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The sensitivity of mesoscale simulations of land and sea breeze circulation on the south east coast in the Chennai region of India to boundary layer turbulence parameterizations is studied using the community based PSU/NCAR mesoscale model MM5. High-resolution simulations are carried out with nested domains. Four widely used boundary layer turbulence parameterization schemes are selected for the study. Two of these schemes (Blackadar (BK) and medium range forecast (MRF)) are simple first-order non-local schemes and the other two (Mellor–Yamada (MY) Eta planetary boundary layer (PBL) and Gayno–Seaman (GS)) are more complex 1.5 order local schemes that include a prognostic equation for turbulence kinetic energy. The other physics used in the model are identical. The micro-meteorological tower and flux observations, GP sonde and radiosonde observations from the study region are used to compare the simulated mean variables. In spite of differences in complexity, all the schemes show similar capability in simulating the boundary layer temperature, humidity and winds. The land–sea breeze circulation and internal boundary layer formation, which are special phenomena at the coastal site, could be simulated by all the schemes. The BK, MRF schemes produced boundary layers that are more mixed than those produced with the MY and GS schemes. While all the schemes underestimated surface sensible heat fluxes during stable night conditions they are reasonably simulated during daytime by MRF and BK schemes. Among the tested schemes, the BK scheme has reasonably produced the PBL height, humidity, wind fields and proves suitable for operational forecasting. The results suggest that there is little improvement in overall accuracy of predictions with more complex turbulence parameterizations.  相似文献   

We study the use of ensemble-based Kalman filtering of chemical observations for constraining forecast uncertainties and for selecting targeted observations. Using a coupled model of two-dimensional sea breeze dynamics and chemical tracer transport, we perform three numerical experiments. First, we investigate the chemical tracer forecast uncertainties associated with meteorological initial condition and forcing error. We find that the ensemble variance and error builds during the transition between land and sea breeze phases of the circulation. Second, we investigate the effects on the forecast variance and error of assimilating tracer concentration observations extracted from a truth simulation for a network of surface locations. We find that assimilation reduces the variance and error in both the observed variable (chemical tracer concentrations) and unobserved meteorological variables (vorticity and buoyancy). Finally, we investigate the potential value to the forecast of targeted observations. We calculate an observation impact factor that maximizes the total decrease in model uncertainty summed over all state variables. We find that locations of optimal targeted observations remain similar before and after assimilation of regular network observations.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional distribution of aerosols and trace gases in the Los Angeles air basin was mapped out during a smoggy day by instrumented aircraft. Strong vertical and horizontal gradients were observed in the concentrations of both primary and secondary pollutants.The day began with much of the basin occupied by polluted air carried over from the day before. New emissions accumulated in the stagnant air until late morning, when a well-organized sea breeze developed at the surface. Onshore flow during the afternoon carried heavily polluted air into inland receptor areas, ahead of a shallow, well-defined, advancing layer of cleaner marine air. The highest ozone concentrations of the day were observed just above the marine layer in stagnant air decoupled from the surface and just ahead of the marine front in photochemically aged air transported into low emission density areas.The data show that air pollution in the basin is a regional problem and that emissions in the western portion of the basin can result in high concentrations of secondary pollutants (e.g. > 0.25 ppm ozone) in areas over 50 km downwind. Layers of well aged pollutants are also shown to occur aloft. These layers can remain overnight and be re-entrained the next day by a deepening mixing layer, contributing to surface concentrations.  相似文献   

To aid the studies of long-term impact assessment of cumulative ozone (O3) exposures, the representative 8-hr O3 pollution patterns have been identified over the Greater Seoul Area (GSA) in Korea. Principal component analysis and two-stage clustering techniques were used to identify the representative O3 patterns, and numerical and observational analyses were also used to interpret the identified horizontal distribution patterns. The results yielded three major O3 distribution patterns, and each of the three patterns was found to have strong correlations with local and synoptic meteorological conditions over the GSA. For example, pattern 1, accounting for 46% of O3 concentration distributions, mostly occurred under relatively weak westerly synoptic winds. The predominant features of this pattern were infrequent high O3 levels but a distinct gradient of O3 concentration from the western coastal area to the eastern inland area that was mainly induced by the local sea breeze. Pattern 2, accounting for 31% of O3 concentration distributions, was found with higher O3 levels in the western coastal area but lower in the eastern inland area. This is due to the modified sea breeze under the relatively stronger easterly opposing synoptic wind, affecting the high O3 occurrence in the western coastal area only. However, pattern 3, accounting for 21% of O3 concentration distributions, showed significantly higher O3 concentrations over the whole GSA mainly due to the retarded and slow-moving sea-breeze front under the weak opposing synoptic flow. Modeling study also indicated that local and synoptic meteorological processes play a major role in determining the high O3 concentration distribution patterns over the GSA.  相似文献   

