of stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV) measurements of a turbulent round water jet (jet exit Reynolds number $$Re = 2679$$ and...  相似文献   

The spatial development of a passive scalar plume is studied within the inhomogeneous turbulence of a boundary layer flow in a recirculating laboratory flume with a smooth bed. The source of the scalar is located flush with the bed, and the low-momentum source design is intended to simulate a diffusive-type scalar release. A weakly diffusive fluorescent dye is used as the scalar. Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) techniques were used to record the structure of the plume at a spatial resolution of 150 μm. The measured structure of the mean concentration field is compared to an analytical solution for shear-free, homogeneous turbulence. The laboratory plume exhibits spatial development in the mean concentration field that deviates from the self-similar behavior predicted by the analytical solution; this deviation is due to the mean shear and inhomogeneity of the turbulence. In particular, the influence of the viscous sublayer on the plume development is seen to be significant. Nonetheless, the analytical solution replicates some of the features seen in the laboratory plume, and the solution suggests methods of reducing the laboratory data even for cases where the results deviate from the analysis. We also examine the spatial development of the root-mean-square (rms) fluctuating concentration field, and use scalar probability density functions to examine the relationship between the mean and fluctuating concentrations.  相似文献   

Turbulence and turbulent flux events in a small estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Relatively little systematic research has been conducted on the turbulence characteristics of small estuaries. In the present study, detailed measurements were conducted in a small subtropical estuary with a focus on turbulent flux events. Acoustic Doppler velocimeters were installed in the mid-estuary at fixed locations and sampled simultaneously and continuously for 50 h. A turbulent flux event analysis was performed for the entire data sets extending the technique of Narasimha et al. (Phil Trans R Soc Ser A 365:841–858, 2007) to the unsteady open channel flow motion and to turbulent sub-events. Turbulent bursting events were defined in terms of the instantaneous turbulent flux. The data showed close results for all ADV units. The very-large majority of turbulent events lasted between 0.04 and 0.3 s with an average of 1 to 4 turbulent events observed per second. A number of turbulent bursting events consisted of consecutive turbulent sub-events, with between 1 and 3 sub-events per main event on average. For all ADV systems, the number of events, event duration and event amplitude showed some tidal trends, with basic differences between high- and low-water periods. A comparison between the present estuary data and the atmospheric boundary layer results of Narasimha et al. (Phil Trans R Soc Ser A 365:841–858, 2007) showed a number of similarities and demonstrated the significance of turbulent events in environmental flows. A burstiness index of 0.85 was found for the present data.  相似文献   

A hydraulic jump is a turbulent shear flow with a free-surface roller. The turbulent flow pattern is characterised by the development of instantaneous three-dimensional turbulent structures throughout the air–water column up to the free surface. The length and time scales of the turbulent structures are key information to describe the turbulent processes, which is of significant importance for the improvement of numerical models and physical measurement techniques. However, few physical data are available so far due to the complexity of the measurement. This paper presents an investigation of a series of characteristic turbulent scales for hydraulic jumps, covering the length and time scales of turbulent flow structures in bubbly flow, on free surface and at the impingement point. The bubbly-flow turbulent scales are obtained for Fr = 7.5 with 3.4 × 104 < Re < 1.4 × 105 in both longitudinal and transverse directions, and are compared with the free-surface scales. The results highlight three-dimensional flow patterns with anisotropic turbulence field. The turbulent structures are observed with different length and time scales respectively in the shear flow region and free-surface recirculation region. The bubbly structures next to the roller surface and the free-surface fluctuation structures show comparable length and time scales, both larger than the scales of vortical structures in the shear flow and smaller than the scales of impingement perimeter at the jump toe. A decomposition of physical signals indicates that the large turbulent scales are related to the unsteady motion of the flow in the upper part of the roller, while the high-frequency velocity turbulence dominates in the lower part of the roller. Scale effects cannot be ignored for Reynolds number smaller than 4 × 104, mainly linked to the formation of large eddies in the shear layer. The present study provides a comprehensive assessment of turbulent scales in hydraulic jump, including the analyses of first data set of longitudinal bubbly-flow integral scales and transverse jump toe perimeter integral scales.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - This paper aims at addressing issues related to the misrepresentation of the turbulent stratified flow for sand wave simulation using the continuum coupled flow and...  相似文献   

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