间歇式运行对人工湿地处理富营养化湖水的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对五里湖富营养化水体,进行了中试规模人工湿地间歇式运行与连续式运行处理效果的比较研究,现场试验采用0.8 m3/m2·d的水力负荷.研究表明,采用间歇进水方式增强了人工湿地的复氧能力,出水溶解氧(DO)含量为2.6~4.5 mg/L,较连续进水方式平均提高了51.06%.间歇式进水对TN和NH4 -N的去除影响较大,与连续进水方式相比去除率分别提高了51.5%和30.5%;而对NO3-N、TP和CODMn的去除影响较小.采用间歇式运行TN的出水浓度较连续式运行稳定,受季节变化和进水浓度的影响较小,出水浓度<2 mg/L;而间歇式运行对TP和CODMn出水浓度的稳定性影响不大.  相似文献   

The drifting sea ice has been suggested as important in the transport and concentration of organic matter and pollutants in the Arctic. We collected sea ice-associated amphipods in the marginal ice zone north of Svalbard and in the Fram Strait in September 1998 and 1999 to assess contaminant accumulation in ice-associated organisms. Organochlorine concentrations increased from the more herbivorous Apherusa glacialis to the more carnivorous Gammarus wilkitzkii and the more necrophagous Onisimus spp. The relative contribution of compound classes to the sum of organochlorines differed between the amphipod families, with a higher relative contribution of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in A. glacialis. The composition of the compound classes HCHs. chlordanes and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) was similar between the amphipod families, whereas the profiles of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) differed. The occurrence of organochlorines differed spatially, with higher alpha-HCH concentrations in amphipods from the Fram Strait in comparison with amphipods collected north of Svalbard. This could be related to the sea ice drift route, since sea ice in the Fram Strait had a drift route across the central Arctic Ocean, while the sea ice north of Svalbard had a western drift route to the sampling stations. Even though marine invertebrates have direct uptake by passive diffusion of contaminants across their gills. our results imply that the species' ecology such as diet is important in the bioaccumulation process of organic pollutants. In addition, the results show that sea ice drift route influences the concentrations of organochlorine pollutants in ice-associated organisms.  相似文献   

Using publications in the Web of Science database (WoS), this study investigates the research collaboration on the top 95 most researched global river basins since 1900. The links of both the disciplines involved and the management issues studied between the biophysical, economic, societal, climatic and governance sub-systems of these river basins were examined. We found that research collaborations were dominated within the biophysical sub-system (65.3%) since the knowledge predevelopment period (1900–1983), with continuous increases (by 18.5%) during the rapid development (1984–2000) and the stabilisation (12.9% increase) (2001–2017). However, research collaborations related to the societal sub-system remained marginalised (varied at about 1%), while those related to the governance sub-system expanded in issues studied (32.8%) but were not supported by the core governance disciplines (3.4%). The key findings explained why global river basins are degraded from the perspective of knowledge development and they can assist the strategic planning and management of scientific research for improving governance capacity in modifying the relationship between human and nature on river basins in the Anthropocene. Tackling challenges in the Anthropocene requires transformation of the current pattern of knowledge development, a revolution in the governance of science.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-022-01716-0.  相似文献   

进水方式对序批式人工湿地处理效能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周健  陈飞  张乐  杨志  刘轶 《环境工程学报》2012,6(11):3873-3876
序批式人工湿地具有较高的脱氮效能,研究考察了序批式人工湿地间歇和连续2种进水方式对其处理效能的影响。研究表明,进水方式对TN去除效能影响显著,对COD、NH4+-N去除影响不显著。在水温18~25℃,负荷38 gCOD/(m2.d)条件下,采用"进水10 min-反应12 h-排水10 min-排空闲置4 h"的间歇进水方式时,可使进水COD、NH4+-N和TN分别为306、65和73 mg/L的生活污水,出水分别为45、7和19 mg/L,去除率分别为85%、89%和74%,与"进水反应12 h-排水10 min-排空闲置4 h"的连续进水方式相比,COD和TN的去除率分别提高4%和32%。  相似文献   

Tethersonde and airship measurements were carried out in 1994 during two different seasons within the framework of the preparation of the Clean Air Plan of Freiburg. These investigations concerned the influence of the Freiburg mountain-valley wind system, the so-called Höllentäler, on Freiburg's air quality. Vertical and horizontal measurements carried out east of Freiburg in the Dreisam Valley revealed that when the mountain-valley wind system has developed during summer high-pressure weather conditions, Freiburg is supplied with low polluted air masses from the Black Forest at night up to the early morning hours. Conversely, it may occur that during stable weather conditions with low wind speeds, the polluted air masses which flow into the Black Forest during the day are transported back to Freiburg with the mountain wind, so that there is no fresh air supply.  相似文献   

流量分配比对改良型多级A/O工艺去除污染物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改良型多级A/O工艺处理低碳源(C/N4+-N分别低于23.7、2.23 mg/L,但对系统脱氮除磷及反硝化能力的影响较大。流量分配比为5:3:1:1时,系统能够有效利用进水碳源进行反硝化,且反硝化效果最好,出水TN、TP浓度分别为14.15和0.99 mg/L,去除率分别为79.6%和79.5%。总体而言,改良型多级A/O工艺对低碳源生活污水中污染物有很好的去除效果,这可为实际生活污水的处理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Monitoring of contaminant concentrations, e.g., for the estimation of mass discharge or contaminant degradation rates, often is based on point measurements at observation wells. In addition to the problem, that point measurements may not be spatially representative, a further complication may arise due to the temporal dynamics of groundwater flow, which may cause a concentration measurement to be not temporally representative. This paper presents results from a numerical modeling study focusing on temporal variations of the groundwater flow direction. “Measurements” are obtained from point information representing observation wells installed along control planes using different well frequencies and configurations. Results of the scenario simulations show that temporally variable flow conditions can lead to significant temporal fluctuations of the concentration and thus are a substantial source of uncertainty for point measurements. Temporal variation of point concentration measurements may be as high as the average concentration determined, especially near the plume fringe, even when assuming a homogeneous distribution of the hydraulic conductivity. If a heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity field is present, the concentration variability due to a fluctuating groundwater flow direction varies significantly within the control plane and between the different realizations. Determination of contaminant mass fluxes is also influenced by the temporal variability of the concentration measurement, especially for large spacings of the observation wells. Passive dosimeter sampling is found to be appropriate for evaluating the stationarity of contaminant plumes as well as for estimating average concentrations over time when the plume has fully developed. Representative sampling has to be performed over several periods of groundwater flow fluctuation. For the determination of mass fluxes at heterogeneous sites, however, local fluxes, which may vary considerably along a control plane, have to be accounted for. Here, dosimeter sampling in combination with time integrated local water flux measurements can improve mass flux estimates under dynamic flow conditions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of the nutrients iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), and molybdenum (Mo) on biomass evolution in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor metabolizing synthetic sulfate-laden organics at varying operating conditions during a period of 540 days. A bench-scale model of a UASB reactor was operated at a temperature of 35 degrees C for a chemical oxygen demand-to-sulfate (COD/SO4(2-)) ratio of 8.59 to 2.0, a sulfate loading rate of 0.54 to 1.88 kg SO4(2-)/m3 x d, and an organic loading rate of 1.9 to 5.75 kg COD/m3 x d. Biomass was characterized in terms of total methanogenic activity, acetate-utilizing methanogenic activity, total sulfidogenic activity, acetate-utilizing sulfidogenic activity, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Nickel and cobalt limitation appears to affect the activity of hydrogen-utilizing methane-producing bacteria (HMPB) significantly without having an appreciable effect on the activity of acetate-utilizing methane-producing bacteria (AMPB). Nickel and cobalt supplementation resulted in increased availability and, consequently, restoration of biomass activity and process performance. Iron limitation and sulfidogenic conditions resulted in the growth of low-density, hollow, fragile granules that washed out, causing process instability and performance deterioration. Iron and cobalt supplementation indicated significant stimulation of AMPB with slight inhibition of HMPB. Examination of biomass through SEM indicated a population shift with dominance of sarcina-type organisms and the formation of hollow granules. Granule disintegration was observed toward the end of the study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate and understand the electrocoagulation/flocculation (ECF) process to remove arsenic from both model and natural waters with low mineral content and to compare its performances to the coagulation/flocculation (CF) process already optimized. Experiments were thus conducted with iron electrodes in the same specific treatment conditions (4≤current density (mAcm(-2))≤33) to study the influence of organic matter on arsenic removal in conditions avoiding the oxidation step usually required to improve As(III) removal. The process performance was evaluated by combining quantification of arsenic residual concentrations and speciation and dissolved organic carbon residual concentrations with zeta potential and turbidity measurements. When compared to CF, ECF presented several disadvantages: (i) lower As(V) removal yield because of the ferrous iron dissolved from the anode and the subsequent negative zeta potential of the colloidal suspension, (ii) higher residual DOC concentrations because of the fractionation of high molecular weight compounds during the treatment leading to compounds less prone to coagulate and (iii) higher residual turbidities because of the charge neutralization mechanisms involved. However, during this process, As(III) was oxidized to As(V) improving considerably its removal whatever the matrix conditions. ECF thus allowed to improve As(III) removal without applying an oxidation step that could potentially lead to the formation of toxic oxidation by-products.  相似文献   

针对以煤化工电石渣为主要原料的全废渣水泥生料中氯质量分数较高的问题,通过开展掺氯质量分数为0.1%~0.5%的CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3-MgO-Cl体系热力学相图计算和水泥烧制实验,结合XRD表征、水泥强度测定和物质流分析等方法,探索了生料中质量分数高的氯元素对熟料物相和水泥性能的影响规律。结果表明,氯元素可促进f-CaO结合C2S生成C3S,并使得熟料中C2S、C3A和C4AF质量分数降低。氯质量分数由0.1%上升至0.5%时,C3S质量分数增加了16.58%,其中包含着少量Alinite相,C2S质量分数在氯质量分数为0.4%时达最低值19.36%。当氯质量分数超过0.4%后,其促进C2S向C3S转化作用变弱,而Alinite相增长速率变大,在氯质量分数较高的体系中CaO、SiO2和Al2O3倾向于与MgO和含氯物质结合生成Alinite相和Ca12Al14O32Cl2相。氯元素对熟料物相的影响规律映射到水泥强度上表现为,氯质量分数由0.1%上升至0.5%时,水泥3 d强度增长了约30%,但28 d强度上升空间不大。本研究结果可为附有旁路除氯系统的高氯水泥生产工艺生料氯质量分数的控制提供参考。  相似文献   

Phthalate ester plasticizers, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-butyl phthalate (DBF), were measured in the atmosphere of the Gulf of Mexico. Significant amounts of the phthalate esters were found both in the vapor phase and associated with particulate matter. PCB and DDT residues measured on the same samples were found primarily in the vapor phase. The levels of the phthalate esters and chlorinated compounds are one to two orders of magnitude lower than those reported for continental and urban air.  相似文献   

Continuous flow through systems have been used to study the evolution of hydrocarbons in marine sediments by varying the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the overlaying water. The hydrocarbon degradation markedly occurred in superficial sediment (0–1 cm) where the oxygen concentration was 8 ppm, whereas such degradation was slower but detectable in the system incorporating 2–3 ppm. Under anaerobic conditions no degradation was detected.  相似文献   

This study investigates biomass, density, photosynthetic activity, and accumulation of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in three wetland plants (Canna indica, Typha augustifolia, and Phragmites austrail) in response to the introduction of the earthworm Eisenia fetida into a constructed wetland. The removal efficiency of N and P in constructed wetlands were also investigated. Results showed that the photosynthetic rate (P n), transpiration rate (T r), and stomatal conductance (S cond) of C. indica and P. austrail were (p?<?0.05) significantly higher when earthworms were present. The addition of E. fetida increased the N uptake value by above-ground of C. indica, T. augustifolia, and P. australis by 185, 216, and 108 %, respectively; and its P uptake value increased by 300, 355, and 211 %, respectively. Earthworms could enhance photosynthetic activity, density, and biomass of wetland plants in constructed wetland, resulting in the higher N and P uptake. The addition of E. fetida into constructed wetland increased the removal efficiency of TN and TP by 10 and 7 %, respectively. The addition of earthworms into vertical flow constructed wetland increased the removal efficiency of TN and TP, which was related to higher photosynthetic activity and N and P uptake. The addition of earthworms into vertical flow constructed wetland and plant harvests could be the significantly sustainable N and P removal strategy.  相似文献   

The influence of increasing amounts of surfactants on the toxicity of hydrocarbons was determined using the bioluminescence inhibition test (Microtox test). Three biogenic and three synthetic surfactants were tested against the water-soluble fractions (WSF) of crude and weathered Ekofisk oil, phenol, and naphthalene. Surfactant concentrations below 100 mg litre(-1) lowered the toxicity of the WSF, indicating an antagonistic interaction reducing the toxicities of surfactants and hydrocarbons. At concentrations greater than 100 mg litre(-1) the toxicity rose again and was higher than the untreated WSF. The point of reversal seemed to be the critical micelle concentration, at which the formation of oil/water emulsions is possible.  相似文献   

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